Avatar of Nerevarine
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Erodios
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1236 (0.33 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Nerevarine 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current tfw you eat only super rare steaks, so everyone else in you house who only eats well done looks at you in disgust
5 yrs ago
Considering quiting the retail business to become a stripper. It seems less objectifying and degrading.
5 yrs ago
getting pollen everywhere, and it's basically just plant jizz
5 yrs ago
Latin, Old Irish, Old English, Old Norse, French, and Middle Welsh classes? Guess I'll be properly prepared for any trips to 11th century Britain.
5 yrs ago
Gah, I'm so in love with this woman, god damn. Now if only I had the courage to just ask her out :X



23||UTC -6|Active at Night|Dyslexic|LGBT/Trans Friendly|Semi-Professional Linguist|"Suðrskrælinga"

Language Competancies:

Any languages at B1 or above are ones that I am comfortable to RP in

Modern Languages
English: C2 (native)
French: B2
Afrikaans: B2
Spanish: B1
German: B1
Japanese: A2
Modern Irish: A1
Icelandic: A1

Ancient/Classical Languages
Old French/Anglo-Norman: B1
Gothic: A2
Old English: A2
Latin: A2
Old Norse: A2
Old Irish: A1
Middle Welsh: A1
Gaulish: A1

An RP done entirely in Latin would be amazing

About Me:
I started roleplaying around age 12, giving me about 11 years experience. I'm a hobby writer who makes subpar fantasy and sci-fi novels on the side and have dabbled in the world of light novels to give my drawing skills a bit of practice. I'm by no means a professional or even really a 'good' writer, but I do try my hardest. Unfortunately, I am a very busy person so I often simply don't have the time to put the level of quality revision and editing into my posts that I'd like. That said, I am committed to creating the best experience for my fellow roleplayers when I join their RPs. I am a busy person, however, so know that I may drop an RP if I become unable to devote any more significant time into it.

I mostly take part in Fantasy RPs and Nation RPs. While I enjoy romance side plots in other RPS I do, I generally don't do Romance focused RPs except on occasions. I am okay to do Romance RPs on 1x1, however, note that I usually have to be in a particular mood for these RPs so I am not always up for doing them. For this reason, when I want to do such roleplay, I seek out a partner myself. I am fine with writing mature/18+ scenes, however, I typically find them boring and uninteresting to write (sorry, I'm not much of an erotica writer). As stated above, I am LGBT and Trans friendly, so LGBT Romance subplots and RPs are totally fine by me.

In terms of characters, I'm most likely to roleplay women, as I am one, though I can roleplay any gender. I enjoy exploring the characters and fleshing them out as they grow in the setting.

I am often told that I can come off as rude, and while I like to play it up a bit and be something of a tsundere, and I am trying to work on it, but please note that I am not much of a social person, even on the online realm, and I may take a while to respond to messages or not give you a very detailed response. Feel free to message me for purposes related to the RPs we are mutually a part of, though. I love to discuss things concerning the games to give them a more interconnected and realistic feeling.

As stated above, I have dyslexia, and it can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Don't be afraid to point out mistakes in my writing, I have a tendency to misspell, and I want to be made aware if it's particularly bad. I also speak a variety of languages, and if you are interested in RPing in a language other than English, I am more than happy to do so. Check out my Langauge Competencies list to see what I am capable of using.

My interests are High Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Nation Games, Alternate History, and Video Games. I'm not crazy about Anime, but I watch a few here and there, but I'm hardly the person to go on a long discussion on Anime about (I don't really see it as much different than any other animation, sorry.), same with Manga. However, don't go all weeb on me, I'm part-Japanese sansei myself, so obsession with and fetishization of Japan and Japanese people annoys the shit out of me and if you do it I will likely have a few strong words to say to you before I block you. No, I don't care if you're also Japanese. In that case, you're not a weeb, you're just a dime-a-dozen nationalist and that's even worse in my eyes.

Anyway, I hope to have some enjoyable RPs with you all. Let's have some fun.


Twitter: @skakafraujo (in Gothic)
Discord: Druzhinka #5058
Conworkshop: Karous

Most Recent Posts

So is anyone else confused by the Green Sahara stuff? Feels kinda disjointed, like I'm reading excerpts from a completely different RP or something.

