Avatar of Okonuki
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    1. Okonuki 10 yrs ago


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Hey, finally managed to finish my character, hope I'm not too late :)

Hey, can I reserve a spot for Maurice Colton / FC Young Ian McKellen? Cheers

‘You alright there, Ariel? What was that all about?’ he said, offering her a cup of punch.

Jesus, it seemed at this party you couldn't take five steps without tripping over someone’s repressed feelings or splintered relationship. There was clearly something going on between Ariel and Marisol - the latino was drilling a hole through the other girl with her icy stare, only moving her eyes to flash them in anger when Ariel greeted her. Jordan had managed to get himself into a bit of an awkward situation- he’d initially turned away from Marisol to give Ariel a hand, only to find her not needing it and him seemingly pissing off Marisol in doing so. The two girls facing off reminded him of a mexican showdown in the old westerns, with their eyes glued on the other and their fingers twitching for nonexistent revolvers which, judging by the looks on their faces, were probably wishing were more in the realm of reality.

The eye contact was finally broken by Ariel after several long seconds, who took the offered cup of punch from Jordan’s hand with a grateful smile. The movement released several strands of raven coloured hair from her tresses, and she tucked them behind her ear with a petite hand.

"It's a really long story... I just don't really like being touched." She took a deep breath and locked her brown eyes with his, having to tilt her head back to look upwards into his face.

"Kinda makes me sound like a freak, doesn't it?"

‘You’re not a freak. I’m sure we all have our buttons we don’t like being pressed..’ The end of his reassurance tailed off slightly- he’d been distracted by a flash of Kavi’s black singlet splashing into the pool next to a hot redhead. To be honest, he had to internally applaud the polynesian’s bouncebackability at the least. In three minutes he’d gone from stone cold rejection from Ariel and right into sliding into conversation with another girl.

“After the scene that just happened, I imagine the dumbass is probably in a sour mood. First time getting rejected and all that.” The comment had come from the misfit he hadn’t seen before - Sonny, right? - seeming strangely happy about his friend getting turned down. He let out an almost relieved laugh. Maybe the Misfit’s ‘group bond’ was weaker than it seemed.

“And we have you to thank, Ariel. I have to imagine he’s not gonna be happy.” On the contrary, Ariel seemed far more shook up over her treatment of Kavi than the boy was. Jordan took a quick look over to the water to see Kavi still lounging and exchanging smiles with pool girl.

"I wasn't looking to start drama and I sure as Hell didn't mean to make Kavi mad. Or anyone else for that matter. Considering how he waltzed off to Nadia, I think he'll be just fine." While he could understand her outburst on Kavi, rarking Marisol up didn’t scream ‘not looking to start drama,’ to him, to be honest, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

The group parted slightly for a moment to make way for a pointy looking girl, her authoritative walk slightly off-set by the jolly straw hat she was wearing. As she brushed through the throng, her fingers lingered on Sonny’s arm for a second longer than perhaps necessary before disappearing into the crowd around the booze. Jordan noticed Marisol’s eyes widen at the sight and her mouth stiffen into a hard line. He could practically see steam start pouring from her ears. Perhaps seeking to defuse the ticking time-bomb of his friend, Archer leant in to whisper soft words in her ear. While Jordan couldn’t hear what was said from where he was standing, especially over the god-awful music the massive subs were booming, hopefully it would calm the girl down.

“You know what? Excuse me. I’m going to go drown myself in the Atlantic Ocean before I commit bloody fucking murder up in this party.” Her tone was sickly sweet, and the smile she delivered with the words was matching. Fucking hell, A+ on the placating words, Archer. She finished by turning away and flouncing away from the group into the darkness around the edges of the party.

‘Aw fuck, was it something I said?’ He said, directing the question at Marisol’s friends with an incredulous expression. Jordan wasn’t used to needing to step softly around the tripwires of established relationships and grudges, having spent most of his life in the same school and neighbourhood. It seemed he’d already managed to blunder and piss off Marisol, at the least.

Ten seconds after she had stomped off, a strangled yelp of pain came from her direction. Jordan spotted a tall guy writhing around on the ground, moaning in pain and unsuccessfully attempting to both clutch his crotch and staunch the flow of blood streaming from his nose. Jesus, did Marisol just do that? Concerned bystanders had surrounded the poor guy, giving him tissues and sympathetic words. From the looks of it, they’d probably be better off searching for his balls in the back of his throat where she’d kicked them. Marisol seemed to have hit and run, as try as he might, he couldn’t spot where she’d gone.

