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    1. reddy 9 yrs ago


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Very glad to have you aboard!

You've made it sound very exciting, Reddy. Among other ideas for interesting places to be in, I was also thinking of setting a story in the Lepers, in the midst of a city filled with sickness, wherein Nocnitsa butts heads with the player characters as they try to figure out what exactly is keeping the city in its perpetual miasma.

Regardless of where we go, I always thought it would be awesome for Nocnitsa to become more of a presence. In the course of their adventures, the PCs would find that not only is the creed of Nocnitsa true, but the godlike personifications of the magical affinities exist as well, and we meet several of them. Though the gods claim benevolence or indifference, with mortal affairs beneath them, they turn out in fact to be beings orchestrating events on a massive scale, from Bestia on Tourmaline to Tenebris, Venenum, and Praecantio on Spinel, Motus in Agate, Aqua in the aforementioned watery city (what's a good name for it...Ebb?), and so on. A bunch of them might be abominable monsters in actuality, preying on the races of Protea.

I get the feeling that this might be what @Prince Of Seraphs is working on.

Of course, that is only one idea, and based on what you guys feel would be fun, we could do something completely different.

The framework is solid and nothing says our adventures have to end in Ebb (liked that name too btw). Ultimately the endgame and overall framework is your call Lugugrious. Fighting embodiment sounds fun and the alien mindset of an aspect of the world could be terrifying.

I'm working on a second character now, not sure how many we're allowed. After that I might start on building up some NPCs, additional organizations, and places. Nothing too fancy, but you wanted us to create, and so I will.
<Snipped quote by reddy>

Not bad. One setting in particular I was thinking of for a story would be a coastal city in Chalcedony famous for having a water level that changes by the hour. Dry streets would become canals, bridges between houses becoming piers, and so on. There characters would all be gathering in response to a request for aid for an expedition into the lower levels of the city, and there they'd find all sorts of adventures and things.

Perhaps you'd like to think of such a pulp adventure?

Ooooo, I like that setting. The tide leaves and the bodies of the unfortunate litter the streets in it's wake, of which there have been more and more. The near constant black sky and frequent appearance of the Ankou sowing seeds of hysteria. Then the whirlpool forms, dragging a whole building into the hidden depths below the city. There are no escapees or survivors. Then another, bigger. Whatever is the cause of all this, it lies down below, and the protagonists must find the answers while there is still a city left to save.
You're welcome. :)
1> Her father's dead, she hasn't dealt with it yet, and anything that reminds her of him sets her off a little.

2> She has no goal in life and it makes her feel worthless.

3> She's ashamed of her forgetfulness and how it hurts others.
Hmmm... Well he would fit in anywhere. Pulp adventures would do best I think, since your world seems to support them with exotic locals and horrors both mundane and mighty. When I first made him I was drawing off of the League of Extrodinary Gentleman and The Amazing Screw-On Head, just being sure not too make him too antiquated.
Ok, Einin's there.
Name: Einin of Ora

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Heqet- A race of humanoid frogs common in the southern tropics. Most range in height from 4-5' and have an impressive array of colors and patterns adorning their skin. These colors tend to be fairly uniform based on clan. Gender wise, male and female heqet can be hard for other races to distinguish between. Their names often don't help matters.

Heqet begin life as fairly large tadpoles in shallow spawning pools. As they mature and lose their ability to breathe water, they are adopted by members of the clan to be raised. Their adoptive parent teaches them a trade and the ins and outs of clan life. There are only two exceptions to this system. One is that all members of a clan are taught how to defend themselves and their neighbors, a fact that has led the heqet to become some of the most prolific martial artists in the world. The other is when a child is found to possess the "spark of the divine," and is taken from their parent to become one of the clan's shaman leaders.

While heqet are most comfortable in warmer climates, that doesn't mean the race hasn't branched out since being discovered by the Lorean Empire. Every few years a couple of youngsters like Einin trickle out of their homelands to wander Aephere. Those ranging to colder climates, however, are careful to bring some extra means of warmth with them as they just aren't built to take the cold.

The idea for this race mostly came from this picture, which is awesome.

Appearance: Einin is about 4'3" tall. Her smooth skin is a golden color and fades to white on her hands and feet. This is contrasted by her black, glossy eyes and a dark blue stripe that runs from her forehead to the back of her neck.

Einin is typically dressed in a dark red sarong and/or a matching head scarf depending on the weather. Both have purple embroidery bordering the cloth that depicts small birds in flight. The only other clothes she wears are a pair of simple leather vambraces and a leather belt.

Personality: Einin's a friendly and outgoing heqet with a tendency to talk over herself when she gets excited or frantic. She is an optimist who has a somewhat childish veiw that everything, no matter what, will work out in the end. It's this optimism that has kept her going despite life's pitfalls. She also has a strong indipendant streak when it comes to oppression, whether its aimed at herself or others.

Background: Einin, like some of her kind, found the wider world to her liking and decided to travel when she came of age. It wasn't surprising. Ever her father's "little bird," Einin was always wandering off to see what lay beyond the next hill or river. Her wanderings took her through the Cashan Desert, the Rhothland Hills, and finally to the town of Sothia where her coin gave out.