He tells me generally what his ideas for the progression of that side plot are and lets me make the challenges since I created the world, but I know about how much it links back as you. I assume Bee has some plan to link it back to the main story.
Arrival at the palace came sooner than Hirutila would have hoped. The first moments of peace he's had in 5 years and now he was back on his feet to meet with someone the Moogle only identified as the Emperor of this nation. He yawned as the ship docked into the airbase, being nudged to his feel, lazily stepping off. It was at that moment that he caught sight of his surroundings with any kind of focus for the first time, the sight nearly knocking him back down to his feet. The beauty of the palace was stunning for sure, but the true bizzarity was in the city itself. Was this still earth? How could a place like this exist? The sheer size and design of the buildings of Constantinople were like something from another world entirely. Hirutila considered for a moment if he had in fact died and been reincarnated in the Dewis realm, but perished the thoughts immediately as impossible. He could not place his finger on the exact reason, but despite the alien nature of this place, it felt familiar, like he had been here before, though he could not understand what would be causing that feeling. This was unlike anything he had ever seen, a true marvel of architecture and technology.
However, Hirutila's marvel was cut short when he was taken by the arm by a pair of escorts who lead him into the palace.
Oh, humans! Hirutila thought to himself when the guards took hold of him. "I had expected that I would see more of your kind," he remarked to the Moogle who had accompanied him.
The guardsmen's target was a small gathering of others. Hirutila's eyes widened at the sight of other's in his situation. And so young, just what was the reason that they were all gathered here...one of the assembled caught his eye, a young girl. She looked no older than what his daughter, Dammania, would be. Dammania..., he winced at the thought of her, heart aching with the hope she was still doing okay. But any musings on the youth of those before him were killed when his eye caught sight of what was accompanying that girl.
What is that thing? A dragon? Possibly, to Hirutila it looked to be some kind of giant wingless bird with teeth and the skin of a lizard. He turned his eyes away from the repugnant creature towards the two new arrivals who seemed to be leading the guards.


Hirutila barely had time to throw his arms up to brace impact as he saw one of the two young men swing his hand at Hirutila as if he was going to throw something. The ensuing Flash of light was likely the glow of death as he passed into Hell, he was sure. However, opening his eyes, he was still standing right where he was....In Chainmail and proper clothing that were not stained in blood and piss, and lacked that distinctively horrid torture victim odor too.

"What the hell..." Hirutila exclaimed in surprise as he looked over the new vestments. How did he do that? That one who changed his clothing. A bodisatta? Perhaps, it would explain the seeming reality manipulation. He was so fixated on the strange little dragon creature that he had missed the introduction of the two young men. Shame, but maybe he could get some clues about where exactly he was by their clothing. Constantinople sounded distinctively Greek, and the temperature was a pleasant warm like back home.

Good, he could be anywhere in the Middle East, North Africa, or the Balkans...

The clothing of the men was unlike anything he had seen. They weren't Ostrogoths, though this seemed to be the closest to the Bosphorus area by his own memories of the climate while travling there as a merchant. Definitly was Europe, he could tell that much. And yet they were so foreign, yet so familar. That was when Hirutila caught sight of the sheild of one of the men. Ah, a distinctive insignia, finally a clue.

A double-headed Eagle

Yeah...useless. He had never seen anything like that before being used for a nation's insignia.

"The armor suits you. You know, I've met actual knights in shining armor that didn't pull off this look half as well as you do. Have you been here before?"

A what in shining armor? Knight...that word he didn't recognize. The closest thing he could think of was a word in his own langauge, kneht, but that word...it meant servant or slave.

Wait...that language wasn't Vandalic, nor anything else he could recognize. How did he understand it? Could he...

"No, I've never seen this place before. I don't know where I am."

What the...how did he do that? Something wasn't right about this place. But then the guards began to lead everyone into the palace. Hmm, perhaps everything will be explained in there. He hoped that would be the case. The War Council introduced themselves, The Emperor and Empress stated their case, speaking of some kind of collection of different words, all supposed different timelines, alternate paths of time. The concept of their being multiple worlds existing within each other was far from novel for a Buddhist like Hirutila, but this tale of different timelines, that was something that caught his interest.

They they showed that threat, the Heartless, and Hirutila's interest was peaqued once more. Contact with the outside world was limited after he was thrown away in the Pharaoh's dungeon, but the image of that little creature recalled a memory long ago.