His mind was taken off the brutal assault by Ariel once again. "So is your first American party everything you hoped and wished it would be?" she said with a laugh.

‘Oh, everything I ever hoped and more,’ he said with a wry grin. ‘Booze, birds and beatings, what’s more to want?’ He shook his punch, almost empty now. ‘You’ve even got the red cups! I feel right at home.’

‘Although about those birds.. What just happened? You and Marisol got something between you or what? She wasn’t looking too happy, even before she threatened murder- well, and attempted it on him,’ he said, gesturing over his shoulder at where the hispanic dude was still clutching tissues at his nose. ‘I’d like to know what I’m getting into before I go blundering around pissing people off again.’

Well, Jordan had always put a lot of stock in first impressions, and Kavi Salvador was acting slightly like a cocky shit. He had an arrogant smirk plastered across his face as he returned Jordan’s handshake, squeezing like he was trying some alpha shit. After releasing their grips, Kavi went straight back to bragging for Ariel and ignored him again. Jordan took the chance to surreptitiously wipe his palm clean on his shorts.

“Well, ya know, I figured El Asso deserved only the best that Kavi Salvador had to offer,” Jordan was quickly losing interest in the conversation. While he’d initially approached Ariel because she was cute and alone, Kavi butting in had quickly made her lose the appeal of aloneness. He took a quick break to take a look around the party around them, hoping to spot Bea or someone he knew. Droplets splattered down around them on the wet tiles as a girl surfaced from the center of a bomb zone of turbulent water in the pool. There were yet more people arriving, spilling out of the back doors and walking into the pool area. A ring of drunk partiers were making attempts at dancing around a massive speakers blaring reggaeton.. “...let's go dance.”

Woah, hold on a sec, what had just happened? Take your mind of a conversation for one second.. Kavi was towing Ariel off by the hand towards the dancers, ignoring her weak protests. She locked her eyes on his for a second in a silent plea. Man, fuck being the nice guy, he was going to give that shit a piece of his mind.

‘Oi, shithead..’

“Hey!” He turned away from Kavi and Ariel for a second to see a short girl, accompanied by a small posse calling out to him. The gears churned in his head for a second before he remembered Marisol, and assumedly her gang of Misfits. Archer he knew from English, and the asian was probably the Jun Bea had mentioned. The other guy was an unfamiliar face.

“You’re that new Brit kid from English, right?” Well hey, she recognized him at least. That was a start.

‘Yeah, that’s me.’

“Cool. I’m Marisol, and these are my buddies: Archer, Sonny and Jun. We’re The Misfits. Welcome to Palm Beach.”

Sonny, he thought, storing the name away. ‘It’s good to meet you guys,’ he said, nodding at them. ‘But can you give me a second? I’ve got to go give my friend a hand.’ He turned away from them back to Ariel’s predicament.

"No!” She was shouting at Kavi now, who was looking almost stunned at being turned down.

"Kavi, no. You can't just drag people around. You can't make them do something they don't want to. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go finish welcoming Jordan to Hell." Ariel was looking pretty upset- while Kavi had been pretty forceful the reaction seemed out of proportion for the situation. Maybe she just didn’t like being touched. Staring at the floor as if in shame at her outburst, she didn’t notice the Misfits until she was back next to Jordan. She cleared her throat before greeting Marisol awkwardly.


Luckily, Kavi seemed to have seen reason and taken the high road, disappearing into the crowd and haze. At least he’d had the grace to do that and prevent a scene, but the crowd around them was still growing larger. The drink table seemed to be the place to be and the drama was exacerbating the throng. He spotted Victoire pouring shots down her throat further along like it was going out of style and a blond kid he didn’t recognize joining the action.

‘You alright there, Ariel? What was that all about?’ he said, offering her a cup of punch.

‘Hey, you been here long?’ he said, smiling warmly. ‘I’m Jordan.’

"My whole life," the girl said, looking distracted by the noise and movement of the party around them. They looked at each other for a second in mutual confusion before she seemed to realise what he’d actually said and let out a small laugh at the misunderstanding. First Bea, now her- he seemed to have a knack at picking out the awkward girls.

