Avatar of Nightingale95
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 68 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Nightingale95 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I cant wait to have my pink hair again guys 😣
1 like
7 yrs ago
Back to work sorry don't really have any time.
7 yrs ago
Tomorrow is my last day of sleeping in then straight back to work work work!
7 yrs ago
XD omg
1 like
7 yrs ago
75% of all my pokemon are lvl 100 on PL


So where to begin...
I am sorta a trainwreck. I love videogames(ps3 ftw), I am a BIG Elder Scrolls enthusiast. I quite enjoy minecraft. I am old school when it comes to Pokemon or most anime.I really enjoy cartoons... I love the color pink, cats, and use of emojis.
Currently I use a phone so things won't always be perfect...As for Role Plays? I really enjoy anything...so yeah...feel free to make suggestions!
I have vampire, witch, apocalypse and demonic characters. Some fan based character like for Naruto. Ect.


Most Recent Posts

I am in but can you pick to be a legendary or is it all just the basic rookie pokemon?
*raises hand*
In Rosewood 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Rusalka all you:)
Hello everyone I wanted to advertise my current opening for commissions!

Commission's start at like 5 dollars. Payments go through paypal you get a preview before you pay. All has to be traditional since I do not have a computer sadly. I can draw more than just anime. Tattoos, florals, animals ect. For more see SommerStatic at DeviantArt or x_nightingale_x at instagram. So yeah. Thought I would give it a shot.
In Rosewood 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Cassidy filed in sluggishly. She dropped her coffee in the trash can and walked the halls to her locker. She pushed one of the popular girls who had just got told off by the blue haired girl. The popular girl snarled and Cassidy turned back around, "you bled through your white pants by the way."

It was a lie but it was still funny to watch her run off. Looking toword the girl with the blue hair Cassidy smiled, "I like your hair color by the way." Then she kept walking over to her locker. Upon opening the door everything was actually organized. She shuffled her bag in and took her books for her before lunch classes, if she decided to attend them all that was. She left out a yawn before shutting her locker and making her way to room 103, homeroom. She took a seat in the back but nearest the window as she waited for hell to start.

Giving max a chance to reply:p
It was Catrina's nature to be rather shy and boy did Claudia's teasing make her face turn brighter red than a cherry tomato. She only could smile and leave an embarrassed laugh as she was setting up. Carefully pulling a clean canvas out and pulling up one of the eloquent chairs in the livingroom.
"Max's taste in furnisher really flatter you Claudia. Thank you for the opportunity it was getting rather boring to draw the same castle, more so with the recent clouds."

Catrina took out some pencils and charcoals from her bag and began to press them to the canvas. Her eyes would look up and back down. Each line careful to catch as much as she could of Claudia's figure and features. She wasn't perfect but what else was there for right now? Back home she was outcasted due to her own disfiguring. Or well what the chimaera gene that infected her, giving her such an animal apperance.

Her ears flickered and her tails slowly waved around, but within fifteen minutes it was finished! "Done! You are just perfect are you ready to see it? Of course the real you is much more than a paper could ever display beauty wise." Catrina got up from the chair her ears perked up as she walked over to Claudia. She extended her hand out holding the drawing for Claudia to examine.


In Rosewood 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Cassidy's eyes grew wide as she was just volunteered to work this weekend. She moved the coffee away from her mouth, "whoa wait what? You want me to not sleep all weekend do you know what you are asking!?" It was obvious that she went unheard as Mckenna rambled away, so Cassidy rolled her eyes and sipped on her coffee. "Mckenna, people are starting to stare..."

Cassidy looked around at the other students now watching Mckenna and leaving out their little chuckes. "I mean I know your crazy but ya know. Probably not cool for your campaign- in-my-ass. Get it? Because your a pain in my ass, ha, I thought it was funny." Cassidy smiled and sipped her coffee awaiting Mckenna's reply.
@Rusalka xD lol i have to work today sso my reply will be late
In Rosewood 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Cassidy was running late as per usual but managed to make it before the bell. She help a coffee tight in her hand as she slowly made her way over to her friend, "I am pretty sure the closer that book gets to your face won't make it merge with your brain." Cassidy sat down next to her rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
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