Avatar of Number 2
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 30 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Number 2 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current doing so much for a community for seven years means nothing. doing not even half that for much less time means something. any flaws in that logic?
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9 yrs ago
is it a coincidence that you mention that Spongebob episode and i watched that exact episode this morning
9 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
happy merrymaschrist
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9 yrs ago
big money big prizes


Damm son, where'd you find this?

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Maybe the mundane one could be going on at the same time and go on for all eternity. It won't be my main focus but if people enjoy it they can pop in and post in it as desired. There probably won't be a main story to follow due to there usually not being one in real life so that will help the plan of just going into the roleplay when we feel like it. Also, if I get too busy, someone else can be the main GM if they'd like.

The deathly serious one taking place in ancient Japan could be cool. One minute we're chilling out and the next, our once friendly clan wipes out the village in a single attack from an elite magical girl and we try to escape the devastation. Then Oda Nobunaga shows up and...stands ominously!

I like that idea for the mundane one.

Hey, we could just pull down Oda's pants-- did they have belts back then, by any chance?
maybe it could just be windy
blizzard but in wind form
and then
I don't fucking know
oda's pants fall off
and he destroys the universe

I am the single greatest writer in the multiverse.
I like roleplays that can take a dark turn immediately; let's look at 9/11, for a quick example. I do hope this isn't offensive to anybody, but

So deathly serious, or mundane for me.
<Snipped quote by ImportantNobody>

I was just saying it in the whole 'fuck Madoka! Seriously...' kind of way.

meduka meguka best animu
I believe I'd enjoy the mundane one.
Hello, royal sickness. What type of RPs, other than TMNT based RPs, do you like?
Is that a pokemans?
I'm usually into Nintendo themed RPs, mostly Pokemon and Metroid

I think we'll get along well.
@ViolentViolet I 'unno...sci-fi, fantasy, and sometimes a bit of the good 'ol slice of life, I suppose.
There is a such thing as too many roleplays. Keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that if you feel too stressed, tell your roleplay partners and take a break! Nobody will judge you for it, I've been in the same situation.

Ask for advice from others on this site. I've been lurking for a while, and I've seen that most are pretty kind.

Keep your character flaws logical, and make sure that flaws and positives are at around the same number. Nobody is perfect, but everybody has tons of good things about them, even if they don't know it just yet.

And always stay positive. If you don't, it'll leak into your writing and the character's actions will not fit your character at all. Maybe it might fit the character because of what may be going on in the RP, but that's...kinda sorta rare. If you're feeling down, take a short (maybe long) break to get yourself together.

Have a good time.

gomenasai, my name is candy apple. i'm a 16 year old candy (food for you Gaijins). i'm eaten by animu grills, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior japanese games.

Oookay, let's get serious.

I'm just some american dude who stumbled upon this site and found it visually appealing, so I made an account. Now I'm roleplaying on it. There you go.

Test me with all of your questions. I have all day.
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