Avatar of ONL
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    1. ONL 10 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current I now identify as a Master Procrastinator. Thank you all, and good night.
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1 yr ago
New medical term: Dizzy mummy (condition of patient when world is spinning and only treatment is confinement to bed). I hate being sick...
1 yr ago
@Vampiretwilight: Funny indeed. Now to make it into a roleplay here...let the madness and sassy Narrator commence.
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1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
Anyone up for some esoteric fun with cosmic horror? Wait! The stars are soon right! Tekeli-Li!


-The bio will be added once the profile user can be bothered to finish it. Right now he's probably busy doing nothing and stressed about more. Please come back later. Have a nice day.

Most Recent Posts

Robert Adler

Location: Indiana(Entering Grimm)
Skills: N/A

"Say what? This ain't the coffee?" Robert replied in jawning disbelief, trying to stretch his body away the best he could without taking up too much space in the car. At first he didn't register it properly, but clearly Adelaide was not in fact okay. "Okay, what else have we eaten together then…" Robert was in the process of asking, still not entirely convinced of this not being anything normal. People didn't just all of a sudden start having fuzzy vision. Right?

Clearly Robert was wrong, as he finally looked out of the car. People all around them were freaking out over something, which must have been the same haze that troubled him and Adelaide. Okay, there had to be logical and sound reason for this. Robert didn't turn to Adelaide as she almost ran over a family getting in the way, holding on for dear life. "Jesus fucking Christ Almighty!" Okay, things were getting seriously out of control faster than Catholic priest confessing in a brothel. "Okay…this ain't just some coffee…what the crap is going on, Adelaide? Is Grimm really this cursed?"

Since the haze was affecting everyone around them, surely this had to be more than a local thing. Pulling out his phone, Robert began typing away on it, trying to Google the shit out of this. "What do you bet this…fog-thingy is messing with others?"

Mahendra Huq Zalil & Richard Barker

Location: Athribis (Underground)
Skills: Geology, Excavation, Understanding of local Egyptian superstition - Observation, People-reading, Deduction

Mahendra would have let out a most proper and polite sigh of relief now that the honourable Lord Major was more inclined to delve deeper into the unknown in search of Bella, but his body did not let him have the pleasure of it. Firstly Gene's continuous un-lady like behaviour was giving him quite the headache, both as a figure of speech and slowly giving him an actual headache with her frank speech. It was not proper for Mahendra to give her a stern talk, though he wanted to; that was for the Lord Major to take care of, even if he wasn't the de facto leader of the little Fellowship. But Mahendra did give her a stern look, annoyed at her.

Secondly, and more strange than anything else, was the mystical haze that had set upon him and his vision. But as Mahendra heard the others mention it as well, it would seem he was not alone in being effected by this phenomenon. "Yes, Lauren dear, I see it too…Miss Kingston?" Mahendra assured first Lauren that he was experiencing the same, then turning to Nora as she spoke to him. Were they all under this veil of fog? "Lord Major, Miss Benaszewski? Do you see it too?" Mahendra was at this point focusing on assisting Nora in her map-making, instead trying to figure out what on Earth was befalling them!

Further up the tunnel, Richard and Faye were still trying to make sense of what they'd found so far. Richard kept his eyes locked onto the group of strangers snooping around up ahead of them, listening intently to what Faye speculated about their case. "Them trying to figure out why that man died? Could be, who knows how many people the ticket-man told that story to. Still doesn't answer why they'd be interested…then again, we're here." Ricard speculated back to Faye, turning around for a moment to look at her with the mention of a gun, rubbing his eyes trying to get whatever annoyed his eyes out. No success…great.

"You and me both, but guns in this country would be just as tricky as an armless guy playing the violin. Hopefully push won't come to show…" Richard had wanted to bring his gun along with him, but honestly didn't think it was worth it now. Having to explain why he, an American tourist in Egypt needed a loaded gun on him, he wasn't too keen on that. Perhaps when he had time he could get a proper permit for it, unless both that and the gun got nicked off him. Then he'd be in real trouble. Hopefully these people would be causing any of that…

Deep in that thought, Richard attempted to move quietly forward towards the group talking amongst themselves about something. He needed to get closer…and in the process tripped on something and falling face first onto the ground of sand and stone, sliding forward and almost falling into a…a hole in the ground? Had it been there before? Perhaps his blurred vision had obscured it at the distance? This really was starting to feel more and more like a Pulp-novel.

