Avatar of Serpentine88
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Same as before
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 348 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Serpentine88 10 yrs ago


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Most Recent Posts

Excellent, the Earth faction is finally up!
I can begin work on my pre-conference meeting IC post, but I need to know who will be hosting it.

Actually, I might just begin by having the conference location being "X" and modify the post depending on who takes the position of conference host.

Good news: I've broken through my writers block and now have an idea how to start off my IC posting.
@Skippy O Africa

A doomed peace conference may be a good way to start off the IC and one which I would support. We'll need a neutral country to host the affair though.

I am going to work some more on my sheet now.

I also see that we have some extremely powerful anti-Terran factions now. xD

It seems I may be the powerhouse for the Pro-Terran forces...

Note: I am not sure how large our nations are supposed to be (Particularly with the super small players in comparison). My territory is a small fraction of the galaxy but spans probably millions of star systems (Considering the Milky Way has 100 billion stars in it), though obviously only a tiny fraction of it is actually colonized.

As can be seen, the Terran Federation is focused around the Perseus arm, though it has begun encroaching upon the Orion Arm.
I am going to place my approx location on the map after this post. Note that it is not official as I need to know where and how large my neighbours are primarily (and it also requires approval from GM).

I am also waiting on @The Spectre to create his sheet before I begin my first IC post, as he will likely be my closest and most important neighbour. (Since he is playing Earth)

I have also created some more cultural information in the "other" note section that may be of some interest.

This is usually the map I use during Space Opera's (galactic-scale) with the actual Milky Way, if the GM does not yet have I map, I offer this up:

Commonly referred to as either the U.T.F.C, the Terran Federation or the Copernican Federation

“Per Aspera Ad Astra”

Capital System: Copernicus System, Perseus Arm (The Terran Federation does not actually own Earth)
Head of State: Secretary-General, Hadrian Sirius Eridani (Homeland Party)
-Head of Government: Deputy Secretary-General, Kagiso Nwosu (Homeland Party)

Government: The UTFC is a democracy born out of the ashes of the Terran Empire. The numerous warring factions that eventually formed the UTFC modelled itself after the pre-Terran United Nations of Earth and the early frontier days of humanity, fused with elements from the Terran Empire as well as its own militant and strife-ridden birth during the Terran Empire’s collapse.

The Executive branch is comprised of the Secretariat (cabinet) and the Secretary-General. The legislative branch is made up of the General Assembly. The UTFC holds elements of representative as well as direct democratic systems, the latter seen with the UTFC’s common legislative referendums. Despite being a democracy, the UTFC has numerous vestige influences of the fallen Terran Empire, this including the continued presence of aristocrats, general human supremacist ideology and laws, as well as the continuation of using modified subhuman (reverse transhuman) slave-races, though this has become increasingly unpopular. The Terran Federation is a major human power and thus proclaims itself the (one of many of) Terran Empire’s successor state.

Besides the vestiges of the Terran Imperial era, the majority political ideology of the UTFC is a very militant, xenophobic form of democratic thought. Voting is only allowed for humans and the popular referendums regularly demand military intervention. The xenophobia and militarism only grows stronger, particularly as the near endless flow of Terran refugees fleeing alien invasions and ethnic cleansing further radicalise the UTFC’s voting results. Aliens within the UTFC live under apartheid conditions or are simply pushed off world all together. Another note is that civilians and citizens have a distinct difference, with citizens being politically enabled and socially protected while civilians are only socially protected. Citizenship requires military service.


-Terran (Roughly equivalent to "CUHs"); 58%
-Transterran (Roughly equivalent to "Pure Human"): 16 %
-Subterran (Roughly equivalent to "Modified Humans"): 15 %
-Xeno: 11 %


Allegiance: Terran & Humanity


History: The UTFC begun in the Copernicus System within the rapidly collapsing Terran Empire. Copernicus at first was an ideologically neutral state between the Pro-Imperial and Pro-Rebel factions and politically loyal to the Emperor, mostly due to its primary concern being to look outward, towards the alien invasions that had been launched on the Perseus Arm so to reclaim lands from the Terrans. A military powerhouse and considered the “Gatekeeper of Perseus”, Copernicus continued its policy of ignoring internal conflicts and defending humanity from the ‘xeno threat’.

