Avatar of Searat
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  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1537 (0.67 / day)
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    1. Searat 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Can someone please lower Life's difficulty setting?
6 yrs ago
Pizza is a main course, but is also a pie. Therefore, I can eat pizza as my meal and have another pizza as my dessert.
6 yrs ago
When I need a left sock, there is none. When I don't need one, there is a surplus. I think the world is toying with me.
6 yrs ago
Sunny days are meant to be spent in a dark room surfing the net and watching series in netflix.
6 yrs ago
Eating a stick of butter is not as fun as it sounds to be.


I am Searat
Half sea, Half rat, All Aqueous Rodent.

My role playing career is something i consider as a hobby of some sort but as to how long i have been role playing, I would say that i have three to four years under my belt. (Though most of the times I was role playing, they were nothing as serious as this and were more of a means to relieve stress with my friends or test out ideas that came to mind with them.)

As for my preferences to genres of role play, I would have no biases nor specific preferences to any genre and would be able to adapt to the genre as best I can when placed into it.

Some of my hobbies consist of: playing games, surfing the web, walking, bowling, darts, and cooking. I sometimes write and draw things but not as much to consider it to be a serious hobby.

Most Recent Posts

@Lucius Cypher
Are the trogs deeper inside of the ruins close to Roy's position?
Whoopsie daisy. Editing the post as necessary.
@Lucius Cypher

Roy had wandered the streets of the streets of Brighthaven, or more accurately, what was left of the town. The town was devoid of life...at least that's what Roy assumed. Bodies were scattered everywhere, some seemed to even belonged to adventurers. The thought of scavenging maps and other supplies entered his mind as he walked past the numerous remains of both townsfolk and would be adventurers. He frowns deeply and casts away the thoughts of plundering items from the dead, it was something Roy considered below him. It was then he heard the sounds of what he could assume were from a musical instruments of sorts. The cheery music was something completely out of place in this dead town. 'Hmmm...It would appear that I am not alone in this accursed place.' Roy pondered as he walked toward the source of the music. Soon discovering a small group of three individuals. 'Adventurers maybe?' He notices that the group was observing something further, past the half-ork and the dragonborn.

Roy sneered in disgust at the sight of what the adventurer carrying the strange instrument called a 'Troglodyte'. They seemed primitive, if not out right barbaric in nature. Not even willing to cook the meat of the diseased ocean giant they were so merrily feasting on. Roy would stay hidden away from the group to observe if their nature was one of the friendlier ones. He was not unfamiliar with working with mercenaries and adventurers, but it was better to be sure that these individuals were to greet him if he shows himself or charge at him with weapons drawn.

Banned for not consuming the holy liquid of the gods that is known commonly as 'coffee'.
@Lucius Cypher

Ethan entered the general store and took a quick once over of the merchandise being offered in it. There were mostly farming implements and other produce. Though what caught the attention of both his eyes and stomach was the wheels of cheese in the display. 'Oooh, those are some fine looking wheels of cheese.' He thought to himself as he imagined how good a slice of that delicious dairy product would be on a warm slice of freshly baked Rye bread and a warm bottle of mead. He raises both of his hands and pats his cheeks slightly. 'Focus Ethan, focus.' He internally chided himself, he was here to pick up the ingredients ordered by Sips. He can eat dinner when he got back to Frontier Town. He turns to face the young man and offers him a warm smile and a friendly tip of his fancy hat before speaking to him. "Good day! My name is Ethan. I am the courier sent by Sips to pick up his order of ingredients."

@Lucius Cypher

It was at moons highest when a lone passenger with a wide brimmed hat stepped off a barge at the poor excuse of a port this town had to offer. The captain of the barge called out to the man.

"You sure about this, Roy? This land would eat you alive if the locals don't get to you first!" The lone passenger turns to talk to the captain.

"I have no choice, old friend. The curse will take me and many others within a year. I need to find a way to break the curse...and the ruins holds the answer." He could not fail this endeavor. For the sake of his countrymen. For his family. For his wife.

"Return here in two months on the same day and time. If I do not return by a week's end. Assume the worst has happened and leave."

"Roy..." He closes his eyes and opens them with a steely determination. He places a closed fist onto his chest and speaks. "King and Queen Guide you, Roy."

Roy smiles and returns the gesture in kind. "And may the stars always guide you, Erik."

Roy then walked away from the port and into the town proper. Through the filthy and almost desolate streets of Brighthaven he walked...a vile and wretched place he was forced to reside in until he could accompany a group of adventurers to the ruins, or at the very least a map with legible writing and drawings. Until then, this rat infested corpse of a town would be his base of operations until that day comes.
@Lucius Cypher

Ethan had just barely been in the town for a couple minutes when a small group of children spotted him and was soon upon him. They were selling utility knives and are trying a bit too hard to sell the knives to him. "Let me take a gander at the quality of what you are selling." Ethan lets his walking stick lean on his shoulder as he reaches over into the box and takes one out to inspect the quality of the knives. Ethan's brow furrowed and his mouth frowned at the low quality of the knives the boy was trying to sell. 'Ten silver pieces for a low end knife not even made of not simple iron? A robbery in broad daylight!' He looks again to the young leader, to see if there was any malicious intent behind those eyes. It was not an uncommon tactic for the leader to distract their mark while the underlings would pickpocket and steal from the mark. He places a free hand over his satchel containing most of his belongings, protectively, as he discerns the intent of the child. The burns on his hands, the rather forced smile, and over the top sales pitch of the folding knives told him that this was not an attempt to distract or deceive him. Rather the boy was genuinely trying to sell him his knives.

Ethan could have refused the overpriced knife but the children pulled at his heartstrings. Their faces reminded him of his brothers and sisters he had to leave behind when he had to run away. Ethan tried to hide his grimace and put on a fake look of satisfaction, cleared his throat to catch the attention of the children and their leader to what he was about to say. "Ten silver pieces? Thats an outrage!" The looks of fear and nervousness made Ethan chuckle internally. He was not a mean spirited individual, it was just he enjoyed teasing his siblings in the past from time to time and tried to recreate the feeling in this distant land. "A knife of this quality deserves at least twenty...no...at least a gold piece!" Ethan said with an over-exaggerated voice. It did not take long for their shocked expressions transformed into one that beamed with relief and joy. The sight warmed his heart as he pocketed the knife he took and grabbed a shiny gold coin and gave it to the leader. "Nice doing business with you, sire. Now be on your way and go buy yourselves a warm meal or something." Ethan tips his fancy hat at the children and grabs his walking stick before walking past the group and heading to what he assumes to be the general store of the town. It would be likely that Sips' ingredients would be bought from there. He would simply pick it up and move to the next nearby town.

Damnit. I don't want to give the kid a gold coin but its in Ethan's character to do so. Ill try to get a post up within the next few days.
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