Avatar of Not Fungus
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 93 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Not Fungus 4 yrs ago


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Sitting on a chair and staring at the barren job board became Luke's most common pastime during during the week. His eyes were bereft of any negative or positive feelings as he blankly sat in a chair as still as a lake. For someone like him, this kind of activity that resembles watching paint dry is possible as serving as entertainment. His already weak critical thinking skills aren't required and he's not mentally challenged in the slightest.

But it would probably be a lie if he said he was perfectly okay with the stagnation in the guild. He missed out on an hour of sleep because he was woken up by some strangers. Since more and more people are coming around to his place, he's going to have to look for another place to crash. with his living arrangements being more unstable than a shack in the middle of a storm, he can move whenever he feels like it.

He yawned. It's a shame he missed an hour he very much needed. Only twelve hours... Maybe he can catch up on that right now?

He turned up the music playing through his headset just a smidge before shutting his eyes. His head leaned back in the chair slowly, and then his breathing began to even out. The moment he was about to drift into dreamland, he heard the sound of a door opening through his headset and opened his eyes to see one of his guild mates enter.

He turned down the volume of his headset and stared straight at the newcomer, Grasidia. One of his other guild mates who resembled a super villain grabbed his attention with her boisterous words. With the decibels of the music playing currently matching that of a low hum, he could hear her tone.

He thinks she was a little annoyed, but doesn't know why.

It would be nice to have a job. His head almost unnoticeably bobbed to the beat of the music with those thoughts streaming in his head.

I've expanded on the magic/spells section some more by making it less vague. Please look over it and see if there's anything else that needs to be edited.

Eyes slowly opened. Covers paler than bleach weren't even on the waking young adult. John groggily brought a hand to his face and rubbed them until he felt a little bit more awake. He pulled off the small part of the cover that was still fulfilling its objective and got out of bed. He stretched and yawned before muttering to himself.

"Another one?" He yawned again after expressing that sentiment. He's been having reoccurring dreams that might warrant a trip to a therapy. They're all somewhat different, yet they always end the same.

With him nearly dying.

This one was just the latest surreal one where he was on a road with both sides surrounded by Yield Signs as far as the eye can see and a truck barreling down that very same road at abnormal speeds. He mostly recalls his expression being shown by the front mirror. The widening of his eyes before everything turning white and him waking up. At this point, he would welcome even a nightmare as long as it doesn't end with him basically dying.

He can already imagine what kind of crap any wack job therapist would cook up. Maybe something like, "this might be due to a latent desire for death. I recommend coming for weekly checkups." Pointless stuff like that he could've easily figured out on his own to make him waste money.

That thought made him scoff out loud before heading to the bathroom to carry out his daily motions. He may be a scummy, rotten person, but he still acknowledges the importance of hygiene. He opened his bathroom door and pulled a toothbrush from his mug. He grabbed the superior toothpaste brand, Colgate, and proceeded to clean out the gunk.

With that done, he went over to his kitchen and opened the fridge to see if there was anything quick and easy to microwave. A slimy grin grew on his face when he saw cup noodles sitting in there.

"Just need hot water and let it sit in there for three to five minutes," he muttered to himself. He used that time to change clothes and get dressed. From a gray t-shirt and boxers to a long-sleeved black shirt and gray pants. The cup of noodles were still spinning inside a cheap microwave, so John was left staring at it until he heard the ding.

He grabbed a fork and devoured the whole thing. He then dumped it in the trashcan and cleaned his fork before placing it back where he got it. He then stared at nothing.

"What was I supposed to be doing again... Oh, right." He scratched the back of his head. That's right. Today's his first day attending this university. He glanced at his laptop with a charger plugged into it. The green light symbolized it was fully charged, but...

"I'll be late if I screw around." He took one look at his phone and realized he couldn't mess around on the internet. He sighed and picked up his bag that held notebooks and pencils. He hesitated in front of the door. He, a former shut-in is finally trying to open up to society.

He pulled the door open. He forced himself through all that pathetic hesitation and fear and locked the door to his dorm. "First class is..." He memorized his schedule so he went onwards.

