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    1. Noxx 10 yrs ago


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I don't know about all that but all three of us might as well get something done
guessing this only applies to dark girls?

Soma could sense the doubt coming from Luna prompting her to move her hip to the side and putting one hand on it, raising one brow as she listened to her speech and more questions but at least she's being inquisitive instead of demanding answers so it made it a little bit more bearable, even offering her next lead that could cut her visit to this prison short. “I’m just following a tip a morning jogger said he thought he saw someone pick it up in the street and took it with them, I lost it last night dealing with all the nightmares you have crawling this city” she explained “To which are you the ‘leader’ person I issue a complaint too, I got into the city for five seconds and was stalked and attacked instantly” she continues on before sighing stopping her little rant short and getting back on track

“Anyway...my magic is a split between shields and structures and my home is bound to magic, I de-trans my house goes bye bye, and um...Mari was it, while I do appreciate the offer I’ll have to decline I’ve lived on my own outside human society for about seven years now and I’m sure you’d like not having a backwood savage living in your home who barely knows how plumbing works, my home is also a beacon to my sister who also travels” Soma explained before turning her head back to face Luna.

“Oh I almost forgot, my name is Soma Ikka show how many customs I’ve forgotten, look i’m not a transfer student like Mari I just jumped the gate, its an ugly grey backpack with a patch from just about every prefecture across the bottom, if you could check that student council room for me and get back to me if you wouldn’t mind and I'll get out of your hair, you that large vacant lot like two streets down...it's not vacant anymore”The barrier girl finished up.

Turning around on her heels and started to make for the exit with a very slow laid back stride the day had worn on her, talking to people was also so tiring compared to actual walking but in this case she had enough of the walls and windows and wanted to feel the outside breeze and the smell of nature again.

Interactions: @KoL@AtomicNut
I like how i said I'd do it in the morning and lied through my teeth, I'm making it now
I'll have a post in the morning
Out of curiosity, does it really sound so far-fetched to believe that she would lose her home if she de-transed like its Miso city i'm sure there are crazier stories out there this one just happens to be actually true

Soma was out the room and walking down the hallway when she was confronted by another magical girl before the conversation even started she contemplated just turning around the other way; unfortunately, that plan was shot down as the other girl began to talk. Her tone wasn’t condescending so it naturally causes her to lend her ear. Were all schools this uptight about the rules and people being in them without attending the school itself, if it wasn’t like she could attend school even if she wanted too due to her lack of everything necessary to enroll.

“I have reason to believe my backpack is in this school soon as I confirm its not I’ll leave, trust me I don’t want to be in a facility that crushes you with too many rules to count as much as they don’t want me here” she explained crossing her arms and listening to more of Luna before responding “Also I can’t de-trans, if I do I lose my home so as long as I’m taking up residence in Miso city i’ll be in the half form” Soma continued to talk in an informative way her tone mimicking Lunas’ to convey that she wasn’t trying to be difficult “I can’t speak for the other light one but I only found myself in that room after I heard the commotion and acted when I felt necessary, have you ever known of a dangerous animal that you knew absolutely wouldn’t attack?”

interaction: @KoL
@AtomicNut Soma has a very limited amount of knowledge on magical girls the only dark one being her sister who was solo and she never met a light who was paired or working with another, so in her mind being a magical girl is the truest embodiment of freedom, free from conviction, duty, cages etc. She'll lay down her life to save one person without thinking about it but it's her choice to do so she wants to save and help people its not a job or a duty to her. This all being said seeing magical girls huddled up together like their sharing a campfire kinda walks all over that freedom ideal to her.
Question: Am I allowed an NPC in the sense of I want Soma's sister Sol to show up at some point but she wouldn't be a character just someone Soma and by extension, anyone whose around her to bump into

Soma rolled her eyes snapping her fingers and letting the barrier drop between them, but she still kept her half transformed state not like she had a choice in the matter. She didn’t calm things down, but the murderous intent was at least subsiding the shock value of magic being tossed around so freely. Looking around the room being that only two light magical girls were here, which was strange being that while she had encountered many other light girls in the past, she avoided interacting with them so this was a first; however, she assumed they doubled up into teams but here this girl was completely alone with no backup in a room of wolves. The strangest thing in this room were the fallen ones being that her sister was the only dark magical girl she had met and Sol much like herself preferred her freedom and alone time admittedly for different reasons but the core was there.

“My magic is protection based if you take a shield as a threat that's sad in its own right,” Soma said. Being on her own for so long had made her patience short by nature, even while protecting innocent people she did so without sticking around too long she helped and protected people because she wanted to, it was part of her freedom, and now just about the whole room was barking orders to her. “Secondly, I have a feeling a piece of my property was taken to this school looking for it and hearing the snarling of a mad dog drew me to this room, if you’re student council are regular people I can’t see how they’d be any use to you I may not harm but I’m pretty hard to spot and catch,” She finished explaining herself though she had no proof her backpack was actually in the school but these people didn’t have to know a blessed thing.

With that said Soma spun around her heels and started to make her way out of the door before stopping in front of the other child of light “I don’t take orders, you’re free to find me, try again and request like a civilized human whose approaching a complete stranger and judging by your tone you’ve been at this a whole lot longer than you look so you already know were all solo acts, at least were supposed to be” The barrier girl finished
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