Avatar of Nymeria
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 250 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Nymeria 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current How do people get their roleplays to last years? I can barely find any that get off the ground.
7 yrs ago
Interest check for a futuristic bordello roleplay: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
I just made Cinnamon Apple Snickerdoodle Cupcakes. I also may have been heavily drinking while making them. Either way, the house smells great!
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I've been on a roleplaying hiatus for quite some time but I'm ready to come back to it! I used to roleplay mainly on an avatar based site called Gaia Online. I was more into what they called "literate" role plays: that is, what looks to be your casual to advanced roleplays. As of right now, I'm more interested in the casual ones. I might go into advanced at some point, but for now, I think casual will be for me.

I've done a wide variety of subjects. My favorites are:
-super powers or super hero
-some sci-fi from time to time

I really enjoy original stories/premises for role plays but I'm also okay with doing something based in an existing world with original characters. I like fast-paced role plays with plenty of action and adventure. I'm good with both group stories and 1 on 1. While I tend to prefer playing male characters, I'm up to playing either gender. I'm also up to 18+ content. I'm not quite sure how far I'm willing to go as far as smut is concerned, but I will let you know once I've hit my limit!

I'm a gamer, especially rpg's (big shock there) and I enjoy fantasy television and movies. I'm very into Game of Thrones right now. I've seen every episode and I started reading the books though I only made it to book 2 or 3...I don't remember, it was a while ago. I also like older Legend of Zelda (I stopped playing the new ones after Twilight Princess came out), the Fallout games, Skyrim, I'm currently playing Witcher 3 (which I got as a gift. Unfortunately, I have not playing the previous two, but I would like to), the Fable games, I played some of the Batman Arkham games, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (the console game, but I also played the mmorpg for a while) and more I can't think of at the moment. As far as movie and tv goes, I like Lord of the Rings, Stranger Things, the Batman universe, Star Wars, Sucker Punch etc.

If you have a role play you want to start soon or need new members in that you think I might like, let me know! I'm always looking for new stories.

If you want to check out some of my art, check out my DeviantArt page. I will hopefully have some of my original characters up there once I start drawing again.

And if you like my art, check out my RedBubble Store!

Most Recent Posts

Haha, me neither. I'm spending today cleaning, wrapping Christmas presents and checking my roleplays intermittently.
I've found weekends are usually fairly quiet. But with the holidays coming up, that can take up a lot of time, too.
Sorry for the short post. My brain is mush.
Rosaline Weyenberg

Rosaline smiled at the girl and shot a quick glance at Mikhail. She wondered if he caught the fact that the girl called her by her family name. She didn't expect him to stay ignorant to her social status forever, but she also didn't expect him to find out right then either.

While most of the items she needed to purchase were food related, she was sure she could use something that this girl was selling. "Hmm, let me think..." she paused, glancing up at the sky."My father has been rather ill lately. What sort of potions and remedies do you carry?"

(Three Days Prior to First Post)

Ryker stepped through the pair of large, wooden doors and let them shut behind him. He had a troubled look on his face, his eyebrows furrowed and sweat beading up on his forehead. He stood, unmoving for a long moment to gather his thoughts. What just happened?

As he stood in the castle hallway, his mind raced. The hall seemed so long and so empty. Normally the castle seemed so busy and full normally, but it just seemed so quiet at this moment. He took a few steps forward and leaned against the wall, bringing his hand to his head. There were so many things going on and he felt rather overwhelmed. It seemed like everything he had known and come to stand for had started crumbling and he was falling right along with it.

After a long moment, he shook his head and pushed himself away from the wall. Standing there in shock wasn’t going to help anyone, especially not Fenros. He had to get out of there and figure out what to do next. Get back to the guard barracks, maybe talk to Ritza...

Ayla was carrying some embroidery to the princesses rooms when she saw Fenros’ friend Ryker. Realizing he was seriously distraught she changed her direction. Upon reaching him she put her hand on his arm.
“Ryker? What’s wrong? Did something happen? Come and sit down.” She led him to a bench in the hallway as he looked like he might fall down at any moment. She was getting more worried. “Are you sick? Should I get the doctor for you?”

Ryker jumped slightly at Ayla’s touch. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t heard her come up. He followed along with her quietly and sat down. He quickly wiped the beads of sweat off of his forehead and forced a smile. ”No no...I’m fine.” he replied.