This policy continued until Copernicus was eventually forced into the conflict when the civil war dissolved from the Emperor fighting rebels into an all out battle royale between ex-imperial warlords. The system was invaded and fought over by numerous warlords, whom quickly turned the system (and surrounding systems) into a bloodbath. This was enough to eventually trigger the system's entrance into the civil war as another rebel faction, the population overthrowing warlord-collaborating aristocrats and declaring its independence from the (all but already dead) Terran Empire, at the time merely the Republic of Copernicus. Republican Copernicus was unique amongst the anti-Terran human rebels in that it was not particularly different from the Terrans they rebelled against, more influenced by circumstance than any ideological fervour. The planet was still enforcing anti-xeno laws and still practiced slavery.

Copernicus, being a military powerhouse, was quite the sleeping giant. Pulling its vast military assets from defending the Perseus Arm from xeno invaders to defending itself (dooming countless humans in the process), the warlords realised their mistake too late. Copernicus’ newly independent civilian/rebel-run government went on to declare itself the new Terran successor state and launch wars of liberation against warlord-occupied star systems.

Since then… this hasn’t really stopped. The Republic of Copernicus has since reformed into the United Terran Federation of Copernicus (or simply the Terran Federation for those who dislike the emphasis on just one star system) as it has rapidly expanded through ex-Imperial space. Being one of the most successful of the Terran successors (alongside the Earth faction and those ‘mad crusaders’), the UTFC has further increased its manpower and size through puppeting, sphering and annexing other human states. It also took in (and continues to take in) huge numbers of Terran refugees fleeing occupied territory throughout the galaxy, enough so where it has become famous as the nation of "angry refugees".

The UTFC unlike some of the more normalising post-Terran states has only become even more militant and aggressive since the fall of the Terran Empire. The huge number of refugees fleeing alien-conquered worlds have shifted the democracies referendums towards favouring interventionism, hoping to reclaim their lost homes. Furthermore, the UTFCs new citizens from the former Terran Empire’s inner worlds demand the UTFC move military assets to reclaim the imperial capital, Earth, from treacherous xeno-lovers.


Naval: The Terran Federation puts emphasis on range, many of its ships being equipped with powerful long ranged electromagnetic/mass accelerator cannons. Typically the Terran Federation puts emphasis on heavier escort ships (frigates, light cruisers) and capital ships (Heavy cruisers, Battlecruisers, battleships). Strike craft and other smaller vessels exist, however usually they are used as an extra layer of escorts for the main ships. The Terran Federation does not have designated carriers, instead having hybrid carrier-cruisers, though the navy plans on developing a proper carrier soon.

Army: The Terran Federation puts a great deal of its land forces emphasis on armour, artillery and defence. It has a high tolerance for sieges and attrition warfare. The Terran Federation is famous for its use of large, siege-scale bubble shields, anti-orbital cannons and landship superheavy tanks. Some mecha-like vehicles have been created and are used, however overall the Terran Federation is more of a tank-orientated military force, sacrificing mobility for firepower, armour and range. There is a notable exception to this though: The Terran Federation possesses many small, power-armour like mecha used by elite, Transterran spec-ops mobile infantry. While these power armoured soldiers are not capable of taking on proper ‘mecha’ armour, they are among some of the best soldiers humanity has to offer.

The Terran Federation military overall has very little manpower issues, and in fact is at times in glut of manpower, despite its constant warring and militarism. This is because the Terran Federation both has active military conscription for all citizens for up to 4 years between secondary education and either work or further education (Note: due to longer lifespans, secondary education lasts until around 24-25 years old, with further education being masters or PhDs), as well as military service being required to gain citizenship, essentially forcing the massive number of refugees to perform some form of military duty (though it does not necessarily have to be fighting, unless the Federation is in a state of total war). During times of total war, the Terran Federation is more than willing to mass mobilise its populace for war, including even non-citizen xenos (as auxillary soldiers).

Terran armour is often wheel and track based rather than anti-grav/hover. The reason of this is both so that they can carry larger cannons that cause recoil and also so that all their vehicles have reliable anti-EMP protection. Another reason is that wheels are of course cheaper and easy to replace, thus making them superior for drawn out wars of attrition.

Military In-Depth

Grand Army of the Terran Federation:

Grand Navy of the Terran Federation:

Other Stuff
(Culture, religion, etc)
Right, @Fashy. My sheet is relatively done (It isn't actually finished, but the details required by you are done... everything else is my usual detailmania)

Awaiting either criticism or acceptance.

Lies! For starters you're democratic. No halfway decent space empire is going to get anywhere with Democracy! You'll never get anything done if all actions have to be voted for on different levels.

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