Avatar of SirensCall


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Stuck in a weird state of mind ... I don't like it
7 yrs ago
Finally got a laptop! Whoop!
1 like
7 yrs ago
I hate when people want to say they're your friend, but don't act like it unless it's convenient.
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7 yrs ago
I feel so wounded...
7 yrs ago
Going on an actual date with the husband for the first time since the baby was born. *Le gasp!*


My name is Siren, I've been a role player now for 10+ years, but I have a crazy, crazy life. I tend to disappear a lot, I can take a while to reply, and sometimes I do just forget to reply. Forgive me, I'm human. I tend to write high casual to advanced, and CANNOT STAND one liners. Also, I prefer to double or play multiple charactera. I think it adds more necessary drama.

So umm... Hi! And welcome to my page!


@Love DoveShe and I started role playing together for what feels like forever, but I love her to death. She's always there for me, on and off site. I couldn't ask for a better partner and friend. She and I are like peas in pod, and I love how she challenges me in our role plays and makes me laugh in our chats.

@El Taco Taco we may not talk all the time, but I love her. She gives me my necessary doses of Harry Potter goodness!! Love ya girl!

@paragloan She was one of my favorite people ever. She and I had been friends for a pretty good amount of time off the guild, and I will always remember her fondly. She was my psychotic soulmate, and I miss her a lot. Rest in Peace, one day we'll meet again.

I know there's more of you, but only doing a top three for now.



The Siren's Call

Most Recent Posts

I know, hon. *gives brownie* you're such a good friend.

I'm still proud of the fact he managed to escape the allure of the coin. I must make too many decisions with a fucking coin flip. *whispers* I even got husband making decisions like that
Atty: although, it socks if you are in a place that has been moved. *shakes head* that has happened to me twice now.

He he
Atty: things are constantly moving around up here lately. I don't ask too much because I know it's a mood thing

I'm finally getting off my ads and working on this one!
Little Randa: quit it!

Little Miles: *laughs* no! *rams their chair again with Little Cain*

Little Billie: you're being mean! *waves hand and their chair moves around theirs*

Little Randa: *waves hand and watches Little Miles' and Little Cain's chair light on fire*

Maggie: I shouldn't find that as funny as I do.
Clary: it will be.

That really does sound amusing.

Look at you making a decision. Without having to use a coin flip. I'm so proud of you.
Very yum.

Clary: I know that. Plus, me, Billie, and Little Billie are about to have a Batman marathon, I can't be sad.

I don't doubt it. It sounds amusing.

Logan, honey, if you're having that much of an issue... *gives coin* flip for it. Most all decisions can be made with a coin flip.

Ha ha. We should. Let them make delicious babies. Ha ha.

Clary: I know you wont. It's why I didn't get all weird. *looks at Logan* okay. Have fun. *smiles*

I laughed probably too hard at his dillema. That right there was great.
Cookies are banging. Ha ha

Clary: *takes cookie and hugs Logan* thanks, but I'm okay right now. Just so long as I don't get asked to talk about it. *smiles*

It really is
Lia: *smiles a bit* good.

Cookies are amazing!

We just don't talk about it very much. It makes Clary to in one of her off moods, which I don't blame her.

Oh yeah, I could see that. And honestly it wouldn't surprise me in Brooklyn.
Lia: use the same one. I think it will go well with this one too.

Well... our best ideas come from us thinking out loud. *gives cookie*

That's true. Like I know where Clary is from back East had a major demon population. Not real sure where exactly in the East, but I'm kind of thinking Jersey.
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