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Current I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Charlotte, Olivia, Kazumin, Leo, Fritz, & Wulfric Part 1

Time: Evening
Location: Vikena Estate

In the cozy glow of the drawing room, Charlotte and Olivia sat comfortably on a red leather couch. The dark wood-paneled room, with its grand fireplace flickering softly, had always been one of Charlotte’s favorite places to seek refuge in. On the mahogany coffee table before them was an array of delicacies, prepared by Gilbert. Warm meat pies and flaky pigs in a blanket were available, finger sandwiches filled with cucumber and smoked salmon, slices of sponge cake, and scones with raspberry preserves.

Still in the elegant lace dress she had worn to the party, Charlotte sat comfortably, holding one of the pigs in a blanket. She took a bite and suddenly giggled, "You know, I think I could eat these little things all day. “

Olivia sat beside Charlotte in a white blouse and tan pants. Her boots laid idly on the floor near her. Any food provided to her was immediately eaten. She struggled to slow down eating still– usually, if she didn’t finish it, a stray animal or nearby homeless people would. Besides the food being the best thing she’d ever tasted, Liv had to keep pausing so she didn’t make herself sick. She nodded in agreement to Charlie offhandedly and smiled widely.

“My girls,” Delilah’s affectionate voice broke through as she came up behind the couch, wrapping her arms around both Charlotte and Olivia with a warm smile. “I am going to make some more tea before the guests arrive.” She placed a gentle kiss on Charlotte’s head before letting go and heading toward the kitchen.

“Thank you, Delilah!” Charlotte called after her, then turned to Olivia with a reassuring smile. “I hope you’re not too nervous. I know it can be a bit daunting that Prince Wulfric is coming, but truly, he’s not as intimidating as he seems. “ She then leaned in closer, her eyes wide with mock seriousness, “And if he is, well, I shall distract him with one of these. ”

Olivia smiled at Delilah and moved her hands up to hug the woman’s arm back. ”Thank you so much! You’re the f
 fricken best!” She giggled and turned back to Charlie. Upon Wulfrics name being mentioned, she averted her gaze. She swung her legs a bit more rapidly now and glanced at her. ”....I’ll take your word for it. I’ve never really spoken to him so I’m going to be quiet if possible
.” She quickly began eating as the idea of meeting the future crowned king consumed her thoughts. The spell came to mind and in her haste, was unable to speak due to food in her mouth. She glanced at Charlie and unexpectedly voiced the thoughts telepathically. Her nose became red at the tip and she brought a napkin to her face to hide it.

What if I embarrass myself? Or Charlie and the Vikena estate? What if he thinks I’m a pig?

Charlotte gave her a warm, comforting smile, then gently took the napkin in her hand. She then dabbed at the corners of Olivia’s mouth, giving her nose a friendly boop at the end. Olivia smiled warmly back at Charlotte and giggled. She managed to clean up the remaining dribbles, tossed it out, and then busied herself with food rapidly.

A knock suddenly filled the air cutting through their moment like a knife through butter. Hastily, Charlotte got to her feet and made her way over to the door.

Said knock would come in a thunderous, yet rhythmetic and energetic pattern of tat-tat-tat
tat-tat-tat-tatatata-..tap! A knock too sharp for knuckles, but of harder material. Drawing closer to the door, Charlotte could hear a muffled jolly hum. A foreboding sign almost telling her turn back.

For, upon the door’s opening, the poor unassuming lady would receive a smackful of some kind of fluffy cloth and for a brief moment, one might have mistaken the smiling figure as a grinning orange with the overwhelming bright orange exhuming off the man’s rather..interesting suit.

And what a gloriously dazzling suit it was at that! With such impeccable design and intricacies of the large flashy bow which only further illuminated the mustachioed individual’s wide toothy grin. Appearing manic almost for a second beneath the betraying tricks of the shadows on those familiar bright chocolate almond eyes twinkling with knowing cheeky delight.

He merely stood posing, looking to the right as if noticing something on his shoulder, in that sea of fluff. Loud visible rustling from a quick dusting flick of the shoulder from his left hand, right gingerly clutching the hawk shaped cane. A gentle craning of the neck, turning his attention to the lady at the door; doing so causing the huge crown of feathery fronds to bounce atop the towering hat somehow staying put, nearly slapping any who dared ventured too close.” Gr-r-r-r-r-eetings and salutations
” A twirling pause of the mustache. “This may perchance be the detective meeting, yes?” He asked with boisterous enthusiasm matching the suit.

Charlotte was flabbergasted,eyes widening as she took in the sight before her. Kazumin's outfit was beyond anything she had ever seen. Her hand instinctively flew to her mouth to stifle a laugh, but the mirth in her eyes was unmistakable.

“Oh wow...” she managed to breathe out, her tone full of awe. Her gaze lingered on the extravagant hat, the feathers practically begging for attention. Without thinking, she took a small step forward, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“May I... may I touch the feather?” she asked, her tone almost childlike in its wonder. Her fingers hovered just above the flamboyant plume, the urge to feel its softness too strong to resist.

Charlotte’s childlike reaction widened his grin, who, nary a response bowed his head forward “They would be delighted to tickle our sweet hostess's hands!” Chuckled Kazu, holding the pose while his friend had her fill.

Once finished, he stood back up, where he would take a big whiff, drinking in the aroma of delicious treats just within. “Ah, with such fetching delight, one can already feel the mind whirring. Mystery and murder afoul!” Spinning in place shoving the cane skyward in dramatic flair. Lo, to such dismay, his stomach rumbled in a volume pushing comfort. ”ahem *cough* apologies. Much is to be discussed, but on an empty stomach, I’m afraid not (foregoing the need to mention having had pudding prior). If I may, miss?” Motioning towards the doorway, requestion permission; faints sounds of snickering just beneath the mustache or perhaps just the hair tickling his nose.

