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It had only been a matter of time before humanity came across a virus that no vaccine could cure. Virus 146. If one were to put cosign 666 in their calculator, that would be the number received. It was a virus so bad that everyone was sure it was straight from Hell itself so they took a number straight out of a mathematical sequence called "Evil Numbers."

The first symptoms were similar to a flu. Then from there it was a slow descent of the complete wearing down of all organs and weakening of the body. By the third day, the victim was in a state of complete madness, paranoid and unaware of their surroundings. Then most would die within the fourth day. Some people may have made it to the fifth day but it was no blessing to live longer with a virus this terrible.

The world was in hysterics of course. It wasn't long after many tearful, awful deaths that the populations dwindled down to most cities being ghost towns. Those that survived made gated communities in which anyone infected would be shot on sight. However, within these communities, people took extreme precautions to keep the virus out until they can come up with a cure. People felt safe.

It has been 10 years since the worldwide population had dwindled to the hundred thousands from the pandemic. Communities have some contact with each other but no one is allowed outside their walls. Within the US, there are 12 large communities. There state can be told but their exact location is left unknown. They are not within any major, popular cities.

Within Community 11, a siren blares through the whole area, warning of infected. 10 younger survivors ranging 16-25 would be thus pulled from their households.

Deceased family?:
Currently living with:



The last thing Jason expected was for Shay to be brought in to the clinic bruised and scratched up. He had been trying to calm down James to no avail but he hoped perhaps Shay's presence would distract him. He rubbed James arm, "Hey James wait look Shay's here and she's hurt." His eyes traveled to the doctors restraining him to keep an eye on him if the distraction hadn't worked. He moved over toward Shay's room once she had been brought into it only to have the door pulled shut in his face. Dalton moved roughly in front of him, towering over with what Jason thought to be a freakish height.

"She's being treated."Dalton said, glancing down at him. "Don't interrupt."
Lucy gently touched Jason's shoulder from behind, her tone much more friendly than Dalton's as she spoke, "She's been through a lot. It'll only take a few minutes for them to assess her and then get a healer for her. Come sit with me?"

Jason glared at Dalton a moment. He couldn't remember a time when the guy wasn't going around acting like some tough guy who's too good to talk to anyone else. The two had some history but he hadn't liked him from the start anyway. "Sure, Lucy. What happened to her?"

Lucy moved towards the waiting area whilst Dalton remained at Shay's door and leaned against it, looking much like a bouncer for club with his all black attire and stocky build. Jason moved to sit beside her and she took his hand comfortingly, squeezing it as she glanced towards James, "What happened to Rose? I feel so bad seeing him like this... It's so unlike him."

"She got attacked and shot by a very sick superior boy named Mortimer that the guardians were supposed to prevent from even entering the school." Jason's reply made Lucy stiffen. She was so used to covering up superior stories that Jason was sure she hadn't expected him to be so blunt and knowing. People talked about him and most knew that he was aware of things more deeply than others but he guessed reserved Lucy didn't know too much about his reputation.

"Oh."She whispered softly and folded her arms, "You, uh, know and everything?"

"Yes. I know. So before you give me some answer about things being classified when I ask again what happened to Shay... Think twice."
Jason said sternly, letting go of her hand now. Shay and him were very close. He wanted to know everything. Lucy filled him in a low voice, glancing around uneasily every so often. She went dead silent and shrunk in her seat nervously, her eyes glued to the entrance suddenly. Jason followed her gazee to see Aidan rushing in to Shay's door.

Dalton moved out of the way without question for Aidan. Jason mumbled something under his breath before rushing to his feet and over. His words rushed out of him and anger filled him before he could rationally even think of what to say to him. "How can you let this happen?"He demanded from Aidan, glaring. "Why the fuck would you all let them in? Let them take Shay? Let Rose get shot? " He was grabbed by Dalton when he had come a bit too menacingly towards Aidan.

"I didn't let any of these things Jason. You know how complicated things are."Aidan told him with a notably forced calmness as gave Lucy a sideways irritated glance. He opened the door and held it open. "We're allowed to visit her now. Let him go, Dalton." Once Dalton had let go of his arms, Jason swiftly moved into the room and to Shay's side, Aidan shutting the door behind the two of them while Lucy moved to comfort James.

