Avatar of Rhapsody
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    1. Rhapsody 10 yrs ago


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24 year-old Uni Student from Bonn, Germany
(High) Casual - Advanced
been RPing for about 10 years now
Always open for new ideas :)

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<Snipped quote by Rhapsody>

I'm Swedish, I am making breakfast...xD

I admit it's more of a brunch ;D
@RhapsodyAlright, no worries ^^.

You're online very late for most people here though, are you in Europe?

I am actually, I'm german ^.^ it's 11.12 am over here, I'm having breakfast right now:D

@Shard it's a great idea, but I'm having trouble with my laptop -.- so it might take a couple days to get my Skype up and running again
@Shard yeah, I'm not used to having this much free time either ^.^
@Shard bored much? :D
@ShieldsOfWar Well, that's certainly reassuring for me, I remember the good ones as well :)
@ShieldsOfWar How brilliant is your memory?! I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday x)
@Shard Looking forward to it ^.^
@Shard A nemesis? :D

Name: Alison Darcy
Nicknames/Aliases: Ali
X-Men Code Name: Mirage
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Physical Description: Standing at 5'5", Alison is just barely of average height. She is slim and relatively fit, still in the habit of going jogging regularly after a childhood of being dragged along by her overly enthusiastic father. She has naturally brown hair she preferes to dye the reddest red she can get, loving the way the colour contrasts with her pale skin and green eyes. Which is also the reason she usually wears colours like green or blue that also go well with her hair. She wears little make up in everyday life, only bothers with doing it properly when there's an occasion she deems appropriate. Her usual outfit is a pair of comfortable, worn jeans, dark leather boots which she preferably wears not bound too tight, a black top with a green shirt overneath, the latter usually left open

Mutations: Illusion & (minor) Forcefield generation: To Alison her powers are like weaving nets and blankets out of strings of energy she can either channel from her surroundings, like electricity or simple energy and life force in nature, or from herself, which is limited and leaves her much weaker much quicker. The results of that 'weaving' need to be anchored somehow, which is easiest with cloth or rough surfaces. The illusions fade slower depending on if they have a continued energy source linked to them, if they don't have that because she used her own energy for creating them they last longer the smaller they are and the less detailed as well. There is no quick way to replenish her energy unfortunately, which is why that is sort of a last resort most of the time. She has to rest and eat for anything from hours to days for that.

Personality: She is a very tolerant person, thanks to growing up with rather eccentric parents she is used to ignoring various kinds of questionable character traits. She is kind of a perfectionist and rather stubborn, which results in hours and hours of training with her powers until she gets something just right. Alison is not the most confident or outgoing person but she has a good sense of humor, if sometimes a little dry and sarcastic, and once she warms up a bit she is very social. She is very warm to people and extremely prefers to avoid all sorts of confrontations, since she cannot seem to think properly when she's angry and her own inability to come up with good arguments or comebacks only makes her that much more angry. If that still happens, Alison needs some time to calm down on her own and gather herself, but she forgives others -maybe a bit too- easily so fights never last long with her. Crowds and enclosed places make her various degrees of uncomfortable and she is not a touchy-feely person by nature, especially with someone outside she doesn't really know or like too well. Alison has an unexpectedly strong spirit and is generally intelligent and independent.

Background: Alison comes from a small town in the middle of nowhere, so it's a given that everyone knows everyone and keeping a secret is close to impossible, right? Well, Alison managed to keep her powers hidden until she was 15. It was like they'd slowly started creeping in, colors she used when drawing would seem brighter, scarfs she knitted or things she wore would take on a certain quality, sometimes glittering a little, sometimes glowing, that sort of thing. It happened without her noticing much, a lot of times she was actually surprised to find that she'd just thought how cute this or that would look with a little gold woven into it and the next moment she was staring at a beige cardigan with golden string woven into it here and there. She practiced, of course. And once she got the hang of it a bit, she tried to tell her parents. That didn't go too well. Although not really afraid, they behaved strangely around her, like they were unsure who she was now that they knew she was different. After a while, they decided to go with ignoring the whole thing. They didn't talk of her powers, they didn't want to see any evidence of them, and Alison, confused beyond repair, went along and hid them, keeping them a secret. Which went fine for years, until she discovered a new possible way to use them and did so quite openly, in the middle of a bustling market place, in front of all her neighbours and in a rather showy way.
She'd been standing by the fountain beside the road, waiting for her mother to come back from chatting with a friend of hers somewhere. Everything happened so fast, she still had trouble recounting the events. It started with a car coming down the road, too fast and driving dangerously unsteady and going off the road just before it had passed the fountain. The next moment it was coming towards her, she ran, the car hit the fountain, the statue on top of it gave a worrisome crack and fell. Alison remembered watching the huge, ugly stone thing fall with quite some amusement, until she noticed the child standing right in its path, staring at an ice cream cone in it's hands. She remembered people screaming and trying to get to the boy fast enough. And then she remembered her powers acting almost on their own, weaving a big, glimmering, golden square, which then proceeded to appear just above the little boys head. How she had managed to put it there in the first place, was a mystery to her to this day, she'd never been able to do that again no matter how hard she tried. Well, to get done with the recap, the statue hit the shield, fell off to the side and that was that. Noone hurt, everyone scared, Alison terrified. Not long after that, in fact only a week later, Alison had found herself at the Ashford Institute for the Gifted.

Recap of your mutations awakening: Alisons powers have started getting noticeable after she hit puberty and got more and more prominent in the years following their appearance. Whether she had been born with them was anyone's guess especially because her parents preferred to act like they never noticed any of it at all and that they didn't even exist. It couldn't be plausibly denied anymore though after a rather public demonstration during an almost fatal accident in the middle of the small towns market place. Not a week later, Alison had found herself at the academy at the age of 15.

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