Avatar of Sierra
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 639 (0.26 / day)
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    1. Sierra 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current For those wondering where I fucked off to ... the apple iphone 14 pre-order launch is this thursday and I work software dev for a cell carrier. Been a lil slammed.
2 yrs ago
As someone who once unironically used grey-on-black text .... don't. Its impossible to read on OLED screens, which include most modern phones.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Sometimes I feel like this site is a Thai buffet. I'm sure there's delicious things here, but for the life of my I can't find anything that really speaks to me right now.
2 yrs ago
When not prepping for my D&D table, I should spruce up some of my stuff here. Not all of my old content is the garbage I presumed it was. But some things I wrote we won't talk about ....
2 yrs ago
Reflections on characters past: "Adi really was a spoiled brat. How did I ever think her motivations were compelling?"


Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Most Recent Posts

“Not to something this slow, no I couldn't,” a wandering Whitmore came behind the two women off to the side, taking one of the wine glasses off the platter as she moved around to face. “Oh! Pardonne-moi mademoiselles, I am too brash. Mother would have my head had she seen me do that.”

Sam recalled her mother's warning. ‘For the love of God child, do not embarrass us!’ It was not among her priorities. Sam never felt herself a part of the bourgeoisie the company made them. The culture of the elite did not sit well with her. The wealth made life taste artificial. The wine tasted anything but. It was almost better than her father's whiskey, yet Sam was still one for a harder drink than wine. “Not,” she chuckled, “that it stops me very often."

Simply being out of the house was enough to make Sam more jovial. Mother’s perpetual disapproval was stifling ... not helped by Sam’s own willfulness. Some freedom to be more of herself was an enjoyable change of pace. For now that was all she needed to be happy.

Sam had of course forgotten to even think about the other people she had just walked in on in her excitement. “So who do I have the pleasure of meeting here?” She remembered this was a very formal event with high nobility and royals in attendance and tried to put forth some of the etiquette lessons she traditionally ignored.

I'll shamelessly be the pessimist and guess that at least two will fail to compile. If all four get stuck in debugging, lemme know 'cause I'd like to line up on this too.
I have the character about 70% done I'd like to think in terms of concepting. Mostly what I need to do is actually put it on paper, which I'm hoping to make progress on tonight. Once I get it somewhat coherent I'll go ahead and share. :)
I've been meaning to write out a character ... but this isn't the only thing I'm procrastinating on doing.
I'm here. I just haven't found a way to continue that isn't overly intrusive/forced.

And what's a fortnight??


“Nat keep a close eye on subspace sensors; I wanna know if anything jumps anywhere in the system.”
The CO was busily handling the change of situation. Caution was warranted in case the massive heat signature the Destiny was throwing off for the moment was detected. While the flash-jump stunt could fool enemies momentarily, any officer with a brain would realize it was a trick once the sensor blindness cleared. The energy saturation of the fusion blast was merely a temporary measure of distraction. “Ops see that a full systems check gets done. Tell me if anything is not operating one hundred percent.”

“Commander I’ve got a communications protocol coming in from local; ready to receive?”
“Affirm, play incoming on speaker for the record.”
Natka pushed the incoming transmission through for Muriel to address. “Commander Dar’Tuura, Destiny Ascendant. To who am I speaking?”
And now the second diplomacy dance was afoot. The commander pushed the Covenant incident to the back of her mind, trying not to let it taint her attitude any further as her tone was already growing short.
Probably not the wisest to have a readily available email right there where it's visible. Speaking from my experience as a programmer, it would take just a couple hours to write a bot that can scan webpages for a valid parsable email address. Putting it in a hider can help avoid dumb, basic bots but any decently programmed one will see through that too. Even if the email is a throwaway, putting it front-facing is still likely to attract a lot of spam and I would suggest exchanging it out of public view.
Well @Hillbilly12 may have jumped the gun a little bit, but its finally come full circle.

Best put on some dramatic music for this one. Faking your own death with a half dozen WMDs is not a sane proposition.


“Sierra Mike One Zero Three you are clear for departure. Come right and proceed out of hangar at relative bearing zero eight zero.”
Flight control cleared the transports as they vacated the hangar. Muriel bid them good riddance as she worked over her plans.
“Shuttlecraft B-1 clear for departure. Come around left and proceed out of hangar.”
The fleetmaster was slow on his departure. His ship sat landed in the hangar for an extended amount of time. “Flight control, get me a targeting solution on covenant envoy craft. Tactical, track this targeting solution with the number 3 main turret.”
“Commander if I may beg par-” the XO’s protests were cut short by Tactical.
“Copy, tracking target. Fire condition?”
“Hold. Wait for my call,” she answered.