This was Fenros’s sister. He needed to tell her. But the guards told him not to tell anyone. He swallowed hard and looked up at her. It wasn’t like he hadn’t already given away sensitive information that would easily get him killed. But he didn’t know if he could trust her. Over the years that he had known Fenros, he had only spoken to his sister every once in awhile.

”I’m sorry, you’re probably busy. I’m fine I probably just need some water.”

“Ryker, you are pale and you don’t look well. Are you sure that you are alright?” When he mentioned water she nodded and left her embroidery on the bench to get him some water. She was getting more nervous about it. She wasn’t used to seeing Ryker like this and it was bothering her. There was something that was very, very wrong. She retrieved the cup of water and took it to him. She handed it to him and while he drank she took a moment to admire his features. He was a handsome man and one of Fenros’ good friends. Something occurred to her and she hesitated to ask but she did anyway.

“Ryker? Is something wrong with my brother?”

While Ayla was off getting water, Ryker used it as an opportunity to get himself back together. He sat up straighter and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes briefly and focused on what he could say to her.

She returned and he gladly accepted the water she brought. He took a long drink, almost choking when she mentioned her brother. It was no use trying to keep it from her. She worked in the castle and she would find out about it anyway. He lowered the cup and sighed. Glancing up at her, he was about to speak but was taken aback by her eyes. He had noticed the oddity of her dual-colored eyes before but he had never really looked at them before. They were gorgeous. It was rare enough to see someone with green eyes let alone one green and one blue. They seemed to shine looking at him….

He realized he had been staring and quickly looked away. ”You’re going to find out anyway….” he trailed off, looking at the floor. ”Yes. Fenros was….he was arrested.”

His eyes quickly shot back up to her at his last sentence, a sudden intensity burning behind them. ”You can’t tell anyone I told you. They’ll have my head. But….the King has accused him of treason.”

His mind wandered for a quick moment, back to earlier that day when Fenros had confessed his love of the princess to him. It was a moment of weakness, his friend needed someone to talk to and Ryker had always been a good listener. He wondered if the King had found out and that was why….

But he couldn’t tell Ayla that. He was telling her too much already. ”I don’t know what his treason was,” he half lied. ”But I fear for his life.”

Ayla looked at Ryker confused. “No, Fenros? He would never….” She thought back to the times he had mentioned rebellious things and had been discontent with the king over punishments and other things that would be considered treasonous to the king. Her eyes locked onto Ryker’s and she felt her breathing shallow and her throat dry. She was nervous because the king was admittedly kind of... well, she personally thought he was madder than a hatter. She herself had helped the man many times to cover up small inconsistencies in his behavior. “But the king wouldn’t….”

Panic set in as she realized that Fenros was in real danger. She looked around the hallway as it was getting busier. “Come with me we aren’t safe to talk here.” She grabbed her things and headed around the corner to her room.

Ryker glanced down the hallway towards the exit, thinking of his friend, wondering where Fenros was now. But there was nothing he could do about it. So he followed Ayla to her room. Yet again he was the bearer of bad news. His mind flashed back to the night he told Ritza of her father’s death. That was the night that seemed to change her. He wondered if this would do the same to Ayla. Am I cursed?

Ayla opened her door and closed the door behind him. She caught herself winding her hair around her fingers again. It was a nervous habit she had been doing for years. What in the world did he do? Taking a deep breath she looked at Ryker and she offered him a seat. She sat down and said, “We have to get him out of there. The king has been very easily agitated lately. That is not a minor problem with him. Do you have any idea what he is accused of doing?” She seemed beside herself. “The king is a sweet and gentle man when he isn’t having one of his episodes but when he is he is….difficult.”

Ayla felt more and more panicked as she thought about the king’s erratic behavior of late. She began to pace. “I can try to talk to the king and see if he will drop the charges. I might be able to persuade him. He likes me.” She looked to Ryker. “Do you have any suggestions? We can’t leave him there, we can’t!”

Ryker’s eyes followed her as she paced. He could tell she was upset, that wasn’t a surprise. She had just learned that her brother had been arrested, that is usually cause for alarm. He stayed near the door, not wanting to be presumptuous.

”I don’t know. They didn’t say,” he replied. ”All I know is that he was summoned, then he was arrested. The guards said he was accused of treason, then took him away.” He lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug.

