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  • Old Guild Username: Nitemare Shape
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skype: NMShape53

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Philadelphia was burning.

The moment that Icon saw the broadcast about the multiple Hounds attacks he dropped what he was doing and took flight. From all of the reports he went straight to the City of Brotherly Love, or at least what was left of it. He chose to go to Philly first because those reports made it clear that is where he would be able to do the most good, as much destruction as had been wrought on the city; it was in pretty good condition compared to the other two cities.

But that wasn’t saying much.

Many of the iconic landmarks that made Philly a must see for many people, Independence Hall, the Rocky Statue, Frankin Square and even Geno’s Steaks had been razed. The Liberty Bell was gone, and the US Mint was in ruins.
In his time as a hero, Icon had seen a lot. He had seen men and monsters do unspeakable things, yet he had never seen such wholesale destruction. As he did what he could to help, mostly pulling survivors, and those not so fortunate from the rubble, a persistent feeling gnawed at his gut.


He felt guilty that he had let things go this far. He knew that he should have gone after that satellite the moment that the Hounds of Humanity had used it to destroy Chris Arthur’s home. However, try as he might, he couldn’t find it. He didn’t know where it was, or if it had even survived its initial attack. It must have been a mobile satellite, or cloaked with some sort of stealth technology. The fact was, when he had looked for it, it didn’t seem to be there.

Then he let it go.

He never investigated it further. He never thought that the Hounds would use it in such a massive scale. He had underestimated the depths that the Hounds would sink, he underestimated the atrocities that they would commit in the name of their cause.

He underestimated the Hounds of Humanity.

He would not make that mistake again.


Lyger stood in a stunned silence as he watched the footage of the simultaneous Hounds attacks which left two cities wiped from the face of the earth and another in ruins. He had suspected that the Hounds of Humanity were planning something big, however, he never imagined that they were capable of the utter destruction that they had wrought.

“Harry, are you seeing this?” he said into the com in his mask without taking his eyes from the large video screen in the middle of Crown Square.

“Yes. It’s all over the news. I’ve never seen anything like it.” His mentor confirmed. “Kyle, this…this is bad.”

Lyger had no response. The sights on the large screen shaken him to the core and left him utterly speechless. How did they allow things to get this bad? Why didn’t they take out the satellite the moment they learned about it?

As far as Lyger was concerned, the blood of those lost in these attacks was just as much on his hands, and the hands of the other so-called heroes as it was on the Hounds. They failed to act when they should have and that was a mistake that he was determined not to repeat.

“Harry, how did we…” before he was able to finish asking just how they’d managed to screw up so badly, an electronic voice broke in over his com system.

“We are currently experiencing a crisis. Please report to Sherman Center immediately.” The robotic female voice said. Lyger did not know how Arthur had managed to send him the message, either he had integrated some sort of device into his tech or Arthur had hacked his systems.

Neither possibility was good.

“What the fu….”
Maya is approved

The 5th Street Promenade had become a go to destination for tourists as well as Pacific Point residents alike. The massive outdoor shopping and entertainment complex was made up of a number of palm tree lined “streets” that were only open to pedestrian traffic. Within the Promenade one could find any number of shops which offered a wide variety of goods which served the wants and needs of just about anyone who entered the complex. There were also dozens of restaurants scattered throughout the Promenade who’s kitchens filled the air with aromas that would tempt even the ficklest of eaters.

The 5th Street Promenade was also one of Pacific Point’s main entertainment hubs. At the far western point of the property, which overlooked the waterfront as well as the city’s iconic boardwalk and pier, was the West End Gazebo, which served as a free concert venue. There were also a number of street entertainers who performed everything from street magic to juggling and balancing acts, to singers for the hordes of shoppers who descended on the Promenade on any given day or night.

“And then he said ‘See you around.’” Amanda said between sips from her giant sized soda that she had gotten when they had stopped at In ‘N Out Burger for a snack. She had regaled Izzy with the story of her first meeting with Icon at least five times, and now was Gemma’s turn. Gemma, for her part was a good sport. Though she heard the story several times she acted just as excited as she had been the first time. Amanda was one of her best friends, and she could see how much it meant to her, so Gemma continued to indulge her.

Besides, it was kind of a big deal.

As they walked past one of the Promenade’s two megaplexes, CMA Cinema 12; Amanda’s gaze was drawn to a poster featuring Marlon Wayans. The movie was called “The Bad Doctor,” and featured Wayans as Dorian Von Trapper, AKA, the Bad Doctor. From what she could tell, he was a wannabe dictator who had grand plans for world domination, yet lacked neither the means nor the skill of seeing those plans come to fruition. It was a big studio spoof of the now deceased villain The Good Doctor, who had reportedly met his hands in South America at the hands of War-Pulse, sometime after the Pax Metahumana crisis, and was advertised as being brought to us by the minds behind “Homeboys in Outer Space.”

