Avatar of Simokey
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 15 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Simokey 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Wow I'm back yeet


'share dank memes'


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@ArenaSnow YOU AIN'T HAVING MY SOUL *hisses*

@Hank They sit in the trees and drop on you when you walk past and by that point, you can't be saved. It's pretty hardcore over here.

@Caits SSSHHH they can't know about us taking over the world Heyyy. :)
G'day mates~

I'm a huge fan of 1x1 roleplays, as displayed by my assorted collection of partners. Most of them are offsite, which means I'm currently looking for a few onsite.

WARNING THOUGH: I live in Australia and am a full time student who may have a part time job soon, so if I'm not on all the time, that's why.

Also, the tags don't lie. If you're looking for someone to roleplay 18+ themes with you, I am here to offer my services.

Plots coming soon, when I can stop procrastinating.

If you're interested, PM me!
~ Sim
@Shoryu Magami Thank you! And don't worry about me, I'll be fine in time.

I'm Australian by birth, but I've lived in so many different places I'm not so sure anymore. I guess now that I'm back I'm an Australian, but sometimes it's hard to be sure.

And again, thank you. And to you too. :)
@Ashevelendar Sure thing! One's coming your way now. :)

And coolio! It's strange, I don't see many Aussies online. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Anyway, hiya @Caits!
Greetings, reader.

I am Simokey, but y'all can call me Sim, Simo, Key, Fatass, Burnt Finger Hair, whatever you want. Just as long as I give consent. Which I probably will, I'm the least picky person you'll ever meet unless it comes to food.

I'm a teenage female living in Australia, but I've lived in the US and China, so feel free to ask me about that. At the time I'm writing this, fate isn't on my side, so if I seem to be a bit distracted at times, that's why. Uh, what else... I'm a Taurus and I'm very musical.

I like small group roleplays (3-5 people) and 1x1s. I'm semi-literate to literate, but I tend to struggle with more than 3 paragraphs in a post.

Well, that's all there is to me. I like it here so far. I think I'll stay.
~ Sim
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