“Please make yourself at home
” She stepped to the side to allow him entry and added with a giggle, “There’s some snacks in the drawing room. Liv is standing guard as our snack protector!” Charlotte had been about to follow suit inside, however, it seemed someone else was approaching the Vikena estate as well.

Leo and Fritz stumbled up to the door next. Or rather Leo was stumbling and he kept such a tight grip on Fritz’s shoulder that he kept dragging the Count around with him. The several cups of coffee he’d been given during his short stint in a holding cell had done little to sober him up. Leo was in an unusual state of disarray; his suit was wrinkled, his shirt half-buttoned with a light splatter of blood, his jacket torn at the sleeve, and a black eye. The scent of the smokey Gambling and Games Hall clung to him, but the scent of alcohol was overpowering.

“Defec-detect-DETECTIVE VIKENA!” He half mumbled, half shouted once he spotted Lottie. “Reportingferinvestigatshuns.” Leo added, offering no explanation for his sloppy stupor. He let go of Fritz and threw himself, stumbling, into the doorway. Leo clung to the doorway for a moment, waiting for things to stop spinning, before making it inside.

Charlotte had initially beamed when she saw Fritz and Leo approaching. Her arms opened wide, ready to greet them with a warm embrace, but her joy quickly gave way to concern as Leo’s disheveled state became clear. Her heart leaped into her throat as her eyes caught sight of the blood splattered across his shirt. Her steps quickened, and she rushed to his side just as he stumbled forward, wrapping an arm securely under his to catch him.

“Leo!” she gasped, her voice filled with both shock and worry. “Is that blood?” Her eyes widened in alarm as she shot a bewildered glance toward Fritz, silently asking for some kind of explanation. Without waiting for an answer, Charlotte’s focus shifted back to Leo, her voice softening but her actions still urgent. “What happened? You’re scaring me.” She gently but firmly tried to guide him toward the drawing room toward the couches. She then called out, “Olivia, can you please fetch some cold water from the kitchen?”

“I think
I’m drunk.” Leo said, like it was a shocking revelation, as he was corralled into the drawing room. A room that contained the most extravagant hat he’d ever seen. “Whoa!” Was all he could muster as his eyes widened at Kazu’s outfit. His hand reached out to swat at the feathers and he nearly toppled over at the sudden movement. He looked at Charlotte again, “I didn’teven drink today. Pranked! I like this-un.”

The mustached Kazumin had been comfortably partaking of the delightful snacks with cookies dipped in cocoa when all the commotion began. The sudden noise nearly made him jump in shock as he unknowingly dipped faster, the panicked excitement hitting him as he witnessed Charlotte help another drag what seemed to an injured gentleman.

A ruffling upper tilt of the body as all the frills and feathers did partially obscured his view; surprised to find the two familiar faces.

As Olive had been tasked to fetch water, he had downed his drink and gobbled the cookie before attempting to get to his feet to aid. Only to feel hands fluffing with his feathers and heard the drunken Leo’s comment towards them. A quick wiggle of the nose to hide a covered snort, wishing he could laugh, but even this chaos-loving imp wasn’t that inconsiderate, certainly not with blood evidently involved.

With the quiet efficiency of someone accustomed to managing drunks, Ryn gently took Lord Smithwoods’s elbow and steered him towards the plush couch. “Easy there, my friend,” he murmured. “Let’s get you settled, shall we?” The lord mumbled something incomprehensible but allowed himself to be steered. Ryn eased him down onto the cushions, carefully arranging Lord Smithwood’s limbs so he wouldn’t slide off.

Once the man was safely horizontal, Ryn straightened up and met Lady Charlotte’s worried gaze, questions clearly dancing on the tip of her tongue. He stepped closer. “When I went to collect Lord Smithwood, he wasn’t at the guest house,” he began. “So I asked around and traced him to the Gambling and Games Hall, where I discovered our friend had taken up temporary residence in their holding cell.” Lady Charlotte had cast Ryn a bewildered glance at that.

What Ryn left unsaid was the utter chaos Lord Smithwood had caused at the hall and that he had to bail the inebriated lord out because the nobleman had gambled away every last coin on his person.

It was at that moment the prince made his entrance. Having caught Count Hendrix’s briefing, he took one look at Leo, and declared: “Concerning.” He approached Lady Vikena, and offered the hostess a courteous bow, as he greeted with a, “Good evening.” Ignoring issues of lesser concern, he relayed several instructions. “If you have not yet, I recommend procuring for Lord Leo cold water, to be applied to the head with a towel, an ice pack for the eye, and a bucket just in case,” he recited, familiar with the general procedure from his younger siblings’ drunken stints. “Do you employ a physician or shall I call on one?” he inquired.

“Fizzishun?” Leo barely repeated the word but his expression made it clear he found the suggestion ridiculous. “Nah.” He added, shaking his head.


Time: Afternoon
Location: Castle Balcony facing courtyard
Mention:@ReusableSword Roman @Conscripts John @Tae Mina/Thea @JJ Doe Fritz/Ryn @Rodiak Zarai/ Matthias @Helo Leo

The courtyard outside the royal castle was bustling with activity as the crowd gathered in anticipation. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the stone walls, and the flags of Caesonia billowed in the breeze.

