Avatar of pyroman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Pyroman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5982 (1.58 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. pyroman 10 yrs ago
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Current Oh yeah. It's soup time again.
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Soup Time. A Year Later.
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Soup time.
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I am currently sick and putting all of my energy into work, please forgive me if I don’t respond right away or forget things!
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5 yrs ago
Sometimes... it is


Normally unavailable between 3pm-9pm, always welcoming RP ideas, large groups, small groups, 1x1s, you name it!

Most Recent Posts

February 7th; 1:24 PM
Lycus Dorm, University of Poseidonis, Atlantis

"Look..." Virgil grew a little red, looking around and away from Karen sheepishly. "I get y'all are close and everything, but a man's black case is pretty personal. But I mean, if he's cool with it, then..." he didn't really know where he was going with this topic of conversation, but regardless, he decided to join in on the hunt. "Oh, a suitcase... Right."

"What's in it anyways?"
Virgil didn't really want to know about Mal's tastes, or perhaps he was completely wrong and just making a fool out of himself. He could have sworn that he had seen Malcolm tugging around something like what karen was describing on moving day. He just couldn't remember where the young man had placed it. Maybe it was just best for them to ask Mal about it. There was a lot that Virgil didn't know, and though he was trying to find out, he wasn't going to pry too hard into things. "Yo, B. You wanna help us out too?"
February 7th; 1:22 PM
Lycus Dorm, University of Poseidonis, Atlantis

Sounds, motion, Virgil could have sworn that he felt it, but he passed it off as just false-positives. He was too busy listening to music and tampering with tech to notice a knocking on the door and it eventually opening. Only when it did open did he register other people inside his dorm. It was Karen and Bjorn. He passed the two a wave, but paused his music as he heard her talking again. Bjorn came in as well, and waved at his dormmate also.

Something about borrowing something from Malcolm, it seems. Virgil didn't care all that much, but he figured he'd be nice and try to help anyways. "What are you looking for?" He set his shockbox down and unplugged his headphones. Virgil didn't like to pry, but there was something certainly different about Mal and Karen compared to other people. "Couple heads lookin' around for something is better than just one."

Maybe Mal got sneaky and hid whatever Karen was looking for with someone elses stuff. That would certainly be a Mal move if Virgil figured right.
February 7th; 1:02PM
Lycus Hall

"Look, Rich. Something's going on here, I can feel it."

"Are you sure it's not your supersenses getting antsy from not being on patrol? Maybe it's the water pressure."

Some help he was. It had been little over a week after they had arrived down in Atlantis, and Virgil had been doing fine. Minimal sleeping, decking himself out in whatever he could get his hands on, and generally not accepting the fact that he was just a civilian again. Maybe Richie was right. Maybe it was just the fact that Virgil wasn't used to this. He needed something related to hero work, and maybe this was just his mind digging at whatever seemed like a case.

"Right." He shrugged it off and went to reach for his Shock Box. Richie had fine tuned it to make sure it would work in the depths of the ocean. "I'll talk to you later, Richie." And with that, he closed communications.

Virgil wondered where Mal and Bjorn were. Again, it was him alone in their room. Something was up, but he just didn't have anything on whatever it could be.
Bump, and now a little prettier with more stuff!
well... um, hello. It's been quite a while and I've been sort of out of the game, but here I am! I'm Pyro, it's nice to meet you.

I'm just gonna keep this relatively quick and simple before we get much further.

Give me the cheese.

I am a bleeding heart and a hopeless romantic of the highest caliber. I live for slow burn, meaningless but meaningful coffee meetups between two lifelong friends who know each other better than anyone else, midnight confessions in an empty building, illuminated only by distant fireworks. Give. Me. That. Cheese. If things do get intense, I'm going to politely ask that we just fade to black and skip to afterwards. Nothing against it, but it's just not my jive, and quickly pulls me out of the RP.

Now, that's not to say that Romance is the only thing on the table. You want adventure? Hell yeah, a murder mystery? Awesome, maybe even just a casual, non-romantic slice of life sort of deal. Maybe we're all members in a marching band. Shoot me any ideas that you have, and I'll gladly workshop it with you! While I will have fandoms listed, we can just have an RP based around it, and not specifically in it, if you want a little more plot freedom.

They being said, if romance is involved between characters, I do ask that it be kept to M/F, and being a dude myself, I would prefer to play that part in the relationship. I can play male, female, everything in between or not at all. Again, tell me what you want to do, and I'll to my best to work with it.

With all of my dire needs out of the way, lets get to those juicy interests!



ideal pairings:
rivals (could literally be about anything, as long as they're somewhat against each other in a similar goal, or cross paths with different intentions. Enemies also works.
childhood friends
City-born and small-town

Please, feel free to drop a message here or PM meif something catches your fancy! I cant wait to work on something!
Name: Li-Mei Zehui
Alias: Fringe
Description: Li-Mei was raised in the streets of Shanghai, pushing against the current and always putting her own needs on equal grounds with the needs and wishes of her family. She lived a simple life, pursuing her interests and eagerly trying to make her own path to greatness. Science was her love, her drive, and she hoped that one day she would be able to make her mark and do her family proud. Unfortunately, her mindset was forced to change after being bitten by a mysterious spider. It granted her amazing sight, speed, reflexes, and even the ability to climb walls. This was her path, this was how she would make her mark on the world. Only, she couldn't do it as herself.

