Avatar of SilverFallen
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    1. SilverFallen 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Wow haven't updated one of these in awhile; out of town for the weekend. Will be back Monday or Tuesday.
6 yrs ago
Going to a con for the weekend! I will respond when I get back!
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6 yrs ago
Sorry for not responding much; it seems the site is down whenever I actually have the time to respond.
6 yrs ago
Might be MIA for a few days, sorry!
7 yrs ago
Going to L.A. Comic Con this weekend so sorry for the lack of response!


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It wasn't like Ashton wasn't aware that things were going to shit. It was Gotham, after all. And a Gotham without Batman, at that. But it still felt like every time she sat down to just rest, something new happened.

Her TV had turned to static, and she was just about to hit the old piece of junk when a distorted voice came on, talking about bombs in different areas of Gotham. Uptown Central, Midtown West, and the Penitentiary. Immediately she started putting her gear on. Chances were the GCPD would immediately go to Uptown, after all, that was the elite and they would get the most protection. The Penitentiary was the least likely to get help, but she figured there was a reason for that.

Midtown West Side, she decided, as she raced out of her apartment and got into her Jeep. Sure, there were gangs and mobsters there, but there were also civilians. That was most important.

She didn't get too far in her Jeep. Everybody was evacuating, whether on foot or in a car, and that meant the roads were blocked. Didn't take Ashton too much time to ditch her car. What was harder was trying to run in the opposite direction of everybody else. Finally, she got away from the crowd and found GCPD officers - to her surprise - and a woman in red who must have had the same idea.

"Any word on the bombs?" she asked, not bothering to introduce herself. Instead, she slung her rifle into her hands, years of training putting her into a comfortable zone. "Has anybody set up a perimeter? Or started a sweep? What's going on?"


Name: Major Ashton Beaufort

Title/Alias: Gotham's Soldier (she will never refer to herself as this, but it's what the news has started calling her.)

Picture/Description: Ashton stands at 5'10" (and that's not even with her combat boots on) and is muscular from her years in the service. Her skin is tanned and she does have sunglasses tan lines but chances are nobody will ever know since she very rarely takes them off. Her eyes are light brown - but again, sunglasses so it's not a well known fact. Her dirty blond hair lives in a permanent stage of Military Donut Bun.

Powers/Abilities: Military training as well as basic martial arts training. Best with a gun or knife but has taught herself how to fight hand to hand.

Gear(optional): Almost all her gear is standard military type. For weapons she has, an M11 handgun, a Ka-Bar combat knife, a M4 carbine, and various grenades (including frag, smoke, and stun). She wears modified combat gear; it's been dyed black to blend in better and she has added more bullet-proof ceramic plating into it. She also wears sunglasses and a helmet - also painted black like her uniform. She also has binoculars, night-vision goggles, a mag light, flares, and a basic first-aid kit.

Personality: The typical soldier; she is stoic and strong, obedient when she has respect for her leaders, but doesn't take shit. She is fiercely protective of the innocent people of Gotham and will put her life on the line for them. While she may come off as cold, when she does relax and let the soldier-mode slip, she is kind albeit a tad snarky.

Bio: Ashton grew up in Gotham with a single mother. She never knew her father, but honestly, it was never really a big deal for her. It was pretty ordinary. Growing up in Gotham made her tough, but it never made her mean. She was the kid that would beat a bully black and blue then walk the bullied kid home to make sure they were safe. It was no surprise that she ended up idolizing Batman - and later Batwoman as well. It was even less of a surprise that she signed up for the Marines when she was old enough.

After ten years in the Marines, Ashton became a Major and was working on becoming a Lieutenant Colonel when the Justice League went missing. Ashton retired from the Marines and made her way home to Gotham, only to find it much worse than it ever had been. Crime was even more rampant than it had ever been now that Batman was gone.

It started out as just helping here and there; disarming a robber who happened to be in the same convenience store as her, stopping assaults on civilians, etc. But as crime got worse, Ashton started dedicating herself more and more to stopping it. While she doesn't really consider herself a superhero by any means - after all, she's just a retired soldier - fighting crime has become her day job and she has started to become a known figure in Gotham.
Western formal wear was definitely something else. Khalid didn't completely understand the point of a shirt, and a tie, and a vest, and a jacket, but it was what the Westerners did and he didn't feel like standing out tonight. Besides, the suit was a beautiful silver color with a long back and he rather liked it. So maybe there was something to suits after all.

