Avatar of ODAberration
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 63 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. ODAberration 3 yrs ago


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I'm 32 years old and I was lured into this forum because of our sick hobby. I come from a background of poetry and roleplaying starting in high school. I was a much better painter than I ever was writing, much less writing other than poetry. Today nothing has changed. I would love to become better and I welcome any critique.

I can handle something like 2 RPs at a time. I can guarantee at least 2 posts a week, typing 300-1500 words between dialogue and detail-oriented posts when the going is good. I can't function without some of that sweet OOC chat.

If you're looking to start a RP, my only restrictions are based on site rules — of which I frequently forget — and I think that a 2 paragraph bottom-line is reasonable. I prefer original characters and original stories.

I'm good for medieval, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, space-faring, western, or especially military/war roleplays. I always have a tiny itch for traditional pirate RPs; however, I've accepted long ago that I can't do it and no longer pursue them. I like gritty settings, tragedy, fast paced scenes, crawling tense scenes and a drop of natural romance. Also, nonsense is always fun.

If you would like to know more or have roleplay questions don't hesitate for a second, send them over.

If you're interested in roleplays with a bit of gunslinging, check out my guide below for some tips and ideas to create a foundation of firearms knowledge.


Most Recent Posts

Banned for exceeding Day 1 post limit.
On the internet I'm whoever you want me to be.

In real life I'm the default male character with stats distributed evenly.
In The Reliquary 3 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
Words. A reminder to use my brain and access vocab.

Decussate- To cross/ intersect like an X
abate- lessen, or cause to grow less
inept- clumsy, unskilled
gauche- tactless
Pharaonic- Excessively large and lavish
rueful- feeling/showing/express sorrow repentance regret
parlous- dangerous
harbinger- omen, forshadowing
torrential- falling in abundant violent streams
ergo- therefor
abscond- depart with secretly, avoid capture/discovery
ambit- a sphere of operation or influence; range; scope.
discombobulate- confuse, disconcert, upset.
Nonpareil- having no equal
amity- peaceful harmony
Dissident- bursting open or apart
Ravelment- confusion entanglement, degrading frustratingly
Stultify- to render ineffectual absurdly futile
guilleless- sincere- frank, straightforward
eidetic- imagery vividly experienced, accurately reproducible in detail
In The Reliquary 3 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
Partner text
My text

Warden 1
(Grand Marshall) 1
Marshall 2
Lord-Commander 5
(Knight-Captain) 20
Commander 25
(Knight) 1000
Sergeant Major 25
Sergeant 250
Corporal 1000
Man at Arms 100000
In The Reliquary 3 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum




<Snipped quote by ODAberration>

Pip-pip and all that.

*Sips tea*

*Twirls cane*

Cheerio, good Sir.
*Puts monacle on.*

I see you're cultured like myself.

*nods, tipping top-hat slightly*

*laughs in gentleman*
<Snipped quote by ODAberration>

What genre's do you prefer.

I'm good for medieval fantasy, sci-fi, space-faring, or military/war RP. I like gritty settings, horror, short fast paced scenes, crawling tense scenes, and of course a drop of romance. I always have a tiny itch for steampunk or traditional pirate RPs; however, I have accepted that I suck at them and no longer pursue, unless its something god personally delivers to me with a ribbon made of light. Singing angels and everything. What about you?

To get an idea of the types of stories and settings I like in a RP capacity:

Hello Staff and RPers,

I'm glad to see a thriving RPing community with which I can suffer the throes of this creative hobby. I have experience on some pro-board type forums as well as Gaiaonline many years back. I skimmed through this site on a whim and you've all inspired me to come back! I hope to see some of you on the battlefield.

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