She adopted the name Fringe, knowing that this sudden change would bring imbalance and conflict to a lot of people. She just had to manage with it. Moonlighting as the upstart web spinner Fringe, Li-Mei and her collective of friends work in conjunction to keep her a step ahead of her enemies, applying their individual and collective ideas together to make a true superhero.
January 27th, 12:00 AM
Lycus Hall, room 312

bzzt. hssst.

It was nights like these that Virgil hated.

Surely after walking around, talking, and meeting people and experiencing new things, he'd be tired.

That was a lie, he was exhausted.

But his body wouldn't let him sleep.

It was because of all of those late night patrols with Richie and even a few other Bang Babies by the end of it that kept Virgil awake into the early hours of the morning, whether he wanted to be or not. He didn't want to hold anything against his best friend, but ever since Richie had joined the crew with his amazing brain, Virgil's long nights got even longer.

But now he was alone. Not exactly. Malcolm had stepped out a while ago, and Bjorn was handling himself as well as well could be. Maybe he was around, maybe he was popping up and surprising other people like he seemed to like doing. Regardless, it was quiet, dark, and Virgil could finally let his mind wander.

Into tech.

Sure, Richie was their lead engineer and scientist after becoming a Bang Baby, but it was initially just Virgil in charge of his own gear and tech. It was late nights like these where he could just kill the hours by making something new, or fixing something old. Or maybe just playing with a circuit board and watching the sparks fly.

Virgil had on his goggles from his Static costume on so he's be safe from the sparks. Electricity? Perfectly fine, but Virgil was still susceptible to other forms of plasma like fire and general heat. He could never explain why that was, given that electricity was arguably a more raw and dangerous form than fire. It would only make sense to some sort of immunity of extreme tolerance given that Virgil was a living conduit of energy.

Thoughts on it aside, he almost missed this. He had come here to get away from heroing, from the suit, but he really couldn't leave it behind. He was still here, wearing his goggles, relining his suit and testing new methods of creating and dispersing a shield. Perhaps the school's science labs were a better place for all of this, but after everything they had done today, he, Bjorn, and Mal, almost made the dorm Homey. In Virgil's little corner, he set up a makeshift workshop on his desk, getting back to the work he said he was taking a break from.

January 26th
Harper Heights
San Francisco, California

She was finally here.

After a full year and some of planning and laundering, Patty finally packed up and set out west. Her son was growing up well, happy and carefree of the life his mother led. She could have sworn that her son should have been a tad bit older, but apparently not. Maybe she just forgot his age every once and a while due to her busy life.

She had to remind herself that it was all just for her. This was for him, her little Tobias. These powers, her network, those gangs out there ready to be pulled into her own little mafia, all of that was hers to worry about. She wished she could pull out, could settle for a life in silence with her son on the California coast, but too much of her father was in her, instilled in her. The call of crime was too loud to ignore.

She snapped her fingers, the lights came on in the house she had acquired for her and Tobias. However, it wasn't a smart house that turned the lights on at the snap of her fingers. Five figures followed her into the house, saying little and following her every command.

She walked through the house, pulling the leather jacket off her shoulders and leaving herself in cargo pants and a tank top. One of them hung the jacket up by the door. Unfortunately, wearing an alien Scarab on your back made it difficult to wear a lot of clothes. She just had to dress light.

"Tobias, I'm taking care of business in my office, i'll be out in a bit, okay?"

She shouted into the halls, hearing a faint reply from her son. He seemed to take well to moving into the big city. She'd put him in the best school available, through her means of money, or other means of persuasion.

Walking down, she entered her office. It was simple, clean, and not yet completely lived in. All of her office supplies were there, but it lacked a personal touch that she would soon give it.

She sat down, the door was closed, and the room was inhabited by six people.

"I'm glad to see you could all make it." She spoke plain english, a common ground for both parties.

"We're honored that you hired us." The first of the five spoke. He wore a black and red jacket, his hair styled only like you'd see it in Akihabara. "After our... self imposed exaltation, we sought an employer to use our skills. We will not bring you shame."

"I should hope not." Patty leered at him. A young, handsome man promising not to bring her shame? A laugh, but she couldn't deny that the color-coded convicts had a certain panache about them. "I don't believe I ever got your names, or callsigns, for that matter. Your ad only listed your group name."

The young man in red smirked. "We're the Five Fighters. We were once the Six Shooters, but Kouta left because he didn't agree with his designated color. I'm Shotaro. Fighter... Red."

"Ken, I'm Fighter Yellow."

"Sakawa. Fighter Purple."

"Hana, Fighter Blue, at your service."

"Nadeshiko, Green Fighter."

They each introduced themselves simply. It wasn't hard to guess which colors they were. They seemed to wear them proudly in their outfits, even without costumes.

"Again, we are honored that you have chosen us. Our western style didn't fit back home, but here, we're sure to fit in among the Powered crowd." Shotaro bowed, followed by the rest of his team.

"You'll stand out, but in the best way." Patty smiled at them and leaned forward in her seat. "You'll be my hands in this operation, can you handle that?"

The nodded silently.

"Good. Now, get out there, make a name for yourselves. Disrupt the power structure in the local gangs. Casualties are at your discretion. With things being shaken up buy you guys at the front, I can handle things elsewhere, eat up any and all territory available. Understood? Now get out there."
@JrVaderum, I don't know if anyone mentioned this to you, but you need to drop your cs here first, before putting it in the character slot, just so we know who's characters have been accepted and such.
I'm already involved in the collab post between me and Loon that's the second to last post, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for me to go again, though I suppose I could.
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