Avatar of Rica
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Rica
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 395 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Rica 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Apparently being able to sleep through the night is too much to ask. Getting real tired of waking up at 2am.
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals
6 yrs ago
sobs went from one type of sick to another i can barely breathe :(
6 yrs ago
Finally home! Will be able to work on replies soon I promise :)
6 yrs ago
I followed that with getting incredibly sick! Fun lol


Hello hello I am Rica.

I'm a 27 year old retail worker who enjoys general nerdy shit, I spend most of my time playing video games and often pausing to roleplay in between. Because I apparently can't do anything without multitasking.

I'm forgetful and easily distracted so I tend to wander away without thinking. Generally sort of a space case.

I mostly roleplay content involving queer people and especially queer women so I'm usually searching for one-on-one roleplays involving FxF pairings.

If you wanna roleplay with me, PM me! We can plan there or if you'd rather email or talking OOC through discord I can provide that for you as well.

Also AIM because I have at least one person I'm still using that for.

Most Recent Posts

Jessica Merrick (aka Jessie, Jes, Jessiebear (only her parents), Merriweather (sometimes because Charlie thinks she's funny)
When she was in high school she was a unassuming young girl with light brown eyes and dark chocolate brown hair. She dressed herself in loose figure hiding clothes. Always too large for her where she can't be seen much at all. She did that intentionally as she didn't feel very comfortable in her own skin, especially since she had a little bit of weight about her stomach.

After her return she did a utter turn around. Blonde and in form fitting, flattering clothes her entire stature had changed. Instead of curling into herself and trying to blend into the background, she stands tall and stands out in a crowd and seems fairly comfortable in there. Still she does have a soft spot for hoodies, still wearing them but with more complimentary clothing instead of hiding away in them entirely. She's about 5'6" and weighs about 112 lbs, having lost weight since high school and is now almost scrawny.
Severe weaknesss include: Music | Cigarettes | Foreign Literature | Being Motivated Outside Her Passions

In high school Jessie was the stereotypical nerdy good girl who did nothing wrong. A band geek with her specific group of friends bonded together by a love of music, she also had a passionate love for languages. Learning Spanish and German during her years there. A love that continued into college with French and Latin. However talented she was with music and languages, she had to force herself in every other subject as she lacked the same passion which caused her to slack off in favor of more...appealing subjects. She had one boyfriend from her Junior year to only a month before graduation. They broke up due to, in Joseph's words, 'a lack of intimacy'. Despite this they've remained on at least civil terms until she left for college. She tended to prefer quiet versus noise, even in her own communication she spoke softly, hesitantly even.

Even in college Jessie wasn't a loud girl, even as she grew in confidence she spoke quietly and calmly. However with a underlying firmness and certainty that she didn't have before. Going to a few parties with her roommate, best friend, and ex the tomboyish Charlie she learned how to enjoy herself to let loose. She drank, she smoked a little pot, made out with some girls, went home with a few. She loosened up a lot after coming out of the closet, feeling free and more herself than ever before. She's a rather laid back person now, quicker to smile and joke even with a stranger. Her shyness long gone.
Possible Relations:
  • Parents: Kenneth and Paige Merrick
  • Siblings: Nikki Merrick (older sister, aged 24) and Chester Merrick (younger brother, aged 17)
  • Close Friends: Charlie Crest (Weird friendship, Charlie helps her let loose. Jessie acts like a Mom. It works)
  • Acquaintances Not High In Her Regard: N/A (doesn't have the energy to dislike people, literally can't care less)

Brief descriptions of important characters:

Nikki Merrick
Growing up she was a bit of a wild child, independent, wanted freedom more than anything else. Has settled down just a little, running a online shop for humorously named bath bombs, something of a success

Kenneth Merrick
Does finance for a huge advertising company, not terribly ambitious but wants what's best for his family,
the peacemaker and cool headed one, tries really hard, has some secrets but nothing that will ideally break up the family

Charlie Crest
Lost her mother at a very young age, father an alcoholic and was never there, Aunt helped her in late high school to get into college for culinary school, lacks a lot of basic adult skills, Jessie and her Aunt are her only family (to her)

@Yuu San I have not sorry lol
There is some here. Like I said in the chat :P
The afternoon was warm, sunny and pleasant out. People milled this way and that on the street. Buzzing about their daily business, barely making any note of the world around them outside of their own little bubble. But this city was odd. A rare few that was the home to superheroes. Masked vigilantes that spent a good chunk of their lives ending crime where ever it's seen or heard. And of course where ever there are superheroes....there are also super villains. And there are always criminals to be wrapped up for the justice system to take care of.

For the time being however things were rather quiet. Huddled in the corner of a small coffee shop was a blonde young woman with blue eyes, a red beanie capping her head and covering most of her hair. A pair of black framed glasses hung on her nose. She was tapping away at something on her laptop. She was taking the quiet time to do some work. A small cup of coffee was brought up to her face, giving it a tiny sip. She was glad for the peace.

It didn't last long. It never does. Sarah heard it before she saw it and her face fell. Yells and scuffling noises nearby. Of course people either ignored it, didn't notice, or just stared. Sarah didn't hesitate, snicking her laptop shut and shoving it in her bag before disappearing, bag and all, into the plug near by.

When she reappeared, dropping out of a nearby lamppost she was changed completely. The bag was gone, 'delivered' to her apartment and would be sitting right outside her plug in her living room that was left open just for this reason. Instead of plain, boring, Sarah quick. This was now Sparks, who could control electricity. Clad in a series of black, red, and yellow colors. She had a red leather jacket with a yellow trimming that followed the hem of her jacket, from the entire collar, down along the zippers and around to the bottom of the coat to meet fully in the back in a thick bold band and then bright yellow bands around her wrists over a plain white shirt. Attached to the jacket was a red hood and a yellow mask covering her eyes and passing her nose, covering her cheekbones entirely. She finally ended the ensemble with simple black leather pants and black combat boots.

Facing the alleyway where she heard the scuffling there were two masked men fighting with another third civilian holding onto a brief case. Pocket knives pointing at him. "Give us the money!" "Alright alright! I just...keep calm." The man stammered reaching for his wallet.

"Hey! Don't you two have better things to do with your lives than digging for cash from people's wallets? People barely carry money with them anymore." Sparks said, interrupting them and causing all three men to whip their heads to look at her.
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