"Stab it in the eye, twist it around real good!"

Hirutila shifted to the tips of his toes, looking over the shoulder of one of the hunters, who plunged a hot poker deep into the downed beast's eyes, shifting it around as the smoke wafting out of the wound stunk the air with the smell of burning flesh. Curiously, not even this seemed to get a reaction from the creature.

The men around here, Danes they were called, were complaining about these strange beasts showing up. They killed livestock, kidnapped women and children, sometimes they even took men, and left behind mutilated corpses when they left anything behind at all. Supposedly they had made it to Daneland though Slavic lands to the east. The Danes suspected that they were created by Slavic Witches, or were the corrupt ofspring of Slavic farmers and their animals. Whatever they were, they had become a massive problem, as nothing seemed to keep them down. Hirutila and Rago had come to the Danish lands to trade with their fence, an old man named Hrothgar. He and some friends had caught one of the beasts, what they had termed a 'derkvette'. The creature had been bound up, and the men were doing everything they could to kill the creature, though nothing seemed to really even bother it. Rago suggested just cutting its head off, though the farmers noted that previous decaptiations seemed to just cause the creature to just dissappear.

"Disappear?" the Chadian pirate responded incredulously

Hrothgar nodded, "I don't understand it, but they just...won't die"

Rago responded by pulling out his own axe, slamming it upon the creature's neck.

As if it was never theyre, it vanished.

Rago whisled at the sight of that, "Huh, now that's weird."

When the two left Daneland to return to Corsica, Hirutila thought nothing of it, he suspected that it was a minor problem endemic to Europe. Now he was being told these things not only were everwhere, but they were an existential threat being commanded by some guy named Leo.

To be fair, the explanation made it quickly apparent that Leo was more than just 'some guy'. The demonstration became intersting when the War Council put up a display of the beings Leo was in cahoots with. The emperor described them as Gods of old, but Hirutila knew these deities were still being venerated back at home, even if they looked a little different back in his own time. But then the girl shouded out something that seemed to make things make sense.

"That's the Annunaki!"

"Annunaki?" he said in surprise at her, "Those are just dewos."
The name was a little off but he recognized it. The Canaanites back in Vandalia called the 'fallen' Gods who did not side with the Buddha as the 'annunoth'. And the girl's contempt for these creatures seemed to match the hatred that Canaanites held for these fallen gods. "unless...You're not some kind of Canaanite, are you?" he asked Georgia inquistively.

The thought lingered in his mind. Why would this Leo ally himself with fallen dewos?

The emperor claimed it was to give the Dewos vengence upon 'those who worship one god' in exchange for aiding him in his misguided light versus dark philosophy. Hirutila cared little for the specifics of a crazy man's philosophy, even if this crazy man had apparently destroyed a major organization and paved the way for destruction. But the talk of the worship of one god got his attention. Perhaps he had something to do with that warlord in Africa back home.

When the explanation was over, Hirutila spoke up once again.

"Look," he said, speaking directly to the council. "I get the need to take out this Leo, given he looks to be an existential threat on a scale I can't even fully comprehend because aparently we're far beyond the year 1455 Etos Ptolemaiou and technology has gotten to the point that I've stopped trying to figure it out because I feel like my head will burst trying to wrap around this all, but I think I have to decline your offer." Hirutila continued his speech, "If you really were spying on me you'll know very well I'm not a hero, I'm just some guy with bad luck who took to stealing on the seas to pay back debtors. I'm too old to be doing this whole, save the world thing."
Axum, Kingdom of Axum, Green Sahara
1248 AD, 2 years ago

The doors opened with a thunderous roar as Zakaraya entered into the throne room. The swordsman kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with the figure reclining lazily upon his throne, a man garbed in a blue tunic over white robes, holding a scepter in his hand and a white turban over his head, with long hair pulled back, keeping eyes focused on the warrior walking up to the Emperor. Zakaraya dropped to his knees, falling completely forward to the seated monarch, prostrating entirely before the man.
"Rise, oh Lion of Judah," spoke the Emperor in a deep, booming voice, as Zakaraya rose to his feet, bowing to him and speaking.
"My lord, Emmanuel, I have come before you to discuss the taking of Israel. I ask of you that we begin the invasion of Arabia immediately. I believe it is in our best interests to take cities like Mecca to sustain our armies. These Arab cities have no allies except each other, taking them will allow our armies to march through the desert with minimal exhaustion before we invade the Levant. I believe we are ready to attack, but I require the approval of the Messiah before I may make such a decision."

