Avatar of SirensCall


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6 yrs ago
Current Stuck in a weird state of mind ... I don't like it
7 yrs ago
Finally got a laptop! Whoop!
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7 yrs ago
I hate when people want to say they're your friend, but don't act like it unless it's convenient.
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7 yrs ago
I feel so wounded...
7 yrs ago
Going on an actual date with the husband for the first time since the baby was born. *Le gasp!*


My name is Siren, I've been a role player now for 10+ years, but I have a crazy, crazy life. I tend to disappear a lot, I can take a while to reply, and sometimes I do just forget to reply. Forgive me, I'm human. I tend to write high casual to advanced, and CANNOT STAND one liners. Also, I prefer to double or play multiple charactera. I think it adds more necessary drama.

So umm... Hi! And welcome to my page!


@Love DoveShe and I started role playing together for what feels like forever, but I love her to death. She's always there for me, on and off site. I couldn't ask for a better partner and friend. She and I are like peas in pod, and I love how she challenges me in our role plays and makes me laugh in our chats.

@El Taco Taco we may not talk all the time, but I love her. She gives me my necessary doses of Harry Potter goodness!! Love ya girl!

@paragloan She was one of my favorite people ever. She and I had been friends for a pretty good amount of time off the guild, and I will always remember her fondly. She was my psychotic soulmate, and I miss her a lot. Rest in Peace, one day we'll meet again.

I know there's more of you, but only doing a top three for now.



The Siren's Call

Most Recent Posts


She sighed a bit when he asked about the hunting group. "6. They were demon hunters, so it doesn't surprise me that they ran into a strong one. Our entire list was crawling with strong ones, makes me wonder which ones." she said, and she was more than happy that the subject changed. "It was a good gun!" she laughed a little more. The wine was definitely doing it's job, "But I'll keep that in mind. And I am always careful."

The subject shifted again, and Rhi sighed. "It was a council member in the South. A high ranked one too, and to be honest, given the experience of who was in the mall tonight, I was surprised they were taken out. They were two under the leader, Cassandra. Lucien keeps me in the loop on the things with Xander and our father, and this is one of those covens that ties in directly with witches." she said. "Yeah. Vantage points will be everything. I'm sure Kyp will start looking into this stuff as soon as he gets a chance. He'll be able to give us a run down of it. However, with it being a vampire oriented thing, it seems, it'll all take place after dark more than likely, so it gives us an advantage there too. Even the witch covens working with the vampires wouldn't make the amount of daylight rings that this event would call for."

Once Wes came though, things had changed pace a little, and soon Rhi walked off to make a phone call. Wes chuckled at Eli's answer. "Yeah, none of us like him. We can't deny he gives good information though," he said, his eyes glancing back to Rhi. "He always tries something with Serg isn't with her. He didn't much like meeting me."

Wes couldn't help but to chuckle again when he saw the new guy-Taylor- come over. He smiled a bit and reached his hand out to him when he introduced himself. "Wesley Ward, but everyone calls me Wes." He shook his head. "Rhi knows the owner and every bartender here, this is the only place in town she'll do business because of it. Serg pretty much insists it too." He motioned his head towards the bar where Rhi was sitting, talking on her phone. Wes frowned a little at the look on her face. "She had to call her brother. The hunting group that he knew was killed. Apparently not a good conversation from the looks of it."

Rhi came back shortly after, rolling her eyes. "That went about as expected." she sighed, looking up and seeing Taylor before she smiled a little. "Hey. I see you have finally gotten to meet Wes."


Kyp had went on with the documentation as Serg looked through some photos before Tara came over to them. Kyp rose a brow and nodded. "Well, there was a fire demon at least. We've seen bodies similar to one of them before. The other might not have even been a demon, and for there to be a third waiting for them here is odd... I figure someone would have caught them before the fight broke out, but I can always find a way to check. I'll check the areas around the forest as well. There is a lot of surveillance around the edges of the forest, so it shouldn't be hard to spot."

Serg sighed, "Maybe not hide and wait. Maybe show up later. Witch can do that. So other race. Da?"

Kyp sighed, "That is true. Ghosts used to be popular in the area, it could explain some of it, but even then... They leave traces." he said, motioning to a device on his belt. "But my emf hasn't gone off at all, and it's a little eerie that it hasn't. And hoenstly, I don't know about witches. Very very few can do magic like that."