From the grand balcony overlooking the courtyard, King Edin stepped forward, flanked by his guards. His usually imposing presence was noticeably dimmed by the signs of indulgence from earlier in the day. His face looked tired and slightly puffy, his eyes bloodshot and drooping. Fortunately, makeup had taken care of the dark circles under his eyes at the least. Still, he commanded attention, even as the murmurs of the crowd hushed into silence. He glanced across the sea of faces, ensuring all eyes were on him before he raised a hand to speak. As he blinked, his eyelids seemed heavy, as though each movement required a conscious effort.

“Citizens of Caesonia!” Edin’s voice boomed with authority, “Today, I stand before you to address recent events concerning our esteemed Varian guests.”

His words lingered in the air, and for a moment, the crowd stood in tense silence. He paused, running a hand across his forehead as if the sunlight bothered his eyes, then continued.

“Last night, during the ceremony hosted by Lord Roman Ravenwood, one of our own was attacked in an act of madness,” he said, his voice dropping slightly. The king shifted on his feet, momentarily steadying himself against the railing. “Though the guard lives, this cannot go unpunished.”

The crowd was hushed, sensing both the gravity of the situation and the king’s clear frustration. Edin exhaled slowly before speaking again.

“We will not rush to judgment,” he continued, his voice slightly more hoarse, “but instead, grant Lord Ravenwood a trial—a public one.”

He sighed deeply, almost as if the effort of the speech was beginning to weigh on him. “Let it be known that our kingdom remains strong, even when challenged.”

“In addition to the trial, I wish to inform you all that on the 28th of this month, a grand banquet will be held within these very walls,” Edin declared, his tone taking on a more celebratory air. “This banquet will honor all our esteemed guests for the Courting Season. All members of noble houses are invited to feast at the grand table, as we celebrate the continuation of this season.”

However, his expression hardened as he shifted to the next point. “As for our Varian guests, their attendance at this banquet is not merely a matter of invitation but of obligation. I mandate that all Varian nobles present in our kingdom are required to attend this feast as we would like the brief opportunity to speak with them and hear their side of the story.”

“Let this banquet be a testament to Caesonia’s resilience and unity,” Edin continued. “We will dine, we will toast, and we will stand together as one. But know this—our strength will never waver.”

With that, the king gave a final nod to his people, signaling the end of the address.

Courting Season Camping Event

With the full backing of the royal castle, this prestigious camping experience promises an unforgettable night of romance and adventure in Pinebrook, a quaint, woodsy town just a 30-minute carriage ride from Sorian.

Castle-Supported Luxury:
Thanks to the generous support of the castle for this year's courting season, this event will be an exquisite blend of nature’s charm and royal luxury. Noble guests will enjoy all the splendors of the outdoors with an elevated touch, as the castle has ensured every detail is carefully curated for a flawless experience. The royal funding has transformed Pinebrook's campgrounds into a dreamy destination featuring elegant tents, and beautifully designed communal areas, where nature meets high society most charmingly. Those of lesser status are welcomed as well! The cabins and many amenities will also be available all season!

Lavish Amenities:
Noble attendees will enjoy accommodations with luxurious bedding and decor, all covered by the royal purse. The castle has provided refined glamping setups with soft linens and comfortable furnishings, ensuring that everyone, no matter their sleeping arrangement, feels pampered.

Romantic Activities & Castle-Endorsed Events:
This isn’t just any camping trip—this is an event hosted under the endorsement of the crown. The entire evening has been thoughtfully planned to enhance the courting season and allow potential suitors and partners to bond through a series of light-hearted and romantic activities. The event will include:

Couples Cooking Competition:
Funded by the royal kitchen itself, all ingredients are sourced from the finest local farms and suppliers. Compete while chained to your partner against other teams, creating a meal over the campfire.

Scenic Canoe Rides:
Paddle along a serene lake under the moonlight. The canoes, painted in royal colors, are provided by the castle.

Lantern Release:
Watch as dozens of lanterns float into the night sky. The royal family has generously provided lanterns for each couple to release, symbolizing their new beginnings.

Dance Under the Stars:
Dance to the sounds of a live string quartet, hired by the crown, on a charming wooden stage set under the stars.

Cozy Fire-Side Moments:
Sit by the campfire with your partner and roast gourmet marshmallows, sausages, and potatoes. Pinebrook's campgrounds, transformed into a magical glamping retreat, are designed to keep couples warm and cozy as they enjoy the romantic night.

Elegant Outdoor Dining:
Savor an exquisite meal under the stars, featuring roasted sausages, fire-baked potatoes, grilled vegetables, and more. The royal chefs have ensured every dish meets the standards of the nobility, and each course is designed for couples to share.

A Swimming Hole:
Go for a swim in a beautiful creek

Link to Pinebrook, the town this campsite is in, below:

Optional Partner Assignments Upon Entry

Upon arrival at the Courting Season Camping Event, each guest can opt to be paired with a partner, chosen by one of our esteemed staff members. Should you wish to switch partners at any point during the event, simply make a request to any member of the staff, and they will happily accommodate your preferences. Below are the initial pairings:

Sir Matthias Larson and Bey Rohit Amar
Captain Stratya Durmand and Mr. Kazumin Nagasa
Lady Ariella Edwards and Prince Callum Danrose
Dr. John Williamson and Ms. Kira Mapenzi
Lord Roman Ravenwood and Ms. Riona

Good evening! It's now 7pm!

Regarding any unfinished business for day time, please be clear that you are writing in for the day still, or mark it as a flashback.