Shay's consciousness flowed in and out. At times, she'd open her eyes to see the trees; others, she would see the school. Once she finally opened them for good, she found herself in the clinic. She felt a soft mattress, unlike the hard woodland ground outside. Her vision was blurry and she had to keep blinking away tears. She heard a familiar cry and picked her head up from the bed. She hadn't been rolled into the clinic yet as they were preparing her a room. She saw Rose being rushed passed her with a team of doctors and James being restrained. She picked her head up higher but a horrendous pounding made her lay back down. "Rose...?" she tried to call but her voice was dim. "Rose?"
She looked up at Dalton and Lucy with confusion. "What's going on...?" She tried to get up but a doctor gently pushed hr back down. "Lay down, Shay, you're in a bad condition. Rose was shot. She's going to the ER."
"What?" she cried hoarsely and stared with pnaic. "How-"
The doctor gently pushed her back down as soon as she tried to sit back up. "Some creep," He finally replied after a long hesitant pause. "Shel'll be fine. She's in good hands." Shay stared wide-eyed and started trembling.
"I have to go see her-" The doctor sighed and hsook his head.
"Only when she's out of surgery. I'm sure you'll be behind James, too." He glanced over his shoulder to see him being restrained as he sobbed and wailed for Rose. Shay moaned and rubbed her head. She tried to move but her body would not cooperate. It felt like a thousand rocks were weighing her down. She was taken into a room and sniffled. Her stomach was churning like the sea during a thunderstorm. She gritted her teeth. Rose had to be okay.... Shay didn't know what she would do without her best friend; or any of them, for that matter.
Her mind raced and the memories of tonight replayed quickly and sickeningly in her mind. It was hazy, though, due to being high. She swallowed hard and shut her eyes when doctors came in to treat her. She didn't want to answer their questions or anything. She waved them off when they tried asking her and ignored them. How the hell did the superior exist and how come their camp was nearby their school? What bullshit was that? She had to interrogate the guardians later.



Lucy stumbled as the wind started to pick up. A few twigs and some dirt hit in her in the face and she gripped the taller girl's shoulders when she had held on to her. Thunder crackled above and lightning struck violently nearby, enlightening a tree in flames, making Lucy stare with wide eyes. "You're... You're doing all this?"She whispered in disbelief, watching smoke rise into the sky. She had nearly missed Shay whispering under her breath as she looked behind her to where Louis had been. He was audibly grunting,his arms in front of his face as he struggled to see where he was going. He jumped when lightning struck nearby and let out a yelp before turning the back the other way. Lucy couldn't help but laugh and looked up at Shay with joy, "You did it Shay!!"
"You beat him.... But you should probably-" The girl fell hard against her and Lucy caught her before she could fall. The storm stopped momentarily as soon as she passed out. There was no doubt that Shay had never used this much power before. She probably felt like utter shit right. Lucy had no idea how hurt she was from the superior but she did look awful. Swallowing, she glanced around with slight fear at the suddenly quiet forest. There was some crackling of flames from the tree that had caught aflame but they seemed to be diminishing. She was sure one of the superior was probably trying to make sure a forest fire didn't ruin their camp.
A wolf came bounding over, making Lucy sigh in relief. He was injured but appeared fine otherwise. He made a head gesture as Shay stirred awake, cursing as she fell against Lucy, who cried out in shock. "I'm f-fine."She managed, looking around as the storm started to pick up again. "Shay stop it, he ran away. We have to get you back now and this storm is going to make it very difficult."
Dalton shifted back into his human form rather rapidly, the sound of his bones moving audible. He stood nearby them, missing quite a few things he came with. Lucy screamed in reaction and clumsily spun around eyes wide. "Dalton!"She cried. "You're naked!!"
"No shit."He said lamely, picking up a pair of pants that was strewn in the grass. Lucy could recall the fabric in his mouth upon rejoining them that she had ignored for some reason at first. Once the belt-buckling became audible, she turned around, pale, stating, "Okay Dalton, she can't walk. Pick her up."
"You can't?"He asked in annoyance and took Shay from her arms and pulled her on to his back piggy back style and held on tight to her. "I'm a girl. I'm not strong enough and you also have freakish wolf strength anyway." Lucy retorted. She had been nice the entire time but now she was starting to get fed up with his attitude. "If you let the fact you're a girl hold you back from your potentials, you will probably end up dead sooner than I predicted. " Dalton said without looking at her, "which would probably be better off for the team anyway if that's the case." Lucy's face reddened with anger but she couldn't think of a good retort. He started to run Shay off to the clinic anyway. She kicked the dirt in frustration to get her emotion out before following.

