Avatar of olcharlieboi
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    1. olcharlieboi 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current BDO free to grab for 21 hours and then keep forever on steam... heck ya!
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6 yrs ago
I'm writing a novel on Royalroadl called The True Dungeon King, hope I can get people to critique and help me improve!
7 yrs ago
Started playing warframe fo the ps4 two days ago, enjoying it, even made my own clan though need members for it, going to be a small clan.
7 yrs ago
Recreated an old classic in my gmed rps, with a much better system than originally made, hope people will also enjoy it.
7 yrs ago
Armstrong set to set everything up in a week to four weeks, soon glorious better internet.


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Most Recent Posts

@Ether @Junkojuro @Ixa
Where are you three? I haven't heard anything on discord or on here, you three have been entirely quiet so I have grown worried. If it's still exams or something than understandable about not being able to work on the rp at the time.
@Azure Flame I was but then with some chat with Lemon it ended up like this, I still have a mostly completed CS for the golem one if need to use it instead in the end lol.
My character/back-up character so far will probably have 1-2 more back-up characters then decide properly when all options are front and center.

Current Main idea
Slime character

Name:Charles McCloud

Gender: Male (technically)

Age (14-16): 15

Appearance: minus the eyes and mouth can sense his surroundings in this form, 'standing' at around 1 foot weighing 40 pounds normally. the color of his body tends to change depending on his emotions. normally is a clear white like color. human form is the one above standing around 6 feet 5 inches, around 140 pounds.

Costume:His costumes only consist of various masks he wears

Personality: Sly in terms of things about himself, but normally can be slightly mischievous if given the chance. Though also has a fairly lazy personality to many things

Quirk: Slime Body - This quirk turns it's user into essentially the fantasy stories slime. His body is very moldable allowing unnatural flexibility, his body can freely transform/mimic other things, regenerate, and dissolve matter that enters it to eat, among other things. by using this power he usually maintains a human form for convenience. While he can regenerate it takes a great deal of time to do so, since he has to replace the matter he lost by dissolving more matter, as long as his 'core' remains anyways.

Quirk Flaws (Are permanent and cannot be bypassed): even though he can become solid in terms of phyiscal activities his body is always fluid, while he can land a punch just as hard as anyone else, maybe more if he mimics some kind of metal, but his body is still fluid so electrical and similar attacks will highly effect him. Maintaining any transformation/mimic requires concentration, and it takes time to dissolve matter and regenerate according to the matter/loss. While in his original form he is pretty physically weak and could easily be harmed.

Quirk Limitations (That can be worked on and improved): While he can maintain transformations and mimic things with enough concentration he can only maintain these forms for limited amount of time before his body forces itself back to it's original state the amount of time he can keep this form can be extended with training, same with how fast he can transform and how many things he can transform at once like combining aspects of different mimic forms. (claws of a beast with metal making very sharp claws as an example)

The reason they want to be a hero: He was always seen weak throughout his school years and so he decided he wanted to show everyone they was wrong, that he has great potential.
@Eklispe @Ether @Junkojuro @Ixa
First Meeting


Seeing all of them holding their resolve the golem would sigh "Alright.. don't blame me, and be sure to be respectful" he states before turning towards the door and walking up to them. He'd open the doors revealing an entrance hall, lobby like, room. It had coat and hat hangers for guests. The floor would have red carpet coming from the door ahead that goes through the middle of the room. Inside the stone walls would look like they was brand new instead of destroyed. The actual floor seeming to be made out of some mysterious dark wood.

The golem would glance at them "Please place any coats, cloaks, and such on the stands if you are accepted and survive then they can be moved to your rooms later" he states before waiting a second and continuing through the two wooden doors reinforced with metal that had the red carpet from under it. The next room would be a grand hall with the red carpet getting bigger leading to the opposite end of the huge room, there would be pillars on either side of the carpet along with some statues inlayed into the walls. The ceiling would have a strange painting covering it that looks similar to the valley, except there was more buildings, and the castle looked as if it was brand new.
At the far end of the room up a small set of steps would be a throne, it's material would be unknown from this distance. there would be doors at various points on either side. Before taking even a second to gander at the surroundings the golem would take a door that was immediately to their right after entering the new room it would appear to be a huge library study. the ceiling would raise over four stories above them, except in the middle of the room where it seems to extend up into one of the towers they saw on the outside. There would be book cases lining the walls, and in various clusters throughout the room. a circular book case would be in the center of the room raising up into the unknown tower. There wouldn't be any ladders or anything so makes one wonder how their suppose to reach the books.