“You know, I have no desire to see that.” Amanda said as they passed the poster. “The actual guy was a bit of a lame ass, I don’t need to see a spoof.”

They continued their trek through the crowded streets on their way to their destination, Musicall, the new music store that boasted a massive inventory of CD’s and Blu Ray of all of the latest and greatest acts in music history. Everything from Elvis to David Bowie, 2Pac to Taylor Swift, they had it all. Or at least, that was what Amanda and Gemma were determined to find out.

“You know, I could go for a pizza. Want to stop at Dough Boyz?” Amanda asked.

“What? We just had In ‘N Out. You’re still hungry?” Gemma asked astonished.
“Super fast metabolism remember?” Amanda said with a grin.

“Shit. I wish I could eat like that and keep my figure.” Gemma said with mock annoyance.

Amanda’s next words were lost when she saw the images on the massive TV screens that adorned the walls of the CBN Scene, a family restaurant that was branded after the CBN television network and was more of a cross between a sports bar and an arcade.

“Oh. My. God…”Amanda’s words trailed off as she saw live footage of a destroyed city. The buildings were in ruins and the city itself looked to be on fire. If the network hadn’t identified it as Philadelphia, she never would have recognized it. She was not the only one who stopped to take notice; soon a large crowd had gathered before the screens and was watching in a grim silence. The news reporter had reported that Philadelphia was in better condition than the two other cities that had been struck, Nautican Island and Paris, Texas, both of which had been completely destroyed.

Then they played the message from the spokesperson for the Hounds of Humanity, who had claimed responsibility for the atrocity that they were now just standing witness to.

“We warned you. We told you that compliance was non negotiable. Yet you chose not to listen.

The time for talk has past. From this moment on, you are either with us or you are against us.

We are coming, and you will either stand with us, or you will burn with them.”

Amanda stood there in silence along with the rest of the crowd as the Hounds of Humanity's message finished. There was a knot in the pit of her stomach as she processed what she had just seen. Then she was suddenly overtaken by a renewed feeling of resolve.

“I have to go.” Amanda said without looking away from the jumbo screens.

“Where are you going?” Gemma said, her voice barely above a whisper as she tried to hold back tears.

“Lost Haven. I’m going to Lost Haven.” Amanda said, and with the blink of an eye, she was gone.

We're expecting a huge storm this week, posts may be delayed
probably going to be getting something up soon.

Travis Murdock stood in front of the massive computer bank that lined the inside of the Hounds of Humanity’s command center just outside of Lost Haven. This was where he would monitor the numerous operations that his subordinates would carry out across the country. At the very beginning, things were going very well. The Hounds of Humanity had eliminated a number of metahumans targets all over the US, including the very organization which had been tasked with keeping the meta threat at bay, S.T.R.I.K.E. Unfortunately, Director Anderson and the pencil pushers in Washington had come out decidedly soft on the metahumans.
However, recently the metahumans began fighting back.

They had suffered losses in Pacific Point, Crown Ridge, and Lost Haven, among other sites. In fact, with the exception of Captain Dahl, Murdock had been extremely disappointed in his subordinates. Murdock had watched as his forces suffered loss after loss, and the leader of the Hounds of Humanity found this string of defeats to be utterly unacceptable. He knew that there must be something that he was missing, so he took a seat behind the main computer terminal and began to analyze the data. He knew that if he just looked hard enough, he’d find a way to turn things back in the Hounds’ favor.

However, after several moments of going over the information before him, his eyes began to gloss over, his mind became somewhat foggy and he was no longer in the Hounds’ bunker, he was someplace else, in another time altogether.

The sun was shining brightly on this bitter cold day. The day before saw a snowstorm that had covered the streets of Lost Haven in a blanket of crisp white snow that had transformed the city into a true winter wonderland. The holidays were only a few weeks away, and with the newly fallen snow, Murdock had been reminded of the Holidays of his youth, and he wanted nothing more than to relive those memories with his own family. Having recently moved to Lost Haven from Arizona, his daughter Judith, nor his wife Lilly, both being native Sun Devils, had never experienced anything like this. The city streets were lined with Christmas trees, each decorated and illuminated by row after row of lights. The shops were also festively decorated; lights and tinsel adorned the doorways of some, while others chose a more naturalistic look, choosing instead wreaths and strands of pine. Judith rushed enthusiastically from tree to tree, looking at all of the decorations, which had been provided by the local elementary school children. Only taking her attention from the trees long enough to look in the window of The Toy Case, a local toy store which had an impressive display of MyGirl dolls in the front window.

“Look at this Daddy!” She had gleefully called to him.

Then in an instant, everything changed.