Time: Morning
Location: Drakes Birthday Party
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @CitrusArms Stratya

Anastasia's smirk widened as Farim’s hand brushed against her chin. She met his gaze, eyes gleaming with amusement, completely at ease. "Frustrations?" She repeated with intrigue, "Sweetheart, if this is frustrating you, you might be in trouble... I'm just warming up. "

She trailed a finger lightly along his arm, her touch featherlight, almost teasing. "I hope you can manage until later," she whispered, her tone dripping with suggestion, "because I’d hate for this to be over too soon." She winked, her gaze playfully challenging as she pulled back. She was glad to hear that Farim and possibly the others were going to show up for some strip poker.

The party needed to keep going after all. She needed it to keep going...

But why did she?

Her smile started to fade ever so slightly, and for a moment it felt as if the shadows of her mind were reaching toward her, creeping up from behind like cold fingers curling around the edges of her skull. They were a quiet but insistent reminder, dark tendrils that clawed at the joy she sought to keep alive, dragging her thoughts back to Darryn this time. They had been patient today, waiting for the moment the distraction ended, for when she would be forced to face them head-on.

For a moment, the noise of the party vanished, like someone had turned down the volume of the world itself. The vivid greens of the room dulled, blurring into muted shades, and even the lively notes of Drake's piano seemed distant, like an echo from a dream. All that remained was the creeping stillness, where her own voice echoed loudly from the depths of her subconscious:

Having fun? Meanwhile Darryn lies dead... He'll never have fun again.

Before she could process the thought Stratya’s voice suddenly grounded her, and Anastasia found herself blinking as if she'd just awoken from a dream. It was as if all the sounds turned back on along when she spoke, as if it had been as simple as flicking a switch. Her attention moved to the knight and she beamed. "Hi there!" She greeted and then teased, "Are you suuurrre you're not making up an excuse because you wanna come play... Because you totally could just ask, silly."

Drake then continued on to play a second song, apparently gifted to him by Charlotte. She chewed her lip as Stratya had brought up the idea of her being a sweetheart, but nodded with a forced smile. She chewed on her lip, nodding at Stratya with a forced smile, pushing back the faint discomfort. But when Drake fell, tumbling into chaos, Anastasia's attention snapped toward the spectacle, and a bright giggle bubbled up. "Oh my gods! Can't blame a guy for getting drunk on his birthday though, can we?"

Yet, the amusement was quickly replaced by concern when Ariella ran to her brother's side. Anastasia's gaze softened, watching her friend. "She's free... Thank goodness." She murmured to herself. She made a mental note to check on Ariella later, to make sure her friend was truly okay.

Of course, Duchess Victoria was quite literally something out of the underworld as she always, as she embarrassed her children in front of everyone and herself. To Anastasia's shock, Stratya decided to tell the duchess to take off her shoes, her bold voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

Anastasia's hand flew to her mouth, stifling a loud laugh, but she couldn't contain the glee bubbling up inside. "Captain Durmand!" She exclaimed with glee between laughs. "What's gotten into you? I love it!" And then, as if the scene couldn't get any funnier, Lorenzo piped in, adding his own bizarre commentary. Anastasia doubled over, lost in her laughter enough to barely notice that Zarai and Fritz had stepped off to talk privately.

Seraphina Duval

Location: Private Ship, Moored in Sorian Harbor
Time: Late Morning
Mentions: @Apex Sunburn Sada Kurau

The small, sleek ship rocked gently in the harbor as Seraphina Duval paced across the polished wooden deck, her heels clicking rhythmically with every step. The air was thick with salt, the scent of the sea mixing with the damp wood of the ship's hull. Around her, a few trusted members of the Black Rose stood at attention, their eyes flicking toward her as they awaited her command.

Seraphina took a deep breath, her gaze sharpening as she addressed the room. “Where's the spy?"

With those words, the door to the cabin opened, and a young woman with long wavy brown hair and wide, fearful eyes was led in by two guards. Following close behind were her brown-haired parents, their faces etched with fear. The woman stood trembling before Seraphina, her hands clenched tightly at her sides.

Seraphina turned to face them, her gaze landing first on Dahlia, then shifting to her parents. There was no malice in her eyes—only cold calculation. She gestured for Dahlia to step forward, her voice soft but firm. "Dahlia, you know why you're here."

Dahlia swallowed hard, her voice shaky as she spoke. "Please... I don't want to go. It's a suicide mission. The ship—they’ll kill me... And if they don't kill me, I might get jailed or even killed by—"

"Perhaps," Seraphina agreed, interrupting calmly, her fingers tracing the edge of the map. "But you’re useful to us, Dahlia. You have skills we need. And if you succeed, you’ll be free of us. You’ll get the answers you’ve been looking for about your twin brother, Darryn."

At the mention of her brother, Dahlia’s face twisted in anguish. "You promised me you’d tell me what happened to him... I’ve done everything you’ve asked, and still nothing!" Her voice cracked, her desperation palpable.

"Everything has a price, Dahlia. You want answers? Then you’ll have to earn them." She gestured to one of her guards, who immediately grabbed Dahlia’s mother by the arm, pulling her roughly to her knees beside her daughter.

Seraphina took a slow, deliberate step forward, her gaze fixed on Dahlia. "I understand that you are afraid," she said, her tone smooth, almost soothing. "You fear that this mission will be your end, and perhaps it will be. But let me offer you a way out."

Dahlia’s eyes flicked to her parents, her breath hitching in her throat. "A way out?" she whispered, her voice trembling with desperate hope.

Seraphina nodded, her lips curling into a faint smile. "Yes, a way out. I’ll let you walk away from this mission, Dahlia." She paused, letting the silence fill the space between them before she continued, "But only if you choose. One of your parents will live. The other..." Her gaze flicked to the guards holding Dahlia’s parents. "The other will die."

