Avatar of Nightingale95
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 68 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Nightingale95 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I cant wait to have my pink hair again guys 😣
1 like
7 yrs ago
Back to work sorry don't really have any time.
7 yrs ago
Tomorrow is my last day of sleeping in then straight back to work work work!
7 yrs ago
XD omg
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7 yrs ago
75% of all my pokemon are lvl 100 on PL


So where to begin...
I am sorta a trainwreck. I love videogames(ps3 ftw), I am a BIG Elder Scrolls enthusiast. I quite enjoy minecraft. I am old school when it comes to Pokemon or most anime.I really enjoy cartoons... I love the color pink, cats, and use of emojis.
Currently I use a phone so things won't always be perfect...As for Role Plays? I really enjoy anything...so yeah...feel free to make suggestions!
I have vampire, witch, apocalypse and demonic characters. Some fan based character like for Naruto. Ect.


Most Recent Posts

@Rusalka i did reply to you:3
Catrina watched the two head down the hallway with a breif sigh. She wanted to ask the new girl many questions but now was not the time. It was time however to see if Claudia would allow her to sketch her.

Catrina was unfamilar with the vampire natures but from stories they lack a reflection so prehaps it would be nice for her to see herself on paper.

"Claudia wait I would like to ask you a favor!"

Quickly Catrina ran after her, stopping in the doorway to the living room seeing Claudia had made herself comfortable. "May I draw you? I already made one of Max a while ago and the new girl is busy. So I'll have to get her later...you wouldn't have to move."
Catrina watched as everyone greeted the girl including the master. She hurried down from the librery so that she too may introduce herself.

Upon getting down to the courtyard she quietly came up to them holding her book of drawings. She stood quietly with a smile. Everyone was overwhelming the newcomer,but after all she was fresh meat. "Please your all being overwhelming she must be tired let her rest."
In Rosewood 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Cassidy Rene Martin
Age(15-19): 16
Grade(9-12): 10th
Ht: 5ft 2
Wt: 101 pounds
General Apperance: long blond hair naturally straight with blue eyes and pale skin. She usually wears hoodies or sweaters with ripped jeans and skater shoes or booties.

Relationship Status: single
Sexual Orientation: straight

Background: Cassidy or Cas as she tends to be called is a bit of a delinquent. She rarely does her homework or will copy from others and is very subborn. Cas is actually very smart and will ace important exams she just likes to skip school or sleep in. Her family is just her mom since her dad hasn't been around for a long time. Her mother tells her he died while stationed in Afghanistan on active duty.

Family Information

Parents: Krissy Mullen-Martain (Mother), Ryan Martain (father)
Siblings: none
House/wealth status: They live in a small two bedroom above the coffee shop. They are low middle class. Her mother works in the hospital as an intake nurse.
Things take time @MaximusCanis
The more posts it gets the more attiention it'll get.
Catrina shifted through her papers there was sketches of the mountian, some of the animals who came around but her favorite was the one of the creator of this place, Max. She managed to clip them all in her folder and place the floder in her bag along with some supplies.

She looked out the librery window to see the cloud coverage but instead noticed someone in the courtyard! Catrina watched from the window. She was nervous, outsiders could mean trouble but she just continued to watch her...
Kira looked at the weapon,the poor mortals they have to build such things as protections. She shook her head then breifly she looked toword the newcommer. "I'll need more than one, but for now I'll take another...hang out for a while."

Now we wait x3
Kira looked to the two and to reply she inly offered, "maybe if the moment arises." Kira looked around for the bar keep as she was highly uninterested in the knocking. After all who knocks on a bar door? It had to be someone drunk which is what she wished to be. Her nails tapped along the bar. Kira's eyes looked back to the boy, "so you make things? Like with machines? I'm not a fan of machines...it takes more force to destroy them. You can't just press your claws through the chest and rip out the beating heart and squeeze it until it splatters..." Kira smiled and streched unaware such a conversation was probably uncomfortable.

@Alisdragon911 @cloudystar
I love Skyrim and Oblivion o.o
Sooooo very interested
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