There was no warning of any danger in the vicinity. There was just an explosion. One moment Lilly and Judith had been looking at the “North Pole” MyGirl doll display in the window, then an instant later, there was a loud noise, and then nothing but darkness. At first, Murdock had thought he was dead. However, after the initial shock of the blast had worn off, he tried to get to his feet. His legs were like spaghetti at first, making it difficult to get firm footing. His ears were ringing. He stumbled as he tried to get over to the spot where his wife and daughter had been standing just moments before.

“Lilly! Judith!” He cried out, frantically searching for his wife and daughter.

“Sir! Are you alright?” a voice stirred him from his daze. He looked to his left and saw one of his subordinates, a young man named James Clancy, who, do to his taste in dessert pastries had earned the unflattering nickname Creampuff.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Murdock said as he shook the memories from his mind. “Is everything all set?”

“Yes Sir.” Clancy replied. “We’re just waiting for you.”

“Good, set the targeting computer for Nautican Island, Paris, and Philadelphia, as discussed.” Murdock told the man.

“Yes Sir.” Clancy did as he was told. “The coordinates are locked in, just waiting for your order.”

“No. I’ll do it myself.” Murdock said as he stepped over to the console that Clancy was standing in front of. He looked at the coordinates, double checking their accuracy, and then entered the command which would initiate the bombardment.


Nautican Island, Massachusetts

The small island located about forty miles off of the coast of Boston had an interesting history. The island had once a whaling powerhouse on the world stage. Then, in the 1860’s, Nautican Island became one of the greatest assets of the Underground Railroad, a place so far off of the beaten path that the southern bounty hunters never thought to even look there for escaped slaves. Eventually, the island became a resort community that was frequently visited by the rich and famous. In the decades that followed, the blue collar working class residents were forced off of the island due to the rising costs of living that came about as a result of the rich driving up the cost of housing.
Desperate for a new working class, which became necessary when the residents that had previously served that purpose being priced off of the island, the Nautican Island tourism board reached out to the rising meta human population around New England. The island businesses sought to bring in a large number of meta humans with the promises of cheap and even sin some cases free housing, and high wages.
And they came in droves.

Over time, Nautican Island took on a whole new identity separate from the playground for the rich and powerful that it had taken on in the decades prior to the influx of meta humans.

Kristine Grant waded in the waters at Surfside Beach, which was located on the south side of the island. She and her boyfriend, Cole Pierce had come at sunset to partake in what had become somewhat of a tradition among islanders, skinny dipping as the sun seeming sinks beneath the waves. The two young lovers splashed as the frolicked in the churning surf beneath the majestic multicolored sky. The pinks, purples, oranges, reds and blues that canvassed the early evening sky were utterly breathtaking, and as Kristine looked up and the marvelous colors, she couldn’t help but think that she was the luckiest woman in the world.
Then something changed.

The brilliant colors were blotted out, overpowered by an odd red glow. Kristine and Cole watched as the strange red glow grew brighter and brighter. Then, an instant later it was almost like the sky fell, the last thing that Kristine and Cole saw was a massive wall of red light crashing down on them. For an instant there was a searing pain that was like nothing that either had experienced, and then there was nothing.

Paris, Texas

In recent years, there was a growing problem in Paris, Texas. The city of less than 30,000 people, which had once been named “The best small town in Texas,” had seen an influx of gangs and crime. Under normal circumstances, the increase in crime would prove to be problematic for a city the size of Paris. At only 44 square miles, the violence that would typically accompany the arrival of gangs was magnified.

However, the crisis that Paris found itself embroiled in was far from normal. The city had been utterly invaded by super powered gangs. Some of the gangs had moved in from Dallas and other larger cities to the south. The gangs used brutal tactics adopted from gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha, otherwise known as MS-13, and Death Squad in order to take control of the city. The gangs were too much for local law enforcement to handle, and quickly took firm control of the city.

Then they turned on each other.

Over that last eighteen months, a bloody war was waged on the streets of Paris. The Belmont Crew and the 7th Street Hustlers took pot shots at one another while the Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings and the Lone Star Syndicate made Paris a complete war zone. Unfortunately for the residents of the city, which had seen it’s local and state police forces all but give up on reigning in the violence, they had little hope that the war would end anytime soon. Unlike other cities like Lost Haven or Pacific Point, Paris didn’t have much in the way of heroes or vigilantes to stem the tide. There were no colorfully dressed heroes to stop the gangs so the people simply stayed out of their way as best as they could.

