Avatar of SecretlyDiscord
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 147 (0.05 / day)
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    1. SecretlyDiscord 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I WAS ONE POINT FROM RECEIVING MY IB DIPLOMA I AM SO MAD RN *internally lights everything on fire*


I am perpetually digging a deeper hole for myself. In real life, that habit torments me daily. Online, not so much. It must be the fact that I'm hiding behind a laptop, but I'm not actually afraid to speak my mind. I'd like for you to know that there is a difference between knowing when to hold one's tongue and speaking one's mind. I'm pretty sure I've got that down pat (probably not tho, let's be honest).
While I'd like to abstain from holding the title of Public Enemy #1 and friendship is something I make an effort towards, I can take a hint. If you'd rather not be friends, I understand, and will gladly meet you with the same attitude you meet me with (if not take it a bit further (I'm sorry in advance)). Kindness, patience, and civility will be paid back, plus interest, as will rudeness, sick burns, and overall disrespect. Again, sorry in advance.
I don't think I'm too terribly argumentative. hm.... maybe I am.....

As for the things that actually matter on this website, I make an effort to write properly. I'm not bothered by any writing style because I don't actually know who's writing, or what their circumstances are. I will never correct any spelling, grammatical, or other errors (please hit me if I do). I think that it is rude to put one's hand into another person's creation. You wouldn't redo one of Picasso's later pieces, would you? NO! You wouldn't rewrite Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, no matter how completely long and boring it is. Are you Picasso or Dostoyevsky? I think not. Both those men are dead. And, let's be honest, we're writing text based role plays on an internet nerd-hub. I am one of those nerds, and so to act better-than-you and more privileged is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. We're not publishing books here, people! We're writing on the internet for FUN. It's meant to be fun.

Most Recent Posts

@Crazy Doctor Sweet :3 Your CS looks really good! The power is supah dank. As far as weaknesses goes, just make sure you explain what impact something has on the power. For example, fear of the power is an okay limitation just as long as you explain how the fear would prevent the actual use of the power, not just create reluctance. Fear as an inhibitor not as a side effect. The social anxiety bit (I'll just call it that for now) and emotion thing needs to go under personality. You could talk about the power being tied to her emotions (like in Stardust where the star glows when she's happy) and then keep the social anxiety stuff in weaknesses because, when Nikki isn't happy, she isn't glowing, or something like that. The nightmare bit could go under quirks and habits. I like your content, it just needs a bit of sorting and tidying. :)

@Treue and @Witch Cat You guys answer all the questions when I'm not here and I love it. And with all this community stuff! Helping everyone out!! I love it so much! So helpful. <3

@Dusksong I think that the questions everyone are asking are good, but feel free to take or leave them. You could add your details to what you have and make it the most thorough CS in all of RP history. I think that you're clear to put your CS up now if you'd like. There aren't any inconsistencies or against-the-rules things happening. Welcome aboard friend!

@PrettyWings Sweet! I look forward to it!

@Daisedconfused I actually really like the idea of having the characters spar with each other. Maybe at some point the wardens supervisors would assign "superhero teams" so that these kids could learn to use their powers to help each other. I don't know about serial numbers, but that could be something to look into. The system could be first initial, last initial, 6 digit birthday (i.e. VA082802). I guess Vinny's b-day is oct. 28th now. :P

About the gender balance in this RP, so much estrogen. I don't know if I should feel bad for Vincent, Alexander, and Daniyal or not, LOL. Go ahead and create a male character if you want. We can also gently encourage newcomers to create male characters...

I LOVE YOU NERDS! This is going so well, I'm so happy. X3
@Jotunn Draugr Welcome aboard, child! Yes, yes, come to the thread!

@Daisedconfused I think we ought to save plot things for after getting most (if not all) of the characters to meet and greet. It will be slightly tedious (I know, I'm sorry). Maybe we can have a set date where we move on from this first scene. Any new characters can be integrated later on in the plot.

As for plot stuff, what do you guys think? Some sort of Ocean's Eleven type heist? A Shawshank Redemption escape story? A social reform? Etc? I'm just spitballin' here.

EDIT: I'll be awake for like, IDK 30 more minutes? I've had a long day and I've got an even longer one tomorrow.... :(
Yay democracy! At least I have you guys to steer this thing in the right direction. <3
"Sweet," Maggie said softly, so as to not alert her brother to the little costume change. She took her shirt off and handed it to her new friend, taking the new shirt as well. She noted that this one was a much better fit.

"Thanks." she whispered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just thought you didn't look comfortable in that tight shirt... We've got to look out for each other now, you know?"