Zakaraya dropped to his knee once again, with Emmanuel simply standing up, stroking his beard, and letting out a chuckle.
"Have you forgotten the revelation, Zakaraya?" Emmanual probed, prompting Zakaraya to groan under his breath. "I have been informed of the time to take action against the false king who resides in Jerusalem. I have been made aware that the barriers that Alexander rose will fall and of the coming of the hordes of Gog in Europe and Magog in Asia. They will swarm upon the land, and when they enter into Persia and Vandalia and those lands fall, I will be given dominion over them to turn against the false king." Zakaraya said nothing, simply nodding.

"I remember, Lord, however, I believe that taking Arabia up to Mecca will be of strategic advantage to our soldiers. We can prevent any needless exhaustion the ma-"

The robed figure beside Emmanuel raised his hand, cutting off Zakaraya's speech. "The Messiah has spoken, the invasion will be carried out when the divine hordes have taken down Persia and Vandalia. We need not to invest precious resources in preemptive invasions."

Zakaraya eyed the figure, "In all respect, Malachi, our direct route of assault will be through Arabia. Unless you intend a direct invasion of Egypt, oh High Priest."

Malachi eyed Zakaraya. "Lion of Judah, you may have command over our armies, but remember that I have command over the food and the pay that keeps your men loyal to you. You'd do best to keep my words in your head when you make your decisions."

Emmanuel turned to face his subjects, "Enough banter, men. You are my right and my left hands, so you would both do well to remember it, that you are extensions of myself. I will not have my hands clawing at themselves."

Zakaraya and Malachi stared at each other, before conceding and returning to their more docile states. However, Emmanuel pointed at Zakaraya, "Zakaraya, before you depart, I will inform you of a final task for which I have need for you."

"Yes, my lord," Zakaraya spoke, dropping to his knee once more.

"In Egypt, there is a man, one of great power, who poses a threat to us all. He is the spawn of my enemies, a dark sorcerer who threatens our entry into the Temple of Jerusalem. He wields a sword like a key, which gives him power not unlike our own. The establishment of my Kingdom and your Judgeship over this world is threatened to be thwarted by his presence. And so, oh Lion of Judah, I am tasking you to travel to Egypt to slay him before he becomes a threat to us."

"And how Will I know he is there?" Zakaraya asked.

Emmanuel smiled. "You will be able to sense his energy. It will radiate like ours.
Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Renovation
The woman clung to her hat as the child at her side tugged at her skirt with increasing intensity. She struggled a bit to keep her balance, a large loaf of old bread in one arm as she shuffled her feet down the worn old steps that made their way to the muddy banks. The little boy pointed excitedly at a collection of ducks, some sleeping on the muddy shore while another group had taken to the water, preening and floating gently on the surface. When the two had reached the water, the small boy held out his hands, to which his mother obliged, breaking off a piece of bread, that the small boy quickly tore into pieces and threw into the water, watching with joy as the birds swam over, biting and gobbling down the bread greedily. The boy motioned for his mother to hand him another chunk of bread, and repeating the same process, let out a small noise of happiness as the birds continued to eat the provisions he had provided for them. The woman was watching her son intently, however, she took note of something out of the ordinary going on in the distance. At first, it seemed to be nothing that unusual, a slight change in the water's patterning, a shimmer but nothing too out of the ordinary. She smiled and called for the boy, pointing in the direction of the anomaly, believing it to be fish.
"Fish! Can we feed the fish? They're hungry too!"
The woman thought for a second, "I don't know if they'll eat bread, but there will be plenty left for the ducks to try."
The small boy cheered, running over to the shimmering spot, and quickly tossing a piece of bread into the water, which proceeded to bob untouched at the surface. The child stared at it intently for a bit, before turning to his mother in distress.
"The fish won't eat it, mama."
The woman sat at the side of her child, "They might not be sure if it's safe to eat yet. Give them some time."
The boy fixated on the bobbing bread, becoming soggy and discolored as the water of the canal seeped into it. The boy's hands twitched and shook with impatience as he turned again to cry to his mother. "They won't take it, mama. Maybe they don't like it."
The woman soothed her son, shooshing his cries as she tousled his hair. It was at that moment that she took notice of the water becoming more violent and displaced. She pointed this out, with the boy cheering at the sight. However, the cheers turned to screams of fear as a figure emerged from the water, a human hand grabbing at the muddy banks, pulling itself out of the water, pushing against the waterlogged ground, the ducks and sea birds taking flight as the man stood himself on two legs, scanning the area, as the woman held her child against her and kept her eyes on this strange figure. The man placed the sword he held in the scabbard at his side, locking eyes with the woman at the bank. They kept their eyes locked on each other for some time, before the woman spoke up, questioning who he was.
That language, the swordsman thought, Greek, the language of the Egyptians.
The man pointed at her, uttering a phrase in broken Greek. "Aigyptos..."
The woman stared in confusion at the man. The way he said it was so archaic, she barely comprehended the word he spoke. "E...Egypt?" she stammered out. "What about Egypt?"
"We are...Egypt?" The swordsman spoke, eying her interrogatively.
The woman shook her head, "No, no. This is Greece. You're in Constantinople."
The swordsman's eyes stayed in their questioning state, the woman's face beginning to furrow as she watched him some more.
"Not Nile...Not Egypt?"
"No, that's the Bosphorus. Why would you think we're in Egypt?" The woman asked aggressively, though the expression on the Swordsman's face never changed, his eyes only glazed over more as the names were processed in his head.
"Thank you," The swordsman spoke out, walking past the mother and child, the woman still grasping tightly to her crying child, as she watched the strange figure step off into the distance.