Dahlia gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as her eyes filled with horror. "No... please... you can’t ask me to choose. I can’t..."

Seraphina remained unmoved. "I can, and I am. This is your choice, Dahlia. If you refuse to go on the mission, then you will decide who dies and who lives. If you go, they both walk away unharmed. But if you refuse me, then you will watch as one of them bleeds out in front of you."

She leaned in slightly, her voice low and threatening. "And do not think that I’m bluffing."

Dahlia’s entire body trembled as she turned to her parents, their faces full of anguish. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shook her head in disbelief. "Please... don’t make me do this..."

Seraphina remained silent, waiting, her gaze unwavering.

The guards gripped the shoulders of Dahlia’s parents tightly, and the sharp glint of a knife caught the sunlight as one of the guards raised it to her father’s throat. "It’s simple," Seraphina said quietly, almost gently. "Choose, or I will choose for you."

Dahlia’s breath came in short gasps, her mind reeling with the weight of the decision. Her hands shook, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to form words, but nothing came. Finally, she broke down, "No, please... I’ll go. I’ll go on the mission."

Seraphina straightened, the faintest hint of satisfaction crossing her face. "Very well. That wasn’t so difficult, was it?" She then smiled at the young woman. "You’ve made the right choice, Dahlia."

Seraphina’s gaze, sharp as a blade, lingered on Dahlia as she took a slow step forward. "I’m pleased you’ve seen reason, Dahlia," she began, "However, understand this clearly."

She glanced at the guards, who held Dahlia’s parents firmly in place, their expressions frozen in terror. Seraphina’s eyes returned to Dahlia, hard as iron. "Your parents will remain here, under my watchful eye. If, at any moment during your mission, you so much as entertain the idea of betrayal..." Her gaze darkened, and she allowed the words to hang in the air before continuing, "they will die—slowly. Painfully."

"And when I say painful, Dahlia, I mean it. We have mages capable of pain spells beyond your nightmares." She told her. "You’ll know that every cry, every scream of agony they let out, is your doing."

Her eyes met Dahlia's. "Or perhaps I’ll use them as our test subjects for the new drugs in development... Play with them until they beg for death." Her voice carried the nonchalance of one discussing dinner plans as she spoke, "But death, Dahlia, will not come quickly for them. I will make sure it lasts for days."

Dahlia’s breath hitched, her face paling.

"So remember this well, Dahlia. You belong to me now. Fail me, betray me, and you will not only lose your life... but you will hear your parents tortured until their last breath. And trust me," she added, "Their last breaths will take a very long time."

Dahlia could only nod, her throat too tight to speak, the gravity of the situation crushing any remnants of hope she had left.

As Dahlia and her parents were led out of the room, their footsteps heavy with despair, Seraphina turned her back on them, her expression cold and detached. The air in the room was thick with tension when Laurie stepped forward, brows furrowed in thought. Her voice, though quiet, carried the weight of her curiosity.

"Why not use one of our own?" Laurie asked, her tone careful. "Why the Fletchers?"

Seraphina didn’t turn to face Laurie immediately. Instead, she remained staring out over the harbor, her hands clasped neatly behind her back. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke, her voice slow and deliberate.

“Because they’re all going to die regardless,” Seraphina replied, her voice devoid of emotion. She turned slightly, her sharp gaze locking with Laurie’s. “Marek wants them dead.” She allowed her words to linger in the air for a moment, watching the understanding dawn on Laurie’s face before continuing.

“Dahlia and her twin brother Darryn have been in servitude to the Black Rose for a long time now. They were once useful, particularly Darryn, but things have changed. Dahlia
” Seraphina trailed off for a moment, considering her next words with the careful calculation that defined her. “She’s always been a stealthy little thing, slipping through shadows, unnoticed. That’s why I chose her for this mission. Her skills are valuable, and while her fear clouds her judgment, her survival instincts are strong. She will get the job done because she has no other choice.”

Laurie nodded slowly, processing the explanation, but there was still a lingering uncertainty in her eyes. “But why not use someone more loyal? One of our own could—”

“Loyalty is not always a guarantee of success, Laurie,” Seraphina interrupted, her voice sharp. “She's disposable. This is a test run after all... We have others to send after her if need be. I'm sending her to a mage first to enchant her with a spell or two that will make her useful no matter what they do with her."

Location: Edwards Estate - Drake's Party
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

As Charlotte’s giggles faded into the air, her gaze lingered on Cassius, lying so close beside her, bathed in the sunlight. It was the first time she had truly seen him like this—so at ease, so unguarded. Her eyes hovered over his face and she smiled, though it did fade ever so slightly as the moment went on. The sunlight striking him also highlighted the scars that marred his skin... Highlighted the evidence of a man who once spent his life fighting for coin, wandering from one battle to the next.

Her mind had begun to wander to that age-old question: Who is Cassius really? But then, his words caught her off guard in a way she hadn't expected. “I’m all in, Princess.” That teasing grin was there, but the words carried more weight than the casual banter he always threw around. He meant it.

“Oh, I know exactly what we’re doing,” she replied after a brief pause, her voice lilting with playful sarcasm as she met the gaze of those gray eyes of his, “We’re making a grand spectacle of ourselves, that’s what. And you, my dear Cassius, are doing a remarkable job at it.”

Leaning in slightly, her voice softened as she told him, “If you’re all in, then so am I.” She smiled softly, letting herself sink deeper into the grass, feeling the cool earth beneath her. It was grounding, despite her intoxication. With a contented sigh, her gaze drifted upwards, following the lazy path of the clouds overhead.