Once he was sure his tie was on properly, he put his mask on and did a double check in the mirror. To him, his eyes still stood out as being not very human, but the gold of the mask seemed to down-play the flickering light a bit. Hopefully it would be a decent enough disguise.

He double-checked to make sure he had his invitation - something he was still rather surprised he had received - and before he knew it, he was at the gates.

Khalid offered his invite and allowed the guard to pat him down for weapons, and then he was allowed in. If there was any place to make trade agreements, this would be the place, and Khalid fully intended to take the opportunity.
@Master Crim How's my character look? Her sheet is back on page 8. If it's too difficult to find a way to throw a new person in, I totally understand.
Name: Khalid Samara

Age: Appears to be in his mid to late twenties (actually a couple thousand years; he's lost count)

Gender: Male

Status (wealth): Upper middle class

Appearance + Mask: Khalid stands at about six feet tall and is on the trim side. While not completely white-passing, he still is rather light skinned. He keeps his beard neatly trimmed, and his black hair is slicked back. The only thing that really doesn't seem human about him is his eyes; sure, they're a goldish-brown at first glance, but upon closer examination, they flicker like a flame.

Any weapons to be brought in: N/A

Job/Occupation: Merchant/Trader

Personality: Khalid is a mellow man, but that doesn't mean he's shy or cold. In fact, he's quick to smile and loves meeting new people, he's simply more of a listener than a talker. He can, however, be persuaded to tell stories about his life and travels. Overall, he's very sweet and humble.

Backstory: Khalid is actually a Jinni. He is thousands of years old and has wandered the world, curious about everything and everyone. Eventually he started amassing objects he had collected over the centuries - including a lamp he had been shoved in for a couple hundred years - and has become a bit of an antiques dealer, along with trading other more normal items (spices, clothes, trinkets, etc). He has been doing this for some time now (of course, changing name every so often to keep off suspicions). He tends to give his money away to charities or homeless people since he really sees no need for it. Sometimes he will buy himself something nice, but aside from clothes, he doesn't use it much. He does his job more so to meet people, see new places, and, pass on trinkets to those who might appreciate them.

Theme song (optional): N/A

Any other info (optional): He does his best to hide the fact that he is Jinn, so it would be a secret in the beginning (but very likely somebody would figure out).
@Holy Soldier Sorry if I'm pestering you, but could you possibly explain the Phantom species? I'm assuming they're ghosts, but are they tangible? (Trying to find a species that is less used so we don't have a thousand vampires.)
@CadenGallic Awesome, thank you! Can't wait for this to get started!
Name: Reagan

Nickname: Don't even try calling her anything other than Reagan unless you want a bullet in you

Age: 35

Appearance: Reagan is surprisingly tall at about 5'10" (and she wears boots with decent heels on them so she comes off around 6 feet). She has an athletic build. Her skin is light brown from a lot of time in the sun. Her dark brown hair hangs in a ponytail that goes past her shoulder-blades. Her natural eye (the left) is dark brown, her right eye is cybernetic and a slightly lighter brown. It's only noticeable upon closer expectation, which happens often, considering she has a long scar over her eye. Her left arm and right leg are both cybernetic and both have definitely seen better days. She's missing her pinkie finger on her hand, and her leg is missing a part or two, so she has a limp.

Outfit: Of course she has a black cowboy hat that you won't catch her without and sunglasses (to hide her eye). All of her clothes are dirty and torn. She wears a plaid shirt and jeans under an old brown, duster coat. There is also the obligatory cowboy boots and red kerchief around her neck, ready to cover her mouth in case of a dust storm.

Occupation(s): Scavenger and mercenary.

Biography: Reagan was born in Taurus and grew up around guns. So it was no surprise that she took quite a fancy to them and become very good with plenty of different types. She became a runner for the cities; going back and forth to get different supplies. Most of the time she was sent to Cancer, Capricorn, or Aquarius. She did this for years with no problem, until some time in her early twenties when she got into a terrible accident. Luckily for her, she was right outside of Gemini and was saved - granted she did have to give up all her money and what goods she had on her for the service. It was there she got her cybernetic parts. When she was finally able to move about freely, she left. She has returned to her old job, for the most part, but now she doesn't really keep Taurus as her home base. She goes from city to city, delivering supplies when needed, or whatever else. She will track people down in other cities (for whatever reason; to deliver messages or for a punch in the face). She has been known to shoot people (and even kill them) if she's paid enough.

