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Great entries everyone, you all did great.

My vote goes to Dreams

Short and sweet, despair and hope. A lot was caught in the short poem. Well done.

I can't pick a runner up as that place would be tied between several but Dreams stood out for me, so that one gets my vote.

Gabe nodded. "Gible are cool, they are dragons after all, and they can be used in the league because they are part ground so that is a plus. They can be a bit dangerous though, my sister Sarah told me I was lucky it didn't bite me when it saw me, they have a tendency to go after anything that moves." He glanced at Absol. "I hope your Absol reacts well to threat as he is in front he might get targeted first."
Not that Gible attacks were very frequent but still, travellers were advised caution in the rocky area.
"We also have to be careful for holes and caves, Onix can be found too. Even a really big one."

Gabe thought for a moment about Bakuto's question. "I never plan anything. So I am not looking for anything special either. If I stumble over a pokemon I like I'll catch it. I probably should be looking for at least a couple of pokemon I can use in the league though but so far I haven't really searched."

Mareep walked up to Absol again and looked at him. "You see that tree on the left side? When we pass it we should take a left a the big boulder. That path leads to the place where Gabe once saw a Gibble. We don't know if it strayed or if that was it's home though."

Sarah nodded as she reached for a side pocket in her backpack. "I have pokeballs." Sarah doubted for a moment, she was hesitant to just let her Weedle charge for the Hoppip as she didn't want to scare it off but she also knew pokemon often had to be weakened before they could be caught. It was easier in the books than out here.

Hoppip placed itself before Weedle and started to stare Weedle down. Weedle lowered his head a bit in response.
"Very well, Weedle, poison sting," Sarah ordered. Weedle raced towards the Hoppip as fast as his little body could go. Hoppip responded with a tail whip but got hit nevertheless. The impact made Hoppip bounce back far.
"Weedle, string shot on Hoppip, we don't want to lose it."
Weedle shot his string shot at Hoppip.
"Haul it in."
Weedle pulled on the string shot, making Hoppip slam into the ground.
Hoppip got on her feet and tackled Weedle, who got slammed against a rock.
"Are you ok Weedle?" Sarah asked concerned. Weedle nodded and jumped back up, only to be hit by another tackle.
"Poison sting!"
But Hoppip was out of reach before it could hit. She came in for another tackle.
"Poison sting again, faster this time," Sarah said.
Hoppip hit Weedle but Weedle quickly stabbed Hoppip with his stinger before she could retreat.
When Hoppip retreated again and came back for another tackle Sarah was prepared.
"String shot!"
The string shot hit Hoppip right in the face, stopping the attack.
"Alright, a few more poison sting should do it."
While Hoppip tried to shake off the String shot Weedle hit her again with a poison sting. Hoppip tried to fend off Weedle with tail whip and splash but got a few good hits. Hoppip fainted and flew back again, tumbling on the wind, when Weedle stabbed a final poison sting with all the force his little body could muster.
"String shot to catch it and launch Hoppip this way," Sarah said as she enlarged a Pokeball.
Weedle fired his string shot, and with a twist of his head, he changed the direction the Hoppip was tumbling off too, more or less in Sarah's direction.
"Good job," Sarah said as she threw a pokeball.
The Pokeball hit Hoppip, catching it in the red beam and sucking it inside the pokeball.
The Pokeball shook a couple of times before the ping indicated a catch.
Sarah walked up to the pokeball and picked it up. She petted the heavily panting Weedle on his head before she let out Hoppip.
She held the pokemon while she reached to a different side pocket to get a potion.
"There, this will make you feel a bit better but we'll have both of you examined by nurse Joy," she said as she sprayed the potion on Hoppip, who giggled as the spray hit her.
Saur extended a vine to 'high five' Weedle.

Sarah looked at Regan. "Let's go back, I want to go to the pokemon centre for Hoppip and Weedle and report back to the professor." She said as she returned both pokemon to their balls so they could rest.
Two-Feathers noticed his human's mother in the back yard of a cottage that wasn't their home. It wouldn't hurt to take a look.

Faber nodded to Hunter. "I was planning to invite her for a walk in about three hours after noon and casually pass this cottage, ask her what she thinks about it and enter the cottage. I'll tell her it's hers and spend the next hour trying to convince her to accept it. You know, we started a fund for each of them when they were born, setting aside an amount of money every fortnight. Instead of just giving fund as dowry or wedding present we chose to give it as an asset that can't be stolen."

Two-Feather pecked against the window when he saw Hunter inside. "Danger, Marigold, Beast." he cawed to Hunter.

Faber turned towards the sound. "Isn't that Margold's raven? I guess he's right at home here already. Must be a good omen."
He turned to Vivianne, "come on dear, let's head home."
He went to shake Ash's hand before he left "Thank you again, I can't thank you enough for selling this wonderful cottage."

Marigold gasped slightly and looked at the illusions from the corner of her eyes. She wasn't sure if the illusions ould follow her every move so she tried to not move too much but it was strange to see herself standing beside her.
When she heard the voice breezing through her mind she thought a simple yes in return, not sure if it could be heard.
She was ready to run. She bent her knees very slightly and tensed her muscles a bit so she could sprint away when the Ki-rin would give the mark. She would have to drop the branch but she gathered some more light, hoping it ould help her run faster as well.