Alex and Emma



The young girl did not have to be a mind reader to know that something was very off. She stood up immediately, making Alex grab her wrist rather instinctively. "Alex," She said in a hushed voice, glancing down at him. "I think we should go." This whole situation had created a knot in her stomach. Every fiber of her was telling her they were in danger.
Emma moved her gaze to the guardians for a moment, mentally counting off five of them. There were four men and one woman from what she could tell. They all looked strangely similar with the same dark, emotionless eyes and dark hair. Their clothes were the standard guardian uniforms donned with long cloaks. She had never seen any of the guardians wear hooded cloaks like that. The hoods were all down and they were all surrounding the police officer in a circle.
Looking back down, she tried to determine what her brother was thinking. He had yet to say anything nor had he loosened his grip on her wrist. His skin had paled slightly, and his eyes were focused on the door outside as if he was listening to something. He looked afraid.(edited)
“Alex.” She repeated, urgency rising in her tone. “What the heck?” She shook his shoulder with her free hand. He finally drew his gaze away to look at her. “Don’t speak.” He whispered finally, then stood up slowly and silently.
His hand lowered from her wrist to her hand rapidly and he began tugging her with sudden haste toward the door. She stumbled but managed to catch up with his pace. Looking over her shoulder through her fair hair, she saw blood staining the officer’s shirt. The blood stain led up to his neck where a long, deep slash separated the skin and muscles of his neck. Blood had poured out like a waterfall from the wound, trickling down his shirt in rapid patches of red. The man’s head hung back over the chair, eyes lifeless. Her scream caught in her throat as they all began to turn in unison toward them.
She tore her eyes away as she fixated them back up on Alex through her eyelashes. She could barely think with her heart racing this fast. He was busy with getting the locked door open, jamming a paper clip into the lock with trembling hands. Where he had got it was over her head.
“That door will not open, Alexander.” The woman’s voice coolly rang from behind them. Emma didn’t want to look back again and see if they had moved closer to them or not. She gripped the fabric of her brother’s shirt as she hugged his waist. They weren’t going to die here, were they? Alex was ignoring the woman, trying anyway. He kneeled suddenly and eyed inside the keyhole. Emma was about to question what good that would do when the door flew open. He straightened and picked her up faster than she could process, making a run for it.
hihihihi pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.


The boy must die.

The voice had made Alex look at the door in alarm. The nearby so-called guardians still had their minds blocked. Someone else’s thoughts were coming from outside. He swallowed hard, trying to get anything else that could clue him into what was happening but nothing else was coming through. Emma’s voice brought him back to reality and he looked down at her. She was shaking his shoulder, a look of sheer terror on her face. The one person had been able to receive thoughts from clearly was the police officer in this room. However, they had come to an abrupt stop. He was dead. Alex swallowed, too terrified to look and confirm his observation. "Don't speak."He whispered to Emma and did his best to stand up without alerting the attention of the others. Quickly, he grabbed her hand and tugged her along toward the door. Kneeling beside it, he jiggled the door knob hopelessly to find it locked. He racked his mind for a way to open it. Roughly checking his pockets, some small plastic item touched his fingertips. He pulled out a paperclip and undid it's loop to shove the end in the keyhole.(edited)
"The door will not open, Alexander."
Oh it'll open.
He could feel Emma clutching the fabric of his shirt as she hugged him. Alex could feel her tiny body trembling with fear. They had to get out of here. No one was going to hurt her. Dropping the paperclip, he looked inside the keyhole. He could just make out the inside of it and began moving the mechanism from the inside in order to unlock the door. It flew open and he knew better than to waste any time. He grabbed Emma and tossed her over his shoulder less gently than he usually would. Alex bolted out of there as fast as he could, not looking back.