The Swordsman walked up the hill, away from the park, until he made his way to some sort of road. He eyed the structure. It was like a river of stone, dark, darker than the stone used to pave the walkways he saw the others making use of. None seemed to walk upon it, though he supposed there was no trouble in trying. As he stepped upon the dark surface, his shoe made contact with solid ground. So it was possible to walk upon this after all. He continued to move forward until he heard a voice shout something out at him in Greek. He looked to the side, only to feel a hand grab him by the back of the neck, and pull back hard. As he was pulled out of the way, his eyes barely caught sight of some sort of metal vehicle, that went by faster than any horse, creating a crack of thunder as it passed by. The swordsman fell back, sitting in the shade against a building, as a man looked at him.
"Lucky that I caught you there, mister. One second later and you'd have been flattened on the pavement there."
The swordsman said nothing, simply looking at the other man, who looked back at him with a questioning stare. "Ey, you speak Greek there, bud?"
"I speak some," The swordsman replied, with the other man giving a thumbs up in approval.
"All right, that makes things a little easier. You're a traveler too, ain't ya? Name's Ioannes. I'm from Smyrna, but I like to come here once in a while. So what, about you? What brings you to the heart of the Roman Empire?"
"Name...my name is Zakaraya. From Ethiopia."
Ioannes let out a whistle as he heard Zakaraya's origin. "Wow, all the way from Africa. So, you here for business or just to have fun?"
"Business, just business."
Ioannes nodded sagely, "So, is this your first time here? If you need someone to show you around, I can help you."
"Yes, help is necessary." Zakaraya was stopped abruptly by a sudden feeling, like a sudden attack of pain in the head, he felt a great surge of power coming from the distance. He forced his eyes open, the power all radiating out from a massive building in the distance. He pointed at it, turning his face over to Ioannes. "Where is that?"
Ioannes looked over where Zakaraya pointed, furrowing his brow as he looked back. "The Palace? You need to get there? Well sure, I can show you how to get there, it's easy."
"Then let us go quickly."

