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  • Old Guild Username: Pyroman
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Sometimes... it is


Normally unavailable between 3pm-9pm, always welcoming RP ideas, large groups, small groups, 1x1s, you name it!

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Cable was still carrying Bonny at this point in the mission, and when Shawn had called on him to go back in, he couldn't tell the young man no. He had to be the last one to group of with the splinter team. He fired his laser rifle wildly with one arm, Bonny hoisted over the other, and retreated to the blackbird. He set the girl and his rife down, strapping Bonny into one of the seats before picking his rifle back up.

"Emma." Cable spoke loud enough over the sounds of war. "Bonny is in the jet, make use of her abilities to keep the blackbird secure." There wasn't time for debate. He could see her nod with his single eye, and ran off to rejoin Shawn, Booker, and Olinda.

Once the group was all together, Shawn worked on running back inside. Only now was he introduced to Olinda proper. After seeing her mutation in action, it was almost like even this part was planned out by Cable and the team, if at least somewhat.

"Shawn." He introduced himself back to her. "Geokinetic, huh? Awesome." Running back in through the way they came, Shawn made sure to overload any electronic doors in their way, disabling them from locking down. Anything that couldn't be pried open with some constructs or geokinesis, would surely open up after meeting Cable's rifle.

He didn't need to say it again. Everyone was already on the same page. Shawn listened closely to try and judge where people were. Left or right, further down or back behind them. "Booker, once we secure more mutants, I need you to escort them back to the jet. Olinda, you'll be going with the second group if we have enough, and Cable and I will tale back the rest if there's really that many left inside."

And then the carnage began again. As another door of the once pristine building opened up, the sounds of screaming and violence were as loud as ever. Shawn spearheaded the operation, charging in quickly and doing whatever he could to help neutralize the guards, but he picked Olinda, Cable, and Booker because they were the best three other than Heidi to deal with people physically. Olinda and Booker could restrain people physically, and Cable's rifle and brute strength made it easy for him to take out nearly any target.

"Bonny, dear. I'm going to lay out an image of the field around us, and I need you to quicksand the floor where the guards are." Suddenly, Emma was back in the Blackbird and back in Bonny's mind. Laura was now in charge of managing the team back in the real world. "Once we're able to make sure that the guards can't get to us, we can start moving people into the jet. Maximum occupancy isn't something we can worry about right now. Booker will just have to keep constructs up on the flight back." She smiled to herself, forgetting how easy is was to say her thoughts "vocally" in someone elses mind. It was a tricky thing.

Meanwhile, back to reality, Laura watched as Cable and the others left. With the rabid and furious mutants they had, it was easy to make quick work of the guards, but they just kept on coming. They had never gotten this far, it was something that they couldn't have predicted. But they were still going to fight their way out anyway.

"Chrys!" She yelled to the young man. "Physical attacks only! You cannot get any older." He was getting close to his limit, and uses like putting people in subspace did age him forward quite a bit. She didn't want this kid using all of his power and running out of time before his life even began. Heidi was still tending to that unconscious mutant in the jet. With a grunt, she stabbed another guard in the shoulder and kicked him off of her claws. She couldn't ask Heidi to wake him up, lest he still be violent and have the power to decimate their only way out. Someone had to keep him calm when he woke up.

Plus, it would be good experience for Heidi to talk someone down while in a very tense war zone.

Amnesty Bay, Maine
November 4th, 2019
4:20 PM


She screamed in her mind against the voice taking residency. It never shut up when she started simple robberies.

fly. fly. fly. fly. fly. fly. fly.

It was like a command prompt that kept running around her mind. She was already running as fast her legs would carry her, but the stupid sentient stone on her back would never stop trying to coerce her into drawing on it's power. She always refused, and not was no different than before.

It was petty theft, unarmed robbery. Using a cloth mask to cover her face, Patricia had walked into a gas station and promptly punched out the cashier, and had used a nearby stapler to bash the cash register open. Brute force and a still object were all that she needed to get some cash. Nothing new. Only two people were inside at the time, so she wasn't too worried about civilian involvement.

She shoved the money into the pockets of her plain black jacket and took off once more. However, things turned interesting.


With wide eyes, Patricia looked back at the gas station with wide eyes, staring at the angry man shouting and waving around a gun in his hands. He couldn't be serious! He was actually trying to gun her down! Not even the police had opened fire on her before!