Alex bolted into the street, moving swiftly through the empty road toward the sidewalk to run down it. He had an idea where they were and if they just followed upward they'd reach the school. The road went up on a hill and and he scaled up the elevation to the top. Over the hill, all the buildings were in flames, smoke rising into the air. The school had smoke rising up from it in the distance. The sky was actually tinted red and blackened with smoke. It was a scene out of a movie. Everything was red and bright. People were screaming and crying over the roar of the flames. Some were knelt by bodies sobbing, others screaming for help. "Oh my God."(edited)
He set Emma down, who stared with wide, watering eyes. "Alex what's happening.."She whispered in disbelief. He held her to him under his arm, trembling, "I don't know. " He admitted. "I-.." With a hard swallow he took her hand, "We can't get to the school. We have to go a different way."
He began running her into the trees. This would be a decent shortcut to the school. What the fuck was going on? How could this have happened so quickly?
"Alex-. Alex wait stop!"Emma cried, her voice raising with each word. Alex skidded to a halt as the sudden growling of wolves filled the air. "Fuck."He muttered and looked around. They were coming from all areas. He darted again in a random direction and fell, Emma also falling to her knees with a cry.
Rushing back to his feet, he helped Emma up quickly and stared as he came face to face with a boy with bright yellow eyes. He was standing there, essentially staring into his soul with them. The boy wasn't very tall and he had very messy black hair that was slightly longer than average. His facial features were rather cold. Alex felt like he had come out of a horror movie. He grinned slightly and grabbed Alex's hand tightly, glaring at him. "What the fuck? Let me go!"Alex snapped and pulled his hand free. The boy did not give much effort to keep holding his hand and simply moved backward to allow them to pass.
"Weirdo!"Emma yelled at him as the two continued running. Once they went through the thicket of trees back to the school area, they found that there were no fires at all. There was no evidence of there being a fire either.
The two looked at each other in confusion for a moment and then Emma pointed to his hand, "Alex..."
He glanced down at it to find his hand to be completely blackened. It was not burnt but the skin was definitely as dark as charcoal. There was an almost invisible energy force radiating from it. "What did he do to me?"
Emma stared at it with fear, shaking her head. "I don't know... I wanna to go to sleep I don't understand what's happening."
Alex took a deep breathe and put his other untainted arm around her, "It's okay sissy, I got you. I'll take you to your dorm. "

"Let's go people! Move it!" Will yelled as he ushered the line over to another class. "Watch over my class."he said lowly to the teacher, who stared at him in confusion but nodded. He glanced toward the way Angel left and gritted his teeth. As if on cue, his cellphone started ringing. With a sigh he answered it, "Yo."
"Where's Angel?"Evan's sharp tone was all too familiar. "Do you have her out of the school?"
"Uh. So about that."Will began but Evan kept going before he could even explain.
"I'm sending the rest of the hunters in with the other patrols to find her except for Phoenix. She's with Holly, who is safely out of the school. One girl was critically hurt. She probably won't make it. Find Angel and get her out. " Will didn't even get the chance to reply. He hung up immediately after.
"Fucking jackass."Will muttered and began to jog toward the school. Was he really sending all the hunters they brought in after Angel? What was so special about her?
Whenever she got hurt, they invested so much time and effort into making sure she got all the best medical attention
It was so weird. Maybe Evan had a kid at one point and was reliving the experience through Angel..

He texted Phoenix as he went back in through doors. "They're making me go back in to find Angel. She ran in. I'll be out soon." He moved over to a certain locker and yanked it open, pulling out an assault rifle.

Violet never left Holly's side during the whole ordeal, stroking her head until Phoenix finally showed up. She let go of her and stood off to the side, listening without turning to the conversation between the two as Evan approached her. She smiled at Phoenix gratefully for her compliment and watched the two depart. Her smiled faded once they were gone. Vampires had not been in the school since she had been in high school. Day time attacks were rare and especially at such a public place. She had never met a vampire who wanted the existence of vampires known to the public. It would benefit no one. So why a public attack? It had to be important.

