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    1. ReveTheDreamer 7 yrs ago


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"Yeah, I got it. But might as well just cover all our bases while we're here." I told Ilyssa, "But will do. Thanks for the directions, its been a while since i've had to treat massive claw wounds. Much easier to do on another person rather than yourself." I said, half sarcastically and half seriously. Of course, it was true, I had dealt with my own, similar large claw wounds after a certain incident in which I was attacked by and turned into a werewolf.

I was about to move alex back to the room with the fireplace so Issac and Jasper could do their thing, but he suddenly started to stir violently, turning pale. I set him down quickly but gently on the ground, which, honestly I would have preferred not to but I realized very quickly was probably the best thing I could have done as he started reaching for his daggers and fighting with the air. I stepped back, waiting for a moment until I got an opportunity to step forward and grab his wrists, snagging the daggers quickly before stepping back again. I just let whatever was happening happen, because I really didnt know what else to do in such a situation. He started emitting blue light and a random womans voice spoke from nowhere. If I didn't know better, I would think this was some sort of wild trip. Maybe, actually, this all was a dream. But so far there was only about a fourth of the amount of blood present as in one of my usual nightmares, so, it was unlikely.

In any case, eventually he stopped, and I was able to move him back into a more accessible location so his wounds could be cauterized. I kept his daggers with me, just in case he had another fit of nightmares- or whatever just happened. He could have them back when he woke up. Jasper walked up to Alex, kneeling next to him.
"Alright, just be careful, he started moving earlier, so be ready in case that happens again."
I noticed as they were working that they were pretty shaky, so I just did the first thing that made sense, crouching beside them and gently grabbing their wrist to steady their hand.
"You're doing alright," I reassured them, though not exactly knowing what the issue was. I just wanted to be sure they didn't burn anything but what needed to be burnt.
@alex arcc Yay! Glad to see ya back. Just in time to get your characters wounds cauterized too, haha.

"Alright. I'll probably be able to manage, unless its like, a really tiny space."
I carried Alex into the room, looking down at the crawlspace. Maybe back when I was 15 I would have been able to fit through there very easily. But now, it might be a bit of a struggle to fit my giant man body into that space. But I wasn't about to not give it a try. Getting down onto my hands and knees (well, more like elbows and knees- gotta carry this half dying child somehow.), finding that it didn't look quite so bad.

After some very un-fun crawling and looking around, I found the mentioned bedroom, and laid him down in there, before going and looking in the rest of the rooms. The bathroom was right across from the bedroom (who would have guessed), so I brought the poor kid in there, removing the ruined cloth items (including his shirt with really wasn't all that intact now anyway so might as well get rid of it and start from scratch there. Gotta be some replacement clothes around here somewhere, but thats all for later providing he lives though all this.)

After some very careful cleaning of the wounds, I grabbed some clean material and wrapped the chest wounds back up securely, and then covering up the remaining face wounds. The bleeding seemed to actually be going down after all the effort I'd put in, so that was a good sign at least. But it would still be most beneficial to go ahead and cauterize them, just to be sure.

"Thanks, ripping it up shouldn't be an issue." I took the tablecloth with one hand, keeping one hand on his chest, while laying out the table cloth flat on the ground, and then holding it down with my knees. My hands, still in their sort of half claw state, would be good enough to rip it up one handedly. I could use my teeth, but, that would be much easier with both my hands, and im not about to just remove pressure on him entirely. As I was working on ripping it into smaller bits that would work for cleaning up his face, Issac started to bring up cauterizing the wounds, which really wouldn't be a bad idea.
"Yeah, that'll be helpful, but im not doing it. Me and fire have bad history, and also Im not confident I could do it very well."
I said, taking some of the tablecloth scraps and attempting to clean up his face a little, since everyone else seemed unwilling and/or busy.

Ilyssa came back with alcohol and more cloth things, suggesting we go and find a way to clean up the wounds, which was an excellent idea as long as we could find a way to do so. Moving him wouldn't be too bad of a risk since his only injuries seemed to be the giant gashes.
"I can go ahead and move him if you show me where you're thinking of putting him. After we clean them up, yall can try cauterizing the ones on his face, and his chest, i guess, but I think we can just wrap them up and it'll be fine."

Before I would attempt to move him, I did my best to wrap up his face temporarily, and then taking off all but the bottom layer of already soaked things i'd piled on top of his chest so far, and put on something new on, just so I didn't have to carry around gross blood soaked things. That's nasty.
After all that, I picked him up, still being pretty careful since he was injured.
"Alright, where are we moving him?"

Fillan had come over to check out the dying child with the rest of us, and politely asked if he could help by getting more cloth. For anyone else, I would have just asked them to actually try to fix his just absolutely trashed face. But Fillan gets an excuse, he doesn't have to clean up blood.
"Yeah, its lookin that way, if you can go into the other room- the one the rest of us came from, there should be some cloth stuff in there."
I nodded back in that direction, giving him a weak smile. Kinda hard to really show any genuine happiness when you're attempting to save a dying child.
"Thanks for turning on the lights by the way."

"Don't move." I warned, holding Alex down as he attempts to get up. It didn't take much effort since I was already pressing down on his chest. He passed out soon after, from shock, pain, or blood loss, I couldn't tell really. Didn't matter. He was still an incredible mess and the bleeding didn't seem to have even lessened yet, so I tossed another thing on top of what i'd already been soaking the blood up with and went back to what i'd been doing. I really couldn't do anything about his mess of a face (sorry, its the truth), least not right now by myself.
"Hey, anybody got a moment to help? His face could really use some."
@alex arcc its chill
@alex arcc Well im jus sayin, you didn’t really acknoledge me in your post so i thought you maybe didn’t see it
@alex arcc yo i was treating your characters wounds in my post
its there at the end i promise
It just be like that sometimes
I do admit its pretty great though.
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