Avatar of semicolon
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 97 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. semicolon 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Did I miss to respond with any of the RPs I'm in? Hit me up if I did. Either I don't have material to put up or I forgot about it, please tell me I'm up an alive right now and not busy :D
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7 yrs ago
My internet connection is being lame. Will be waiting for new posts. Also reposting my 1x1 thread. Please check it out.
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7 yrs ago
oh dear, I vanished once more! but this time, it wasn't because I didn't want to be in the internet anymore! my connection was down, so I'll get to replying in a few hours. need to catch up first. :D
7 yrs ago
I really nead to work on my bio. Point on my quirks and limitations. Making my own RP is tempting but I'll need to polish my blade first.
7 yrs ago
dark fantasy roleplays anyone? It'd be nice if it had an open world setting so that we can make stuff up!
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I love fantasy role-plays, leaning more into dark fantasy and high fantasy. I can do other rp's too, just not used to them that much.

Main purpose in joining is to find and interact with fellow role-players. So, anything deeply personal and unrelated to role-plays must be taken into pm or dismissed, especially if they are highly sensitive and subjective topics. Respect is what I'll give, and it's all I want.

I have a day job, so I'll only be here a few hours a day, at most. That might even be stretching it, I shut down after getting home from work. Still, I need this to kickstart my writing mojo. Play with me. :D

Most Recent Posts

Celeste Azur

Cafeteria @Eragon

Celeste continued eating as the new students and staff piled inside the cafeteria. He was in a non-noticeable enough place so he thought he'd be able to avoid interaction with the new students. He was wrong but he didn't realize it yet. He picked at his food and sighed. Another year of grueling classes and drills, he knew he had only a few years left until he graduated but still, it was not something he'd wanted to do everyday.

Of course, graduating from the institute meant working, facing monsters on a regular basis - which was what happened to him when he was younger, of course unable to fight and nearly dying. He proceeded to think about how these freshly picked mages-to-be would perform in the tests. He shuddered from remembering it.

Unknown to him, there was a lizard-like chimera that sat near him. He daydreamed for a few minutes, not realizing he was spoken to. Finally, he snapped out of his head and startled when he saw there was someone with him. Oh no, he's going to think I have something against him being a chimera, why'd I have to flinch?

Cel straightened up and tried to recover from his mistake. It could still be salvaged, he hoped. He had to do it fast or he'll get distracted again and drift off. "Um, hey. Were you talking to me?, he shuffled and cleared his throat, "I was thinking about something there and I didn't hear you."

Would that be enough to un-offend the person? Was un-offend even a word? Cel thought, starting to get lost in his thoughts. Somebody needs to snap him out of it, and quick!
@MonkeyBusiness @Tendo @RomanAria

Looking forward to being in the mission with you. I see that our characters will have an interesting dynamic. If you feel confused by 67, 68, 69, and 70's actions, please let me know. I'm still getting back to RP-ing and I'm bound to make a lot of mistakes. Plus their situation doesn't help. :)
@Little Eden

Ey, where would 67, 68, and 70 be? Can't see where they should go. If they're sitting it out, it's fine too.
Depending on the number of characters that will be involved, I'll join in :D
Celeste Azur


It was the opening ceremony but Cel chose not to attend it. He was in the institute for two years now and most of the things they talked about in the ceremony remained the same. The difference was in the footage they showed the students to spur them on their studies, make them motivated to learn magic and provide service. He'd heard them, all right. And despite the beautiful, pleasant cold weather brought on by the rain, he wasn't about to interact and be with a lot of people.

Plus, there were always new students. He didn't want to make a bad impression of the academy, them seeing an upperclassman be unpleasant. They might get the wrong idea, and he was the perfect person to elicit that kind of judgement.

So, Celeste was in the cafeteria, eating at a snail's pace - more like slower than a snail's space. There were a few people in the cafeteria and most of them were the staff. He didn't mind them. They didn't engage in small talk and wouldn't judge him for being the way that he was. He'd just grab and eat food and they were done with him. Easy.

But, he heard noise coming from the direction of the cafeteria's entrance. New students , he thought. He scooted farther away from where they would arrive, albeit he was just moving slightly into the corner part of the bench and table he was eating on. He checked himself and nodded, nothing flashy again today. Surely with his sedate beige long-sleeved shirt and loose black pants was nothing too eye-catching.

He couldn't have another person get the wrong idea about him again. Oh wait, he's doing it again, living in his head, thinking too much. Cel sighed and waited for what's next. Misunderstood or left alone? Which one would it be this time?
67 - Birdcage

Kyril heard the alarm and has promptly read the text on the LED display. He nodded to himself and stripped his shirt and changed into a fresh dress shirt paired with purple-and-gray vest and necktie. He picked one dress pants down the closet and put them on. Done with clothing himself, he looked at himself at the mirror and found it enough. He waited to be fetched and sat on his bed in silence.

"67, to the auditorium, now."

He wanted to answer and tell the guard he needed to go with the others, lest something happen that no one would like. But, he remained silent and submitted to the guard's order. He followed the person to the auditorium and saw the a lot of his siblings were there. He knew he wouldn't be interacting with any of them to day so he chose a set with enough distance to all of them. No one too close, nor too far. A good balance of non-interaction and distance.

It would be infinitely better if he could just be with those two. He'll feel better with them around.

