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Hey, @taistelusopuli, @BlueAjah, @Knight of Doom, and @Sanity43217. Just a quick heads up that my post may take a while to go up. I have a project in my Structural Geology class that's a lot of work, and I also have a practical exam in my Karate class coming up that I haven't done any practice for. I'd say I'm probably booked up at least until the weekend if not later. If I can squeeze in some time to put up a post sooner I will, but this week is going to be pretty busy.
All right. Cool. I think I got it now. Thanks for the clarification.
I think so. So 1 to 2 would be more accidental things when emotions get out of control?
Sounds interesting. I've never done a post-apocalyptic RP before, but this one might be fun to try.

Just for clarity, what kind of powers, specifically, would people have, particularly around the +1 to +3 range?
Alfaru continued to watch the boy, trying to figure out what he was up to. Something about the child's actions seemed off, and the more Alfaru watched him, the more curious he became. A gust of wind came up, and Alfaru bent his head down and lifted his arm to shield his face, but not before he got hit with a large amount of dust, causing him to release a few hacking coughs and one very loud sneeze to relieve his body of the unwanted particles.

The noise of his coughing and sneezing was so loud, Alfaru was sure the boy had heard, and he glanced back toward the child to see if the boy had taken notice of his spy. He then noticed something in the opposite direction out of the corner of his eye, and he looked back to see all three of his traveling companions had decided to follow him. He made no attempt to hide the look of exasperation on his face, but he did bite back his response to the mountain elf's charge of them looking suspicious, not wishing to give the child any further opportunities to find out that he was being watched.

Speaking of the child, Alfaru turned his attention back toward the mountains to see if the child had indeed taken notice of them, or if he had left while Alfaru's back was turned, or if something else entirely had transpired while Alfaru had been otherwise occupied.
As Alfaru and his companions made their way along the road to Avveel, the albmot took stock of his surroundings. They were passing through a relatively empty stretch of land just past the Rocky Gate. Further down the road, the field became greener, but here the foliage was a bit thinner due to the shallow bedrock. As he was looking around, he noticed a skinny young boy just a stone's throw away near the foot of the mountains that the group had just left behind. Alfaru couldn't tell what the boy was up to, but it seemed none of his companions had taken notice, or if they had they paid the child no mind. Alfaru, however, couldn't help but be curious. What exactly was the boy doing? And where were his parents - there was no sign of anyone else anywhere nearby save Alfaru, his companions, and the boy.

Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Alfaru slowed his pace to drop to the back of the group, then stepped off the path in the direction of the boy. He stayed a short way from the boy to avoid attracting the child's attention, but did try to at least get close enough to find out what it is he was doing poking around under the rocks like that. Alfaru stepped lightly and carefully on the sparse vegetation that marked the margin of the field as he kept his eye on the boy, taking care to stay out of the child's line of sight if at all possible, while still making an effort to get close enough to see what the child was up to.
Alfaru had been traveling with the other three for three days and he still hardly knew anything about them. That wasn't too unusual given his naturally reserved nature, but it did make the traveling a bit more lonely. So far, he only knew the professions of his three companions. One was some sort of Eldritch Knight from an independent order that Alfaru had never heard of before (not surprising since nothing ever really happened in his village), another was a freelance mercenary, and the third was a healer like himself, although this one seemed more suited to the job than Alfaru was (not that he was bad at what he did, but his ambitions were much too big for a simple healer). The only other thing he noticed was that none of the others displayed any overt prejudice towards him due to his mixed blood, which was a pleasant surprise. He was well aware of the tendency of some, particularly dwarves and elves, though humans were by no means exempt from the tendency, to dislike mixes, and he had endured some abuse for it, but he had not heard even a muttered slur from his traveling companions in the three days he had been with them.

They had come into the Anaar Fields, and the village of Avveel was in sight. The last stretch of their journey was in view, and it made Alfaru pick up his pace slightly, despite how tired he was. Before setting out on this journey, Alfaru had never traveled so much in a single day. He had never even left his village before he had heard the King's message. And now he had been traveling for just under two weeks, making camp in the wilderness if there were no villages nearby, waking up at the crack of dawn to continue his journey, and walking until sundown to cover as much distance as possible each day. He had been in good shape before beginning this journey, but in the ten days since he left his village, he had slimmed down slightly, and the angles of his face had sharpened just enough that Alfaru noticed it. It made him look more mature, combined with the stubble on his face from not being able to shave during the journey.
I know. I hate it. All it does is confuse matters, I think. I know at least 2 states over here don't do it, and we in California voted to get rid of it 2 years back or so, but I heard it has to get approved by D.C. for some reason, and that hasn't happened yet. It's just stupid.
@taistelusopuli You can call me Sedjwick, or just Sedj (some people shorten it like that). I'm US Pacific Time, which is GMT -8, but we're on Daylight Savings Time now, so I guess that makes it GMT -7.

Looking forward to playing with everyone.
Name: Alfaru Al Seror
Age: 20
Gender: male, heterosexual
Race: mountain elf/human mix

Appearance: Alfaru has the lithe, slender build of his elfin ancestors, as well as the slightly pointed ears, though both of these traits are less prominent than in a full-blooded elf due to his human heritage. His skin is pale, which could easily have been inherited by either side of his family, both of which have a tendency towards fair skin. His skin tone is complimented by platinum blond hair that he keeps pulled back and cut just above his neck, and ice blue eyes that spend more time looking up than they do looking ahead. He wears a simple tunic of grey, a pair of black trousers, and a pair of well-worn, scarred, brown leather boots. He carries a hunting knife at his belt for self defense, and his pack contains a bedroll, a thick, wool cloak/blanket, a book of spells and blessings, and two more days' worth of provisions.
Class: Alfaru's talent is in the use of natural magic, though he has only ever used it for defensive purposes as he is not a violent being. As such, he has absolutely no experience with using natural magic for offense, though he has a theoretical understanding of how to do so. He is most proficient in the manipulation of water, air, soil, and fire, but has experience with manipulating the other elements as well, except for gravity which stubbornly refuses to work for him. He also knows how to perform basic blessings and minor healing magic.

Motive: The King's summons resonated with Alfaru's sense of adventure as soon as he heard of it.
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