However, now all that remains of Paris, Texas is a smoldering crater. One minute, the people who called Paris home were going about their daily lives, working, sitting in classrooms, shopping, and in some areas of the city, fighting and killing one another. Then the entire city was engulfed in a strange reddish hue as the skies turned red. Then a massive wall of energy came down from the sky, incinerating everything within the city limits.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It had seemed like a normal day when Carrie Smith crawled out of bed that morning. She showered and made her lunch and mentally prepared herself for another day at Parker and Associates, where she toiled each day as a glorified secretary. Her boss, Gerald Smith, who was of no relation was a pig. At 70 years old, he came from a different era when sexual harassment and casual racism were just a fact of everyday life. He wasn’t going to change, and even the partners at the firm had given up on making him try. She would just continue ignoring his off color comments and focus on getting through the day, which is exactly what she’d done every day for the last three years. When she first started, she found him to be somewhat off putting, but nothing that she couldn’t handle. In recent months he had become completely unbearable, which was part of the reason that she had as of late, been discretely searching for a new job. She had a few leads and felt that she would soon be moving on to greener pastures. And as much as she was looking forward to giving her two weeks notice, she was very much looking forward to her exit interview, where she would tell her superiors what a lecherous old prick Gerald really was.

However, she was looking forward to the end of the work day for another reason. She had managed to score tickets to the Phillies game for later that night. When she was a girl, her father took her to the ballpark every chance he got. And while it had been years since she’d been to a game, she was very much looking forward to taking her girlfriend Lori for her first time. Once Carrie had finished her morning chores, she gathered her belongings and headed off to work.

Carrie was very much the embodiment of what it means to be from the City of Brotherly Love. She was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted in life, and she had a pretty good idea of what she had to do to make her dreams come true. She worked hard so that she could play hard, and she loved to play. There wasn’t a bar on the east side of the city that she couldn’t maneuver blindfolded, and she was a loyal devotee to the city’s pro sports teams. She believed that the culture of the city, as well as its liberal views and policies made it one of the greatest cities on Earth.

During her lunch break she had read an article on the city’s plans to introduce a new municipal ordinance which would grant metahumans special protections, much in line with the protections offered to other protected minorities. The plan was making headlines all across the country as Philly was the first city in the nation to explicitly make metahumans a protected class.

“Good for them.” She whispered to herself as she gathered her belongings and prepared to go back to her desk.

As she made her way down the hallway toward her desk, she noticed a small cluster of people gathered in front of the large bay windows which offered a spectacular view of the city. Dread washed over her as she saw the panic on the faces of those gathered there. Something was going on, and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know what that was. When she got to the window and was able to see exactly what it was that they were looking at, she couldn’t believe her eyes. The entire city was bathed in a ruby colored light. And while it was oddly beautiful, Carrie knew that something wasn’t right. In fact, something was terribly wrong. However, before she was able to give voice to her concerns, the window exploded, sending glass and bodies flying in every direction.

All across the country, people were glued to their television screens as every major television network was covering what was believed to be the latest attack by the Hounds of Humanity. They watched in horror as news reports rolled in, detailing the devastation that had been wrought upon the country.

“Again, Nautican Island, Massachusetts and Paris, Texas have been completely destroyed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was also devastated in the attack which government officials have confirmed originated from the satellite weapon that destroyed the home of billionaire industrialist Christopher Arthur. Please stay tuned, we’ll provide more information as it becomes available. But as of now, thousands have been confirmed dea…..” The voice of the news anchor was cut off by static as the live news feed was interrupted.

Replacing the various newscasters on television screens across the country was a familiar sight. A single man shrouded in shadow, apparently looking directly into a camera. When the man spoke, his digitally altered voice did not give any more warnings, and he did not offer some grand explanation of what had just happened.

Instead, he had a simple message.

“We warned you. We told you that compliance was non negotiable. Yet you chose not to listen.”
“The time for talk has past. From this moment on, you are either with us or you are against us.”
“We are coming, and you will either stand with us, or you will burn with them.”
Promoting one of my NPCs to a full-fledged PC. Here's my CS for Madalena Hawthorne/Hex. And I know we've got a lot of supernatural and magical folk, so to keep a sort of balance I'd also like to make Hekate an NPC for both White Witch and Hex (albeit a very active NPC, but an NPC nonetheless).


Character you have created:
Chorąży Kseniya Stanisława Zielinska

RUBIS (French for the gemstone 'ruby')

Speech Color:

Character Alignment:
Walking the Line

Known to some, but mostly 'secret-ish' in the United States. Those with sufficient intelligence clearance could be able to find out who she is by consulting with Polish intelligence networks.