Mahendra was coming up blank with his mental analysis of the haze. It wasn't like anything he'd come across or experinced before himself, so what could it be? "I don't know what sorcery this is…not an allergy or simple dust, that I can assume…" Mahendra informed the others who were experiencing the divine veil, but getting no further when he heard something. Turning around to where the sound came from, he was taken back at seeing a man lying on the tunnel floor, clearly having fallen over. Where on Earth did he come from?

"By the Gods, what on Earth? Who are you, what are you doing here, Sir?" Had they been discovered, had their cover been blown?

Richard lifted his head and slowly began to push himself off the sandy floor beneath him, his eyes meeting those of the group they had tried and utterly failed to keep an eye on. One of them, a foreign-looking fella with a thick accent talked to him. This could mean trouble, real and mean trouble. What were they going to do to him? As Richard got slowly back up on his feet, he couldn't figure out head from tail. Either those people were the friendliest bunch of tourists he'd seen, or the meanest bastards he'd come across. The only thing he could do now, he thought, was to act calmly and not attract any attention to Faye in the background. If he was fucking up this, he was doing it alone and not dragging her down with him.

"Well…I'd ask you bunch the same thing, but it's obvious you lot are looking for something. Clearly you weren't chased down here by crazy goats or camels." Richard said back to the group, holding up his half-lit torch and resting his blackjack club under the arm, pinching his still lit cigarette between his fingers as he pulled in a good drag. Was he smoking socially, or as a soldier before a firing squad? He had to act calm and think quickly. "Look pal, I'll give you a square deal; You tell me what you and your friend are doing here, and I'll tell you. Simple, and we can all walk away from here like merry lambs, without the authorities getting unnecessarily involved? Capiche?"

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Alexander was trying to keep out all the various distractions that kept him from focusing completely at the Mel Brooks movie on the TV; Wayne who was for some reason permitted to baby-sit little Jamie of James and Tatiana, Hank who decided to wake up just now, Hunter the young soldier with a troubled mind akin to himself playing pool with Nikki and…oh, who was Alexander fooling? It was difficult for the old veteran to not pay attention to what happened around him, it was an old habit that dragged itself up from the bloody mud in 'Nam and to the conference room of Florida. For an old man though, he was quite good at watchig both the TV and the others.

Manny wasn't sitting with Alexander for this one, so Alexander didn't have anyone else to keep his mind occupied. So he couldn't help but wonder how in the Hell Wayne was able to keep watch over little Jamie, but he didn't object to it. He hated getting involved in matters like that, but more so was what Hank said about being a father. It struck a chord in ol' Alexander, giving the veteran a sad smile that filled his face for a moment as he fell deep into thought.

He wanted to be a dad himself, he really did. Judith wanted too…she had wanted too, but…It was a memory Alexander had repressed for a very long time now, but he held his jaw shut and his tears in check, like so many times before. It pained him, but the pain was nothing new and he had gotten used to repressing it, even before the whole world ended and God decided to make Alexander question everything that was holy.

They had wanted to be parents, both of them…but God was not on their side…and it was hurtful.

Alexander broke his forced stare of the TV, slowly looking up at Wayne and Jamie, both of who were soley invested in the movie, briefly looking over at the screen himself as he forced himself into conversation. "So…how's the little trooper? Okay?"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Basic Psychology

Nigel let out a sigh of relief at Erika giving him something to make fun of her with, laughing a little like she did, glad that she didn't take her own person as seriously as he did himself…perhaps Nigel "Hadrian" the neo-roman was as stuck up as Wayne made him out to be? Probably not, but he was glad nonetheless. "I'll try to remember it when the times is right, can't come up with anything right now, sadly…but thanks." Nigel said back to Erika, waiting for her judgement on them possibly joining the two old, 'wise' men of Hank and Wayne for more possible joking around himself.