"You meant the party... right. I'd say a good twenty minutes or so. Gods, I feel like such an idiot now." Twenty minutes and she was still alone? She seemed to be the wallflower type, standing aside and watching the going-ons of the party from the safety of the drinks table. She still seemed flustered by his approach- her fingers were wrapped around her cup and squeezing like a stress ball as she took another sip.

‘No worries. I’m sure the conversation will flow a lot smoother after a couple more cupfuls,’ he said, with a little laugh.

"I’m Ariel, by the way.’

‘A pleasure, I’m sure,’ he said with a small mock bow.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted another party goer making a beeline for them. A shortish, asian looking guy wearing a black tank top. Probably just getting a drink from the collection of bottles behind them.

“Hey, Ariel,” they said with a wide smile, and Jordan raised an eyebrow at their casual disregard of him. Maybe they didn’t like introductions.

“You’re looking great in that two-piece.” Interesting. Ariel was flushing even more than she had at Jordan’s introduction. Perhaps he had accidentally wandered into the middle of a couple, or at least a ‘thing.’ Backing off a little might be in order, being the stranger in a strange land and not wanting to make any enemies in his first week. Despite the guy’s smug, punchable face, he restrained himself from saying anything dumb.

"Thanks Kavi. You tidy up pretty nicely yourself. Kavi Salvador, meet the dude with the awesome accent. Accent Dude, meet Kavi." Accent dude, alright. He’d hoped to make a better first impression than that at the school, but oh well. Jordan swapped his cup into his left and extended a stiff handshake to Kavi. It seemed like a day of introductions.

‘Actually, I prefer Jordan. I guess if you really want, you can call me Accent Dude too though.’ He gave a lazy smile and eyeballed Kavi with a cautious look. His tank top showed off well muscled arms and he had a capable, charming smile. Possibly not one to antagonize.
Jordan : uh oh

Bea seemed scandalised by his closeness, clapping a hand over the ear he had spoke into. Her face was hot with embarrassment and her mouth gaped open, astonished at his behaviour. The reaction seemed a little out of proportion- had no one ever whispered at her before? Luckily she had her hands clasped over her face so she didn’t notice him grinning at her response.

Her hands peeped open to show a little of her flushed cheeks and nervous eyes, and she seemed to struggle to form words. She stuttered out a weak apology, seeming to shake with nervousness.

"Uhm... I'm not used to... I don't mean..."

Jords fought the urge to laugh at her delightful confusion as she scrambled to piece a sentence together. He could almost hear the rusty cogs grinding in her head like a poorly-maintained engine. While his attention had flustered girls before, he rarely got such a reaction from just a moment of close proximity.

"You smell nice."

He laughed a little at her unexpected response. So this is what the engine had spat out?

‘It’s all in the coconut shampoo,’ he teased, winking. She seemed to come to her senses, but her cheeks stayed well red. It sounded like she thought a change of topic would make him forget the moment of bewilderment.

"Uhm... I think the kind of people you might like would be the misfits. Self-named. Aptly so. My best friend since we were babies is one of them. His name is Jun. Archer and Marisol are in the back there."

She talked in short sentences, perhaps trying to avoid stumbling over her words like before. The Misfits, eh? Sounded like some kind of emo band. Jordan wasn’t a big fan of emos, with their tendency of mixing up too much edginess and too much eyeliner, but as he followed her gesture to the back of the classroom the two looked fairly normal. He had noticed their grand entrance a minute ago, exchanging quips with the grumpy Gomez.

"Archer is nice. He tells a lot of jokes, though I don't get most of them. Uhmm... I don't think Marisol likes me. But you might get along well with her."

Archer looked a bit too stiff to be a ‘Misfit.’ His uniform was neat and tailored to his lean build and he slouched back in his chair with his arms crossed across his chest, giving off a ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here,’ vibe.
Marisol was short and somehow managed to already look bored at the dated literature posters and whitewashed walls of their classroom. She reminded Jordan of that boxer he used to see on TV.. What was her name again? Soleil or something? With the class of people Crowns attracted it wouldn’t have surprised him if they were related.

They were talking quietly between each other as he turned back to Bea. She was looking away from him now, at a tall boy making his way through the maze of desks towards them. Another latecomer. He took a seat in the middle of the class near Bea, and she turned towards him.