Description & Personality:
Kseniya takes no shit. From anyone. She's a fearless veteran with plenty of military experience under her belt, including brief stints in combat with the Polish Army and the French Foreign Legion. She's a hard-bitten woman, and her age sometimes shows in her demeanour, seeing those younger than her as childish and irresponsible, particularly those new to the 'superhero' malarkey - such an attitude is perhaps unsurprising for someone with almost 30 years of armed service behind her. Her English is slightly clipped and spoken with a Polish accent, though it has improved since her sojourn to the United States began. She is slow to trust and slower to befriend, preferring to keep others at a respectful arm's distance, but she will not hesitate to speak her mind. If it's stupid, she'll say so. If it's wildly out of proportion, she'll say so. In combat, Kseniya is a commanding presence, whose voice rises above even the din of combat to yell orders to those under her charge. She is a disciplined, demanding squad leader, though she will never order one of her own subordinates to do anything she herself would not consider.

Origin Info/Details:
Born on the 14th of September, 1968, Kseniya Zielinska is the eldest of three children by Viktor, a career soldier in the Polish People's Army, and Krystyna, a largely self-made woman who ran a successful launderette in downtown Warszawa. Her upbringing was perhaps much different to those used to Western comforts - food queues were a common occurrence, as the Polish economy, despite several attempts at liberalisation, was slowly being ground down to support the struggling Soviet economy. (WIP)

Hero Type:

Power Level:
High Street Level/Low City Level - though she's no slouch, she's only one woman. Though a one-woman army.


The Immovable Object - Pretty much does what it says on the tin. Rubis is, for all intents and purposes, physically indestructible. She is immune to physical injury caused by significant emotional events such as, but not limited to, being shot, being stabbed, being gassed, and being submerged in water/boiling oil/molten metal and rock. She is not limited by the vagaries of age, disease or any such other damaging source or substance. However, she is still subject to the laws of physics - blast her in the chest with a shotgun, and she will go flying. She'll also be quite angry, so you'd better have a Plan B to restrain or subdue her when you realise that your little gun isn't going to stop this Polish juggernaut.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Date of Birth: September 14th, 1968
Height: Five feet and ten inches (177.8 cm)
Weight: Twelve and a half stone (79.37 kg)
Strength Level: Above Human (but not by much
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Effectively limitless
Agility: Human
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Mastered. As a veteran of 30 years, I'd hope so.

Medium. As a veteran of over 30 years' service, Kseniya has amassed quite the small fortune, due to her service in the Soviet Bloc being more lucrative due to her status. She has most of her cash invested in several bank accounts in Poland, Switzerland and Sweden, though she prefers to keep a sizeable sum of money on hand in case of 'emergencies'. Her estimated net worth is approximately €650,000 in her bank accounts alone, with another €75-€100,000 on hand immediately. However, given most of her arms trades are with the black market, such monetary reserves are not inexhaustible.

Rubis is not invincible to non-mundane forms of assault. She can be affected by psychic attacks and abilities targeting her mental health, though as a veteran of 30 years, she is quite hardened to horror, and she is strong-willed. She's also just one person. Surround her, capture her and restrain her. She might be immune to bullets, but she's still just a person, though perhaps stronger than one might expect, given how she can use her muscular structure to its fullest extent.

Supporting Characters - Family, Friends and Acquaintances

Pułkownik Viktor Zielinski, 64, M, Father - Resident of Warszawa. Colonel in the Polish Land Forces.
Krystyna Zielinska, 60, F, Mother - Resident of Warszawa. Retired launderette owner.
Jozef Zielinski, 44, M, Brother - Resident of Warszawa. Investment banker. Helps Kseniya with her financial matters.
Jan Zielinski, 40, M, Brother - Resident of Kolobrzeg. Fisherman in the Baltic Sea.
Jean Duchene, 54, M, Family Friend - Resident of Lost Haven. Retired Capitaine in the French Foreign Legion.
Charles Lerroux/Konstantin Tchorzewski, 51, M, Family Friend - Resident of Paris. Retired soldier, FFL/Polish Land Forces.
Caporal-Chef Arielle Francoise Lerroux - 19, F, Friend - Resident of Toulouse. Soldier, French Army.

I'm going to go ahead and approve that.

Character you have created:
Raeviir El'Anadar, The Spider Queen

See above. Very few know of the Queen's existence, let alone her true identity.

Speech Color:

Character Alignment:

Secret - her existence is barely known to the world at large.

Character Personality:
The Spider Queen physiologically is utterly alien to humanity. Her thought patterns and processes, however, are most certainly not. Driven by a hatred - and some might say fear - of humanity at large, the Spider Queen stops at nothing to bring the surface dwellers to their knees, either to serve the Queen themselves, or die at the chittering, snickering masses of the Queen's minions. Some unlucky cave-searchers have been able to report webbed humanoid corpses serving as breeding grounds and larders for masses of arachnid hosts - slaves or food seems to be the Queen's idea of humanity at large. Whether there is an underlying purpose to the Queen's actions is at the moment unknown, and may yet never be known.