”It’ll be okay. I don’t know what will happen but….they can’t kill him. He’s the general of the Vanguard and the people love him.” He spoke, trying to reassure her. This was never his strong suit, however, and he didn’t quite believe in his own words. She seemed so sweetly ignorant, thinking that the king was a sweet and gentle man. It was hard for him to see him that way, after all his years of service, but perhaps she had seen a different side of him. Either way, he didn’t think the king would be reasoned with. But he also didn’t want to dash her hopes.

”You know the King better than me. I don’t know if I’ve ever even spoken to him. Maybe he’ll listen to you. But…” He paused. ”You should probably wait to speak to him. I doubt he is in the mood to talk right now…”

Tears welled up in Ayla’s eyes and she immediately turned away in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m just really surprised I guess. Ryker? I’m really scared that they will kill him.” Ayla turned and leaned into him and cried. How was she supposed to handle this. She had to do something to save her brother. The king had not been in a good mood lately and he had been snappish even with her. She would literally be putting her own head on the chopping block if she asked him at the wrong time. Was she crazy to believe the royals were good decent people? The only normal one was Princess Eleanor, and Ayla adored her.

Ryker’s body went rigid as she fell into him. He spent most of his days surrounded by men, fighting with men and talking with men. He wasn’t used to the delicate nature of some women. He awkwardly brought his hands up and softly stroked her shoulder, placing the other hand on her back. ”It’s okay…”

You gotta think of something better than ‘it’s okay’... He tried to relax, letting his left hand rest gently on the small of her back as his right hand continued to lightly stroke her shoulder. ”Don’t worry, I’ll think of something. Fenros is my friend and he’s my general. I owe him my life.”

As he attempted to comfort the young woman, his hand brushed across her hair. He paused and slowly let his fingers run through her blond locks. They were soft, softer than anything he was used to. This was such a far cry from what he considered normal. He lowered his voice, now speaking in a quieter, calmer tone. ”I’ll talk to someone...I’ll figure something out. Don’t worry. I promise you, I won’t let your brother be killed.”

Can you really keep that promise? He doubted himself, but he wouldn’t let her know that.

Ayla looked up at him through her tears which made her eyes glisten in the light. “Don’t say that. I know you mean to try, but please. I know it isn’t in your hands. Please don’t do anything that would get you into trouble too. I- I couldn’t handle being responsible for your death.”

Ayla wondered if he could tell that she cared for him or not. She had been very aware of him every time she had seen him or been around him but she never expected their first real conversation to be about her brother’s possible execution. “Ryker I care too much for you to watch you do something that would hurt you. Please whatever you do, be safe.”

He was shocked by what she said, but he kept his composure. She cares about me? He had always been rather oblivious to things like this. This wasn’t the time to dwell, though.

”Please don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.” His voice was stern and confident this time. He had already done plenty to put his life on the line. Some of it he was less than proud of. If he were to do something that actually did kill him, he would prefer it be something like saving a friend. ”I know some people. I might be able to help. It’s just…” He paused and glanced around the room. He knew they were alone in the room, but he wanted to make absolutely sure. ”You can’t say anything about it. You can’t say anything about any of this. No one should know that I spoke with you.”

Ayla nodded. “I would never say a word. You can count on me. No one will even see you leave here.” She smiled a little secretively. “I know where all of the secret passages are in and out of every room in the castle.” She looked up at the light that brightened in his eyes when she said that. “If you need help getting in or out or hiding. I’m your girl.” She smiled, she trusted her brother’s judgement when it came to men.

“I’ll do anything to help you and Fenros. Just let me know what I can do?” She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. “For luck.”

Ryker felt his cheeks flush slightly but he kept his face calm. ”Thank you. I might just take you up on your offer.” He shot her a quick smile before glancing around the room. ”I don’t suppose you have a secret passage out of here, huh?”

Ayla smiled and nodded then she took his hand in hers and pulled him with her. Behind her dressing screen was a panelled wall and she pushed it and it slid inside of itself and she took him into a dark tunnel that met up with another tunnel after they followed it down an decline of steps. “If you go to the right it will take you to the door that will lead out to the training fields. You won’t be seen coming out of there this time of day. The door is covered in ivy as is part of the wall and there is a building keeping it from plain sight.”

“Ryker? Please don’t leave me alone. What I mean is...if something happens to Fenros. Please come visit me I don’t want to hear it from anyone else. These people are sick and I’m trying to help them but...if things get too bad. Just please, don’t forget about me.”

Ayla was scared and unsure. Her entire world had always been in this castle and she had always lived here with these people and she felt like they were part of her family. Not that they were evil or cruel but that they were mentally addled and maybe they could be cured with good diet, time and patience.

