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    1. ReveTheDreamer 7 yrs ago


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EDIT: Added a Clothing section to the form
тнe wolғ plaυge

𝙏𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙙𝙮


We all thought of werewolves of creatures as creatures of fantasy. They were in books, movies, and video games, and plenty of people wanted to be one at some point in their childhoods. Now, nobody wants that. They have become painfully, tragically real, and not in a way that anyone could consider appealing. Lycanthropy, as the condition has been so aptly named, is a real infection, and is what the residents of Deadware (A painfully fitting name, we all agree) have to deal with. Sent to the previously abandoned town as soon as one contracts the infection, you are condemned to the conditions one might expect from some sort of apocalypse. There's little resources, bodies in the streets, violence at every turn. Its dehumanizing, cruel, and we know that those outside the town get to continue life as usual, never sparing even a thought about those sent to die.


The World
The roleplay takes place in the modern United States. Approximately current time. The exact location of Deathware isn't necessarily important, but its a small town somewhere in the midwest. The towns population was previously declining, and after the outbreak started the town was completely evacuated to make way for those affected. There is a good amount of rural land outside the town, and past that, the massive, sturdy fence recognized as the point of no return. Anyone who passes through the massive gate at the front, you're not allowed back into normal society. You are considered much too far gone, no longer human, regardless of the stage of your condition.

The condition itself, cutely named Lycanthropy, is much different from what we typically associate with werewolves. People do not transform instantly, and certainly not on the full moon. Symptoms take hold slowly, and are usually spread through contact with any bodily fluids of another infected, particularly associated with saliva from a bite, but really its more commonly translated through kissing and sexual activity with someone who doesn't know they're infected, or when a similar person donates blood and it is then given to someone else. Sometimes its completely random, and the source can't be traced, although this is rare and usually only occurs with the first person in a community, although many don't know exactly how they contract it. Overtime symptoms will gradually take hold, starting with disrupted sleeping patterns, an increase in the growth of body hair and potentially a change in its color, increased appetite, and stronger emotional outbursts. Anger is the primary emotion that can advance symptoms. Angry outbursts lead to rapid quickening of symptoms, as well as any survival instinct, such as extreme hunger and the fight or flight response, as well as bloodthirst and desire for violence. Over time, you start to transform more, your teeth being pushed out and replaced with more wolf-like teeth, your ears elongating, almost elf-like at first, parts of your body- particularly extremities such as the hands, feet, and ears, slowly spreading inwards, as well as up the body on the stomach and chest. Your hands and feet will grow callouses like paw pads, and eventually form into claw-like appendages. Your internal systems change too, more processed foods usually causing some disruption in the digestive process (more than usual, anyway) and you typically have a deeper inclination for eating meat, and can safely eat it raw. You also get a large desire to hunt for yourself, although doing that with your new wolf features will result in an even faster transformation. You get more prone to violence and animalistic desires, and you loose a lot of the thinking power. All that knowledge you learned in school? Even more gone than usual. Your ability to think critically and evaluate situations logically also deteriorates and you use your instincts much more. Eventually, you will lose your human mind completely, loosing all your previous logic and personality, and becoming a violent and mindless beast as your body is changed further, transforming into a full wolflike beast, able to walk on two or four legs interchangeably. These fur covered, vicious beasts usually retreat into the less occupied and more wooded areas surrounding the town. They usually either fight and kill each other, end up dying while trying to escape, or in the worst case scenarios, have to be killed by the residents of the town in order to stop them from violently murdering others.

The Characters
Everyone is essentially a werewolf, but definitely not in the cool way. Lets face it, it sucks. Your character can have been living in the town for any amount of time and can be at any stage of the disease, aside from completely too far gone. I'm thinking that we might start with some of the characters arriving in Deadware. And any newer person will be still in the earlier stages of the disease, and those there longer are likely to be further along, but there's a lot of room for variation within there. Mostly what i'm looking for is characters that have a will to survive but aren't overly emotionally hardened or angsty about their situation.

The Purpose
There's really no end goal here. I just want character interaction under dire circumstances, and what I really want is for like a close, almost family unit to form between all the characters. Its important for them to be able to interact with each other and also survive (although survival wont be as big of a focus as just on the characters)

The Style
As far as writing goes i'm not picky, I just expect maybe a paragraph at least, and anything more than that is cool too. I really prefer forms to be simple however, I don't wanna read excessive flowery language in your form. Just a detailed but straightforward explanation. Save all that real writing talent for the actual RP. Forms shouldn't be in first person, but I haven't quite decided what pov the actual posts are going to be in yet, i'll set the style when I actually start writing.

The Form

If you've gotten this far congratulations! If you have interest, just say so and then post a bare-bones description of what you're thinking for your character, if you wouldn't mind to do so. Once we have a couple people interested i'll post like the real thing.
A sudden unwanted creature flung themselves onto their back, and started speaking in dumb rhymes. They quickly snatched them by the back of the neck and held the little vermin out in front of them. "Now what in the hell do you think you're doin'?" They asked, "And I ain't a man and I certainly ain't no doe either. Don't go assumin' it again." They said as they tossed the gremlin into the ground. "And put that eye back in your head, creep."
Another stranger waltzed in, with hair the color of flames in the most ridiculous cut, shaved on the sides aside from their sideburns, which were also dyed in an obnoxiously bright shade of yellow. They had several face piercings to boot, and nothing they were wearing was free of rips, aside from their studded leather jacket.
"What's happenin' in here?" They asked in a thick southern accent as they walked further in the room. "I would say I hope i'm not interrupting, but who am I kidding, I love it if I am." They laugh and elbow the man with the grocery bag in one of his hands. He seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders, even they could recognize that. "So really, whats happening in here?"



It was early in the morning. The blissful time where nobody else was awake and the house was for once quiet. Quartz had been up since 5, and had showered and gotten dressed long since then. Now they were enjoying a lovely cup of earl gray tea as they checked on their houseplants, seeing if they needed water, and swapping the places of two plants, since one seemed now to be getting too much light and the other not quite enough. Just as they had watered their peace lily and finished their last sip of tea, they heard the telltale knocking of Kejirah. Calmly they finished what they were doing and set down their mug, and somehow in that time Damien had managed to rise from his eternal slumber and complain about the incessant noise from their housemate.

"It's actually a very nice time in the morning," They told him gently, pulling the blankets unceremoniously off of him. "I think you should stop being a lazy little bitch and just get up." They folded the blankets quickly, and tossed them out of easy reach of the bed, before opening up the door to the room to appease Kejirah.
"We'll be ready soon!" they informed her, "One of us just needs to be persuaded to get up. I bet you can guess who."

oof i forgot to check roleplayer guild for like forever because I put it on the wrong set of tabs
and ive been,, incredibly busy umu
oof i'll try to figure out a way to wrap that one up when I get the chance
hopefully i'll be able to post soon enough because I wanna get to the good interactions haha
@OliveYou oo yes! absoutely they should ^^
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