"Oh hey Johnny. I didn't know it was you."

Jordan didn’t blame her for clutching onto the nearest familiar face after their conversation. She still seemed flustered, and she seemed to struggle to form a smile. He smiled at the reference. She didn’t seem like the sort to watch, let alone quote that sort of movie.
The guy looked interesting with his height and model-like features, and Jords wasn’t exactly surrounded by friends, so he nodded and smiled at the boy.

‘Hey, I’m Jordan. Are you one of these Misfits I’m hearing about?’

His joke seemed to have confused Bea- she looked lost and distraught at his apparent betrayal as she fished a tatty flip phone out of her skirt pocket and held it out to him. He made a mental note not to to shoot out too many sarcastic jokes- maybe at her height everything went over her head. Her outstretched hand was quivering like a trapped mouse, nervous at what must have seemed to her to be some kind of backalley shakedown. He had to admit, this was the first time Jords had accidentally bullied someone, and he scrambled to fix his mistake.

"Just joking... What makes you think I don’t like you? I’ve only been talking to you for five minutes and it’s not like you’ve been a dick. I’m not about to turn around and ditch you as soon as I see another person walk in."

Maybe that was laying it on a bit thick- after all, he hadn’t yet seen any girls hot enough to be worth abandoning Bea, but that didn’t mean he’d put his life on the promise. But a small part of him wanted to stay close to the shorter girl. Yes, she was a little quirky, but there was something about her that made Jords a little reluctant to let go.

A relieved look came over Bea’s face at his explanation, before her cheeks reddened at the kind-of compliment. She flopped a few idle strands of her bushy hair over her eyes like a small child playing at hide and seek- like if she couldn’t see him then Jords wouldn’t see her rosy cheeks.
His first day wasn’t going in the way he had anticipated. At this point he’d expected to be sharing an illicit smoke with some jocks in the car park while wagging first spell, not blundering through conversation with an awkward midget. But hey, new school new Jordan.

"I'm a bit... strange. I sometimes say the wrong thing. Or I accidentally say something mean. So, I think I make a lot of people uncomfortable. And being friends with me might hurt your chances to find other friends. Maybe."

‘You don’t seem too bad to me. Yeah I can see the strangeness, but who isn’t a little quirky? And I’m sure just being friends with ‘the strange girl’ won’t make me a reject. And if it does, it is what it is I suppose.’

She sighed and rested her head on her hands, gazing at him for the back of her chair with a cool, almost bored look.

"But I'd be glad to be friends with you. If it turns out you don't like me just say so. It won't hurt me."

He resisted the urge for another sarcastic joke and smiled at her instead. Safer than risking confusing her again with another quip. She seemed to be still thinking over his previous line and tapped on her lips with an index finger.

"Where are you from? You speak funny."

‘Funny, eh? The disrespect from you colonists! The english motherland, of course! Rule Britannia and all that, eh old chap?’ He goofed, putting on an over-the-top chummy guvna accent to complete his performance before dropping back into his normal light-hearted tones.

‘Hopped the pond last Friday. Unfortunately I couldn’t get out of the first few weeks just cause we moved, so now I’m here on the first day. Speaking of my first day, any more tips for the newbie? And speaking of making friends- not that I’m dropping you or anything- but are there any of your mates that you think would hang out with my type?’ He said, before leaning forward to whisper conspiratorially in Bea’s ear.
‘Everyone here look a little too preppy for me,’ he said, glancing over at a girl at the front with immaculate uniform and movie-nerd thick frames who was organizing a pile of notes.

‘Got any jocks? Burnouts? Maybe the kind that sneak smokes in the car park. Or the kind that shove nerds into lockers, that’s always a laugh.’

Bea seemed to hesitate, staring at his hand like it was some kind of strange, foreign object. Her eyes flitted from his hand to his face, as if confused as to why he was extending it. Finally, she reached out and took his in hers. Her handshake seemed soft and hesitant. Maybe he was coming on a little too strong- it seemed like talking was a little out of her easy reach.
Her fingers curled around his and he grinned again. Her grasp was light, hesitant, like she was scared he was going to pull her from her chair.

‘It’s okay. I don’t bite,’ he teased. She smiled back and it seemed to match the rest of her- timid and small. He relaxed the shake and she pulled her hand back into her lap like she was darting away from the edge of a cliff.