While he listened to Erika's view on their verdict of whether or not they'd be allowed to stay, and what the deal was with between Hunter and Checkbook. She was right indeed, it would be an interesting match if things played out the way Aphrodite might have wanted it to be. Then again, Hunter had made progress since the first day they arrived at the Camp, and Nigel had slowly grown used to sharing quarters with him. The kid was scared, probably having seen a lot of shit since the wrld ended. Deep in that thought, Nigel almost didn't register the look on Erika's face as he'd nudged her foot back. For a moment he didn't realize what was wrong, but then he did, blushing a little himself and only giving her a brief glance. He tried to say something, but thankfully Erika broke the silence.

"Yeah…thanks, Erika…I'm glad at least one here calls me right…" Nigel thanked Erika, looking back up at her after their foot nudgeing, giving her a quick and playful tap on the shoulder at her last comment. "Hey! Don't you start having any funny ideas, okay? I can give you names too, you know…Officer…Officer Longhair Donuts?" Nigel managed to pull of a joke as he turned his attention towards what he had almost jumped into himself; The movie on the TV and Wayne. He had to admit, he had at first no idea what to make of the scene; Wayne sitting there calmly and collected with Jamie on his lap, keeping watch over the kid and enjoying the movie like…a loving adult? But the more he looked and the more he thought about it, it made more sense.

Wayne, the Calligua of the 21st Century had probably been a dad before Hades and his hordes conqured the living. And Jamie…he was keeping him in check. His madness. No more, if not less swatting around and talking into thin air, Wayne was so focused on little Jamie, it made Wayne more humane…it was really odd, yet beautiful to witness. Perhaps there was hope…"Perhaps there is hope, after all, for us all…? To begin again?"

Location: Armadillo || Mentions: NONE

"I'm going to ask you one last time, mister, and then I'll stop being so nice. Where did they go?" Two men stood outside under the open, now dimming sky of New Austin as the darkness of night was arriving in fast stride. One of the men stood tall and proud, though to the untrained appearing less than threatening to the normal cowboy out here on the arid plains. In his hand he brandished good old revolver, held firmly in its grip and swaying calmly by his side. So far, the talking man had not pointed it at the other one. The other stood not as tall or proud as the first, all beaten up and barely standing as he had just gotten up from his feet. The man was not a pretty sight to behold, neither his bruised eye and limping leg a sign of anything good having happened to the man.

"You can ask as many times as you'd like, pal, but I ain't talkin'. Not to a goodie two-shoes who'll get me hanged, you bastard." The broken man spat back at his interrogator, spitting a clot of blood at the blonde haired man. He was cleanly shaven and looked young, though the bags under his eyes spoke years of a difficult life. The blonde man sighed audibly, his eyes drifting down to his boots. Clearly he had not gotten the answer he'd wanted. The answer he needed. "If that's so…" he spoke up to his prisoner, head rising up as well as the revolver, pointed straight at the beaten sorry sod of a man. "Then I suggest you start running. I have no need for a silent man, and your kind's not welcome in this world either. I'll give you ten…"

The beaten man looked at first in angered confusion at the blonde man, until the cogs behind his eyes began to turn. Ten. Ten seconds. "Nine, eight, seven…" The count continued. He began to limp away as fast as he could, though it was too little, too late. "Three, two, one…" A shot rang out through the emptiness, wildlife scattering off in the distance, and then a quiet thump not too far away. The man was dead, shot through his back. The alive man stepped slowly over to his body, turning him around with his foot and looking at the dead man in his now empty eyes. "Our last lead, cold…God damnit…what now?"

Erik calmly rode into the only town he knew of in New Austin, his trusted stead Knegg carrying his human master on his back. Armadillo. It looked like a quaint little town, not too different from the one they had back home. Peaceful, open for newcomers. Hopefully. Erik longed for a drink, something to fill his empty stomach and cheer him up after today's failure of getting information; Where the "Gang" had gone off to. The only thing was that they had gone in the direction of Armadillo, but he doubted that they'd stayed there for too long, and decided to investigate around it. Came across a bandit who tempted him with hints, but never giving him a straight answer out of the bastard. And now he was dead, and Erik without clues.