“You know
” she mused, her tone light but carrying a deeper undertone, “This might be the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”

As the words slipped from her lips, she found herself reflecting on the absurdity of the situation. Here she was, lying in the grass, shoes kicked off, laughing and teasing without a care for how it looked—how improper it might seem. She could almost hear her mother’s voice in her mind, stern and exasperated, berating her for all those wasted hours in finishing school. All those lessons on grace and decorum... and for what? To roll in the grass like some unruly child?

But none of it seemed to matter anymore.

People change after losing a parent. That was an obvious fact, and her mother had been the second time she had lost one. The girl she had been a year ago seemed like a distant memory, and even now, so did who she had been simply days ago. No matter what the gossip columns or Duchess Victoria might say, the power to define her own life was now in herself. She knew what she wanted to do with it too, but in the meantime, all she wanted to do was just enjoy the moment.

Her head turned back toward him slowly, her smile even more genuine as she reached out to take his hand tenderly, “...And I’m glad it’s with you.”

 please darling, get up
 " Barely coherent mumbling reached her ears, breaking the peace of the moment. A pang of concern tugged at her as she pushed herself up slightly, propping herself on her elbows. “There's
 there's feet down there, Lottie. So many feet
 I have to give Lord Drake his gifts
. I have to do it
 do it before the duchess finds a way to corner me...Lottie
 get up from there. The king ferret
. Lorenzo Vikena, the ferret
 the ferret king of the Furonian Kingdom demand

Her lips twitched upward at first, the absurdity of Lorenzo’s words sparking an amused giggle deep in her chest. But as her tipsy gaze slid back to her father, the smile on her face began to falter. His posture was all wrong—defeated, slumped, as if some weight far heavier than the drinks was bearing down on him. She exchanged a quick glance with Cassius before returning her gaze to Lorenzo.

“Papa?” she blurted out, the word slipping from her lips. It felt strange calling him that, as if the word did not belong to him truly, and she wasn't sure why she had said it at all. She clumsily pushed herself up to her feet, wobbling for a moment before gripping the back of a chair to steady herself. “Are you quite alright?”

Her eyes widened in sudden resolve as she dramatically declared, “Alright, that does it. We’ve all had enough to drink. Alcohol is now banned from this table!” Subsequently, Charlotte stepped closer to Lorenzo and put a hand on his shoulder.

“No need to worry, Lorenzo, for I shall help you present your gifts to Drake... Where are they?" She looked over at Cassius and then smiled as an idea dawned on her, “Oh! Cassius can help too if you have a lot." She beamed as she assured Lorenzo, "You're always... so thoughtful with your gifts! Lord Edwards will adore them."

Time: Morning
Location: Edwards Estate Backyard
Interaction:@Helo Callum, @Lava Alckon Drake @TpartywithZombi Ariella @Funnyguy Lorenzo @Helo Callum @PapaOso Gideon @CitrusArms Stratya

Victoria's eyes flared dangerously the moment Ariella opened her mouth, and any semblance of restraint snapped under the weight of the alcohol coursing through her veins. She tensely leaned in and began to whisper. "Oh, Ariella, darling," she spat, her tone dripping with venomous sarcasm, "since when did you become the expert on decorum? You can't even keep your shoes on for more than an hour. I can't imagine how much dirt is stuck under your nails." She laughed mockingly, her eyes flashing with fury as she took a step closer, her gaze burning through her daughter.

"Honestly," she continued, her tone scathing, "if you ever want to be anything in this society, you’ll stop making a fool of yourself and start acting more like me. "

She let out an exasperated sigh, glaring down at her daughter before turning on her heel with a dramatic flourish, her head held high. "I don’t have time for this nonsense."

Victoria's lips subsequently thinned as Drake tried to smooth over the situation with humor. He did a fine enough job, but she was too annoyed to properly award him. She found herself irked as he tried to claim he could hold his liquor after showing clearly that was not in fact the case to most of the nobility in the city. "Five scotches for breakfast?" she echoed, "You're kidding me, right? You better not become some smelly alcoholic." Her gaze flicked to the crowd, irritation barely concealed. "Fine, I’ll refrain from further yelling."

However, not everyone wanted to refrain from yelling. A female voice suddenly cut through the air, “Take off yerr shoes!”

Victoria froze mid-step, her head slowly turning back towards Stratya, her eyes wide with confusion. The confident demeanor cracked for just a moment, giving way to a bewildered expression.

"What did you just say?" she asked. It took her a few seconds to process the outburst, and for once, she was speechless. "Take off my shoes?" she repeated, almost incredulously, as if the very suggestion were the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard."Who do you think you are?"

“She won’t do it! It would be a crime Knight Captain! Victoria knows she has the stinkiest feet in the Kingdom! Trust me when I say it would be easier to bury your face in WEEK-OLD ROYAL CURD CHEESE left in the blistering heat than to be subjected to the hell of her removing her shoes!”

Her head whipped toward Lorenzo, her eyes blazing with fury. Her lips parted to speak, however, the least important prince spoke up with empty threats and even dared to jump on insulting her foot odor! He'd pay for that! They both would.

“Victoria,” Gideon's voice intercepted her raging mind, “Why don’t you come back and sit with Lily and I? We’re all supposed to be celebrating together.” He placed a hand on her arm, “Today is about our children, about Drake. Let’s not give him and Ariella any more reason to feel ashamed. It’s not worth it. We’re better than this.”