Origin Info/Details:
Humanity has no real knowledge of the background, history and even origin of the entity known as the Spider Queen. Some say that it is a demon, spawned from some ritual that took place aeons ago. Others say it is simply a magician of the old days gone mad. Others still argue it is a natural spirit that has somehow been corrupted into the form that it currently possesses today - possibly corrupted during the events of the last century or so, through violence and bloodshed. Some others even deny the existence of such an entity, simply dismissing any talk as superstition or coincidence.

And yet, deep within the bowels of the darkest underground passages underneath Lost Haven, and perhaps other cities around the world, the domain of the Spider Queen grows ever larger. At its core is the Nest, a place so foul and dangerous that none have successfully ventured there, and any who have tried have never been seen from again. Even those armed with modern weaponry and equipment have been lost to the caverns beneath Lost Haven, and now those brave - or foolhardy - few who attempt to clear the infestations caused by the Queen's minions in the upper caverns and extending into the civilised areas of Lost Haven must do so with the utmost caution and care, lest they be overwhelmed by swarms of arachnid monsters. Firesweeps are considered to be the most effective - or at least efficient - method of controlling the arachnid swarms that vomit forth from the Nest and various other locations yet to be discovered by humanity, but even they are limited in scope and effectiveness, for fire can only keep monsters at bay for so long. There have been disturbing reports of the Queen's minions developing fireproof carapaces and chitinous membranes to deflect the worst of any flame weapon used against them - evolution, or forced change?

The truth of the matter is that the Queen is a single individual, brought by a transdimensional gate that erred in its form and function. It was supposed to be the beginning of cross-dimensional travel by those who called the Queen kin, supposed to be the beginning of a new era of power for her race. But it failed. The Queen was the only one to survive the tumultuous travel through time and space, arriving upon Earth, shorn of all earthly possessions, friends, family... only herself to survive in the frigid darkness of tunnels and caverns long-forgotten and thought lost to mortal eyes. Cold, naked and starving, the Queen resigned herself to her fate - a miserable end to an existence, inevitably reduced to naught but a skeleton to commemorate the failure of her kind. And yet, whilst the caverns sought to snuff out the Queen's brief flicker of life, the Queen resolved to hold on, and to force her way to survival. Disregarding all that she had come to appreciate, the Queen lived off the meagre foodstuffs that she could obtain - fungi, insects and what scarce water she could obtain, until eventually, she was able to stave off starvation and death for as long as she could. It was then that she turned her attentions away from death and toward life - to make something of this debacle, this miserable attempt at an expedition. Thus began the inexorable march towards the Spider Queen's rise to power...

Hero Type:
Mystic Supernatural Shifter.

Power Level:
The Queen's current level of influence would best be described as 'City Level' by the power rating system. Her power level herself is approaching Cosmic.


Control - The Queen seems to be able to control the movements and behaviour of many arachnid species. Attacks on humans by arachnids under the control of the Queen are common, sometimes fatal. This seems to be the most minor of the Queen's abilities.

Growth - The Queen has been proven to accelerate the growth of arachnid species to many times that of their normal size. Sporadic reports of swarms of 'huge' arachnids have been circulated, with some estimates placing the spiders sometimes standing over ten or twelve feet tall, and with potent venom and webbing glands to match.

Transformation - The Queen has the power to transform certain members of her broods that she deems worthy into fully sapient beings. Such creatures are gifted the power of humanoid senses, and are endowed with a humanoid torso that allows them to speak freely and truly. The foremost instance of Transformation is that of Iraqlae, First of the Brood, who was the first to be transformed in this manner, and as such is the most powerful of her kind. Iraqlae has the capacity to even wield magic of her own, allowing her to act semi-independently of the Queen's influence, enabling her to act as a form of vanguard or forward commander for attacks upon the surface.

Demonic Summoning - The Queen has yet to use this in open battle against the surfacers, but it is commonplace in the deeper darkness of the lower caverns. Creatures not of this world are summoned by the Queen to act as advisors, assistants and subordinates in her vast underground empire. Humanoids, arachnoids and other forms can be found advising the Queen on matters, from illithid to balors and bebiliths. Such denizens of the deep caverns have yet to be sighted by mortal eyes, but they lurk, ever waiting for their Queen's command.

The Winds of Magic - Such power is not available to merely any who try. The Winds of Magic are a force unique to the caverns beneath Lost Haven itself - they are not regulated by ley lines, energy levels or other forms of mortal magic known to humanity. The Winds of Magic are an ethereal form of energy, given off by all who know the touch of the Queen, however great or small. The Winds guide the denizens of the deep dark towards their chosen targets, and they also emanate from a single point. The Winds can be manipulated to cause many different effects, ranging from a pall of darkness descending upon an area for days on end, to a fearsome raging storm that lashes against all that know its power. However, the Queen has not made use of the Winds for such events... yet.

