Avatar of ReedeThe23rd
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 191 (0.09 / day)
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    1. ReedeThe23rd 6 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Infamous adult words like "tax evasion" or "debit card"
2 yrs ago
Nothing wrong with going "I dont want that." or "I wont join because of that." as long as whoever's doing that understands its a personal choice. People aren't owed an RP, and RPs aren't owed players.
2 yrs ago
Someone: What's your favorite anime? Me: Its complicated youtu.be/qIZL5qeEKj0
2 yrs ago
@gilgex there is not a single valid reason to hate people for their race, or any other biological factors they have no choice or control over
2 yrs ago
A rock stuck in your shoe, but like, metaphorically


I'm a stupid idiot who runs away from problems instead of facing them. Trying to change that one place at a time.

Most Recent Posts

@vancexentanI'm personally not a fan of the design of the Nemo III, nor does it fit the combat style I intend for Dren to focus on. Plus, the original Nemo was a mass-production suit with far more available to the EF after the war, while the Nemo III was a prototype that saw active use far less. The Nemo saw EFF service into U.C 0100, while the Nemo III was last seen in U.C. 0096. I figured having a less-common but still available suit that fit the style I want Dren to have worked better, plus I personally favor the visuals of the original Nemo design.
@Silverwind Blade Character for you, boss. I deviated a little bit, had some trouble confining the personality trait sections to bullet lists and getting what I thought of as important history into a shorter blurb. If there's anything you need/want clarified or changed let me know!

@Silverwind BladeAs an avid Gundam fan as well as Macross/Robotech, Space Gundam V is easily one of the most fun bootleg shenaniganry things I've had the pleasure of seeing.
@Silverwind Blade Hopefully its not too late for one more person to shout interest.

As far as travelling in one of the God-Emperor's weapon-coated hulking machines of death went, Mordecai had always considered ship travel one of the better prospects to be stuck with. It wasn't all great, of course, what with the constant sense of tension in the air whenever there was the slightest bit of Warp turbulence. But for the most part, it reminded him of being in a basilisk tank. The constant background noise was relaxing, kept him at ease, and gave him plenty of time to think.

Shifted from the tank crew he'd been practically raised with to an infantry regiment full of people from all over. Well, at least he'd been graced with the pleasure of assignment to a Command Squad, even if it was under the command of a Captain who may as well have been a human icepop for how cold she was and how far that stick up her ass went.

The others were a bit of a mixed bag, some good some bad. Mordecai figured the voidsman, Telaci, was a well enough man, if a bit indecipherable at times. The feralworlder Sergeant Rojack was in a similar boat, a fine man for the most part, but his accent and words were a bit thick for Mordecai's taste.

And then there's the Krieger. Mordecai honestly wasn't even sure if he was human. If the Captain was a stick in the mud, this man WAS the mud. At least the Captain understood human emotion and conversation.

As for their duties, being a junior NCO in a Command Squad definitely wasn't the worst place to end up in an infantry regiment. He didn't have any idea what the Captain would have him doing, but at least it was vaguely similar to when he led his tank.

The Captain was talking now. Between the perpetual ringing in his ears, his own thoughts, and the noises of the ship, it was a bit of a struggle to hear completely. The gist of it was about the Command Squad's job to maintain discipline and control over the Company.

"Understood. Keep the lads in line, make sure everything goes down as it should."
Chapter Six

"You'll come to regret fighting back, Jotaro. If anything happens to that nurse because you resisted, it'll be on your hands."

"Since you decided to send a hostage to fight me, I doubt I'll have any trouble crushing you. But I don't need to go that far, I can just knock you out and take you to gramps instead. I'm sure he'd be happy to meet you, and you can tell me all about this Dio guy too."

As Jotaro turned to fully face off against Kakyoin, the servant of Dio leaped from the windowsill and raised his arms. Stark green Ripple energy coursed down them, to the tips of his fingers, which were now seemingly drenched in liquid that reflected the green energy.