The Golem would speak as he walks "Please keep up, this place can be confusing.... people have gotten lost in this room before and died of starvation for it is much bigger than it appears and can become very much a maze for those inexperienced" he states to them as he walks through a couple sets of book cases, after a fifteen minute walk they would come to the other side where it's clear of book shelves, instead there is pedestals lining the wall each with one book on them, a huge grand fire place directly in front of them. between them and the grand fire place would be a very comfortable looking seat, and a table next to it. A tray of food sitting on the table, and they can see the hint of an arm laying on the seat's arm rest.

The golem would walk up to the seat and speak "Master we have guests" a low voice would reply, "I said I don't want to be disturbed". Which the golem would speak "You have been this way for the past couple of thousand years, it's time to get out and do things" he would state. Which the other voice would grumble, much like a child.

The Master

As the person than rose from the seat and walked around into view, his appearance was a strange one, especially for him to have pointed ears. But physically he also looked much younger than the four who have arrived. his clothes would be like that of royality, his skin seeming to slightly change color as they looked at him from a dark blue-ish purple to getting a reddish tint and his face would be that of slight annoyance he opened his mouth to speak but then he glanced over Hilda he stopped and closed his mouth taking a deep breath the red tint vanishing from his skin, and his skin seeming to become slightly more younger for some reason "..what do you four want from me, why do you disturb my isolation?" he would state the question to them.
@Junkojuro @Ixa @Eklispe @Ether

The golem would raise a wooden brow at what he was hearing from inside the carriage. Some of them had obvious thoughts of why they wanted to become wizards but he started to feel they was very naive in this situation. believing if they simply wasn't good at magic they would be able to keep trying over and over until they succeed. While this is true after they become apprentices aslong as they don't kill themselves, it is not true for becoming one. This would cause the golem to speak out towards the children, "I believe some of you are under false assumptions, you see if you are accepted as an apprentice, you go through your first test and if your not good you die, for the magic that will pass through your veins will rip you apart from the inside" he states clearly for them to hear and allows them to contemplate his words.

After a couple of minutes the golem would speak again "I will warn you all now, when you meet the master don't let his appearance fool you. Don't judge by what you see" he would sigh before continuing "Most wizards within the first thirty years of mastering magic, they find some way to stop their aging, while this method can vary like giving up your humanity and becoming a monster.. most still do it, the master is no different he but his magic affect his appearance, it caused his phyiscal appearance to change for many reasons including his emotions, so don't judging him when you see him. Be respectful and truthful in his presence"

It would be a couple hours before they arrived at the somewhat ruined down castle, the outer walls covered in moss and vines, even the castle itself had them, flowers as well. Going past the gatehouse into the courtyard, which was big enough for 3 dragons to lay side by side in any direction, there would be the castle directly ahead with three towers raising up into the sky from it. To the left would be a barn like stables where some strange creature sounds was coming from. There would be a stone path through the middle of the courtyard connecting the buildings, and a big fountain in the middle of it all, but the path would be in rough shape as well with peices cracked and missing.

The rest of the courtyard besides being overgrown in various plants, some probably never seen before, there would be statues laying everywhere, some looking brand new. While others broken and overgrown, there would be a statue for pretty much every species that exists besides humans and undead. This includes a couple of beastkin statues, finally there was also torn and shredded banners laying over the place that use to have some kind of symbol but is undecipherable now.

The carriage would come to a stop shortly before the castle, the doors and steps opening out on their own again as the golem jumps off the carriage to await for the others.
Wooden Golem

@Ether @Ixa
The golem would stare at the two who asked him for a ride even after what he told them. It would be at this time the golem noticed Hilda's horns and he would lean in towards her looking closely. He would mumble under his breath "yes... you might just do..." almost inaudible. He would lean back and look towards the castle as if in thought then suddenly turns back towards the two "..alright, but don't blame me for what happens" he simply states "Climb on in" as he says those words the carriage door would open by itself, a small staircase like ladder would fold out from the edge as well to give a foot hold. The inside of the carriage would be much larger than the outside would appear. It would be big enough it could fit 10 people comfortably with some even laying down and resting.