Too wild, and the Scarab's commands screamed louder in her head. She shook her head to free herself of it's thoughts. She couldn't stop now. He didn't seem to be giving chase, but plenty onlookers were calling the cops to let them know about the robbery.

She refused to stop. She needed to get away. Amnesty bay was just large enough of a small city for her to be able to hide and change out of her robbery clothes scott free. She just needed to get away and lay low.
@Burning Kittyyoull be able to buy the lab and the land, even the people working in there, but the name Alkali-transigen is owned by some pretty powerful and wealthy people, and after the less we all caused together, they're going to have some new targets to hit
It was a massacre.

Shawn could hardly bear to look at the sights going on before him, but he knew that this was the only way things could have gone down. These kids, all of them, were experimented on, tortured, and treated like animals. All they knew was hate for their captors, and now they were getting the chance to get revenge.

Mutations flew left and right, blood covered the once pristine halls of the facility. He had to stand up, take control of the situation.

One of the children had tried to make a break for the president's office. Heidi, equipped with her exo-skeleton had knocked the kid right out and hauled him over her shoulder.

"Mr. Smith, I need you to wall off the entrance to the office! We can't let them get in and kill him." They needed to either calm down the once-captive mutants, let them go crazy until they settled themselves down, of neutralize them. Shawn knew he could do it, but he didn't trust himself to make another clean shot like he did to the president. It would be so easy to fry them all, but he needed to use his fists and his words right now, no mutation.

But something caught his eye. Something reflecting high off one of the lights in the ceiling. It was the little girl he had seen earlier who was flipping the coin, now using said coin to shine some light and get someone's attention. How she had even gotten into the ceiling tiles was beyond him, but he wasn't going to start questioning her. She grinned at Shawn and hopped down, seemingly ignoring the carnage doing on around her.

Her skin was as pale as snow, the only think left of her original pigment being a spot surrounding one of her eyes. Her arms were scarred and marked up almost horrifically, but quick movements with her arms seemed to suggest the damage was only cosmetic.

"They're not going to listen to you guys." She shrugged. "We've been waiting too long for this chance."

Shawn grunted. He was trying to help them out, but they didn't seem to care if anyone was on their side or not. At least this girl could recognize that Shawn and the others were friendly. He didn't get the chance to respond. Another young teen, a few years older then Shawn lunged at him with a mighty roar.

Shawn was only barely able to catch him, and held him as far away as he could. "Could you call him off!? Tell him we're getting you all out?" The kid on top of him was speaking in some language he couldn't understand, and refused to let go of Shawn.

The girl sighed. "I don't speak French. Find your own way to get him off."

"Emma?" Shawn still struggled with the kid, looking around for their telepath. "Isn't there some way you can tell them all to calm down?"

"They're not listening, Shawn. Unless I assume direct control, they're not going to stop." Was her telepathic answer to his question.

Another grunt from Shawn. It looked like he needed to join in with the taking out of the guards. With his arms firmly on the kid on top of him, Shawn delivered just enough of a shock to get him to jump off. So much for absolutely no mutations. The kid growled, but ran off to find someone else to attack.

Shawn picked himself back up and ran into the fight. He glanced around to see who was doing what, and how he could help. Tatiana was gone, somewhere, Heidi was carrying her breifcase and another mutant, Bonny was hanging back, and Chrys was trying to work out a plan too.

"We can't do that Chrys." Shawn shook his head to the newly aged teammate. "We need to bring as many of these mutants back as we can. You could shift them, but they'd still be blood thirsty. We just need to keep the casualty count as low as possible.

Shawn made sure to get up close and personal with each of the guards he encountered. He needed to be close enough so a little shock could send them out. It was a slow process, but the only way he figured that the numbers of survival would be highest. He still had to fight some of the mutants too, but after the seeing Shawn and the others focusing on the guards, some of the other mutants began to see them as friendly. The first of which was the spotted girl, then some others, and the number slowly increased.

Unfortunately, Shawn's mission of low casualties was pointless as Laura, Wade, and Cable all worked to kill. He was still fighting for his own ideals.

"Emma, what are they looking like? Are they calm enough yet?"

"Those that are fighting with you. Tatiana has left with some of the mutants, quickly inspiring them to follow her. There's nothing I can do about her from here."

The fight continued, the masses of Mutants slowly but surely started to help fight outwards to safety, but still refused to not kill. Shawn wasn't even sure what to do now. They were still rowdy. The only different now was that they were mostly outside, and mostly covered in blood. It was not a pleasant feeling.

