Avatar of Ramjammer
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    1. Ramjammer 8 yrs ago


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Current Got a Job Interview tomorrow! <3
7 yrs ago
These last few days have been VERY busy and stressful for me. So please forgive me for disappearing!
7 yrs ago
There comes a time where you have to stop and say to yourself. "bitch you have too many characters."
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7 yrs ago
Need cigs, but it's cold outside........*cries*
7 yrs ago
Got chinese. New Deliver driver was cute. Please keep sending him to my door.


One day all the forces of the Universe came together and said. "What's the single worst thing we can come up with?"

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Got some info on the City that the RP will be taking place in up. You can go ahead and read it at your leisure.
Gonna bump this sucker up. We're still looking for more people so don't be shy!
@Rune_Alchemist Alright. Don't overwhelm yourself. Only work on what you think you can handle right now. We don't want you getting burned out.

*Pushes 20 of my own characters into a closet*
I have no idea what you mean.
Oh go ahead a d take your time! We won't be starting for a few days since there's a lot I have to finish and I want to see about rounding up some. More people. I look forward to Rping with you!
@Rune_AlchemistYes, you are more than welcome to do that, but it will vary depending on the Route that you go.

Regular Law Enforcement handles complaints about unruly Daemons and tends to respond to calls from residents. Suppression and Containment are usually required. Dispersal only happens if the Daemon is exceptionally violent and a danger to everyone making Suppression difficult. So a Daemon caught stealing or making themselves a nuisance would be contained. A Daemon that's eating people and destroying buildings will get Dispersed. Daemons that are contained are more or less serving Jail time and are stored away until they can better behave. Daemons that commit particularly horrible crimes are tried like any other Human.

Waylight Security serves as the Security force for Apex Implementations. So any incidents involving unruly Daemons would be internal from that point. However because Private Security is a service offered by Apex, your characters would be hired out to work for the Upper Class. Wealthy Elites, Politicians, Business Moguls and all that. And Apex is Internatural, So your characters will more than likely get hauled half way around the world to shoot at a giant S-rated Daemon throwing cars at people or some shit. You would still have to report to Local Law Enforcement however since you're just Private Security. There would also be the issue of stepping on the Military's toes. So if that's something you're into go right ahead!

As for Tech, it leans towards a Cyberpunk feel, but the Highest Technologies won't be found outside of the Offices or in the hands of regular people. The word 'Daemontech' up there means Technology used to research, contain, and disperse Daemons. Most People use Smartphones and tablets. And you won't be seeing Holograms all over the place. Maybe in the nicer Arenas and the Labs. The Military and Law Enforcement usually get first dibs on the nicer stuff.The Farther from the nicer parts of the City you move, the less high tech stuff you'll see. So the Middle-Class Residential areas are where you'd start seeing technology more like the present day. There will be higher tech stuff sprinkled here and there, but all of it serves a very particular function.

I'll put some images under a hider so you can get kind of an idea for the Aesthetic we're going for.

Okay. Added some more stuff to the I.D.C.C section. I'm going to get some dinner and get started outlining the City that the RP will be taking place in. I'd love to hear any feedback or ideas you guys have!
@Rune_Alchemist That's perfectly fine! I figure some Daemons would be harder to find an image for than others. I just need you to be sure to put the profile in the character board as well. Otherwise, it looks great!
@dragonmancer Very nice! But I need you to post that the Character Board if you would. That way we won't have to go scrolling through a bunch of OOC posts to find a character profile. Other than that, it looks great!
Alright. Take your time there's no rush. Tomorrow I need to work on Arena regulations and shizz, so I should probably go to bed lol
There's a more complete answer up with the Rules. But the short answer is yes. Daemon's can change forms.
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