Avatar of rawkhawk64
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    1. rawkhawk64 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current My RP Muse has returned, so hopefully I can find an RP or two to focus it towards.
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6 yrs ago
So, I'm on some sort of official and consistent schedule now. Which is nice, unless life decides to screw it up for me.
8 yrs ago
Hooray for being back in the swing of things! I'm back to a mostly regular upload schedule for my LP's, and I can even stream now! Hoorah!
9 yrs ago
RIP Satoru Iwata. Gone, but never forgotten. You will be missed.
9 yrs ago
Might be moving soon. What fun


What's up, Rawk Flawk and visitors alike!

I... am the Master Gamer, rawkhawk64. This also happens to be one of my internet hidey-holes. I enjoy all manner of Roleplays, usually fantasy or sci-fi settings. I also do fandoms. I'll usually check out any Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, or Pokemon RP's. I'll also check out other fandoms I like, but those usually have to be done well.

As for what I do outside the Guild, the big one is streams. You can catch me at twitch.tv/rawkhawk64.

Hope to have fun RP'ing with you!

Most Recent Posts

The Grineer are open to alliances as well. Just don't be surprised if they stab you in the back later.
I'll try to have a post tonight.
Just blow 'em to bits with a Balor Famorian, I say!
Intro post done.
The Resolve of the Grineer

The Twin Queens sat before their three most trusted subordinates. On their left was the floating form of Councilor Vay Hek, who was floating before them in his drone form. To their right was General Sargas Ruk, who stood at stiff attention. Directly in front of them was Tyl Regor, who had just finished his report on the strange structure they had built their base around. "Let me just to make sure we are clear here, Tyl Regor. You say this device can produce any basic resource we need, as well as provide us with Ferrite, Alloy, and your Compound CDA?" the Elder Queen asked. Tyl Regor nodded. "It is as you say, my Queens. That device, which I have decided to dub a 'Node' is capable of all that. From what Science Team Alpha and I have seen, it has infinite power, but is able to only produce a finite amount of resources per day."

"What use is this 'Node' to our Empire?" Tyl Regor regarded the Worm Queen before answering. "With the capabilities of the Node, we should be able to recoup our losses from that week of bloody fighting. If given enough time, we might even find a way to construct a fleet of Famorians." Regor proposed. Both Queens silently regarded him. Finally, the Elder Queen spoke. "Very well. It will be your job to allocate our resources to discover how to resurrect our fleet of Famorians and Balor Famorians." With that order, the Queens turned to Sargas Ruk.

"General, what is the state of our borders?" the Elder asked. Ruk stepped forward. "We've secured our borders, clearly marking them with some temporary walls. They won't last long, but we've got drones in the area to warn us of any intrusions. Labor Team Gamma is currently consigned to build a network of tunnels to facilitate a rapid response until we have the resources to construct some transport and drop ships." The Queens were pleased with Ruk's report, which was concise and considered. "Very well. Perhaps it would be wise for you to patrol our borders with some Lancers, just in case." the Worm Queen replied, with a nod from the Elder Queen. Finally, the turned their attention to Vay Hek.

"Councilor, have we managed to make contact with any other factions?" Vay Hek floated forward. "As of this time, we have not, my Queens. After everyone withdrew, we have seen neither hide nor hair of any of the other factions. The troops seem to think they've spotted weird smoke patterns to the east." Vay Hek's report was given more like a politician, although it surprised none present. "I see. Your task is to find the source of the smoke. If it's sentient life, see if we can't recruit them to our cause. We cannot succeed in our goals alone for the time being. Take along a few light troops, but not many. We don't need another declaration of war so soon." The three men saluted, and left the Chamber of the Queens.

"Well, we're in a fine mess this time. I thought the war with the Tenno and the Corpus was bad, but this certainly tops it.
However, I must say that these Nodes are fascinating. I'm certain there are more, so we must try to locate them before the others. Who knows what they'll do with that kind of power."
Regor replied, before turning off down a corridor that would take him to the labs. Hek and Ruk said nothing, both departing for their own destinations.

Sargas Ruk stood before his soldiers. They were lucky to escape with what they had, but the Grineer forces had still suffered a 25% casualty rate during the first hellish week of fighting. "Men, we have standing orders. Some of you will be coming with me to patrol our borders. Some of you will be escorting Councilor Vay Hek as he seeks out some interesting smoke seen in the eastern sky. The rest of you are on strict training regimens. We cannot risk any flaws in our military. Those of you in higher ranks will soon be able to see to the training of the next batch of clones. From my understanding, Tyl Regor has stated that they should be finished within a week.
Those are your orders."
With that, Sargas Ruk retired to his chambers while the men were sorted their duties by lesser officers. It was this strict doctrine that allowed the Grineer forces to stay so cohesive, even in the face of such losses. Still, Ruk hoped that they would soon acquire the resources to get working on nautical and aerial support. After all, there was an ocean near their borders, and taking advantage of it could be to their advantage.

Vay Hek met with the troops that were to be his escort after ensuring his Terra Frame was set to fly to his position if needed. It wouldn't do for him to be caught unawares and have no effective way to fight. He was met with three Shield Lancers and three Scorpions. Vay Hek commanded them into formation, and the party set out for the eastern borders of the Grineer Empire. Vay Hek flew above the troops, but he moved at a pace they could keep up with. The Grineer Councilor just hoped that their first foray into foreign relations would go over well.

Well, since we're comparing themes... This one is fanmade, but I like it.

So, am I good to begin posting, or should I wait for the TR on Vay Hek, Tyl Regor, and Sargas Ruk?
After thinking, I think I have a good starting location. After all, the Grineer do have sea units they can deploy (but they won't have them for a while yet).

Mine might need some slight editing. I think that the Famorians might be the Victory Condition of the Grineer, since they're so terrifyingly strong.
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