Her lips curled into a tight, icy smile that didn’t reach her eyes as Gideon spoke. Instead of replying, with all the elegance and poise of a practiced noblewoman, she lifted her glass, as if in a mock toast, her fingers tightening ever so slightly around the stem.

"Enjoy the party, Duke Vikena," she said softly, her voice carrying just enough edge for him to know the sentiment was anything but kind. As she lowered her glass, her eyes remained fixed on him. She didn’t need to say anything more—her look alone was enough to make it clear. Lorenzo had just made an enemy, and Victoria Edwards was not a woman who forgot or forgave easily.

With one last piercing stare that could cut through steel, she averted her gaze and addressed everyone, "For the record, I bathe daily and apply only the finest floral-scented lotions to my feet regularly. I receive pedicures every week from the best in the kingdom. If anyone doubts me, you're welcome to sniff my feet yourselves!" With a huff, retreated back to the table, her head held high.

Location: Edwards Estate - Drake's Party
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

“Lottie that’s your song!”l

Lottie’s eyes sparkled, her tipsy grin widening as Lorenzo’s words washed over her. Was he proud of her? Perhaps even impressed? She held a big, stupid smile on her face, soaking in the warmth of his praise without even registering the tray of drinks he had requested. For a moment, everything felt light and easy, and she reveled in it.

When Cassius spoke, closing the distance between them, his teasing tone returned. His gaze was locked on hers, and she could sense the arrogance creeping back into his demeanor. Without missing a beat, she fired back, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. “Well, you certainly make sure no one could miss you with all that ‘subtle’ strutting around.”

As Cassius went on, labeling her a swan, the dynamic shifted. For a moment, Lottie’s gaze softened. The warmth of his breath brushing against her neck ignited a subtle flush in her cheeks, though the alcohol buzzing through her system helped her maintain her composure. Her heart quickened, but her boldness only grew.

“A swan?” she mused, her voice smooth and unhurried, savoring the compliment as if it was her due. “Well, I can’t say I mind the comparison.” Her eyes held his, a playful glint returning.

“And it seems in your world, we are both birds. They do say birds of a feather flock together, don’t they?” Her smile deepened as she leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a low whisper.

“I suppose you’re alluding to that night you were... less than charming, and I had to get cross with you. Oh yes, I have not forgotten mister
” she continued, her words pointed but still playful. Her gaze sharpened slightly, though her smile never faltered. “Now, tell me, Cassius, you’re clearly not a man unaware of how to speak to a lady. So, was there a reason for it? Were you mocking me because of the rumors?”

With a smirk, she reached out, gently brushing a lock of hair from his face, ensuring he saw the look in her eyes before she leaned back into her seat, folding her hands elegantly in her lap.

Just then, Stratya’s outburst caught her attention. A giggle slipped from her lips, “Oh dear, that was quite funny, wasn’t it?”

Before she could think further, Lorenzo chimed in, adding fuel to the fire, as he so often did. Normally, a rush of anxiety would bubble up inside her, worrying over him. Instead, she found herself doubling over with laughter, covering her lips as she giggled uncontrollably.

In a sudden burst of spontaneity, Lottie kicked off her shoes and stood up to approach Lorenzo, wobbling slightly. She then told him as she took hold of his shoulders, “She’s got
 cheesy toes!”

She spun around after the declaration, giggling to herself, only to stumble moments later. She hit the grass with a thud but erupted into laughter, the ridiculousness of it all making her laugh even harder.

Time: Morning
Location: Edwards Estate Backyard
Interaction:@Helo Callum, @Lava Alckon Drake @TpartywithZombi Ariella
Mention: @Potter Olivia @JJ Doe Fritz @Funnyguy Lorenzo @Helo Callum @Lava Alckon Farim

Victoria snapped her fingers sharply, the sound cutting through the air like a command that couldn’t be ignored. In moments, two attendants hurried over, giant feathered fans in hand, and began fanning her with almost frantic devotion. Another servant fussed over her hair, ensuring every strand was impeccably in place. Her head barely moved, her posture regal as she surveyed the party like a queen on her throne.

"Honestly, Lily," Victoria drawled, her eyes glued to the unfolding scene across the lawn. "Look at them—acting like they've forgotten they’re in public, fawning over each other like animals. Farim and the princess, no less. She’s practically using him as a cushion. What’s next? Is she going to ride him in front of us all?"

Countess Lily forced a nervous chuckle, nodding along with a tense smile. "Yes, Duchess. It’s... quite something."

Victoria let out a snarky laugh. "Him and Moonear or whatever—those princes." Her tone dripped with sarcasm. "They dress as if they've borrowed their clothes from peasants. Baggy and uninspired! Honestly, do they not realize they are royalty?"

"And how is Ariella doing, Victoria?" Lily asked, eyes flicking nervously toward Victoria’s daughter.

Victoria’s gaze darkened instantly as her eyes followed Lily's. "How do you think she’s doing, Lily?" she retorted, frustration biting through her voice. "She’s obviously terrible." She pointed dramatically at Ariella, who was wiggling her toes barefoot. "Look at her—no shoes again! Of course, she’s decided to disgrace me at Drake’s party."

She huffed, crossing her arms. "Honestly, every damn time," she muttered under her breath, finishing her cocktail as if that could erase the chaos she’d just unleashed.

Without missing a beat, Victoria cupped her hands around her mouth and barked across the lawn. "Ariella! Put your damn shoes on right now or so help me, I will come over there and smack you with one!" The party froze for a split second as her voice echoed through the garden, heads turning to witness the spectacle.

