Avatar of Sergei Romanov
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 88 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Sergei Romanov 7 yrs ago


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So I figured I would finally give this a little more detail. Name is Sarge or you could just call me Andy if you like I am 24, from the Northern U.S. and I love to role play, almost as much as I love music as you might find out. I have been writing for nearly upward of sixteen years or so and role playing for upwards of at least fourteen of those years. I got my start on the Runescape forums and then did a lot of role playing on here before the site went down and then I went from various sites, private PMs and chats and all that good stuff for awhile and now I am coming on back to my top favorite site to role play. I enjoy all genres for the most part, I thrive in Supernatural, Horror, Action, Mystery and Scifi and I dabble in romance and I think I am good but who knows on that one :P. My usual roles if I can play them are being the villain, I love complexity and heavy back stories and villains usually have them as there are not many antagonists in a story who do it purely for the love of chaos... not naming any names... The Joker.

What else, what else, maybe a little bit about me for anyone who is curious. I am quite easy to get along with, I am about that no drama life and just chilling as apposed to whacking out my blood pressure with pointless fighting. I am a really nice dude and I love comedy, it is a spice of life and a way of living for me. I am quite patient, even legendary in it I guess seeming I can wait forever if need be and I am not easily agitated. But that doesn't take away from when I am agitated, I don't like to be so when I am I can become quite vocal but not to a point of cruelty but just enough to resolve the issue at hand. I am an old school kind of person, the last of early nineties babies I guess mixed with a perfect amount of the current age. I just enjoy life and do what I love to do regardless of the complicated path iv lead.

Some Funny Shitz

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I am sensing a strong wood and metal shop vibe from this group of Scoobies. I approve. Largely because of how there was no wood or metal shop in the TV series. >:[ How dare they not give us a scene of the original Scoobies trying to make a wooden box.

My school actually did have wood shop I found myself rather enjoying it at least until in my second year the teacher quit in the first semester and all we did from that point on until the end of the school year was watch movies every single class period. An they were not related to woodclass movies lol.

Yeah that hits the nail on the head for Blaine, he can feel that deep inside you but he doesn't understand because up until this point he has never really felt something so strong, my post was more or less a lot of him recounting the night of course but also coming to the realization that you scared him a hell of a lot more then the Vampires did. Vampire ooooh aaaaah same old shit, 17 year old girl ganks 30 of them and has an aura that could kill a t-rex. I can't wait for this to get going and explode, conflict ftw.
<Snipped quote by Sergei Romanov>

Emy's not going to enjoy coming face to face with the people that saw her inner-demon last night. So it's not Blaine; it's her. She's embarrassed, believe it or not. Mortified.

Actually I kind of figured that, I wasn't like 100 percent sure but from reading your post between the lines its not something that you find yourself proud of for lack of better wording. Ah well like Iv always said First impressions are a real b****. Thats no lie either im terrible at them xD
<Snipped quote by Sergei Romanov>

And freaks at the sight of Blaine.

Give it time once he is a better Warlock the love spells will be real muahahahahahaha ooooh that sounds like an ass kicking if i ever heard it
<Snipped quote by Sergei Romanov>

One of her idols is Walter White. She likes chemistry; math is a must.

Hmmmm then perhaps Blaine has possibly found a crush :P kicks ass and does Math
You all pick an I can throw Blaine into the mix, im not sure how Emy is about Advanced Classes but I don't see her in Advanced Math ^^ unless of course she wants to hurt the math teacher whom Blaine dislikes if thats the case he would love to have you in there.
Anybody wanna have their character share a class with Emy?

Hey I am down, the more her Aura horrifies Blaine the funnier I see his reaction getting :P
OMG I was looking for a funny Burter GIF and came across this

Lmfao! Who tf did this? Their a genius!
<Snipped quote by Sergei Romanov>

I wanted to click that laugh button 500 times haha
@Ruby In the name of Burter an alien from DBZ when Goku appeared behind him and scared him...

Have Mercy
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