68 - Echo

Noah awoke while screaming. The alarm was the worst part of his day to day life. While he had been able to curb and filter the unnecessary noise around him - fifty feet hearing range means a lot of pain - it still wouldn't be ideal to hear such a load and grating alarm. Especially for him. Unconsciously, he redirected the sound waves to his bed and he ended up bouncing upward from the recoil, him landing on a busted bed. It would be replaced - after one or two days. It meant he'd be sleeping on a metallic bed frame - or better, the floor.

He sighed and changed his clothes. After a few minutes of waiting, there was a knock on the door. He stood up quickly and met the guard with a smile on his lips, though his furrowed brows told a little bit different on how he felt. "Can't you make the alarm less loud? I destroyed the mattress again."

69 - Affliction

Mavros didn't hear the alarm. He was busy in his head, thinking about ways he could succeed in taking over anyone. He knew his power was useful. He if he got close enough, he'd be able to put everyone under him. He just needed a bit of DNA to do it. But then, he wasn't let out after that first try. The limit he discovered about his power angered him. He couldn't control his telepathic connection with them and while he loved that fact that he could torment, break them down, and eventually brainwash them when he's awake, Mavros hated he couldn't do so when asleep.

In the periphery of his eyesight, he could see the LED screen glowing. It didn't matter, he won't be involved in whatever task they'd do anyway. He was not to be let out, that's what they said. Damn scientist. Because of their wariness, he won't be able to put his affliction to more of his siblings.

But then, a miracle happened. "Unbind his shackles but keep the straitjacket on, we don't need him causing more problems for us." A familiar voice ordered. Thumps of heavy boots echoed within his room as he felt the restraints on his ankles and neck were removed.

He was forced to stand up and his legs shook. It had been months since he stood. His muscled would have atrophied if not for 70's constant energy supply. His steps were wobbly but his escorts did not care. They dragged him to their destination, and he didn't complain.

Getting out from his room and prison meant he would meet others - his siblings. More for him to ingest and invade. He smiled. Thank you idiots.
He saw a door being opened and multitudes of monstrous and abnormal individuals around him. His fellow children of eve.

More, I want more Mavros whispered. He started struggling under the guards' hold on him and tried to force open the locks of his straitjacket. But he failed and his mind sobered up a bit when he saw 67 sitting by himself and 68 trailing behind him. The two hadn't seen him yet but the wouldn't need to. They were inside his body, and he was inside their mind. They are linked biologically. They can be called ONE.

Mavros cackled inside his mind, his thoughts passing on to 67, 68, and undoubtedly to 70 who has yet to arrive. I see you

70 - Conduit

He was dragged up from his bed and he couldn't do anything but yield to the guards dragging him. He blinked his bleary eyes and saw that they were outside his room, well, more like prison cell. In the distance, he could hear sounds coming from the directed he was taken to. He yawned and let himself to be dragged without expending effort himself.

Adurey let himself slump on the guard's hold and took it easy. He was relaxing more and more and he was nearing the source of noise when he was jolted and made to jump away from where he was. I see you .

No! He can't be here. No! He started flailing and forcing himself out of the hands gripping on him tight but he didn't get anywhere. Still, he didn't relent and continued struggling, essentially halting their progress toward the, what came to his mind, auditorium. He won't be caught being near him again, never. Once was enough and he still experienced nightmares and daily torment since then. 69 was evil, and it's turning him one too.

What Mavros said in his mind echoed and rebounded. It overwhelmed him to the point where he stopped struggling as tears fell from his eyes.

He didn't look up as the doors were opened but he could still hear Mavros cackle in his mind. There was unstable energy seeping into him, and it was what made him finally snap out from his pain and suffering. He looked up and purposely evaded looking into that bundle of pain. Audrey saw Kyril clutching his ears and curl up on himself. He shrugged the guard's grip and he was let go. He all but ran into his sibling that almost looked like him.

"Hey, we're fine. Look, there are others here too. They won't let anything happen to us. I'll talk to them if you want."

Kyril looked up and straightened up. It always amused Audrey how he changes with him and Noah around. The same can be said about Mavros' effect on Kyril, but it wasn't good, so Audrey discarded the thought away. "You don't need to," Ky clearing his throat, "Sit beside me, Noah too."

Audrey complied and looked behind, Mavros still looked please with himself and was still held by guards that by no means were massive, but dwarfed him anyway. Noah was approaching them with a smile but there was a bit of strain, like it was forced. 69's presence really did stir them up, in a vastly unpleasant way.

The three of them - 67, 68, and 70 - sat side by side as they took in what the director presented to all of them. 69 remained at the back, but without the guards. He stayed behind and observed his other siblings.
Age gap? I'll play the younger one, more impulsive one.
@The One

Oh gosh! I apologize for posting only once and doing a disappearing act! Work was hectic and I always fall into slumber after I get home! I have a lot to catch up on so it'll take some time for my other post. Just think of Fis and Ahim in the sidelines, looking at the others.

@semicolon Consider them accepted! Sorry for the wee delay. I've been a little scatterbrained. Throw 'em in the character tab.

Okay! Sorry, I was gone for a few days anyways, work is busy. Got lots of free time now though. I'm still thinking how I'll enter these three guys, 69 won't be hard cuz he's in lock up.
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