With not much else for prospects, she turned to the weaving she learned from her clan and now works a loom to feed and house herself. Although it was only with the intention of gaining enough money to keep traveling, this bird's wings seem to be clipped. Each day she finds it harder to envision moving on. It might take something drastic to get her on the road again.

Moral Weakness:
Dead Father- Choosing to leave as she did, Einin turned her back on her clan and her father. She never appreciated the gavity of that choice until he died in an attack perpetrated by clan Daq. Even though she couldn't have helped him or her clan, she still feels responcible for not being there when he needed her, his loss hitting her like a freight train every time she catches herself reminicing about him.

Lack of Focus- Everyone around Einin is doing something with their lives. Having children, working towards a goal, making plans. She has none of that and nothing comes to her when she sets her mind to finding one. It makes her feel unimportant and depressed.

Forgetfulness- Einin has always had a habit of being distracted and forgetting important details. Most notably she was working for a friend, Nora, on her dream wedding. In particular Einin was in charge of the clothing. By the time the date came around, nothing was finished. Everything was thrown off and it even ended the friendship. To this day Einin regrets not taking her responcibility more seriously.

Moral Immunity:
Societal Pressure- Einin might be lost in her own life, but she will be damned if she'd going to be told what its point should be. The shamans, her father, her clan, the empire, none of them can define her and she will fight if anyone tries to.

Weaving- Einin's quick hands and nimble fingers make her a skilled weaver. She made the clothes she wears and the clothing of many other people around town. It's a skill she takes a particular amount of pride in.

Climbing- Like other heqet, Einin has the ability to adhere to surfaces that can support her weight. Walls, trees, ceilings, as long as she can get a good grip she can crawl or climb along any of them.

Martial Arts- Einin favors the moade style, like most of her kin. It's a soft art that focuses on redirecting and re-positioning her opponent's force and using the environment to frustrate attacks.

Other: None yet.
I think I really like this idea, so here's a character. Tell me what you think.

Name: Rhastulah Ghurst or preferably Mr. Ghurst
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Race: Parili
Affinity: Sensus

Personality: Ghurst is a driven individual, almost bordering on the obsessive. When something catches his interest, he'll usually pursue it to the exclusion of almost all else. It's this mentality that caused him to leave the Arcadian Commune. The people there had no spirit. They lacked desires and he was worried that he might follow the same path if he stayed. This also means he tends to be fairly critical of the lazy.

Despite this aloof attitude, Ghurst can be very personable when he chooses to be. He has close friends in the NC, AO, and PC. He stands by his word and stands by the people he gives it to.

Fighting Style: Ghurst is fond of his Zelmein rollvolver, a sturdy thing of dwarven make, that he uses to great effect on those that would meet him with violence. Carrying only eighteen bullets altogether, it's a weapon of defense to aid in a quick get away or to stop a fight before it starts. Without the gun, Ghurst is a capable brawler, using whatever he can lay his hands on as a weapon. With how dangerous some of his jobs have been getting, Ghurst is beginning to wonder if he should take to something more permanent like a cudgel or a knife.

Bio: Growing up in the Arcadian Commune, Rhastulah benefited greatly educational resources provided by the country. Fiercly intelligent, a trait mostly owed to his academic parents, as a teen Rhastulah grew bored with common topics and instead was drawn to more... eclectic knowledge. Lest their son become a member of the Coven, or something equally as barbarous, his parents sought to fill their son's free time with arts or sports. This only drove Rhastulah to continue his studies in secret.

After graduating with honors in history, archaeology, and chemistry Rhastulah left his homeland and began a career as an investigator of the occult and the strange. In short time he became a private consultant to Fogi's executives, known for sussing out secrets. Recently though, Rhastulah's thoughts have been turning towards the Commune again. His father, it seems, has developed disparitis. A degenerative disease with no known cure, it slowly forces anyone, even humans, who shares parili blood to degenerate into disparis. Though the disease only runs along familial lines, that's small comfort to Rhastulah. For now, all he can do is try to find some means to a cure for his father and himself.


Other than the deer antlers sprouting from his forehead, there is nothing particularly outstanding about Ghurst. He keeps his brown hair neatly combed back to keep it out of his hazel eyes. From the passive expression on his face to the plain clothes he wears, in all ways he locks like a common member of the Republic of Fogi. It is an image Rhastulah fosters. The only thing that might have been a bit much is his handlebar mustache.

Typically, unless he needs something more formal or rugged, Ghurst wears a coal gray, tweed suit with a black waistcoat, and a white shirt underneath. A dark blue tie with matching suede gloves add a bit of color without being too brash. A pair of brown toe cap boots and a matching wool overcoat complete the look.
In a fantasy world with monstrous races, human nature is far less of a broad term.

In the situation you describe, my character wouldn't bother going to look for food, since he already has a freshly slaughtered meal in front of him. Human nature hardly applies to those who aren't even mammals.

Also, never said he didn't care about the outcome, he'd just prioritize in a way that would be horrific to others. He might prefer to take the course of action that causes more civilian deaths, as it means more souls to fuel his magic.

OK, but how is what he does horrific to himself? Surely, even with an alien mindset, he must have done something he finds abhorrent or trying.
I think what Dragon is saying is that he wants the characters to be mindful of their actions. That all of our characters won't be flying around, impervious to the world.
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