"You have questions. "Evan observed. He had moved to her side while most of the hunters, donned in police uniforms, either left or went to search the halls of the school.

"But do you have the answers?"Violet had asked quietly, not quite glancing over at him. Vampires would only do something so rash for a really good reason. Madison hadn't been their target. They were looking for someone. The only person who could possibly come to mind could be Angel. She was the only escapee from the base L that they had on record. Her constant attacks were no help either. However, they had Angel for years. She had put herself straight into danger and wandered out in public with no regard to the danger she put herself in just by setting a foot outside. To come for her randomly at a school would make no sense.(edited)
"No but I suppose that's where you come in. " Evan put a hand on her shoulder, "We know nothing. The others are working on finding the vampire or vampires who are in the school. They will continue to work on finding those associated with Lee, torture them for information, whatever we have to do... But it's you who has capabilities that none of the other soldiers don't. I hate to order this from you but starting immediately, you will work on hacking in and finding any data possible and until you find something, you will be permitted no break."
Violet's breath caught in her throat. She had been trying to get into their database for years. She had been recruited into it immediately after high school as an military network analyst, handling the more complicated computer operations. She was confused why they had insisted on not waiting for her to start university level studies of computer science, but many had told her she was already beyond that level. Still, she had been trying to take some online classes lately to no avail. They were working her constantly to the point she could not remember the last night she slept. Deep down she wasn't so sure if this was the lifestyle she had wanted. Revenge had been in her heart at the time Landon had passed and it had been so easy for them to coerce her into this. She just had wanted to ruin Lee so bad after taking him from her but now, she knew that Landon would rather her spend her time doing what she loved and pursuing a happy life. If there hadn't been a silent threat towards Jesse, she would consider quitting.
They knew her brother was a vampire and conversation about him was always tense. They did not trust him nor did they trust any vampire. She got a sense of security knowing that they wanted her to stay so bad that they would not even consider hurting Jesse but if she did try to quit, she knew that would be the first person to be indirectly threatened over her head. She'd never let him know that. For all he knew, this was all voluntary and he had been trying to get involved in the hunter operations actively to fight at her side, which she had been secretly making sure that wasn't going to happen on her watch. She would protect her little brother to the bitter end.(edited)
"It's no problem. I won't rest until I find out why this happened." Violet heard herself speak but felt distant from the words.
Jesse was in this school and possibly endangered if this school was going to remain the vampires' target. Finding out what she could was the only thing she could really do. Her fighting skills were nothing compared to Will, Phoenix, Nikolaus and the other top performers. This was all she was good for.
"I appreciate it, Violet." Evan said. Violet wondered what facial expression he was making. Was he truly that sympathetic? She did not want to know enough to actually look at him and find out. "I am very sorry. " He continued in a low voice, squeezing her shoulder, his shadow looming over her on the gymnasium floor. She said nothing as the pressure was taken off her shoulder and the shadow disappeared. She turned to glance behind her once the gym doors to the outside courtyard noisily shut, blue and red lights flashing in the small windows of the doors.
Violet moved over to the bleachers, letting herself body fall into sitting position against the bench none too gently. Her thick hair fell forward as she leaned her elbows on her knees, clouding the expression on her face from anyone who entered the room. More than anything she just wanted to be in Landon's arms right now. She had never felt so alone. "I need you. Please..."She whispered under her breath, a tear drop falling on to the shiny wood floor with a quiet drip. He wouldn't come, of course. He was long gone yet he still seemed to be first person she yearned for in times of distress. There was no one else who had cared for her like he did and she was positive there was no one else who ever would.


