Avatar of Salroka
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Beta
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1219 (0.32 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Salroka 5 yrs ago
    2. ████ 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Floop
6 yrs ago
I play a lot of Pokémon Ultra Moon. If you have any requests for specific eggs/babies, let me know and I will see what I can do.
6 yrs ago
Lot of old folks I knew in the past are checking me out. I wonder what they are plotting. :3
6 yrs ago
I wonder how I should address all the shade people have thrown at me during my time away. My mind says to let it go, but my heart says "with a chainsaw". Decisions.


Oh, you want to know about me? Not sure why, but ok.

A long time ago, in a bedroom far far away... my mommy met my daddy... and they did it.

What? Not that far back? Oh. Ok.

I'm a mechanic by trade, though a work-related injury nearly a decade ago has really hampered my life since. I'm what some would call a folkish heathen, if matters of spirituality interest you... though I lean more toward tribal rather than folkish. I live in Cleveland, have a nice little apartment in a decent neighborhood, and have two cats.

As far as RP? I like things with anime elements to them, as well as modern and traditional fantasy. Not interested in romance or furry or anything like that. Miss me with that stuff.

I'm brash. I do not sugar coat things. I will call people out on things. I will likely frustrate you at some point. ... however, I am one hell of a loyal person, should I ever decide you are a friend.

So there it is, I guess.

Most Recent Posts

I'll hold off on starting the IC for a couple more days, then. But I don't want to wait much longer than that.

Hit me with your Discord in a PM.
@dragonpiece Still around?


You guys ready? I think I may start soon, since interest seems to have petered off a little bit.

Of course, we will still be accepting new players.

You are approved as well. I figure one or two more people, and we will begin the IC.

Your characters are approved.

In-game? Not entirely sure. I'm guessing seeking the blessings of the Immaculate Order and/or petitioning a local magistrate would likely be sufficient.

A seasoned blacksmith with a good reputation and steady flow of business might make a quian or two per week after expenses (both personal and business), ESPECIALLY if they knew at least the basics of how to work with magical materials. Pretty solid money, really. A less busy one would still definitely make a few siu a week fairly regularly.


I'll send you a DM on Discord.

Looks fine. Are you thinking awakened essence, or no? Speaking plainly, I would prefer no awakened essence. But if the CS is solid enough, I will absolutely consider allowing it.

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. Me? I've built a whole house with the bloody things."

Name: Fergus Mac Teague
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Equipment/Possessions: Formal Wear, Jeweled Dagger, House Mnemon Official Seal and Documentation, Two Belt Pouches, Resealable Inkwell, Fountain Pen, Blank Book
-Pouch 1 Contents: 1kg of Bloodberry Trail Mix, and an extra 0.5kg of dried berries.
-Pouch 2 Contents: Money (2 Koku, 6 Quian, 4 Siu, 7 Yen), Magnifying Glass, and a "Lucky Rock"

Personality: Fergus enjoys life and loves the lifestyle his profession allows him to live. As a barrister (lawyer), he makes a significant sum of jade scrip compared to most. He does show it off from time to time by buying drinks for the whole tavern, buying expensive gifts, and indulging in his expensive snacking habits. He's a bit abrasive to poorer folks, as a result. But he does try to limit that. After all, a barrister can always use more future clients. Er... I mean friends.

Backstory/History: Son of a barrister and a midwife of Dynastic House Mnemon, Fergus was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Lord's Crossing was far inland on the Blessed Isle, and thus safe from the vast majority of the fighting from the Scarlet War. Even the civil conflicts of the Dynastic Houses were minimal there before the war, due to the Imperial City being the center of government at the time. What little fighting that did occur in Lord's Crossing was quickly quashed by House Mnemon's forces stationed there.

Fergus himself had an enjoyable later childhood after the war concluded. He even followed in his father's footsteps and went to finishing school to become a barrister for House Mnemon. His marks were acceptable, his demeanor was as expected of a notable and wealthy young man from a Dynastic family. At the age of twenty-two, Fergus was certified as a legal representative of House Mnemon. Both he and his father were incredibly proud, and he began working in Lord's Crossing with his family. Times were good for a year or so. Then he took a case for a soldier from his noble house, and that changed.

The soldier had been accused of aggravated robbery and murder, and Fergus was assigned to defend the man. Much to most people's surprise, he won the case. A big payday from the Mnemon coffers, and another win on his case record. However, the victim's family was also of substantial wealth thanks to being members of House Cathak. They decided to take matters into their own hands, and target the soldier and the family of barristers who had won him his freedom. Thankfully, they targeted the soldier first. As soon as the man was found executed a week after the case was settled, Fergus surmised what was going on. Noble houses were not usually nice when they felt justice had escaped them, after all.

His father suggested they part ways for a time and leave Lord's Crossing. Given that a barrister for House Mnemon could find work practically anywhere on the Isle, Fergus agreed. Even if he did not immediately find work, he had plenty of money to float himself for a while. However, the day he was to leave for Pasiap's Stair, Fergus got the news his father had been murdered. By this point, House Cathak had disowned the offenders and were trying to stop them from doing more damage to the houses reputation. It was little comfort to Fergus, however. He knew he would be next.

In hopes it would throw off his would-be killers, he kept his travel date to Pasiap's Stair. Instead of going there by carriage, he had called in a favor to a merchant friend and would be tagging along on a trip to the imperial Ruins. Thankfully, this seemed to successfully throw off the killers. As it is now a year after his father's death, and Fergus is now living very comfortably in the Imperial Ruins. He does keep in touch with his mother now and then by sending messages with merchants, but is otherwise completely on his own. No worries, though. While he does not make near as much as he did in Lord's Crossing, he still makes plenty enough to enjoy a lavish lifestyle compared to most residents. His home even has a hearthstone that provides running water!

Unfortunately for him, this too would soon change...

Other: Fergus has a slight addiction (he can stop anytime he wants, Karen... he just doesn't want to stop right now) to Bloodberries. They are relatively expensive (1 Quian for 0.5kg), so he has taken to drying them and mixing them with little crackers and nuts to make a sort of trail mix with them to make them last longer and save money.
@FateWeaver Hit me up on Discord if you want some help with the character or setting. If I am awake, I am usually on there in some way or another.

Salroka#4907 is my full Discord handle, and I am on the RPGuild server.
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