Telekinesis - The Queen knows many forms of magic, and telekinetic psionics are but one form of the Winds of Magic that she has mastered. Whether it be a person or an object, the Queen is capable of telekinetic ability, though it is not as powerful as those who have extensively trained and studied the art of psychic power.

The Strength of the Queen - The Queen herself is no ordinary person. Fuelled by magical arts outside human comprehension, the Queen herself is a deadly, agile combatant, able to move at the blink of an eye, and capable of feats of strength one would not expect from a humanoid of her scale. She commands a vast array of magical spells, ranging from dimensional transportation, to creating huge web-filled minefields of exploding runes, to even creating vast firestorms to sweep through caverns of her enemies.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Height: Six feet and eight inches (203.2 cm)

Weight: Two hundred and forty-six pounds (111 kg or 17.5 stone)

Strength Level: Above normal human, but lower than any of the 'numerical' scales. The Queen relies on telekinesis for heavy strength work.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Around 60-70 mph.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Some three or four times human levels.

Agility: Between ten and fifteen times that of humans.

Intelligence: The Queen is intelligent, but slow to act, though when her rage is roused it is swift and decisive.

Fighting Skill: Currently unknown, estimated Elite.

Resources: According to the scale, the best estimate of the Queen's resources would be 'Large'. She was a vast array of creatures serving at her command, and plenty of power to fall back on were she to be threatened with attack.



Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

I am so sorry, I could have sworn I approved this already. You're good to go.
Character you have created: Alexander Brodrick

Alias: Vereth (Short for Verethagna)

Speech Color: Bold and Italics speech

Character Alignment: Walking the line

Identity: Secret (Not because he hides it but because he doesn't tend to get on the news or become well known).

Character Personality: Alex tends to be quite the character, he is outgoing but often bored with random conversations. Usually looking for whatever will stimulate him next he will travel around the city looking for ANYTHING to keep him occupied. He likes to get drunk and get in brawls often to test his strength. However, he is also someone who can't stand to see a good person getting hurt or being taken advantage of. So he became a hero so he could take law into his own hands and serve out what he saw was the right type of justice. Even if it's just some kids trying to do shrooms, he will deal with them with his own particular brand of justice. He is usually an easy going guy aside from the justice and brawls, he tends to just want to train, relax, or have his brain be stimulated.

Uniform/costume: None, he fights in his regular attire.

Origin Info/Details: Alex's parents were archaeologists, one day though while they were in China trying to set up a dig site, they were murdered by a mysterious group. A group of 8 wandering monks came by to try and save them but it was too late. Alex; however, was still alive along with his mother. They would take them both in trying to care for them both. But his mother would die from her wounds eventually. Alex would then be raised as a part of the traveling group of monks. Being trained how to fight with them. They were the ones who taught him about Chi, and about resiliency.

While on the road, he would be constantly training, each monk had a different fighting style that he would learn. But they would find out that he was far better than even they expected, he would master almost half of the group's fighting styles by the time he was 10. So they began to travel with him to ancient temples and areas to have him test himself against other fighters. His fists and legs became stronger and stronger. Everywhere Alex and the monks would go they would stay until Alex had mastered the Martial Art of that area. Soon Alex was the one teaching them. Still seeing them as his masters though he would continue to travel with them. But in his lack of knowledge from being a youth, there was a point where they were in a Japanese temple. Alex, who was told not to mess with an area that was said to be 'cursed' in the temple, would start to practice his chi around that area. The sigils around him lit up and would nearly kill him with high amounts of Chi entering into his body.

After recovering he found out that he could control the hardiness of his extremities, and he could use that as a way to strengthen himself even further. Because of this he would ask to test himself against more and more people, until one day his match was televised. A relative, recognized the name being called and would look into it. She (His aunt) would find out who he was and would try to take him away from the monks. But Alex refused to go. His aunt would allow him to stay with the Monks on one condition, that he would get a proper education. So he stayed with them getting an education from the most expensive places his aunt could find and pay for. It took awhile but he was able to catch up to where he was supposed to be, and then he excelled even further.

Thanks to the monks training, he is constantly walking around with weights around his arms and legs so he is always feeling like he is training in some way. He takes these off when he is getting serious. If he knows he is fighting he will wrap his hands with bandages that have cushions at the knuckles to help soften the impacts as to not hurt the other person TOO badly.

Now, he is a College Professor teaching Archaeology (Like his parents), Mysticism, History, and Anthropology. He is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and English.