A servant approached then with a tray of sparkling cocktails, a tight, fake smile plastered on her face as she set one delicately in front of the Duchess. Victoria accepted the drink, lifting it slowly to her lips. "Mmm, delightful. At least someone here knows how to do their job." Her gaze slid over the rim of the glass to narrow at the girl. "I hope you aren’t expecting a thank you. Go away now." She rolled her eyes.

Her eyes slid to the next table, a cruel smile curling on her lips. "And would you look at that table?" she sneered. "Cassius, Lorenzo, Callum, and Charlotte—what an utterly predictable bunch. Downing drinks like common drunkards in a tavern. Have they never seen liquor before? It’s so... undignified." She waved a hand, her cocktail shimmering as she took a delicate sip.

Her sharp gaze zeroed in on Callum, and she let out an almost bored laugh. "Should we even be surprised? Callum’s behavior never shocks me. He’s Edin’s worst mistake, after all. Living up to that legacy every day, isn’t he?" Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. Victoria then flicked her eyes to Lorenzo, stifling a snicker. "And Vikena... in that ridiculous pale pink suit? Absurd. He looks like a child who wandered into his mother’s wardrobe. Pink! On him! It’s laughable."

Bored with them, her attention drifted back to the table with Anastasia and Farim. Her eyes locked on Count Fritz. She arched a brow, disdain evident. "And that one... the short one with the dark hair. What’s his name again? He’s so insignificant I can’t even bother to remember it. Why is he here? Practically invisible." She let out a soft laugh before her eyes landed on Olivia, radiant with ethereal beauty. Not even one flaw on her face. The duchess’s jaw clenched involuntarily. "And who, pray tell, is that?"

She talks way too much when she drinks. Lily thought to herself, taking a steady breath before answering. "I don’t know who that girl is. I’ve seen her around the Vikena estate lately."

"Really! You usually know everyone." Victoria mused with interest, though her gaze remained narrowed in jealousy.

"She’s quite lovely, isn’t she?" Lily ventured.

Just then, Calbert rose from the table. "Please excuse me, ladies." He left abruptly.

Victoria’s eyes stayed on Olivia even as Calbert walked away. Her fingers tapped rhythmically against her glass. "Lovely? That’s one word for it, I suppose," she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness. She took a languid sip, masking the jealousy bubbling beneath. Her smile toward Lily was sharp, devoid of warmth.

"And the Vikena estate, you say?" Her tone was dripping with fake curiosity. "Well, that explains everything. She could have been something—if only she wasn’t mixing with that lot. Even the most polished gems can end up in the gutter."

Lily's smile tightened, unsure what to say. "Yes... quite the pity," she murmured, glancing toward Olivia, blissfully unaware of the venom being spat in her direction.

Victoria’s gaze darkened as she sipped her drink, the taste now bitter. "It’s like she thinks she’s better than the rest of us, just sitting there with that face, as if she owns the room. It’s enough to make me sick."

The only thing that broke her deadly focus was her own son’s voice. Victoria snapped her fingers, halting the fanning and the servant fussing with her hair. Her eyes were glued to Drake as he prepared for his performance. A small, proud smile curled her lips—tinged, as usual, with self-importance. But as Drake continued speaking, she noticed the slight stumble in his movements, the slur in his words. He even ended up playing some awful song from the Vikena girl of all people. It quickly went downhill, ending with him tumbling off the stage in front of everyone.

A fire raged in Victoria’s eyes as she abruptly stood. Her perfectly styled dress rippled, and with a snap of her fingers, her attendants hurried to lift her skirts. She couldn’t sit by idly after this disaster—her son, falling like a common buffoon! With her head held high, her features twisted in indignation, she stormed across the lawn toward Drake, her heels sinking into the grass but not slowing her determined pace.

As she reached him, her voice cut through the chatter like a blade. "Drake!" she whisper-hissed, glaring down at him. "Do you have any idea how utterly embarrassing that was? Falling off the stage like a commoner who can’t hold his drink! My son, making a spectacle of himself at his own birthday party."

Her hands rested on her hips, venom dripping from her tone. "You are not some tavern drunkard, Drake. You are an Edwards. Get up and act normal!"

Before Drake could reply, her eyes flicked to Callum, who had been helping him to his feet. Without missing a beat, she sneered coldly. "Oh, look. I believe a flea just jumped out of your hair, Prince Callum Danrose. You might want to find a comb—though I doubt it’ll help with whatever’s going on there."

Victoria let out an exasperated sigh, smoothing her dress and waving her hand dismissively in Drake’s direction, forcing herself to maintain composure. With exaggerated grace, she climbed onto the stage, every step dripping with superiority. At the center, she flashed a tight, practiced smile, her voice oozing with false charm.

"Dear friends, please forgive the interruption," she called out sweetly. "It seems my poor son, Drake, is feeling a bit under the weather. Nothing to worry about—just a minor spell of dizziness." She waved her hand dismissively and posed with a hand on her hip as if the entire backyard was admiring her. "I’m sure he’ll be back to his usual self in no time. Carry on!"

Victoria clapped her hands, her voice taking on a singsong tone. "Servants! Now would be a fabulous time to bring out more hors d'oeuvres, don’t you think?" she chirped, commanding beneath the sweetness. "And everyone, do help yourselves to the buffet! So much to enjoy!" Her voice rose with fake enthusiasm, teetering on desperation. She gave an exaggerated bow, performing for the crowd.

As she descended the stage, the tight smile remained. This party was supposed to showcase her family’s grace and superiority, and Drake’s stumble had nearly ruined it. But Victoria Edwards wasn’t about to let her family’s image falter. Not on her watch.
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