Charlotte had nearly jumped out of her chair at the sound of the blaring alarm. She had been nodding off, her chin in her hand. She looked around in confusion as people started lining out of the classroom. She quickly moved into line. A fire drill already? She thought. It was unlike them to have drills the first day of school. She twirled a lock of her hair nervously. Maybe it was a chem lab fire. She waited until the teacher had left to move backwards to the front of the classroom Jesse had been in to wait for him. She'd take any opportunity she could to get to talk to him more.
Fiona and Angel

September 6th

Fiona jumped at the sound of the fire drill. She covered her eyes as the lights danced across the bathroom. She didn't bother to leave the stall either. It wasn't as if it mattered. They stood outside and wasted time while their classmates gossiped and made rude inappropriate comments. She sat down on the toilet seat and sniffled. What ahd she done to make that girl yell out? Her chest felt tight and she gripped the sides of pants tightly. Her mother told her that she had to be careful with her anxiety, or she'd end up in the hospital again. Fiona gritted her teeth and tried to block out the lights and her inner thoughts. They couldn't afford to take her to the hospital again. She took several deep breaths and wiped her eyes again.(edited)
The sound of echoing thuds made her jump. What the hell? She went to stand up to investigate but there were footsteps. Not risking being caught and grilled, Fiona pulled her feet up onto the toilet. What answered her however was a male's voice, not female's. Her eyes widened. Fiona's mind raced. She hadn't even noticed that Angel had entered; because before her was a man peering into her stall. His words chilled her to the bone. Spitting image of who? Did he know her biological father? She didn't have any time to process it, because he had ripped her door open. Fiona cried out as he finished his speech and then grabbed her roughly. What the hell was wrong with him and how did he get into the school? "Let go of me you freak!" Fiona cried, but he had a immensely strong grip. What had her mother taught her? So much... Fiona knew more about self defense than some of the black belt instructors she knew. She thought quickly and jabbed other hand's fingers into his eyes and then spun her leg around to kick him in the head. "Get your hands off me!" If that didn't work, she then grabbed his throat and began to pressure point it hard with her free hand.

The vampire laughed at her feeble attempt at struggling and squeezed her arms as he picked her up in the air. "Freak?"He repeated with indignation, "You little bitch..." He opened his mouth as fangs unsheathed. Before he could finish unsheathing them, his sight was black and immense pain filled him. He yanked her hand away easily as she attempted a kick which made him stumble but it hadn't done enough. She was quick to try to pressure point his neck. This girl was well-trained. Not one human besides a few hunters he had killed knew how to correctly pressure point. In a fight with a human, she'd certainly win but vampires tended to play dirty. He furiously slammed gripped her wrist, yanking her hand off his neck as he yelled out in pain. He pinned them to the wall with crazy strength as he bared his fangs to go to bite her neck. "Stop!"(edited)
He looked over his shoulder to see the speaker but Angel was in front of him swiftly during his slight head movement. She delivered a powerful kick to his stomach that made him drop Fiona and stumble backwards into the bathroom door stall noisily. With a hiss, he got back on his feet and stared at her with genuine shock. "So it's true..." Angel wasn't sure what he was referring to. He seemed like he recognized her. She'd interrogate him after Fiona was safe. She tossed her jacket over he shoulder with a wink. "Sorry hun. Whatever you heard about me, you heard right." "You shouldn't have that kind of strength." He said gruffly as he rubbed his stomach, "You can't be human." "Maybe you're just weak. This feeble little human girl here was doing a pretty good job of kicking your ass. " Angel said, glancing toward Fiona with a smirk. She moved toward him menacingly, "You're so lucky I don't have my weapons right now. What the fuck are you vermin doing in a school in the middle of the day time?""(edited)
The vampire started to chuckle, hanging his head, "Now, little Angel.... Surely you can put two and two together." He looked up suddenly with a crazed grin, his eyes red. Angel swallowed. He wasn't some weakling. He had been going easy on them. "We're here for you and the other girl." He knew her name. She had been such an idiot to think that the woman had been there just out of randomness this morning. They had followed her here. This was all her fault. She felt her enthusiasm slowly die and an overwhelming sense of guilt and defeat filled her. Was the other girl Fiona? No. He had seemed intent on killing her. It had to be someone else.(edited)
He launched himself at her quickly. Angel didn't move to attack back as he tackled her down to the floor. Her head hit the cool tile floor hard enough for her to see stars. She groaned as he pinned her wrists down. She had to let him get the upper hand to ensure Fiona wouldn't get caught in any battle crossfire. "Fiona run! He's not after you. Get out of the school. I'll be fine!"
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