Avatar of ShepherdOfHope
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    1. ShepherdOfHope 5 yrs ago
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Tentative interest.
Definitely interested.

Is there any sort of “supportive” or defensive style of magic?
I'll throw my hat in the ring too. I'm thinking of using a character with some kind of butterfly quirk; so she'd have the wings, antennae, and everything.

-Modern day.
-I'm cool with any race.
-I'm down for Discord too!

Location: Jubilife City - Stadium
Mentions: @spacepirate @Sunbather

Rosie's eyes drifted from the screen to the crowd of trainers surrounding her. Maybe crowds should make her nervous, but the energy was utterly contagious. Addictive, even. Everyone here seemed so...happy. She'd never been around this kind of excitement before; most of her forays into the bigger cities had been brief, and she'd never been on her own before. But this was the start of something new, and everyone around her could feel it. As Rosie scanned the crowd, she wondered if perhaps she should find someone to talk to. Maybe someone to travel with? It'd be safer than going it alone, for sure.

"What do you think, Luce? Who looks friendly to you?" The Riolu doesn't answer, simply charging forward into the crowd without hesitation. "Luce! Hey! Wait-"

With a quick, almost panicked gait, Rosie chased after her Pokemon. With a few abrupt apologies to those around her, she stumbled forward, until she watched a girl run head-first into another trainer. She would have been content to turn around and avoid that whole mess, but that trainer-the boy-seemed...bizarrely familiar. Something about his face, his hair-

Oh. Oh, she knows him. That's-

Before Rosie can even stop herself, she pipes up from behind Rachel. "You do know him! That's Oreo Aquilo! He's the host of Weird Sinnoh! I-I'm a huge fan." She approaches, an eager bounce in her step as she extends a hand. "M-My name is Rosie."
Hey. Definitely interested!

Location: Jubilife City - Stadium
Mentions: None

Jubilife City was a far, far cry from little old Celestic Town. In fact, Rosie was pretty certain she'd never seen so many people before in her life. The crowd, the voices, the music...it was all a little jarring for a girl from such a small hometown. And yet, it all made her heart race in a way that was new to her; this was the kind of excitement she'd longed to feel.

So, it was kind of a shame that everyone was stuck in this building. Still, she planned to make the most of it.

The hum from the music outside filled her head as she walked through the crowd. Were they other trainers? Enthusiastic spectators? Challenge staff? She couldn't really tell, but many of them seemed to be about her age. Lucina trailed close behind, watching everyone rather cautiously. Rosie pulled the Riolu a bit closer, fearing the crowd might be causing her a bit of anxiety. She hadn't had Lucina for very long, but in her mind, that just made looking after her even more important. Of course, she could just put Lucina back in her pokeball, but that always seemed to make her uncomfortable. Besides, Riolu are extremely sensitive to emotions; keeping her calm was the best possible thing.

"Come on, Luce," Rosie sighed, making her way into the lobby. Her eyes widened a bit at the sight of all the other Pokemon flitting about; she was used to the wild Pokemon near Celestic Town, but this was her first time seeing many of them in person. Of course, she'd studied them all before, but this was a different experience entirely. She took a moment to rock back and forth on her heels, surveying the trainers before her."Everyone looks so strong, huh?" She made a mental note of all the Pokemon she could see; she might need to take that into consideration when she gets new teammates, after all.

Just then, a woman appeared on the screen in front of them, gushing about the new batch of challengers for this year. Rosie tilted her head, a little surprised to learn that this was a particularly big group. Like it or not, they were going to get whittled down pretty quickly; she could only do her best to make it far enough. Her future depended on it, right? Battling wild Pokemon was one thing, but people were a completely different ordeal. She had some catching up to do with the more experienced of the bunch; luckily, she's a fast learner.

Hey! Stumbled across the interest check, and thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. Will have a CS up sometime soon.
Sorry, but I think I'll have to drop out. I just got out of the hospital not that long ago and I'm still pretty out of it. Best of luck!
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