Jerusalem, Israel, Green Sahara
@Tenma Tendo

A first-time traveler to the Holy City of Jerusalem would be stricken with awe to gaze upon the sight of the mighty Second Temple that dominated the skyline of the whole area, even from the ground. Anyone arriving by foot would be struck the image of the immaculate structure, clad in the brilliant white limestone, polished to reflect the light of the stars and moon, with gold shimmering in the light paving the crevices of its towering walls, with smoke gracefully wafting out from the center of the temple, floating over the city walls of Jerusalem. Though the protective walls themselves hid the less beautiful side of the city. For Jerusalem was far from a paradise. Beyond the open agora where hawkers shoved their wares in the face of any passerby, the labyrinth-like alleyways of the Israelite capital hid the seedy underside of the city, with traders in lest reputable goods, prostitutes, and gangsters hiding their activities away from the eyes of the common person took refuge in its crooked and disorienting structure. Jerusalem was only a short distance away from Bethlehem, however, any foreigner would do good to spend some time in Jerusalem to purchase the necessary garments to look like a local before traveling to a rural village like Bethlehem. Anti-Greek sentiment and general Xenophobia still haunted Israel like a poltergeist, and though it may not extend in a metropolis like Jerusalem, where the last vestiges of Hellenistic influence showed up in out of place Grecian architecture, anyone who didn't look sufficiently Hebrew could expect to face a lynch mob in a rural village not keen to outsiders. Capella would do well to take note of the distinctly medieval attitudes of the locals, for she was indeed in the real Middle Ages, though not any Middle Ages she would recognize. A full moon was out that night, the stars all shining brightly, the star of Sirius pointing to the southwest, on the road to Bethlehem. Anyone with a vehicle could take her out there for a small fee, though it may be uncomfortable, it would certainly attract less ire from the local farmers than to ride in on a Gummi Ship. But the road out of Jerusalem was by no means totally safe. Bandits roamed across the highways, but that was the least of her worries.
Guided by the light of Sirius, a hoard of Heartless, numbering 100, commanded by three superiors, three heartless who seemed to be nothing more than disembodied suits of armor, made their way to the small village, under the desire to say the child to be born there. A baby to be born to a mother under strange circumstances. Now, Heartless came to slay him and his bloodline. And seemingly no one would be able to stop them from razing the entire village, burning it to the ground without a trace. Capella would do well to make her way to the village quickly, lest the Heartless army approaches it before her.

Axum, Kingdom of Axum, Green Sahara
1250 AD, Present Day

"I have lost track of his presence on this world, My Messiah," Malachi spoke, turning to Emmanuel. "Perhaps, he was not the true Lion of Judah, after all."
Emmanuel closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Do not speak such baseless judgments, Malachi. You know not what I know."
Malachi gritted his teeth at this, face twisting in disgust, though it quickly passed, as he began speaking once more. "Shall I offer a sacrifice for his safe return?"
Emmanuel nodded, "That will be good"
"Though, I must ask," Malachi inquired, "While Zakaraya is missing in action, who shall take command over the army?"
Emmanuel looked to the ground, agitated at the question. "While the Lion of Judah is unable to complete his duties, you shall take reign of the army. And, oh High Priest, I feel as though we are required to begin our assault. I have received the notification that Persia has become swarmed with the hordes of Magog, and the forces of Gog have entered into the lands of the Vandals."
Malachi nodded sagely, "Shall I begin the assault on the Arab Cities?"
"Yes, High Priest. Show no mercy if you must, the taking of Israel will be complete soon. I will summon a force of Gog and Magog's warriors to aid your assult, find them in Sana'a, and then take them to Mecca. Once it falls, all of Arabia will go with it."
Pathe Prison, Alexandria, Egypt
Hirutila awoke to the feeling of hardened bread smacking across his face. He scrambled awake, only to be held back, wincing as the shackles cut deeper into his wrists as he tried to get himself up to grab the bread. He dug his finger into the hardened crust of the bread, barely able to pull off a chunk to eat.

"Good morning captain", one of the guards spoke mockingly. "Today it's been five years since you've come here. The other guards and I have decided to get you a little something special to commemorate the occassion". The two guards let out a hard laugh as they walked away up the staircase. Hirutila sat himself down on the floor and chewed on the hardened bread, which crumbled as his teeth barely managed to cut through it. Had it really been five years already? The time seemed to go by so quickly after he lost track of the days. He pondered over what the guards intended to do with him this time. However, he resolved not to think about it and continue eating.

A few more strained bites were made before the sound of an opening door caught his attention. He expected guards, which left Hirutila surprised when the entrant was rather, a pink creature.

"Special delivery for you, kupo!" the moogle said as it fluttered down to him, tossing a letter of some sort over to the chained Hirutila. He opened the letter, however it only left him with more questions than answers.

"Constantinople...Never heard of it." Hirutila replied.

"That won't be a problem, kupo. Everything will be explained once you meet with the Emperor." the Moogle replied.

