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    1. Random Kitty 9 yrs ago


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From the sound, it would all just be computer data. Inorganic compounds have no data, just what they are. Energy is the same. Maybe they could be read as what they are.

From people, wouldn't that be DNA and controlling that seems out of the plan for the character. So, maybe it's just computers and that data. A technopath. It's a pretty solid trope.


Giving me some ideas of where to grow. Thankfully Brighid isn't too terribly power hungry beyond a little world domination.
Name: Brighid O'Shae
Age: 43
Occupation: Co-CEO/Cybersecurity Expert
Appearance: Brighid has no real form anymore, she exists purely as information. As a ghost in the machine, so to speak. However, she does build bodies or inhabits various pieces of technology to be the primary host of her consciousness. Using her company's nano-technology, though, she frequently uses a body that looks much like an idealized version of herself.

Bio: Brighid started out working in the IT department of Celtech Industries straight out of college. She had worked her way up to a low level manager, basically she had a team of two others that did most of the grunt work for people that had tech problems. Usually of the PEBCAK variety. But that all changed when the meteor came through. The old, geeky and somewhat socially awkward Brighid was no more. Literally. Her body ceased to be and she found herself in the system that she had been attending to for years. In an instant her world became infinitely larger as the world opened itself up to her.

Soon she found herself able to move quickly up the corporate ladder. Her knowledge of programming and the inner workings of computers and ode became an extension of her very being. Then there was the shakeup, the CEO, CFO and COO were all killed in a single attack. The power vacuum gave the perfect opportunity for her sleepless desire to move up. Making arrangements she and two others formed a triumvirate and took over. She became the Chief Technology and Security Officer, Adam White became the CFO, his power gave him an innate understanding of statistics, variables, numbers of all sorts. Probability could become near certainty with his understand. Chief Operations and Marketing was covered by a mysterious woman who started to go by Aphrodite. Her words had become honey that could insinuate their way into everyone's thinking.

Soon the company came to the forefront, hiring the best people and becoming a leader in nanotechnology and programming. From nano-particles to full blown nano-machines able to build and replicate from base materials. This revolution in building has had far reaching effects placing them among the top American Corporations. Though, they have no desire to do a hostile takeover, preferring to make deals and bring people together.

Powers: Brighid is now information. She has many backups of her 'code' though new information will always be missing unless she's been able to update the information. She is highly resistant but not immune to hacking, her speed making it a battle of wills should someone have a power. Corruption, though, triggers a self dissolve and she rebuilds from a stored copy of herself.

As information she can travel through the internet, inhabit nearly any computer system and is highly adapted at moving past security. However, she requires technology to even exist.

Using nano-tech to build a body she can interact with the world in a tangible manner. But, it is only a created body to be used and disposed of as needed. Recently she has taken to a more Steampunk look, a change from her original Cyberpunk look.
Yay, thanks.
Name: Brighid O'Shae
Age: 43
Occupation: Co-CEO/Cybersecurity Expert
Appearance: Brighid has no real form anymore, she exists purely as information. As a ghost in the machine, so to speak. However, she does build bodies or inhabits various pieces of technology to be the primary host of her consciousness. Using her company's nano-technology, though, she frequently uses a body that looks much like an idealized version of herself.

Bio: Brighid started out working in the IT department of Celtech Industries straight out of college. She had worked her way up to a low level manager, basically she had a team of two others that did most of the grunt work for people that had tech problems. Usually of the PEBCAK variety. But that all changed when the meteor came through. The old, geeky and somewhat socially awkward Brighid was no more. Literally. Her body ceased to be and she found herself in the system that she had been attending to for years. In an instant her world became infinitely larger as the world opened itself up to her.

Soon she found herself able to move quickly up the corporate ladder. Her knowledge of programming and the inner workings of computers and ode became an extension of her very being. Then there was the shakeup, the CEO, CFO and COO were all killed in a single attack. The power vacuum gave the perfect opportunity for her sleepless desire to move up. Making arrangements she and two others formed a triumvirate and took over. She became the Chief Technology and Security Officer, Adam White became the CFO, his power gave him an innate understanding of statistics, variables, numbers of all sorts. Probability could become near certainty with his understand. Chief Operations and Marketing was covered by a mysterious woman who started to go by Aphrodite. Her words had become honey that could insinuate their way into everyone's thinking.