"Perhaps tomorrow will come, and God will give an answer finally…don't you think, Knegg?" Erik asked his horse, who acted only as a horse should and went where Erik told him to. Without a reply from his trusted friend of a stead, Erik steared Knegg towards what must have been the local saloon, tied him to the post and made the now tiring steps up the stairs and through the swining doors. It looked just like any saloon, filled with exactly what Erik thought he'd meet of both people and mood. Erik walked slowly over to the counter and took a seat. "One whiskey, please." With the order put in, Erik reached into the satchel on his side and pulled out a worn piece of paper. On it was the unmistakable design of a wanted-poster, in the middle a few faces stacked beside each other of real mean-looking people.

These were the people who would pay dearly in blood. Erik would ensure that.

Robert Adler

Location: Indiana(Heading for Grimm)
Skills: N/A

Robert wasn't a fast sleeper by a long shot. He'd never been in his life, not even when he wanted to. It wasn't doing him any favours this time that he'd already drank a few cups of coffee before they set out on the road. As Robert leaned his head against the palm of his hand, resting against the car's passenger door, he shuffled around in his seat a little while only half listening to Adelaide. Oh yeah, this Malony character sounded like a lot of fun…if you wanted to be killed by a creep. Falling asleep, Robert was not looking forward to Grimm. It sounded like a bad place where bad thing happened. But so was Chicago, and he lived there?

Why was the sun so bright, and the air so warm? Robert stood on a beach, no it was a desert. He wanted to run from something, something terrible behind him He knew that if he stood still, it was coming to take him and make his life a whole lot of pain. So why couldn't he move? Robert looked in fear down at his feet, the sand slowly pulling the insurance fraud investigator down into it's grainy jaws. He felt weak and fragile as he couldn't move, only turn to see what loomed behind him. A darkness hovering over him, flying pieces of paper dropping by him and giving him paper cuts. He knew deep in his soul what this was, and as he saw the darkness envelope him and his vision shrouded, he heard it's name.

Time. Time slipping through his fingers, his life slipping through…

Robert shot his eyes open and stiffed his whole body upon awaking, looking dazzed around him. No, this was just Adelaide's car, nothing to fear. Robert jawned and rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them as he couldn't see properly. "Uh…how long was I gone? Any closer to Grimm or an approriate time for a break?" Robert asked his driver looking over at her, though the haze remaining. "I think I might have drank too much coffee…it's messing with my eyes. Hey, are you all right?"

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 Quarantine (Briefing -> Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

A briefing. A good, old fashioned military briefing with everything it required: Waiting on the NCO to brief them, the date of the previous mission or mission-releated incident, the contents of said mission or event and how it was affecting the whole strategic position in their sector of South Vietnam. And lasty, what they were going to do in order to adress this issue. That was the standard proceedure Alexander had gone through, time and time again back during the war, and he could so vividly see one of countless briefings flash across his face. Hey, where's 'Sarge? He'll be here soon enough, Bunker. He's never been this late before. Well duh, he's obviously back home making sweet, sweet to your mother. Screw you! Yeah screw you George. It ain't 'Sarge, Bunker's from Alabama you know, they do it differently there. I'll beat you, Polawski! All right everyone one, shut your faces and sit down. Here's the situation…

Alexander sat quietly on his chair and gave Gunny a welcoming nod as they were finally beginning the briefing. As the fold of papers were put on the table and Gunny began to turn them, Alexander asked himself what this could be about. The first thing to cross his mind was those asswipes at Eden they'd thrown back to Hell where they belonged. Were they still a threat? Had they followed the Eden group down to Florida? Or where Mexico Beach going after them? What he did not expect was a briefing about Thana.

The old veteran's eyes remained fixed on the two Martins as Gunny debriefed of everything that had went down; Thana leaving them for supplies, leading away the horde, nearly dying and coming back to life, and their reunion. His posture remained as straight as Alexander could manage in the pressence of the military, though his head slumped forward more and more as he thought to himself; Thana was alive all along, and they weren't told? They hadn't been straight up-front with them, giving them a half-truth in that she had been there and was gone. What did they think Thana's friends would take of it? That she was out shopping for groceries!? It was just like the military to do. Lying, never giving the fighting men the whole picture and instead handing out blurred images of what 'might' be. And in his silent observing of the briefing, it angered it. It seemed that nothing changed.