She wasn’t sure she could get away with this, nor did she want to end him so impersonally. However she recognized the value that eliminating him posed and the risk that such an easy opportunity would not present itself again.
If I may beg pardon ...,” Dyykes forcefully interjected, “if we take that shot, we are starting a war. A war that will go very badly for us in the immediate short term.”
“I’m aware Lieutenant. I have a way that somewhat mitigates that risk. Right now I need everyone to trust the strategy. This is what we do best: plan and execute.”
Flight control interrupted the conversation. “Covenant transport is clear of the hangar.”
“Call torpedoes!” Muriel ordered, “We’ve made the plan. Execute.”

The CO started running for the bridge. Everything was going to go down at breakneck speed. Every second counted. “Torpedoes five hundred clicks out, covenant shuttle at three clicks.”
Her headset kept her virtually in the room as the plan unfolded. The ship shuddered as the rear guns fired towards nothingness. All part of the biggest bluff she dared to make today. The jolt broke her stride and she nearly fell face first into the metal floor grating. “Torpedoes at four hundred and closing; Covenant transport seven clicks. Thirty seconds to impact.”

The CO made it to the bridge shortly after. Nobody bothered with the formalities of her arrival, nor would she have wanted them to. They stayed focused on the operation exactly how she would have wanted. “Torpedoes at two-fifty, fifteen seconds to impact; Covenant transport at ten clicks, running fast.”
Ten clicks was still basically point blank. The number 3 railgun was loaded with its lighter 55mm shells for the tiny target. Ten kilometers was a flight time of under four milliseconds: instant impact for all intents and purposes. The ship was creating distance very fast though. “Ten seconds, check jump coords and shield integrity.”

Tactical had effectively assumed command. Muriel remained silent and let them do their job. The flash-jump was a risky maneuver that only black ops ever even attempted. “Five seconds, target at twenty five clicks.”
That was starting to get farther downrange. It was still an easy shot no doubt, but the increasing distances pressed on her mind. The tension in the air slowed down the seconds. “Three... tw-”
“Fire, fire now!” she preempted the countdown.
Tactical was still tracking. The fleetmaster’s fate was sealed with one trigger pull.

The thud of the number 3 gun was indistinguishable from the feigned fire towards a pursuing enemy that would throw the Covenant off. Fifty five millimeters of precision-engineered devastation crossed the thirty kilometer distance faster than anyone could blink. At the speed it flew, the metal of the Phantom didn’t react like metal. The slug tore through the center of the ship, pulverizing nearly half of the craft into a hail of debris and shrapnel. The three large chunks left were thrown hard away from the previous flightpath, cast off into the vast blackness at incredible speed from the sheer impulse of the slug. “Confirmed hit!”

The CO smirked visibly at the notion the fleetmaster was most certainly dead. A weapon meant to take down far larger ships would have left no survivors on such a tiny target. “Brace for torpedos!” the tac officers both yelled.
The ship shuddered hard as all six fusion torpedoes detonated in close proximity. Warning alarms blared as the shields nearly overloaded from the energy surge. In the blinding nova engulfing the ship, the Destiny jolted into frameshift, disappearing from the battlespace behind the spectacle of the fusion blast.


Destiny jolted back into the static fabric of space, leaving behind the high-speed subspace rift that carried it here. The jump brought the ship into close proximity with with the Asari forces. The inner rails on the rearward guns glowed a dull red. Parts of the ship’s composite armor plating also glowed, the shield emitters having dumped their excess heat into the secondary subsurface cooling manifold.

“Compile all the data & records from our time in this system and push it to subspace relay, stat. Our first priority is getting everything on record and in the database,” Muriel ordered.
Her XO got to work on it immediately. She turned her attention back to the holotable, where Natka had already pushed a projection of the immediate space. Muriel was confident that whatever this entity wanted, it could not be more irrational than the Covenant she’d just dealt with.
@superservo27 See I come for the high-flying acrobatic badassery as much as mechs. :)

Also my mech fantasies can never fully be satisfied and they demand that I ask for directions to that mechwarrior RP (is it actual battletech universe or is it just general style of?).
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