Avatar of Scarlet Loup
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    1. Scarlet Loup 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current The boys are back in town (the boys are back in town) *guitar riff*


I'm Morgan - 22 years old and currently studying biology and psychology. I've been roleplaying for about ten years now, and I've loved every moment of it.

I'm always looking for more roleplays to join. My favorite genre is science fiction, but I'm open to just about anything. I can do 1x1s, and I'm open to any level of casualness in a roleplay.

Send me a PM if you're interested in collaborating/working together.


Most Recent Posts

King Maddox Auclair

Location - Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With - Prince Lucian Auclair {@WolfLover}; Future Queen Julianna {[@Hushed Whispers]}; Lady Amaranthea {@WolfLover}; King Alister {@Scarlet Loup}; Queen Mira {@MissCapnCrunch}

Maddox had hardly had a moment to himself since first waking that morning. It made sense, however, for today was a momentous day, and his court had to ensure everything went well. Peace between the two kingdoms was at stake here, and they'd be damned if their half-wit of a king soiled it.

He could have sworn his head had hardly hit the pillow the morning before when there was a sharp knock at the door. Maddox's eyes fluttered open, and he gave a soft curse as the shouting from the servant outside reached him through the door.

"One moment!" he shouted in reply, startling the woman in bed beside him. She grabbed at the sheets, covering her exposed self deftly.

"Shall I leave you, Your Highness?" she breathed, still speaking in the lilting tone that had caught his ear the night before - though he was certainly not a difficult man to convince when he had imbibed, and imbibed he had at the gathering he had thrown to celebrate a final night of singularity.

"That does seem wise, doesn't it, m'lady?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow as he nodded towards the door where his coterie awaited him. The girl blushed as she dressed, painfully aware of the walk she would have to take before Maddox's staff as they waited for the chance to begin preparations. But Maddox himself concerned himself little with such a thought and laid his head back down on the pillow before staring up once more at the ceiling high above him.

That had been hours ago, but it seemed far longer than that. He stood now in the courtyard, watching as the carriages rolled to a stop. His skin prickled under his collar as he watched the first few nobles disembark. To his right stood his younger brother, Lucian, who leaned over slightly to question the King's nerves.

"Oh, I'm quite alright," he returned, smirking to himself. "Just preparing to give away my freedom for the good of the kingdom." Maddox gave a few quick taps of his foot as the royals left their carriages. The King and Queen caught his eye first - both dignified in their own way, led by their children.

But then there was Julianna in all of her glory. She seemed to glow in the Abhainnian sun, her golden locks catching the rays. She was stunning, and he couldn't help but give a slight smirk as she began to approach him. At least he might enjoy some part of this forced marriage. Maddox took a step towards her, nearly closing the gap between them.

"My lady, it is a pleasure to have you here in our kingdom," he greeted, giving a quick bow. Maddox reached for one of her hands and took it gently in his own. "You're certainly more beautiful than I could have imagined." He pressed a quick kiss into her knuckles and then let her hand go softly. He looked towards Alister and Mira now, inclining his head slightly as the royal couple approached.

"Your Majesties, it is an honor to welcome you and your family to my kingdom, and I hope you feel welcome throughout your time here." He looked back to Julianna once more and flashed a quick smile. "And yes, there will be a celebration to welcome you all. But first, I hope you and your party will make yourselves at home." Lady Amaranthea stepped forward from the crowd, greeting him with a bow. He nodded in return, inviting her to greet her new mistress.

Maddox, instead, turned to look at his Sliabhian counterpart - Alister. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Alister," he remarked, nodding once more at the older man. "I have heard tales of your prowess in battle."

He looked once more to Julianna, flashing a smile in her direction again and hoping she might catch his eye. Maddox was already quite aware of his effect on her - he could still see the tinge of a blush in her cheeks, could hear the breathiness in her voice as she addressed him. He might enjoy himself yet - for now, at least.
Crazy weekend, to say the least - I'm working on my posts for the boys now. They'll be up today.
I should finally have my post up today - I was busy cramming for a midterm last night.
Nah, Sliabh rolls much easier off of the tongue. It's much more fluid sounding to say "slee-ab" than "slee-bah".
Alister is finally done & updated in the character tab! Also I'm totally down for a relationship chart - makes everything a bit easier to keep track of. Can't wait for this roleplay to start!

I'm gonna throw this up here for now! Haven't finished his history or personality, but I'll get them done tomorrow. I'm going out for the night, and I'm worried I'll lose the sheet haha.

Nah, I'm fine with both! I'm far enough into the new sheet that I'm emotionally attached, haha. He'll be up pretty soon - Hushed and I are working out the history of our characters.
Whoops! I didn't clarify - I've been working on the King of Sliabh so much that forgot I have two characters...

The Queen of Sliabh is married to the King of Sliabh (my second character). They have two kids, and the King is the sibling of Hushed's character. Maddox is the future brother-in-law of the King and Queen of Sliabh.
@MissCapnCrunch Yup! My character is Hushed's character's brother, so your character is her sister-in-law. Your character is also my character's wife, so I'm gonna shoot you a PM about hashing our their relationship.
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