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Glad to see we're getting some interest! Invite your friends, I strongly encourage collaborative gameplay for this one. Start picking out what city you want to destroy first.

Original characters. I wouldn't object if you took inspiration from Godzilla, King Kong, Gamera, or whoever though.
In one bad day for the human race, they came. Emerging from the ocean depths, descending from the sky, clawing up from the very earth itself. They had many names: kaiju, behemoths, giant monsters, colossi, titans, and so on and so forth. Their origins and motivations were as diverse as their appearances. Scientific experiments gone wrong and towering eldritch abominations rampaged alongside forgotten prehistoric creatures and mutated animals. Everyone agreed on one thing, though- they left nothing but destruction in their wake. In hours, cities were razed and armies routed, and humanity everywhere huddled in terror, wondering if our time as the dominant species on this planet was up.

In this RP, you play as two different characters. One of these characters is a kaiju, a skyscraper-sized creature and the primary source of conflict in this story. Get as creative as you want, it could be a huge robot, a gigantic octopus, an amorphous blob, some kind of supernatural beast. Go where you want, destroy cities, make allies or do battle with other kaiju. What matters is just that it's big.

Now, to keep thing grounded, you will also be playing as a normal human with some connection to your kaiju character. Maybe you're a general leading troops into battle against it, a scientist trying to study it, a journalist reporting on it, even a normal average person desperately trying not to be squashed. Someone to show what it might be like to live on the brink of extinction.

This RP is largely player directed- pursue your own agenda, maybe our characters will meet up, maybe not. Just enjoy your rampage on one hand, and try to survive it on the other.

Also the title is only a placeholder until I come up with something catchier.

Anyone on board?
In one bad day for the human race, they came. Emerging from the ocean depths, descending from the sky, clawing up from the very earth itself. They had many names: kaiju, behemoths, giant monsters, colossi, titans, and so on and so forth. Their origins and motivations were as diverse as their appearances. Scientific experiments gone wrong and towering eldritch abominations rampaged alongside forgotten prehistoric creatures and mutated animals. Everyone agreed on one thing, though- they left nothing but destruction in their wake. In hours, cities were razed and armies routed, and humanity everywhere huddled in terror, wondering if our time as the dominant species on this planet was up.

In this RP, you play as two different characters. One of these characters is a kaiju, a skyscraper-sized creature and the primary source of conflict in this story. Get as creative as you want, it could be a huge robot, a gigantic octopus, an amorphous blob, some kind of supernatural beast. Go where you want, destroy cities, make allies or do battle with other kaiju. What matters is just that it's big.

Now, to keep thing grounded, you will also be playing as a normal human with some connection to your kaiju character. Maybe you're a general leading troops into battle against it, a scientist trying to study it, a journalist reporting on it, even a normal average person desperately trying not to be squashed. Someone to show what it might be like to live on the brink of extinction.

This RP is largely player directed- pursue your own agenda, maybe our characters will meet up, maybe not. Just enjoy your rampage on one hand, and try to survive it on the other.

Also the title is only a placeholder until I come up with something catchier.

Anyone on board?
Hey, this is my kinda jam. Puts me in mind of David Lynch a little. Got a few ideas for characters spinning around in my head already.

They wanted him to go in through the back.

Mr. Samuel Wu, Esq, could tell simply from looking at the building. Upper East Side, clad in marble. The kind of building where the tenants had names like Stuyvesant or Rockefeller. A Chinese man such as himself would be expected to go around to the servants' entrance and scrape and bow. The only reason he would be expected is if he spoke in broken English and was delivering a load of “crean raundry”.

And so he walked towards the front door. He wasn't suicidal, if asked he would go around to the back. This wasn't the time or place to be obstinate. But it felt good to take a minor stand.

“Greetings, my dear fellow,” he said to the uniformed doorman with a winning smile. “Mr. Samuel Wu, Esq, here as a guest of Miss Hobbs.” He adjusted his tie, waiting for the order to turn around and walk away, waiting for his entire lunatic adventure to collapse at the first obstacle.

But the improbable happened. The doorman looked him over with a credulous and vaguely disgusted air, but let him through. He actually let him through, with a recitation of an obviously prewritten welcome and directions. By George.

Mr. Wu took a moment to savor the rare combination of wealth and taste that marked the décor in the lobby, then let himself in through the stairs- he may have gotten past the doorman, but he wasn't going to press his luck any further in interactions with the elevator operator or other residents of this building. Besides, a man his age who spent most of his time in an office had to keep trim. The ten stories were a brisk climb.

He was greeted by a matronly Irishwoman and escorted into the study, once again displaying sensibility and taste. And there, at last, was the elusive Miss Hobbs, clad in a daringly short dress. Mr. Wu cleared his throat nervously, uncomfortable with the nude statues and overt display of feminine sexuality. His eye lingered for a moment over the bronze form of a male athlete, before he greeted the two women and one man in the room. “Hello. I trust that I am on time, tardiness is an abominable habit with which I take great pains to not engage. I am Mr. Samuel Wu, Esq, of the Benevolent Fraternity of Merchants. Please, take one of my cards.” He reached into his vest pocket, dexterously sorted through the three business card holders with his fingers- one for English, one for Mandarin, one for Cantonese. With a small bow, he handed each person in the room an English card. “I must confess that I have little experience with the art of detecting, however I hope my own small talents will be in their way a worthy contribution to our endeavors.” With that, he sat in one of the available armchairs, determined to watch and learn.
I love that there's only one straight person on this team thus far.

Submitted for your consideration. Let me know if any changes or alterations are needed. Thanks for your time!

This is very much my jam and I'm hard at work on a CS.
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