Avatar of Sincerely
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 305 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Sincerely 6 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 10 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current It’s been a minute since I’ve been on here
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4 yrs ago
Imma be honest, I'm not on here like I used to be. So if any of my partners want to continue they can hit me up on discord @Sincerely#7572
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4 yrs ago
Haven’t had power all week. Hoping to reply when I get to my hotel tonight
4 yrs ago
Working from home sucks
4 yrs ago
Working from


Hiya! I'm Tabitha, and I'm in college. I've been role playing for about 12 years, and I plan on pursuing a career in writing. So any feedback on my posts is welcome and appreciated. But I also do this because it's a lot of fun.

Most Recent Posts

Oh, I so wanna do this. It’s one of my favorite shows, I just have to think of an OC

Bea let out an annoyed groan as soon as the red and blue lights stopped down the street. She could hear the sirens even when the Gourmet's doors were closed. The tips were shitty enough as it was, but now the patrons were leaving faster to try and get a glimpse of whatever had happened down the street. How skipping out on the tip made them any faster, she'd never know. At least most of these cheapskates still had some food left on their plates that she could pick at once they were gone.

What had been a packed house at the start of her shift had now become a ghost town. Checking the clock, the Gourmet wouldn't fill up again until people stumbled their way out of The Pit. Hell, Bea was supposed to be one of the people drinking her face off in there right now. But she had to cover the shift of one of her coworkers. She had to pay back the favor from last week when she ditched work to rush to an audition for a soup commercial. Another swing and a miss. When she dreamed making it in LA she didn't think it would involve critiques telling her that she didn't hold her joyously enough. Alas, it was the life she lived.

With the diner practically empty Bea sat down with a newspaper and started circling more acting jobs listed in the classifieds. She'd film any dumb commercial right now if it meant it was something she could add to her resume. Not to mention, the cash would make sure she wasn't short on rent this month...again. It really wasn't her fault that she didn't make that much money. When she did get cast in a part she would celebrate with her friends and usually blow her money and booze and drugs before she remembered to set aside the rent portion. She longed for the day where she didn't have to decide between partying and homelessness.

The rest of her shift passed pretty quickly with no one to wait on, and she had the lack of tips to prove it. The faint silver lining was that Bea found some casting calls that were coming up soon. Most were for commercials, but one was to be an extra in a movie. That could be huge. She heard that sometimes if the leads like their extras they can get a line or two. Getting a line in a movie would be the most impressive thing she'd have done since moving to Oceanside. But she was getting ahead of herself, and the audition was still two weeks away.

Bea punched out and walked the few blocks back to her apartment. Passing the crowd still lingering behind the cop cars, she slowed down to sneak a peek. "Hey, what happened over here?"

"She was a jumper." The stranger answered, without looking away from the crime scene.

She raised herself onto her tiptoes to try and sneak a peek, and caught a glimpse of the edge of a piece of tarp. What the hell was the point in waiting around here if they had already covered the body? As morbid as the thought was, Bea knew that people only lingered to see if it was someone they knew. This city could break down any one of them. A few too many cracked under the pressure.

Once she made it to her apartment she changed to head out to The Pit. Thank god that place was the exact opposite of fancy. She spent more time styling her hair into wild curls that framed her face than she did changing into the zebra print dress and denim jacket. Adding some chunky, neon green bracelets and Bea was ready to go party. She confidently strode to the bar, walking right past the obnoxiously long line. She was almost at the door when a guy reached out and grabbed her wrist. "Hey, you can't just sip ahead of everybody. We've been waiting forever."

Yanking back her arm, Bea gave him a once over and scoffed. "First of all, don't touch what you can't afford. Secondly, you're right. Waiting in line is a bummer...for you." Walking away, she couldn't believe the audacity of that guy. Anyone who came to The Pit often enough knew that she was an expected face. It's exactly why she didn't have to wait in line.

"I was starting to think you had snuck in when I turned my back." Rig said, spotting her before she approached him.

"And miss saying hi to my favorite bouncer? Not a chance. I had to pull a double at O.G."

"Another audition?"

"Another failed one. Apparently I don't look happy when I eat soup. Who knew?" She shrugged as she made her way inside. She didn't bother checking to see who was here and who wasn't. Right now, her main concern was fixing how sober she was. Elbowing her way into some bar space, she waved Robin down. "Can I get two shots and a Screaming Orgasm?" She chuckled darkly as she fished out some money from her handbag. "It's a sad day when you realize you have the drink more often than the real thing. Better make that three shots instead of two."
This sounds interesting.

Name: Jordan Foster
Age: 25
Previous Location before Relocation to The Temple: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Previous Occupation: Architecture Apprentice
Family Members: Elizabeth Foster (mother), Daniel Foster (father), Tamara Foster (oldest sibling), Naomi Foster (middle child)
Pets: Princess the cat
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
History: Jordan spent her whole life in Pittsburgh. She was born into a happy and loving family with two older sisters. Her parents were both lawyers with their own practice called Foster Legal, LLC. They were great at what they did and often placed on retainer for less than reputable members of society. They tried to even the moral scales by taking on pro bono cases for those wronged by the justice system. Since her parents were so busy, Jordan was primarily raised by her older sisters. They stressed the importance of always being on top of your game. Being hounded by the press became a regular occurrence thanks to their parents' clients. The only way to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks was to be perfect.

This left Jordan with an interesting mix of beliefs. She was an utter perfectionist with a huge ego and an inability to mince words. Her parents could never give her time growing up, so they gave her material things instead. She came to expect that from everyone around her. She didn't care what people thought about her because had money, good looks, and a family name to fall back on. So she lashed out at others just for the fun of it.

Jordan received an invitation after one of the worst days of her life. She had spent the last two years working at an architecture firm, studying for her exam. One of the only true friends she had, she met on the job. Lisa was as snotty and conceited as Jordan, but they seemed to respect each other's talent for being rude and never turned their vicious words on each other. Until one day, Jordan went to work and saw a tabloid article printed out and taped all over the building. Lisa had literally sold Jordan's secrets to the highest bidder. Out of embarrassment, she quit her job. When she was cleaning out her desk she saw the invitation. Realizing that this was a chance for her to start over, she packed her things and left immediately.
@Demonic Raven Sure! And if we end up having a few more interested people, I can always give it up.
@Sanity43217@Sincerely@Hyde if we get 4 more people would you like to double on on characters or would you like to wait for all eight more individuals? ^~^

I don't mind either way.
Sorry to hear that. Maybe we can continue over discord?
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