Nothing changed.

But then Gunny came to the last page, the last step on the way of clarity, and Alexander's head rose up again. It wasn't Gunny, General or anyone else in Camp Mexico Beach who'd taken the decision to without the truth. It was Thana herself. Thana saved them, on several occations. In leaving them behind and giving them a half truth half lie, she saved them. Alexander could only imagine himself demanding to leave the camp in order to get Thana back, or even more anyone else of his squad. Thana had gone through Hell and back in order to keep them alive…her soldiers, her friends. In the end Alexander had to respect that, even for all the fear and sorrow he'd felt over her absence, how many nights he'd prayed for her safe return or safe passage to Heaven.

"Then let the past be past, and go faithfully into the future now that all is well…" Alexander whispered to himself while the others took in the information just as hard as he had done. He didn't know what else to say. No questions to ask, not orders to follow, no mission to conduct. But now they all knew what had happened. Alexander looked at Thana one last time as they were requested and lead back to the Conference room, giving her a brief smile and a look of an old grandparent who was just glad everything had turned out all right. Alexander followed Panama and the others back to their rec-room and found himself a seat near the TV for once. He didn't say anything or seak company, but he was a fool not the recognize a Mel Brooks movie when he saw one!

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Perhaps Nigel shouldn't have asked that question? Whether Erica was hoping someone would, by some miracle show up at the gates of Camp Mexico Beach, someone she missed. Erica only gave him a slight shrug, she didn't think so. She had never been big on sharing from her personal life, even to Nigel, but a whole lot better at it to him than to their two grumpy old men. But when Nigel thougth about it, he couldn't recall whether she'd mentioned anyone from her earlier life, so he figured the "I don't think so" spoke volumes. Nigel looked up at her with an apologetic look, but didn't excuse himself for asking, not knowing he had done a stupid thing. But he would answer his own question. "I hope so. We can only hope. Hope is the dream of a waking man."

The sorry look on Nigel's face melted slowly back into the grin from earlier, glad to hear Erica laugh again. He missed laughing, a sign of what normal life should be like. He liked it. He liked Erica's laugh. "Yes you are. One of these day's you got to start giving me something to nag you with." He laughed back at her, then looking as the group of people were taken out. "My thoughts exactly…but if I know these people, we won't be fed any answers with a silver spoon anytime soon."

Nigel didn't expect the foot nudging from Erica, and didn't realize it was her for a moment, looking down at his foot before finally seeing it was her foot. He had to chuckle, giving her a nudge back as a "Yeah, I'm awake." Looking around the room, he couldn't help but notice that to his great but pleasent surprise, Hunter was playing pool with one of their younger guards. "Looks like Hunter is making friends." Oh yeah, Nigel sounded like a proud father at this point. Wayne had put another movie on the TV, calling forth Nigel "Sportacus" to join and watch a great scene about Rome. Nige shook his head, both in obvious annoyance and eye-rolling amusement of Wayne. The man was clearly crazy, but the way he also carefully handled little Jamie, there was something geniune going on there. "What do you say? Want to make more fun of my Roman disposition, Erica?"

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Athribis (Underground)
Skills: N/A

It was a lot to take in for the Bengali geologist, now effectively the Fellowship's de facto Head of Archeology. Not only the extraordinary, in-fact unbelievable results they'd made after what Mahendra had to admit both audibly to the fair Miss Kingston and quietly to himself, as a lady he'd not anticapated faring well in this subterranian enviroment, but impressed him. No, Mahendra thought about all the conversation flying past him in those dimly-lit, dusty and quiet tunnels. Conversations which topics ranged from the academic to the trivial, and lastly noble!

First it was the matter of the markings Nora had so brilliantly made sense out of, which Mahendra couldn't possibly have done any better himself. The markings were no ordinary markings in a long-forgotten and desolute tomb, they were possible marking of given directions. A map of sorts? "For once it seems Fate is perhaps smiling on us." Mahendra said back to Nora, nodding encourageingly at her proposal for a map. "A map would be most useful in these circumstances, if our past is about to repeat itself down here. Would you like me to draw said map as well? I am quite adept with a pen and paper."

