Avatar of Saint Dismas
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 210 (0.08 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Saint Dismas 7 yrs ago
    2. █████ 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Use the Swastika as a ploy to work your way up through the skinhead ranks. Then prank the shit out of them
7 yrs ago
Shit my dude
7 yrs ago
No my dudes. By the saintly power invested in me, I hearby say, No U
1 like
7 yrs ago
Aw geez. I never thought of it that way.
7 yrs ago
If anyone cares. I'm Jaded. I just changed my name. Yeah. I'm a saint Motherfuckers!


I'm not that seedy actually.

Most Recent Posts

Unfortunately. Junks noticed.
"You don't seem like a Jarod. But then again, I don't seem like A Jerome. That's my name, actually. But I've gone by Junks since I was Young.
Guess we both had wrong names, huh?"
Junks lowered his guard about his up and coming Diamond heist. Least he could do is be nice to Her after getting pushed around. He had the slightest hint of regret for feeling her pockets.
"Don't you go all softy on me, Junks. She is and will be a target. Use her as a means to gain what you need. Then discard her friendship. Remember it's-"
"-Dog eat Dog." He muttered under his breath. He had taken his old mentors words to heart. There were shallow marks on his back from when he hadn't.
Nevermind that, for now.
@Majoras End
I shit,sorry I never saw that!!!
Here he is:
Wears ravaged, dirty black clothes with holes. A black jacket, a Grey shirt, and dark jeans. Dirt sneakers.
.. Basically he's homeless. He has big bags under his eyes and is missing some teeth and others are chipped. He wears a black beanie(Also dirty. And has dark blue eyes.
"Are you sure? I mean I wouldn't mind..
Taking that ring off your hand..
Great, He would have to start from square one with his plan.
I..I best be going. He smiled his signature holey smile and began to walkway.
How? How do I get those rings?
Kg, Thanks.
Just so you know, I didn't mean that IC post in a mean way. I just wrote it at Junks' view.
Junks was alright with her abrupt appearance because he managed to reach into her pocket for a split second
Well,There was a chance.
"It's alright...I'm Junks.And you are..?"Junks controlled himself and hoped this incident would have been brushed off by his attempt at smalltalk.
But in actuality
@PrinceAlexus He had noticed the pair both had rings and was feeling quite lightheaded, Almost high.
Despite his new obsession he wondered who this stranger was.

He looked at this stranger. No curves, Odd. He didn't question it. They looked girlish and in his days as a homeless kid, You learned not to question people.

Now he was back to his scheming.
How do I get two for the price of one?
Yeah she's in. You can post IC whenever.

P.s I like your Trans character. My best friend is FTM. I like it.
This is where we post meaningless shut about this role-play.
Also, We have a discord.
This is where you post your Characters. Please take note of these shitheads. You'll be stuck with them for a long while.
Junks prove for a moment
Where the fuck is that?
This is it,Junks. THINK. GODDAMMIT
Ummm.. It's right over there. I Think." His mind was still stuck on that ring.
His mind didn't give two feting sucks in hell if she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.
That pale finger was the only thing keeping him in this shithole Think. How can I touch her hand. What if it's fake?
Fake? That's it! I'll make a fake ring and switch them when she won't notice!
But that was for later. Now he had to make he was stealing a real diamond
"Hey, Do your have any classes with me? I think they gave everyone sheets. I'd hope I'd see you around sometime!
Are you fucking serious, Junks? She looks RICH, capital everything!
He hopes his plan would work to his liking.
Oh his dreams!

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