Soon the company came to the forefront, hiring the best people and becoming a leader in nanotechnology and programming. From nano-particles to full blown nano-machines able to build and replicate from base materials. This revolution in building has had far reaching effects placing them among the top American Corporations. Though, they have no desire to do a hostile takeover, preferring to make deals and bring people together.

Powers: Brighid is now information. She has many backups of her 'code' though new information will always be missing unless she's been able to update the information. She is highly resistant but not immune to hacking, her speed making it a battle of wills should someone have a power. Corruption, though, triggers a self dissolve and she rebuilds from a stored copy of herself.

As information she can travel through the internet, inhabit nearly any computer system and is highly adapted at moving past security. However, she requires technology to even exist.

Using nano-tech to build a body she can interact with the world in a tangible manner. But, it is only a created body to be used and disposed of as needed. Recently she has taken to a more Steampunk look, a change from her original Cyberpunk look.

This is one option, but I'm open to others. I've been reading a bit about AIs recently so I wanted to do something like that.

"I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly."
Hi, I'm interested if there's still room. Do you want only Freelance/Free World group or could something else work? I saw you mention controlling a corp and I had an idea for another company thrown into the current political milieu. The character could easily be very hands on.

August 26th, 2015

Hugs were good. Very good, in fact. It always managed to make all the inevitable annoyance at her mother's inability to, well, mother fade away. It had always been that way. It had always been summers that seemed so much more fun when Cass was a child but now that she was a young adult it just seemed irresponsible. When a girl wants a bit of advice it shouldn't consist of 'carpe diem' while, possibly, noticing the cute date and giving her daughter a knowing grin. She didn't need to say those again, there had been many a night that the three of them had been up talking about life and family and everything else. And that connection was nice to have back.

Kissing Emily's cheeks in gratitude of the second hug Cass's sniffles started to clear. "Hey, thanks," but she had only really heard sound, not what was said. When Echo added to the group hug she struggled to do the same but worked out at one cheek. At least she’d managed to regain her composure. She really shouldn't let herself get so worked up. It wasn't worth her time. Next year she was an adult and could be her own person. She didn't need to deal with her mother on the same level. Putting it in the past. This was the last summer, and it was the last year here. She needed to embrace that completely and not miss out because of stupid things like this. Her friends were always more of a rock than her family.

Finally, she was herself again and her attention completely on her friends. Another solid squeeze, "really thank you," Cass whispered. Touching her nose against Emily’s and giggling. Definitely back to her normal self. “Oh, these. Well, my nose was in Prague. Drunken dare, but I kind of like it.” Running her finger over the multi-colored titanium. It seemed to change a bit in the light as it reflected in different ways. She had changed to that style a while ago in her ears and everything now matched. “The lip, was just something I’ve been thinking of doing, you know, match the tongue,” she liked all of her pieces. But it was as though she was doing everything she could to not be as Veela as she was. Or maybe it was doing everything she could to distance herself from her mother.

Talking about other topics, especially things that weren’t terribly relevant to her current issues, Cass was ready to talk about it. “Yeah, it was my mom, I swear. This time it was the Minister of Magic in India. I know I should just leave her but, you know it really sucks when you have to be the parent. Or feel like you do, I just wanted to be dropped off for the last time.” Unlike her dearest friend, Cass had absolutely no problem with apparition. In fact, she was quite adept, it was actually one of her best areas. When you can’t fly, it’s good to learn another way to travel. “But it is what is it, right? I mean, I can’t do anything about my mother. But this year is going to be awesome. I should worry about my NEWTs not my momchild.” That was a term she’d invented a few years ago with their help. Yeah, now it sounded silly but they were young and it had stuck.

“So, what have you two been up to, I know I haven’t been available with all the travelling.” Her goal was to keep doing that part, though. She wanted to get some music out, an album, and make a real go of it. Maybe that would be part of this year, too. “Oh,” she got excited, “I’ve been thinking about the band and I started writing songs this summer. I want to try to get some real gigs this year if you’re game.” It was one of her true loves in life, music. She was loathe to admit that she and her mother were, in some ways, almost identical. At least where music was concerned. A part of her knew why her mother was like she was with shows. She could easily become the same way.
No worries, I shall wait.
Should I wait for Undine? I could post but was trying to wait.
Congratulations. I'd be willing but can't guarantee great editing abilities.
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