The carriage even had a cooking area, with various magical cooking utensils powered by magic crystals, and even a table to eat at, this was undoubtedly not a regular carriage. One could live in this carriage very easily for years from the look of it. There was even a food container off tho the side with icy blue crystals attached to it. Ice magic crystals to keep whats inside from rotting. After waiting for them to climb in, the ladder would retract on it's own and the door would close before the carriage started to move again, which you couldn't even feel from the inside. You could see the outside moving through the windows but not feel it.

@Eklispe @Junkojuro
The Carriage would catch up to the other two in matter of seconds somehow, the trees seeming to bend as the carriage came close moving out of it's way. The golem would greet Sophia and Callum, "Hello there, I take it you two are here to see the master as well.... if so hop on in, I'll take you there" he would simply state, "The way is covered in magical beasts so going by foot is usually a death sentence" he decides to tell them, his voice slightly echoing into the carriage, as the door opens and the ladder pops out. Waiting on them before he continues.
Mysterious Traveler

@Eklispe @Junkojuro @Ether @Ixa
Behind Leonardo and Hilda who still stand at the entrance to the valley, they would hear the clip-clop of horse hooves, and the wooden sounds of a carriage. It would first be echoing slightly around them thanks to the pass before a carriage appears from behind, at first it would just be a simple shape of a carriage. When it gets close it would appear to be very much like the carriage of a noble, very extravagant, though it is very worn down like it hasn't been taken care of well. The most shocking thing though would be whats pulling the carriage, they look like clockwork horses. For those with some slight magical knowledge they would be a type of Golem with many moving parts.
The rider would be wearing a full body black cloak making it impossible to tell who or what they are from a distance. The carriage would pull up to the side of the two, the upwards angle giving them the means to glance under the hood revealing a wooden face. It was another type of golem, but this one could speak as it spoke "Why hello there" it's voice would sound similir to a very old butler who's been around for some time. "Why would there be two....." he would stop his words and look forward "Make that four... children running around such a dangerous place?" he would ask, even though the two walking would probably be out of sight by how he noticed them. Before continuing "I do hope you aren't here to become magic users... to become wizards... the master hasn't taken any disciples for such a very long time" he stated in a very sad sounding voice. "Ever send he went into his depression.." the golem would sigh very much seeming sad even though his face was emotionless. It was simply the way his body moved, it would be around this moment that they would also notice a small mist that was seeming to follow the carriage.

Zero would return his gaze back to Haley, "Is showing a lot of skin a bad thing?" he would ask, clearly not getting the picture. Even though she asked if they could speak about something else, he didn't have much else to ask since the trail of conversation had lead to here. He would simply watch her, he would then say "Is asking questions about what one doesn't understand a bad thing?" asking that shortly after. "These concepts.. are confusing... I do not understand.." after saying such he would look to the floor trying to wrack his brain around the emotions he is seeing, and why they exist.

Of course while having this conversation he is watching everything on the cameras with his quirk, seeing that the boy team is conversing about what to do, noticing both teams are almost ready.

Zero would just seem confused at her concern "Costume too revealing?" he would ask her "What does that mean?" He says out turning his head bit sideways looking at her before looking back at his own costume confused on the meaning. While she was speaking common sense, it was clear to him it was a foreign as a meteor crashing on a planet. He was slightly hoping for the test to get underway so he could analyze everyone's abilities and make proper combat simulations relating to everyone.

Charles would simply take a seat on the floor looking at those who was left noticing Haley's behavior, which made him turn his head at her. Without thinking much about it he would ask her "What is wrong?" while he would seem curious, his face didn't show anything and it was as if looking at a plastic faced robot, though at least he looked human. Vocally how ever he did sound somewhat confused, human emotions was so strange to him. While his head was turned towards Haley he would just use his quirk to connect to the cameras they was watching so he could watch it without having to do so physically.
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