Avatar of RabidRabbit
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 91 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. RabidRabbit 7 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Wow
6 yrs ago
I follow you quietly, my voice you'll never hear. At your side come morning and evening, but at noon I disappear. Who am I?
6 yrs ago
Wanna mildly sass me? K, you can die.
6 yrs ago
Seriously starting to think the day I don't have something going medically wrong with me is the day I die.
6 yrs ago
Heading off for a, ugh...gastroscopy, to find out just how bad this stomach bleed is. Wish me luck peeps.


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Most Recent Posts

Awww aren't yew a wittle cutey wooty patooty!
Banned for confusing the communist judicial system with a ban hammer.
Ok a lot of what I've come up with for the world so far isn't exactly kosher for a public post like this one, so world info will not be posted here. Instead we'll save it all for PMs.
Right so this is the first time I've done something like this, so I'm not sure how it's gonna turn out, but basically the idea I've got is for a long term, open world roleplay with heavy adult sexual themes. The world is inspired by the likes of Monster Girl Encyclopedia, Monster Girl Quest, and even a bit from Fenoxo's Corruption of Champions (minus his weird fixation on furry futanari).

I'd like the world building to be fluid, where we set some basic things up together beforehand and then build on it as we go, adding characters and NPCs whenever necessary. The involved nature of the world building will mean a lot of OOC back and forth, so I'd like to split the OOC and IC into separate PMs. Proper spelling and grammar is an absolute must, and the quality of all IC posts should be mid to high casual. Anything less than two paragraphs will quickly lose my interest.

This is still a WIP idea, so I may add some world info here later on, but in the mean time if anyone would like to take a crack at building from scratch with me, please feel free to send me a PM.

Name: Sylvianne
Aka: Sylvi
Age: 572 (Appears to be in her late teens to early twenties)
Gender: Female
Species: Black Swan Maiden


Relationships: N/A
Extra: Like all Swan Maidens, Sylvi has a cloak of swan feathers, jet black, that she uses to change into her bird form.
Sylvi also speaks in a heavy french accent, perhaps reflecting her place of origin.
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