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Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

Ah, so she was military. The question would have worked equally well if Ayane had been a civilian. Just one person admiring the fashion of another. The reveal of their shared service was certainly nicer than finding out someone was selling knockoff pilot jackets though. And Tokyo fit with her features and the faint accent accompanying her words.

"Beryl Harken, Test Team 4, Horizon Research and Development." She replied with a smile at Ayane and a raised eyebrow at Nova. "Would you like to come up and join us? Looking up like that is just asking for a crick in the neck."


Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

Rather than the extremely impressive war machine currently drawing the gaze of her companions Beryl's attention was on the woman below their balcony. Asian features, not too unusual in a mass driver city like Horizon. She carried herself with the kind of bearing that most members of the military learned to recognize. Although this person seemed to wear it like a set of armor. The jacket she wore was a bit odd though. Leaving aside the strangeness of wearing such a garment in these warm temperatures it held some interesting insignia. If Beryl had to guess she would have said it was from a Walker squadron.

The weird thing was that Beryl didn't recognize the woman. She knew all of Horizon's pilots, their names and faces at the very least. The Asian woman below them wasn't one of them. Was she on vacation? A bit young and stiff to be retired. Maybe she wasn't a pilot at all and Beryl was just overthinking things.

"Excuse me." She called down. "Where did you get that jacket?"

Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

"No problem."
Beryl took a drink of whatever drink she had been carrying around and she leaned over the railing next to Nova. "The parade should be starting any minute now. Kind of surprised we can't hear it yet to be honest."

Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

The interior of the building was pleasantly cool, the air conditioning going full blast to keep up with the press of bodies and the many open doors and windows. It wasn't long before the two found Beryl despite the crowded interior of the building. The athletic woman held a red plastic cup above her head as she wove through the crowd, her gaze scanning the entrance for the pair. When she saw them her face lit up with a smile and she waved them over.

"Follow me." She had to speak up to be heard over the boisterous party-goers and the music pumping over the speakers. Whoever owned the house seemed to be fairly well off considering the decorations and modern systems in view. "The balcony is quiet enough that we won't have to yell to hear each other."

Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

A smile spread over the higher woman's face at the question. It had been a busy day.

"Little of this. little of that. Spent the morning jumping between about five different beach parties and cookouts. Don't think I ever actually got a formal invite to the last one. You'd be surprised at how easy it is join random parties during a big event like Colony Day." Beryl chuckled slightly and blew an errant strand of blue-black hair out of her face. "Anyway, I was invited to this party, and it has a perfect view of the parade route. It's pretty open so come on up and we can watch it together."

Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

"Marcus, Martell! Up here!"

The cry came from above and slightly behind the pair. Any glances for the source of the noise would quickly locate one Test Pilot Beryl Harken leaning over the railing of a second story balcony overlooking the street. The double doors into the room beyond was open and the sounds of a party could be faintly heard over the sound of the crowd. Beryl herself was out of uniform, one might say extremely so. Clad in bikini top and shorts with a triangle of some sort of light floral cloth tied around her waist in a manner that was obviously more decorative than functional. All in all she looked more like one of the civilian tourists than a skilled Walker pilot.

"You two looking for a place to watch the parade?"

Beryl's mech.

Beacon Academy-Dust Apps-Beryl Harken

The class was really, genuinely, truly interesting. Blowing the student's minds at the start had been some inspired teaching. Both the impressive dust display and the breakdown of how it had been accomplished. Everyone in the room was now focused on the diminutive teacher at the front, many with raised hands and doing their best to show how into the material they were.

Beryl was not one of those people.

Oh she was as interested as any other student there. Dust was a significant part of her hunting style. It complimented her semblance and reduced the strain on her aura. An essential bit of synergy that her current state only reinforced. But no matter how much she wanted to share at the professor with laser like intensity her body just wasn't cooperating. Her physical form screamed for sleep while her mind desperately tried to stay conscious. Luke's little test kick had sent a spike of adrenalin through her and earned him the best mumbled grunt of thanks she could manage.

Even with that she found her eyelids drooping all too soon. Her tail twitched sluggishly in irritation as she mentally berated herself.

Come ooooooooooon Beryl! You can't afford to fall asleep now. Especially not in the new teachers first class...wait, what if she calls on me? Please don't call on me!

The mild terror and subtle attempts at becoming just another one of the faceless silhouettes proved to be quite helpful in keeping the clutches of sleep at bay. Now if only she could avoid having to speak up for the rest of the class. There was no way she could speak right now without slurring half her words.

Beryl, awaaaaaay.

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