‘I’m Beatrice Endive. Bea for short.’

Endive? Like the vegetable? Bea was a nice name though. He had never known a Beatrice before.

‘Charmed, I’m sure.’

Bea looked back at the map she’d drawn, her face falling back into an impassive sheet.

"To watch newbies suffer, I'm sure. Or perhaps to force people to make friends. Either way, they probably find it entertaining," she said, answering his earlier question.

He laughed. ‘Well hey, I’m making friends. So I guess it’s working, huh?’

She turned back to the front, where Gomez was pulling a large bundle of what looked disturbingly like pop quizzes from his desk draw. The classroom was almost full now and there were only a couple empty seats left at the back - the ‘troublemakers’ section.

Bea turned her head back again to look at Jords, slumping like a bad mood.

"You know... You don't have to force yourself to talk to me. You can just take what you need from me until you find people you like."

‘Really? Sweet! Can I have your lunch money and your phone?’ he said, letting out a barking laugh.

‘Just joking.. What makes you think I don’t like you? I’ve only been talking to you for five minutes and it’s not like you’ve been a dick. I’m not about to turn around and ditch you as soon as I see another person walk in.’

“You’re huge. That’s so strange you think it is big.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

‘Yeah, I guess my old school was pretty small. It was a bit like this one, but only boys. Not that I spent much time in it.’

She shrugged her shoulders and bounced off down the hallway. Despite her height, she was a quick walker, taking fast little steps that reminded Jords of a cat chasing after a runaway ball. He had to take several of his long strides to catch up. They passed through a tall-ceilinged entrance hall with wet paint signs on the walls and a fresh smell that reminded him of a hospital.

They soon made their way through some double doors that took them into a long hallway and he followed the girl through a couple more maze-like corridors until they reached their classroom. Jords took a look through the frosted glass and saw a few students already at their desks, pens and books out despite a couple minutes being left before the bell. Probably the nerds who’d been counting the days until school started. Maybe he should have hung out at the entrance a little longer, seen if he could get in with anyone else. A bit late now. His companion pushed the door open and gestured at the desks.

“I suggest sitting in the middle. He keeps an eye on the back because that’s where the troublemakers sit. In the front you are in his line of vision to answer questions. Middle is safe.”


Troublemakers? Back in Chelsea he’d definitely been a troublemaker. He’d been called a nuisance, a teacher’s worst nightmare- a pain in the arse of anyone unfortunate enough to be in his classes, even though he and his crew of jocks spent more time in detention or wagging class than in it. But now what? They were back home, and he was here, and his only acquaintance had already taken her seat - wait what the hell? She already had her book out and was scribbling away. They couldn’t have handed out work already could they? Whatever.

He slung his bag down in what looked like the gray zone between troublemakers and plebs, a seat across and behind from her. He wanted to try and stick a little close to her, but he also didn’t want to clutch at the first person he met and miss the opportunity to meet anyone else on the first day. The other students were mainly clustered at the front, messing with their files and binders covered in multi-coloured post it notes. Swots. Jordan made a stark contrast as he pulled a leaky pen and a ragged exercise book from his bag, before tearing the couple pages of crap he’d already written last year in the front out.

He saw the girl turn around in front of him. She seemed to be holding a little piece of paper towards him and he took it from her and glanced at it. She’d drawn an intricate map of the school, complete with labels and- interesting. Her number next to a stylie ‘Bea.’ That must be her name- he realised he’d forgotten to ask beforehand.

“If you need something feel free to text. But you’re pretty enough you’ll find friends soon.”

Pretty enough? Interesting compliments, an eagerness to help and now her phone number.. was this strange little girl hitting on him? Jordan’s normal confidence was coming back to him now. Five minutes into the new school and he already had a girl’s number. Plus, as the class started to slowly fill with more students, he could see a few potential ‘troublemaker’ friends taking their seats at the back. A short, pudgy latino wearing a collared shirt and tie dumped a stack of textbooks on the teacher’s desk and took a seat. Mr Gomez, if he had to hazard a guess.

Bea gave a small, unpracticed smile and he gave a wide grin back.
‘Sorry, got so caught up in new school nerves I forgot to introduce myself.’

He held out a large hand for a handshake. ‘Jordan Henderson, at your service. And thanks for this map- surprised the admin aren’t handing these out.’

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