There was still more fighting going on inside. Many more mutants were inside, fighting the good fight.

"Heidi!" Shawn called out as he proceeded through another set of doors. "Put that kid and the briefcase on the blackbird. Newgirl, I need you too! Rose Mary, you and Chrys stay out here and help with evacuation and taking care of any guards that slip out here." He looked at the adults. emma needed to stay out, help keep everyone calm. Laura should stick with them as well. She looked like she needed to see all of these mutants freed. He didn't exactly trust Wade, so that just left two people. "Mr. Smith, Cable, I need you guys too! We need to go back in and help free the last of the mutants inside."

Just as he announced his plan, more guards stomped outside. Where were they all coming from? This was an unreasonably large military force for an experimenting compound. There had to be something larger at play here.

Preston surely wasn't expecting his new friend to come to his rescue, but he appreciated the help nonetheless. Oscar dismantled the gun and made sure that everyone who won the best got their share of the pot, except for the man himself. Preston couldn't let himself take Oscar's money, so he let some other person have it. Oscar left Preston with a number. Maybe one day he'd get the real scoop on Preston.

It wasn't much longer that Preston stayed at the bar. Fight was over, and he could go home. It shouldn't take him long to back to Coast city.

His hands were in his pockets again, and the ring was slipped on. He found himself a nice and quiet alley to hide in while he made his transformation. He could feel the burn of pure energy wrapping over his skin like a bodysuit, but didn't feel any of the pain that should have come with it. He still needed to get used to his new station as defender of the sector.


November 4th, 2019
Coast City C.O.C. 7:50 AM

The flight back home was as short as Preston expected it to be. The mask he had kept dust and such from getting into his eyes, and even had a feature where it could white out his eyes, preventing further identification and even retina scans. He liked that option because it looked cool.

When he had gotten home late the night before, Preston thanked his lucky stars that he he still had all of his belongings on his person. He needed to replace all of the food and liquids in his fridge, and that took only all night scraping through convenience stores.

He was able to fine some sleep, though. Nothing could compare to those Satenian materesses that were in the Barracks in Oa. Maybe he'd have to see if he could bring one home these days. Even without the perfect bed to sleep on, Preston was able to get up nice and early in the morning, ready to tackle the day and find an excuse as to why he had been gone for three weeks.

He certainly would have been fired after that, had an old friend of his not stepped in and provided a vague enough alibi to keep Preston from losing his job right then and there.

"I promise, I'll tell you all about it later." Preston sighed as he fell back into his chair. He spun around and faced his friend. "Look, Tony. I could tell you here, but you won't believe me. I'll let you in on everything later. My flat, okay?"

"Fine." The reluctant Tony agreed. "But you're buying beers. Lost my money on that fight last night.."
SIlver Spoon Bar, Hub City, 12:40 PM

"Business." He agreed with a nod. He wasn't lying. "Coast City Celestial Observation Center. C.O.C. for short." He was still telling the truth. His job as an astronomer led him to finding the ring, which got him his new job as a defender of the planet, which led to him landing here in Hub City instead of Coast City.

More cheering went on behind him, and Preston turned back to see what was going on. A smile grew on Preston's face. "Marvin Hayes was doing it! He was taking the title tonight!"

As Ives went down and Hayes was announced the new champion, Preston cheered. The other patrons groaned, some even got angry and proclaimed it was a rigged fight.

"Rigged or not, Hayes won." Preston nodded to himself, smiling just a little Nobody except for a few were remotely happy about how the events turned out. "Now, I think we bet some money on this, didn't we?"

"I think you're on the wrong track, son. We didn't make any bets." A man walked over to Preston and towered over him with ease. His hands moved his jacket over slightly, revealing that the man was packing some heat. Preston grew tense, and sat back down at the counter, still facing the large man.

Preston couldn't do it. He couldn't slide the ring on and beat down these guys for money. He had to do this bare-handed, and at least one of them was packing a gun. He could be tricky about it and use his ring in subtle ways, but the guardians wouldn't like that. He was forced to sit down and take this like a punk. He wasn't happy about it, but he was just a brawler, and nothing his human body had could stop a gunshot.
@QueentzePat and Preston can carpool with their semi-sentient alien gadgets
I think there should just be like a check in date. Maybe after week of unchecked inactivity, you @ the players not responding.
if it makes you feel any better, I'll follow this RP even if it gets rebooted, so you'll always have me around!
I'd love to respond, but again, I'm not really in position to post, unless you really wanted me to.
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