Hazel hesitated for a moment but allowed Ali to drag her alone and resist her reaction to pull free. She let her eyes adjust the darker hallway and let it rest on the oaken door, wondering what she ould find behind it.
Hazel returned April's smile briefly. "Anything I should know or be careful about before we go in?" she asked, not that she really thought there would be much danger but she was rather safe than sorry, her cautious nature wouldn't let her go in somewhere without double-checking potential dangers first.
Jill watched in amazement as Seb's runes lit up. At least he knew more about magic than her. Someone knowing at least a little magic was better suited to figure this out, in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king after all. She wasn't sure if she could speak or had to remain silent to not disturb his concentration. It frustrated her that she didn't know what to do. After everything she had seen and witnessed in the universe, magic was the most alien thing off all.

"And?" she asked softly hen she couldn't bear the silence anymore.

Gnol laughed. "I sure hope we won't have to eat rocks. I'm sure the rocks on that planet are as inedible and hard as anywhere else." He glanced at Alan if he wanted to tell Alic but the Half-Elf leaned back and waved his hand lazily to indicate that Gnol could go on.
"Ty'rop is a planet, relatively small in size with no known valuable resources. The climate is...interesting. There are no settlements, starports or any sign of humanoid life. Some small animalistic life and bugs survive the harsh environment but that's all. The asteroid mines I mentioned are the closest humanoid settlement you will find."

His eyes drifted to Avia as she entered his eyes widened a bit as he saw her in her outfit. He was also impressed by the scars, it told him she was a fighter, a survivor. Clearing his throat he tried to pick up on the train of thought and continue the conversation.
"But if that is our destination then so be it. The Captain will inform us when she deems it the right time, if at all, and explain why we are going there and what we are supposed to do. Until then, listen to Althea's wise words and follow your orders."

Alan frowned as Gnol seemed to have jumped subjects a bit but the stealthy looks the dwarf threw in Avia's direction was probably the reason why.
"Avia! Great timing!" Alan said jovially. "We were just discussing the delicacy of Ty'ropian rocks," he said chuckling.

Gnol tried to kick Alan's shins but the pilot agile moved his legs out of harm's way in time.
Sarah looked surprised too. "I haven't seen an Onix do that before but I haven't studied Onix so I don't know everything about them, but since he just did that I'd assume they can so it might be normal as well," Sarah said honestly. She was still studying and didn't know everything yet. "I know more about grass and psychic types."
Sarah put her Pokedex away and beckoned her pokemon. "Unless you want to scold this Onix some more perhaps we can return and ask professor Maple," Sarah suggested. "I think it's very sorry for the shallow tunnel," she said with a corner of her mouth curling up slightly.

Weedle tried to get Sarah attention to the Hoppip that was floating nearby, the wind it was floating in subsided and slowly the Hoppip landed behind Sarah and Regan. Weedle turned around too and placed himself before the Hoppip. Sarah turned around to see where her Weedle had gone too and her eyes widened when she saw Hoppip standing there. "A Hoppip! The perfect pokemon for my team."
When Hoppip heard she got described as perfect she blushed.
Hello, could I reserve Studies of Ancient Runes for my character?
Sarah flinched when the Onix roared but when Regan roared back her jaw dropped. Staring at the Ranger, just as the Onix was doing, she barely registered the words Regan spoke. Weedle was laughing so hard he fell on the ground. Sarah blinked twice and looked at Onix, she double-checked if Onix was properly registered on the Pokedex before she tried to get Regan's attention by tapping her arm.
"Regan, maybe we should use this moment to back off and head back. We did what we came for I don't want to challenge it if we don't have too," she said half whispering but in a calm voice.

Sarah was glad the pokemon was still there but not very eager to be so close to it. She would just make her report and Regan could report her findings too so the professor could decide if further investigation was needed.

A Hoppip floated by behind the females, looking curiously at them. Weedle managed to get back up, noticed the pokemon and locked eyes with the Hoppip for a moment.

Gabe rubbed the back of his head and grinned sheepishly when the man mentioned he found the Misdreavus on Rhando. He had never seen one and really thought they weren't native to the islands.
"Yeah, I guess. Weird moment, strange guy."

Gabe thought a moment. "Well, I was going to show you the rocky area, we are pretty close there now. For the cave, we'd have to head back to Lilan Town and go further to the cave. If you really like ghost pokemon we could head back. Didn't know Misdreavus was there but I do believe there is a hall fire one there. Otherwise, we can go look around on the rocky area first. I'm fairly sure I saw a Gibble there once"
I just check the thread when I see there is a new reply. My subs telling me there a reply on a thread is enough for me, I don't need an additional mention.
I like the concept and I have a rough idea so I'm definitely going to try and get a decent story written before the deadline.
Will do my very, very best to not procrastinate either this time XD
Gabe looked from the Bakuto, to Misdreavus, to the man and back. "Well sir, I would say our feet brought us here by walking the path we followed. We were on the way to the rocky area to look for pokemon," Gabe replied with a nod. His impatient nature made him immediately fire another question at the stranger. "The Misdreavus is yours? Cool, where do you find pokemon like that?" he asked, hoping for a travel tale about an exotic place.

The man hadn't sounded too friendly to Mareep so she walked closer, in case Gabe needed help.
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