Interactions: @TheWendil

With Chryseis shortly behind Ignis, he took a cursory overview of the current base where they are situated. He held a hand to his chin as he conjured up schemes to use it as a point to burst through this prison. A glitter of gold flashed through his eyes as he smiled inhumanly wide enough to swallow a skull.

Soon. The wonderful days will return soon and he can barely hold back his body from quivering in excitement. He debated switching back to his normal form, but he decided to stay in his human form just to get used to it again. The last time he used a human form was long ago, back on the surface. He still remembers the day when he snuck into an army camp, forcefully took control of the militaristic group there, and pitted them against another. A memory that doesn't induce nostalgia.

That was a time back when he was no longer just a flicker of light. He then spoke, ridding himself of thoughts and sentiments from the far past.

"Looking at our current base, it can be improved upon, though I'm going to look upon the place the other group have secured for themselves. Using these two places will be essential in tearing our way out of this prison," he smoothly informed his skeletal companion. He closed his eyes all while keeping a devilish grin on his face. Embarrassingly enough, he doesn't really know this place as much as he should have. He spent 99% of his days lounging about in a prison like the dead.

"You don't need any concerns about my nature leading me to violently assault anyone in our little posse," he added, almost like an afterthought. He understands that a personality like him will mesh poorly with any group, so by saying these words, he is acknowledging that to lower any tensions with Ignis. "My desire for a perfect war offsets anything paltry and boorish like that. Thus, I can be patient and wait for that destined battle at the end for as long as need be. Though..." He trailed off as he looked over at the wolves following them. An idea came across his mind.

"When there is time to spare, I will take it upon myself to whip these wolves into a proper legion of battle-ready beasts." He then turned back to his front with the Watcher's temple coming into view. With the short distance between the two areas, Chryseis knows he can fashion something useful out of this opportunity.
Suigin Ikotsu

Suigin was almost late for class at the sluggish pace he walked. His neutral face belied his true thoughts. He was considering skipping class to go hunt for the killer, but he believed he should at least go to school for one day. Just to remember why he's doing this.

In the middle of the class, his thoughts were taken back to a previous exchange he had with his best friend when he was still alive. He recalled it only because of his staunch resolution to find the killer combined with the fact of his death. A time before their conflict was brought to a head.

"Hey, what would you do if I ended up dead?" he remembers asking. He can still see the belligerent grin of his blonde friend.

"I'd laugh." Kenji delivered that response soon after he closed his eyes in thought. "You?"

"I'd laugh."

His mind was taken back to the present when the teacher called on him to answer a question. Suigin answered the question as he only half-listened to what the teacher was saying. He was still feeling a bit tired from not getting that much sleep recently.

While he started to yawn, his thoughts retreated to the back of his head. He focused on the memory of his dead friend and tried to pull out any clues he could think of from that scene.

Bloody eye. Same thing as some other cases he heard about in this city. No possible way it could've been something external. It had to have been something internal for sure. Drugs? Poison? Kenji wasn't the type of person to use drugs. He smoked cigarettes, but he used nothing else. 'Could it have been external if someone ran an icepick through his eye all the way to his brain?' He attempted to guess at the cause, but all it led him to was the surety of it being internal damage.

"Almost like a hemorrhage or a hyphema; however, those shouldn't be fatal," he muttered aloud from an enlightenment. His mind went back to the classroom when he received the syllabus, but he didn't let go of that train of thought. He doesn't know what kinds of poisons or drugs could induce a hemorrhage or hyphema. He doesn't even know if that's actually how the victims died, but that's all he has to go on. The cause could be something even more elementary than that.

'So, I have a guess on the cause, but I don't even have any idea on who the culprit could be. Going outside should serve as a nice matrix for balanced schemes.' He just needs to wait until the school day is over.

The Death Husband cases? Not once did those banal crimes even enter the very peripheral of his mind. He ascertained his objective and then fully turned his thoughts towards the class. He let out a content sigh and began to enjoy the remaining sense of jubilation, for what it's still worth.
Yeah, I just had a lot of stuff to do. I'll get a post out by today.
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