Hirutila lifted his arms to show the shackles keeping him chained onto the floor. "The only problem is, they've got me chained up here. Unless you know a way out?"

"Your keyblade, kupo!" The Moogle replied, only for Hirutila to reply with a slient glare.

"My what?"

"Oh?" The moogle responded pensivly, "You haven't manifested your keyblade yet?"

Hirutula shook his head, "I can't say I understand anything you're talking about."

"Well, try it! Try thinking about your freedom and breaking free of your chains again" The Moogle spoke, but Hirutila declined.

"There's no way I'm getting out of here. Sorry, but I think you'll just have to find someone else to help you out."

It was at that moment that Hirutila and the Moogle heard a series of bloodcurrdling screams echo out of the open door, with the clashing of steel, followed by a glow of fire, and then silence. The two looked over at the doorway, hearing footsteps growing closer, before a cloaked figure began to descend down the stairs. The moogle flew off into a corner as the man approached the cell holding Hirutila. He said nothing, but looked on in shock as the cloaked man raised up his sword, which began to glow raident with fire before slashing into the iron bars. The cut glowed hot red, the metal turned molten, as the man grabbed the door and pulled it open.

Hirutila crawled his way as far back as the chains would permit him, but found himself backed into a corner as the figure's sword glowed once again, and swung down towards him.

A flash of light overtook the room, and Hirutila opened his eyes to find a weapon had materialized in his hands, stopping the assailant's sword, and his shackles had fallen beside him. Hirutila immediately kicked the swordsman in the chest and vaulted up running out of the cell and up the stairs, the moogle following behind.

"The letter said you had a ship, where is it?" Hirutila asked.

"Right outside the prison, kupo!"

Hirutila looked with confusion at the moogle, sputtering a bit before conceeding, "Ill ask about it later, lets just get out of here".

The two made it through the prison with little effort, the mysterious swordsman seemingly having slaughtered all the guardsmen with little effort. Outside lay the gummi ship, which the moogle motioned Hirutila to get into. The Two got in, as the moogle prepared the take off, the two found their assailent had jumped into the ship, carrying all three off towards Renovation. Hirutila defended himself from the punches of the swordsman, finally managing to get a hand around his neck as the ship entered into Constantinople.

"Open the door!", shouted Hirutila to the Moogle, who protested until Hirutila demanded it again. The moogle opened up the door of the Gummi Ship, and Hirutila used what little strength he had left to throw the swordsman out, leaving him to tumble 2000 ft directly into the Bosphorus.

Hirutila lay exhaused on the floor as the ship piloted itself towards a magnificent castle.

"There it is, kupo. The Emperor's palace."
Second character, ran the idea by Bee already so submitting the app for final evaluation

Cool, updated my app with maps for the Green Sahara too

I'll give this a shot again. Probably will be able to keep up if im there from the beginning

Example Sheet: My Character

Few have ever heard of the place known only as the Kreuzung, and fewer still would ever have the chance to visit this place in their lives. The phenomenon known as the Kreuzung is a pocket dimension believed to be created by the intersection of other timelines converging into a singular point in spacetime. Serving as a hub between all possible timelines, access to this precious gateway has been sought after by all looking for power across the entirety of spacetime. Life within the Kreuzung has been thrown into chaos with the sudden appearance of outsiders from an unknown origin, who seek power over the Nexus so that they may conquer all of existence. In desperation, the people of the Kreuzung have sent out a distress signal in a hidden gateway, hoping that they can summon heroes who can save them from this new existential threat.


Into the Crossing is an RPG inspired by the manga Drifters by Kouta Hirano. However, unlike in the manga, we are not limited to figures from our own timeline, but important figures from all across all possible alternate histories on earth. Our heroes are characters who were summoned into the realm known as The Kreuzung upon their moments of death, disappearing from their own timelines and being warped to this new pocket realm, by an unknown figure. They are tasked with eliminating a previously unknown force who have arrived in the Kreuzung, seeking to take control of the realm and use it as a gateway to springboard their conquest of all of existence.