Second was Gene's exclaimation of this being a "vacation". In the process of pulling out his own notebook and a decently sharpened pencil, Mahendra silently scoffed at Gene's attitude towards all of this. Again he questioned why she was here in the Fellowship, what part of this intricate play she was to play? But the third topic was more important to adress.

The third and last was the subject of Belladonna; Her whereabouts and the best cause for action! Mahendra did not disagree with the Honourable Lord Major's concern for Belladonna and his wish to focus their attention on her disappearance. It was indeed quite integral to them that they did not lose her, it would be a stain on their good name and honour to simply abandon her, even if Mahendra still feared her possible knowledge of his swim in the Nile the day before. In good manner and fashion, Mahendra looked at his would-be commanding officer and nodded in agreement as a good would-be soldier.

But Gene for once - and Mahendra could simply not believe he thought so himself - had a fair point. How? And Nora raised the question whether or not she was alive at all. Dreadful. Lauren asked perhaps the two questions solid enough in his matter. With all this in mind, Mahendra decided to voice his opinion on the matter as politely as he could. "If I may be so bold, Lord Major Sir, I do not believe venturing into said darkness if abandoning Miss Belladonna. If we take the points already raised, going further down this new tunnel might be our best option. I did not like that hole myself." Mahendra raised his concerns to the Lord Major, before turning his attention back to Lauren who asked him and Nora a question, and in turn himself asked Nora the same one. "You probably understand that map better than any of us. Any clues?" Mahehndra asked Nora, though taking a look at the markings of directions she spoke of himself. Perhaps he could after all understand them, perhaps in a different way? That was if he could actually see anything at all…as if by the soft hands of some divine being, a fog…a haze cast itself over Mahendra's eyes, obscuring his vision. What was this sorcery? I am…seeing stars? What is this?

Richard Barker

Location: Athribis (Underground)
Skills: N/A

Richard had to give it to Faye on this one. For once in a long while she was actually making some sense with her mystical mind of occultism and the supernatural. She was attempting to put all the gathered clues they had together and produce a logical, even plausible chain of events of what might have happened there. It was a good attempt, and Richard had to give her a quick smile of approval for once as they headed deeper than the sands they left up and behind them.

"You're reading my mind like an ol' Gipsy grandmother at a New Jersey carnival. Yeah, sounds like that's what we've got here. Only that there's more than one person, different footprints in the sand. Now there's one more question left unasked; Why?" Richard raised the question to Faye as they kept walking quietly into the darkness, only the light of a half burned torch and the lit cigarette in Richard's pursed lips giving them salvation from the shadows.

"In my experience, people who go to those lengths in order to cause a distraction, they're not in it for simply pocket change or small cash. No, we're talking big money. Usually my perps' are digging their dirty fingers into stores, banks or offices, perhaps a local museum with less interesting bits and bobs on display than worth paying for. Not in the middle-of-nowhere in Egypt, somewhere in an underground tomb or something. So just what the hell might they want to get their pawns on here and get out with unnoticed?" Richard continued his geniune question to Faye, in the process turning the corner and seeing movement up ahead. People. So those were the crooks they were after…

Wait a God-damned minute. He'd seen those bastards before!

"String me up silly and call me a smoking rooster, isn't that the people from the ship? Just what the hell are those idiots doing here?" Richard had expected to find company down in the tunnels, but them? They didn't look the type…which was the perfect cover. Hide in plain sight, as they said. Or in a field of stars and planets that made it difficult for the detective to see…what the hell? Richard rubbed his eyes with his empty hand for a moment, trying to get some clear vision again in the darkness. It must have been when they went down into the darkness, their eyes not adjusting properly or something. "What? Yeah, sure I am armed." Richard tried to ignore the annoying Broadway lights in his eyes as he pulled out his blackjack club, ready for whatever the fellow ship passengers were going for. "In this place, this old lady is just as good as a gun. You got anything, kid?"

@Nyther Another fellow traveller who's out for the gang that wronged his family? Sounds like Charles and Erik are following the same bandits across the US of A! I see a possible connenction here, for sure
Oh my with all these likes on poor Erik. Did not expect that!
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