Ryker paused in the doorway and looked back at Ayla. He grabbed her hands and squeezed lightly, attempting to be comforting. He flashed her another quick smile. ”I won’t forget about you,” he replied. ”It’s hard to forget those eyes.” He paused for a moment before speaking up again. ”I will try to keep tabs on Fenros for you. If worse comes to worse...well, we’ll figure it out then.”

He flashed her another quick smile before turning and making his way, silently, down the dark tunnel. He followed her directions and found himself coming out into the empty fields. He looked around before slipping outside. He felt slightly relieved but also apprehensive. It was good she didn’t lie to him about the exit tunnel but he was still a little unsure if he could fully trust her. She was Fenros’s sister and she was clearly worried about him, but she also worked in the castle closely with the royal family. It was a tough thing to figure out based solely on their brief encounter. That wasn’t the most important thing at the moment, however…

He made his way to the city, walking down familiar streets. The townsfolk were milling about, some shopping, some selling, others making their way to their job. He spotted a patrol he recognized and simply nodded in acknowledgement at them before continuing. His pace quickened as he neared his destination.

The smell of fresh baked bread filled his nostrils as he opened the door to his mother’s bakery. It was empty for the time being, the fire in the oven still burning told him that she was not far. It didn’t matter, though, since he was not there for a social visit. He made his way to the back of the shop, going through a small, inconspicuous doorway in the back. He found himself in a dim-lit room filled with various baking tools, utensils and bowls. He grabbed a parchment off of a small pile near the door and began writing with the paper pressed against the wall. He rolled it up, glancing at the door before moving to the back of the room. He pushed a table aside to reveal a small hole in the wall. He reached in and pulled out a small cage containing a single pigeon with a red tie on its leg. He rolled the paper up and attached it to the creatures leg. He lightly held the bird in his hand and cupped his other hand atop it, keeping it covered in his arms. He got to his feet and pushed the cage back into its hiding space and moving the table back to its original spot. He went to leave when he heard movement inside the shop.

He stopped in the doorway, slowly cracking it open with his foot to look outside. He spotted an elderly woman walking in from outside, a covered basket in her arms. He recognized her right away as his mother. While he knew he could trust her implicitly, he also didn’t want to get her involved. He gritted his teeth, watching her move through the shop towards the oven. She wasn’t likely to leave anytime soon but he needed to send this message out now. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He didn’t want to leave the bird in the back room alone while he went to speak to her. But he also didn’t want to wait there until who-knows-when. While he stood there, thinking, the door opened once again and a middle-aged woman walked in. Maybe she would be enough of a distraction.

His mother spoke a greeting and moved to speak to the woman. His eyes shot to an open window near the oven. If he was quick and quiet enough, he could get out without either of them seeing him. He waited until both of them had their back to him, looking at some rolls she had recently finished, and made a break for it. He tucked the bird against his chest and ducked out the window, quickly crouching down and moving away from the building. He walked quickly behind the building to a small alleyway and made sure it was empty before releasing the bird into the air. It’s wings fluttered quietly and it took off into the air. He watched it go for a short moment before heading back to the guard barracks. All he could do now was hope that the message would reach the recipient without incident.
@LiverisGood Sounds good to me. Go ahead and post in the Character tab.
Yes that is what I meant. Sorry for the late reply.
Rosaline Weyenberg

Charillos smiled up at Mikhail at his question. "I would LOVE that!" he practically yelled, excitedly petting the wolf once again."We're not allowed to have pets. Mom says we couldn't take care of it and that they wouldn't like dad..."

Rosaline quickly shushed her brother, cutting him off. He shot him a stern look before turning her attention back to Mikhail. "Oh, the Hunter's Guild? I can show you were to go after we finish our shopping and I drop Charillos and Emmaline back off at home." She gave a sweet smile before turning to her two siblings. She was about to set off when she had a second thought.

"Actually, you can handle the shopping, right?" She referred to the two guards. They both nodded, stoically without a word. "Make sure to get enough fruits and vegetables. And a variety too. Not just one radish." She shot a sly smile to her sister who blushed and looked away.

She turned back to Mikhail, seeing the small girl standing near him. She hadn't heard what the girl said and simply tilted her head to the side in question. "Hello, sweetie. Do you need help with something?"
@ScorpionFlowerIt sounds good to me.
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