"Don't you think about any sudden movements, Kakyoin. Back down now, do you hear me?!"

"Oh I hear you, and you can hear this in return...Emerald Splash Overdrive!"

A series of large droplets, colored by and arcing with Kakyoin's green Ripple energy, shot forth from his hands. Shattering objects in nearly all directions, many of them hit Jotaro square in the chest, bloodying him badly and sending him flying into the clinic door with enough force to knock it from its hinges and snap it in half.

"You see, that water was infused with pure Ripple energy. My Ripple style, Hierophant Green, specializes in the use of the Emerald Splash Overdrive as well as manipulating other liquids through the Ripple. Now that its pierced your chest, you'll suffer from intense internal bleeding. And not just you..."

Behind Kakyoin, the school's nurse began to bleed profusely from the mouth, nose, eyes and ears, much to Jotaro's horror.

"The nurse...? But how?!"

"You see, when you forced your Ripple energy into her to expel my own, it had been residing inside her bloodstream. Now that her body is using your power to reject it, its expelling it the only way it can, by forcing her blood out! This is all your fault, Jotaro. She didn't have to get hurt. You should have just let me kill you quietly."

Slowly, Jotaro began to brace his battered and beaten body against the rubble of the doorframe, before bringing himself to a standing position, an enraged stare locked firmly onto Kakyoin.

"And yet, you get back up. Almost like a punching bag swinging back to a boxer. Maybe you just like getting beaten to hell and back?"

As he stood, faint Ripple energy began to flicker across Jotaro's body, his bloody wounds slowly stopping their flow as his breathing became less labored and deeper. His eyes gazed upon Kakyoin from the shadow cast by the brim of his hat. Pure hatred drenched every word he spoke, like poison coating a weapon.

"No one's ever said Jotaro Kujo is a nice guy. I beat the crap out of more people than I'll ever have to. Some are still in the hospital, even. There's plenty of teachers that got on my bad side, and never came back to class. And I make it a personal policy to skip out on a check if the meal's bad. But even a guy like me can recognize evil when he sees it...True evil is using the weak for personal gain, and then crushing them when its over! And that is what you've done to this woman, while you get to hide from the victim, the law, any consequences of your own actions...Therfore, I'll be the one to judge you!"

"My my! How noble of you! Certainly not what I expected. But also dead wrong. The side which survives is good, and how they do it is beside the point. The loser is the one who is evil...Now enough talk, its time to end this! Emerald Splash Overdrive!"

"If the loser is the evil one, then let me show you just how evil you are!"

As Kakyoin's Ripple-infused droplets pulsed with green energy while flying towards Jotaro, his own blinding white Ripple took full form and power. The white arcs of Ripple energy traced around his forearms, which Jotaro held in front of his body, directly in the way of Kakyoin's attack. The energies collided, Jotaro's dazzling white coloring reflecting off of the droplets and casting a blinding glow across the room. The droplets reflected off of Jotaro's forearms and dispersed into nothing, leaving Kakyoin utterly stunned at the fact his signature technique had failed him.

"My Ripple will be used to uphold justice! Barrage Overdrive!"

Jotaro's Ripple-entwined arms rapidly grappled Kakyoin and began to deliver a series of swift, heavy blows. The servant of Dio was bludgeoned beyond measure by this speedy attack, the force of which propelled him through the very wall of the building and left him laying outside the school.

"You caught me off-guard the first time you tried that. I'm glad my Ripple isn't weak, but it tends to make me feel more savage than I am. Luckily the nurse should be alright. Our fight left this place a real mess, so I'd say this is a good day to skip class. I'm taking you with me, to make sure we can get you to spill the beans on Dio."

Hefting Kakyoin's battered form over his shoulder, Jotaro stepped out into the schoolyard through the gaping hole in the clinic wall, making his way to his home, hoping to interrogate Kakyoin with the help of Joseph and Abdul.
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