Hero Type:
Energy (Chi) (Ancient Chi)

Power Level:
City level

Chi: He can use chi to heighten his senses, and his physical abilities, causing them to becoming close to superhuman (Not like Superman strength or DBZ strength)
Ancient Chi: He doesn't know that it is this ancient chi he has control over, but he uses this to harden his extremities to be as hard as stone, and at it's max use, steel. (Using this over a long period of time will make him feel more drained, so he can't just have it on all the time).
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 6'3''

Weight: 185lbs

Strength Level:
Everyday life: Human Strength
While fighting without chi: 1-5 tons
Fighting with chi 10 ton

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Without weights: 40
Without Weights and Chi: 60

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
3-4 Hours
With Chi:1-2 Hours

Normal: 5x
With chi: 10x

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Average (Has a rich Aunt, and a library)

Long Range attacks: He is a close range fighter, so if kept at a distance, he is almost useless.
Torso: Even if he hardens his extremities with the ancient Chi, he can still be stabbed, shot, and hurt by hitting his torso.
Exhaustion/Habit: When using the Ancient Chi, he will become exhausted if he keeps it up continuously, often this leads to him turning it off and on like someone flicking a light switch, so one might be able to catch him off guard in a fight while it is off.
Regular Human: He is a regular human, other than the chi, and his way of fighting, there isn't much that would separate him from others in how he can be killed.

Supporting Characters:
Ex Wife: Amber Law
Aunt: Tiffany Brodrick
Girlfriend: Alyssa Fara
(More to add if I can think of them if that's okay)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
I think so?

Sample Post: (Hope this is good enough)

Alex simply smirked, here he was again, a young man like him getting into a fight with some group of bikers at a bar. Some would call him insane, others would say he had a death wish. However, in reality, he just was bored and needed something to do. So he traveled to an area of downtown that he knew there was never anything good happening just so he could see what he could stir up. Man did he know how to pick his fights. He stood looking at the 3 bikers in front of him, they were demanding an apology for him 'accidentally' spilling his beer on one of them and on the pool table they were using.

Alex shrugged "I'm sorry, I don't think I really owe an apology to someone who is so big and stupid that he can't realize that he was the one in my way." He'd act like he was starting to turn around knowing the exact reaction such a comment would get him. He felt a hand grab his shoulder as he turned back around looking at the three bikers, they wore their leather jackets that were decorated in biker memorabilia, 2 of them had a 1%er patch on. It didn't seem to bother Alex as he looked up at the biggest one, the big man stared at him with anger in his green eyes as he got just close enough that his beer belly was touching Alex.

Alex didn't care what the man was saying, he had already tuned him out before he started talking, instead Alex gave him a slight shove. "I'm sorry, but your beer gut is making me very uncomfortable. Especially when it is touching me, I would rather not know where that has been and I would much rather not get some disease from you." Alex would say it with a smart-ass tone as he began to turn away. He heard the sound of a pool stick being picked up. Alex grinned as he heard the floor boards creak under the weight of the man who was now pushing down with his back foot as he began to swing. It seemed all too slow for Alex, in fact, it was too slow. It was too easy. He simply ducked as the stick went right over the top of him. Shooting back up Alex would wrap an arm around the man's arm as a short jab with two fingers would go into the man's armpit forcing his arm to try and come down. His other hand would come down from being wrapped around the man's upper arm to hit the man's elbow with an open palm causing the arm to stiffen up. Thanks to that, the arm wouldn't give in for when Alex used it, putting his back into the man's body and flipping the man over his shoulder. The floor would seem to crack from the impact. But Alex still had a hold of his arm, but it wouldn't take long, it was a simple forceful twist that would send a loud cracking sound throughout the bar.

The other two men instantly would try to jump into action as their friend writhed in pain. The first one came running up but would find an open palm right to the chest, then to the stomach, then to the side, only to be followed up with an elbow to the nose. Alex did this quickly and in one fluid motion as he spun around the man he just elbowed, using his foot Alex kicked int the man's Patella tendon causing him to go down onto that knee. The next one would come charging, only to get a kick in the hip stopping him in his tracks, that kick was instantly followed up with another to the ankle and then to the side of the knee. This time though Alex would grab the 3rd man's head as he was falling and shove it into the back of the second man's (The one who was kneeling) head. Blood spouted from the third man's nose as the force that he shoved with was hard enough to cause the 2nd man to fall over unconscious. The 3rd man holding his nose would turn around to an elbow to the jaw causing him to collapse on the bar next to him.

"Sorry about that. But I was not the aggressor. So don't let this come back on me. Okay?" Alex said to the bartender who looked on in shock and horror. Alex reaching into his pocket and pulled out a wad of currency, dropping it on the counter. "This should help with any damages. Thanks for being a great host. Sorry for the problems these gentlemen caused." a grin would appear on his face as he spoke it was as if it was showing he wasn't sorry at all. In fact one would be able to say that there was no feelings of sorrow, or remorse in his face at all.

Theme song: youtube.com/watch?v=BwBKjK7Xik0
Jk.. here is the real Theme song

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