-A pack with survival gear and whatever wares she's carrying. Her gear tends to include a ratty, old sleeping bag, a canteen of water, food (usually jerky or a can of beans), binoculars, some rope, a basic first-aid kit, a lighter, a flashlight, and some spare tools (for when she can fix her cybernetic parts).
-An old-fashioned revolver (her personal favorite gun), a Bowie knife, and a bolt-action scoped hunting rifle.

Skills and Flaws:
+Excellent marksmanship
+Hand-to-hand combat
+Good internal compass
+Fearless (could also be a flaw, really)
+Strong (like a pack-mule, mostly, but she can also pack a serious punch)

-Terrible temper and personality in general; she's a grumpy, mean person
-Bad bargainer (her way of bargaining prices usually involves threats and what could be considered growling)
-A mule is less stubborn than her
-Not very good at keeping up her cybernetics; she walks with a limp, is missing a finger, and has yet to do anything about it
-Reckless to the point of possibly being suicidal
Name: Reagan

Nickname: Don't even try calling her anything other than Reagan unless you want a bullet in you

Age: 35

Appearance: Reagan is surprisingly tall at about 5'10" (and she wears boots with decent heels on them so she comes off around 6 feet). She has an athletic build. Her skin is light brown from a lot of time in the sun. Her dark brown hair hangs in a ponytail that goes past her shoulder-blades. Her natural eye (the left) is dark brown, her right eye is cybernetic and a slightly lighter brown. It's only noticeable upon closer expectation, which happens often, considering she has a long scar over her eye. Her left arm and right leg are both cybernetic and both have definitely seen better days. She's missing her pinkie finger on her hand, and her leg is missing a part or two, so she has a limp.

Outfit: Of course she has a black cowboy hat that you won't catch her without and sunglasses (to hide her eye). All of her clothes are dirty and torn. She wears a plaid shirt and jeans under an old brown, duster coat. There is also the obligatory cowboy boots and red kerchief around her neck, ready to cover her mouth in case of a dust storm.

Occupation(s): Scavenger and mercenary.

Biography: Reagan was born in Taurus and grew up around guns. So it was no surprise that she took quite a fancy to them and become very good with plenty of different types. She became a runner for the cities; going back and forth to get different supplies. Most of the time she was sent to Cancer, Capricorn, or Aquarius. She did this for years with no problem, until some time in her early twenties when she got into a terrible accident. Luckily for her, she was right outside of Gemini and was saved - granted she did have to give up all her money and what goods she had on her for the service. It was there she got her cybernetic parts. When she was finally able to move about freely, she left. She has returned to her old job, for the most part, but now she doesn't really keep Taurus as her home base. She goes from city to city, delivering supplies when needed, or whatever else. She will track people down in other cities (for whatever reason; to deliver messages or for a punch in the face). She has been known to shoot people (and even kill them) if she's paid enough.

-A pack with survival gear and whatever wares she's carrying. Her gear tends to include a ratty, old sleeping bag, a canteen of water, food (usually jerky or a can of beans), binoculars, some rope, a basic first-aid kit, a lighter, a flashlight, and some spare tools (for when she can fix her cybernetic parts).
-An old-fashioned revolver (her personal favorite gun), a Bowie knife, and a bolt-action scoped hunting rifle.

Skills and Flaws:
+Excellent marksmanship
+Hand-to-hand combat
+Good internal compass
+Fearless (could also be a flaw, really)
+Strong (like a pack-mule, mostly, but she can also pack a serious punch)

-Terrible temper and personality in general; she's a grumpy, mean person
-Bad bargainer (her way of bargaining prices usually involves threats and what could be considered growling)
-A mule is less stubborn than her
-Not very good at keeping up her cybernetics; she walks with a limp, is missing a finger, and has yet to do anything about it
-Reckless to the point of possibly being suicidal
@CadenGallicI will resist the urge to make a robot, but you can definitely expect a cyborg from me sometime soon!
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