Maggie looked at Alexander's frame. He looked so weak to her and she wondered if he had been homeless too. Maggie's eyes drifted up to his hair. She wondered how he got the color there. Maggie had never seen colored hair before. Not many businessmen decide to "mix it up" and go purple. New Denver wasn't exactly known for its progressive fashion, either. Maggie decided that she liked this new person. She brightened as much as she could, which wasn't much considering the fact that she was running out of energy. Her enthusiasm could still be seen.

"I like your hair," she said, less quietly than before, "I wasn't allowed to color my hair." Maggie knew that describing her childhood wasn't a good first topic, so she kept the details to a minimum. She was telling the truth only without the 'we didn't have any hair dye in the bunkers' factoid.

She layed on her stomach again, propped up on her elbows. Maggie grabbed her auburn hair, twisted it over her shoulder, and examined some of the strands. It was mostly comprised of split ends. Maggie was a bit disappointed in the state of her hair, but knew there wasn't much she could do about it now. She huffed, dropping her hair and looking around a bit. She noticed a particularly quiet kid on a nearby bunk. Her dark eyes couldn't help but linger as memories of sitting alone in her cross-covered room flooded into her mind. She recalled how Vincent was a regular visitor, even if it was to just come and cheer her up. If she could extend that kindness to someone else, she thought, then her life would be fulfilled. She longed to be somebody's Vincent more than anything else in that moment. Maggie pursed her lips as she thought. Before she could stop herself, Margaret spoke up.

"Rough day?" She called out. Maggie knew the answer already, but she thought it might be a good place to start. She gestured to Alexander with her head towards the solemn stranger in an invitation to help her with conversation.
Wow, I'm late to the party! I had a full day of college today, so sorry for my absence. *sheepish grin followed by a half smile*

So, to answer questions,
@SheriffLlama Your old CS is just fine! Welcome back, Memelord.
@PrettyWings You can definitely join! We'd love to have you!
@Crazy Doctor I look forward to it!
@Treue U da real MVP, man.
@Witch Cat Don't you worry your pretty little head about it! Life happens, yo.

Yay democracy!

Also, I've got a post coming soon (within and hour or two). Sorry for the wait!
@Crazy Doctor Indeed we are! Sorry for the late replies.
@Crazy Doctor We are definitely still accepting! Thank you for your interest! I hope to hear more from you in the future. :3
@Treue Sweet. :3
lol okay. My day was super busy. Sorry for the delay. :3 I wanted to make sure it was at least decent. A lot of brooding coming from Vinny...

@Treue How is your post coming along?
Vincent winced slightly when the girl grabbed her wrist, but relaxed when he saw that she wasn't in pain. Vincent pressed his lips together in a tired half-smile. He was glad to know that the girl wasn't seriously injured. He wondered if pain tolerance what she was in for. It was a pretty weak malfunction, hardly dangerous, he thought. She looked frail and sickly, which, to him, were easily identifiable. Vincent had trained himself to ignore it while begging in the city. He had to in order to keep himself and his sister alive, lest he take any of the less fortunate in. It was a brutal system of ignorance that he forced himself to live by, everyone for themself. Vincent figured that the system would be different here. People needed to look out for each other now. There would be enough food, he was sure, and shelter was a given, so the need was manifested in emotional support. He took a deep breath and leaned back again. Vincent noticed his sister's feet moving over the edge of the mattress and smiled. He was calmed by the thought that she was alive, well, and going to be taken care of.

Upon hearing the girl's statement, his eyes dropped to his feet. Her life could have been anywhere from cushy to average. The only thing he could assume was that she definitely could not have been homeless. Sure, she was thin, but not starved. There was a clear line between the two. Vincent also noticed her normal clothes, which were crumpled up on the mattress and the floor. They were not torn up and covered in dirt like his were. A quick comparison between his sister's clothes and the girls brought a wave of guilt crashing over him. Vincent's expression was immediately telling of hardship. The bags under his eyes seemed to get darker and his smile faded. He chuckled softly at her question.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." He said, looking into her eyes. Vincent shook his head slowly as he reflected upon his life. He knew that his childhood wasn't normal. Vincent didn't feel as though he was as socially eloquent as he should be. She would probably laugh if he told her about it, he thought, or think he was a creep just like his dad. Vincent reluctantly tossed that caution to the wind. He didn't think he had much else to lose at this point.

"I actually grew up underground so my social skills are limited to begging for money." He said with a sigh. Vincent wasn't too terribly proud of his criminal background. Honestly, what could they do? Arrest him? "I didn't even see the sun until a couple months ago. I wonder if I'll ever get to see it again."
@Witch Cat I look forward to seeing it. :3
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