Avatar of RedNightHunter
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 123 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. RedNightHunter 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I really don't know whats happening.
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8 yrs ago
i wish dragons were real. Who's with me?
8 yrs ago
and I juste realized I spelled the website as 'sight'. Brilliant just brilliant.............
8 yrs ago
I am on this sight way too damn much.......................
8 yrs ago
Hey to anyone who sees I have been having massive headaches so my time will be off and on. Please just bare with me to all my rp buddies.
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Hello to anybody reading this! I love to create stories really almost anything. I will role-play for most movies. I role-play in CASUAL, if you are a free roleplayer and would like some help to write more sophisticated I am very good at that. However, I am mainly casual so please do not expect me to be cool with two sentences that do not contain detail at the very least.
Also, I have a few characters I would like sketched, pm me for details.

LASTLY, PLEASE DO NOT DISAPPEAR I FIND IT INCREDIBLY RUDE!! If you lost interest or cannot be on for an extended period just give me a heads up and I will do the same for you.

A little bit about me I sing, write, and play a variety of sports. Most of the time I act like a guy but I am a girl. It seems to me most people think I am a guy due to my name, someone told me I should probably put my gender on my profile and I can concede to that point. However, I do not give out any other information. I'm just that type of person even in real life so please don't take it personally. (unlike some people)

Most Recent Posts

@KatherinWinter idk im just waiting
This is plenty of romance with some action. A human girl is attacked as a trained warrior she fought them off but suffered tremendously. Coming across the territory of the one unmated vampire in her country. He offers her aide.
This is romance 18+ there will be a plot though. There are three ideas for a conflict floating about my head. So pm for information.
Sloane sighed, "No, I will go tell her myself. I need to speak with her this morning anyway." Bowing to Fang as she did not have a skirt on she turned to Sebastian. Checking him over for injuries.
Sloane relaxed, "Oh my apoligies, I didn't know who you were." Sheepishly she smiled. "Yes please, her ladyship will have a heart attack if I head inside like this." Taking a cloth she wiped the blood off her arm and steadied herself with her good arm around her horses neck.
(My phone is not too good so I will fix my posts later."
Sebastian reared again and kicked Rob in the stomach. Rob flashed forwards and sliced her arm with a knife right before he was hit. Crying out she fell against the stall door as her arm throbbed in pain. Seb flared his nostrils and nickered at her quietly. Her senses hightened from her fear she sensed a man hiding nearby.
"You try to do what these men did and you will regret it." She snarled out. Pulling out her own knife she stood in a defensive stance. Her blood trickled all over her arm and spilled to the floor. Ignoring the growing faintness kept her ready stance. She wobbled though, the blood loss kicking in as the adrenilen faded.
@SheaMorgan93 Hello! What type of rp? I am firmly casual so as long as it isn't free I am good.
Still looking? I am interested in the Young Justice. PM me if you are still looking.
A sure, I message me if anybody is interested. @imacamoprincess
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