Avatar of Rapid Reader
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 303 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Rapid Reader 4 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just force Bork or Shiva to RP when I need a GM.
1 like
3 yrs ago
I think the main thing with any IC is a good pitch, I've joined plenty of RPs because the pitch was good (but rarely do I care about how pretty the thread is).
4 yrs ago
Some questions are just curve balls though. Traditionally the answer to "Do you support white supremacy?" is an easy no, unless you're either an idiot or racist or probably both.


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Most Recent Posts

[X] - Take one item from the good Pharmacist.

[X] - A tube of 100 Vitamix-Plus Gummies - Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, you think you even see a little bit of magenta in there.

We may need vitamins on our long journey home.
The journey begins...

Pretty set on writing a Priestess of the Moon, but working out the exact details atm. :D
[X] - Stick with your original plan. Go back to the Stationary Shogunate and give the package to your clan elders.

[X] - Let him in on your plan.

[X] - Ask him if he can help identify the package.

The dorf doctor seems the honorable type, I think we can trust him.
What more can one really aspire to than being weird enough? :D
I put on my wizard robe and hat, which is to see I am extremely interested.
[X] - Can it even be called armor anymore? The inch-thick pauldrons have been shaved down to a thin wisp. The plating around your gorget has been crumpled. The only thing that’s usable is the cuirass and even then, the holes peppered throughout are big enough to fit your pinky through.
[X] - Take your clan’s insignia and mould it into an eyepatch.

We can never forget out shame at being defeated, but with a fancy pirate patch we can reclaim our honor and slay the Smilers.
[X] - “ Again.”
[X] - Why is half of your vision so dark?
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