The Kreuzung

The Kreuzung was a name given to a recently detected pocket dimension seemingly existing outside of the flow of normal spacetime. The realm is an anomalous convergence of all known lines within the 5th dimension, creating a crossing over point where all timelines have an access point to each other. However, practical travel to the Kreuzung is extremely difficult, requiring extremely advanced technology. There are, however, cases of individuals simply being tossed into the Kreuzung at random, and these exiles are among those who settled down in the realm and began to settle it. As such, a native human population does, in fact, exist in the Nexus, born of the descendants of those who were ejected from their home timelines and forced to create new lives. As well, new 'demihuman' species exist in the rift as well, descended of humans, though evolved beyond baseline humanity, due to genetic damage done to their ancestors though the energy of the warp.

The native people of the Kreuzung are extremely technologically advanced, having access to individuals from all across all possible timelines, and access to the incredible energy source of the gateways, which radiate significant and seemingly unlimited energy that the people of the rift harvest to power their machines and technology.

Nations of the Kreuzung

The native nations of the Kreuzung were all born from the settlements of humans who were warped into the rift and had no way to return to their home timelines. Time flows independently in the Kreuzung from the rest of spacetime, and many of these first settlers in the Kreuzung were chronologically from the far future in their timelines. All cultures in the Kreuzung are descendants of those found in the timelines, and in many ways, still parallel those found in their original timelines.

The notable exception being the massive Shocker Empire, a totally alien nation that appeared suddenly, and almost overnight conquered 1/3 of the land in the Kreuzung. An existential threat to the very existence of the people of the Kreuzung, the Shockers appear to be planning to subjugate the rift, and use it as a base to launch invasions of the rest of the timelines, becoming an omnipresent Empire.

The Land of October is the home of the one of the major gateways, known to an individual known as the Keeper, who has summoned heroes from across spacetime to the city of Krasnogorod, to face the threat of the Shockers, and save the Kreuzung from conquest.

The Shockers

The Shockers are an extradimensional organization that appeared in the northern reaches of the Kreuzung suddently, using their advanced technology to conquer a massive ammount of territory in less than 6 months. Following this, a second division of the Shockers appeared in the Southern Continent, rapidly consuming a massive territory as a second base of opperations.

The rise of the Shockers has created massive instability all across the land, with refugees fleeing their opressive and violent rule flocking to the south and east, with the Land of October being flooded by northerners seeking aid from the injustice faced by the Shocker occupation. The Shockers eradicate all opposed to their rule with absolute brutality, and are well known for their purgest of demihumans, with the entire Elf population of the north being relocated to Aurora, Medina and October. With the aid of their ally, Orte, the Shockers seem to have an easy victory ahead, leading to the summoning of aid from the Timelines as a last resort.


Humans - Baseline Humanity, descended from people flung into the rift centuries ago. They are more or less the same as normal humanity, however very advanced.

Elves - A near-human species descended from humans who recieved minor genetic damage from exposure to the warp, they resemble humans more closely than other demihumans, however they posess traits that set them apart. Elves on average are much taller than baseline humans, and have larger, more poweful eyes that allow them to see farther, and to see in the dark better than humans. The genetic damage done to them, however, has lead to the elves posessing a less effective immune system, and they are more likely to become ill, and on average have shorter lifespans than humans. The genetic damage done to their ancestors, and interbreeding with baseline humanity, has cause the elves to become less reproductively successful, and with the current rise of the Shockers, it appears that Elves may soon be facing a very real threat of extinction. A few nations of the Rift are majority elven, notably Yedinia and Finisterre.

Mutants - Mutants are the further degenerated ofspring of genetically damaged humans. More beast than human, the are completely incabable of higher civilzation, having lost all higher functioning centuries ago. They wander across the world, but are most prevalent in places like the Wildlands and the island of Grand Orciania, being the only humanoids located in the later.

The Land of October
- Called the first among Nations, October is the oldest continuous nation to be founded in the Kreuzung, created from descendants of Bolsheviks who failed to take down the Empire during the October Revolution. After being mysteriously exiled to the rift, the rebels settled in the new land and created their own nation out of scratch, founding the Land of October. The land was, unknown to them, home to a single human who had been living in the Kreuzung before all others, simply known as the Keeper, who maintained the local gateway, sealing it off from the Octoberians. October is the most prosperious of nations in the Kreuzung, and the leader in the fight against the shockers, alongside their ally of Aurora. October is the first nation where the Heros arrive, summoned by the Keeper in the capital city of Krasnogorod.

Character Sheet

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