Serg shrugged. "Reaper? They thing, right?"

Kyp gave a look. "I don't know. There isn't much known on those, seeing as they just started appearing... Well, a few months ago. And we only have one on record." Kyp looked to Tara, "Thank you for talking to him. We're not the best at it." He looked to see the guy had already gone. "If it helps you, I can check traffic cameras later and make sure he arrived to wherever he went safely."

Serg's phone went off and he looked at the message and sighed. "Lucien and Jax are taking as expected. Rhi not seem happy. It be long night." Serg looked to Tara. "We still have few more things to do, if you want to help. I have get finger prints for mortician."
In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ryan half groaned, half pouted at Katie's disapproval of her attire.

"I know what fun is... I think." she gave a half chuckle. This was going to be difficult as she... Nevermind, seemed that Katie had the wardrobe covered... And then some. Ryan sighed and began sifting through the items that had been scattered on her bed, asking Katie every so often about them before she just gave up and pulled up a black dress. It was a bit more revealing than what she was used to, but most things were anymore. She slipped into it, clipping the top of it around her neck. It was essentially a modified halter top. It had straps that led up to the choker-esque fabric that she had just clipped around her neck, and while it covered up to to about two inches below her collar bones she still felt a little exposed. She watched the hem of her dress, that fell just above her knees, take on a bit of a smoky texture to it, and it flowed as such.

Next was shoes. "How the bloody hell did you fit all these shoes in that bag?!" Ryan teased a bit. She finally picked a pair of black pumps that had a few silver designs on them. They were leaves that danced around as she walked, and she picked up a dark grey half-jacket. She pushed up the sleeves a bit, and when she heard Katie compliment her, she gave a small smile. "Thanks, you kind of made me." she said, and soon they were exiting her bedroom. She ran her hand through her hair, the pale locks of blonde were actually down for once. Not tied in any form of tie or clip, but she had taken to pulling it over one shoulder.

"I feel really weird though." she admitted, and they made it out to the living room where Charlie was, and he smiled to them.

"Is this what has taken the two of you so damn long?" he teased, looking to the door. "If you two are ready, we can be off."
Katherine wasn't surprised at all to see Malcolm coming into her office after she beckoned for him to come in. Of course it was him. The nurses didn't really deal with her unless it was one of her assigned patients, like Liv and Chris were. She looked up from the file and gently closed it before she tucked it in the pile when he spoke to her. "He's going back to her old medication for the time being. He had changed it recently." Katherine said with a bit of a sigh.

She drummed her fingers against her desk a moment, trying to go back to the first bit of what he asked. That was a little trickier. Chess nor Ryan were patients she saw often outside of group, especially since Ryan was Fenris's patient. "Ryan, honestly, is a bit harder to answer for since it's rare I see him. But just notify anyone if you need help with him, his medication is usually effective. Chess on the other hand, watch carefully. He's capable of more than what people tend to realize, and if you want more answers for him, ask Absolum. Dr. Absolum has seen him more than I have too."

She looked up, "And be sure that if you are carrying a sedative, to keep it in the inner pocket of your jacket around the both of them. Chess wouldn't hesitate to try and use it on you."

When he brought up a special task, she gave a gentle smile. "I actually have a task in mind for you. Not quite the usual that I ask, but it is something I just won't have time to get done today." she said, scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Bring this to the pharmacy in ward three and bring it back to me please. I know we're out of what I need for my stores in this ward."

Katherine took the file back off the pile after a moment, "Oh, and if you happen by Dr. Asher, will you let him know I'll do Liv's evaluation tonight before I leave. Hers will be very simple and quick, all things considered, and I have moved her next one on one session to tomorrow morning."


Alice listened to Spring as she spoke and nodded. "Okay. Thanks." she said when she brought up sneaking around. Alice usually didn't sleep well anyway, so it would be nice to be able to get out and about instead of being confined. When Winter brought up the archives in the basement, she quirked a brow. Alice had been pretty good with locks, especially since she usually forgot her house keys whenever she went to school. "I might go looking at it one day, I've... I've gotten rather good with locks." she said the last part of it a bit more quietly.

As she went on about the patients, she sort of smiled a bit at what she had said about herself. "I can tell that about them for the most part. Has Evan always had it out for Daniel though? I do feel kind of bad for him because he doesn't seem to do anything to egg it on." she asked, and when she got her answer she nodded. "It's good to know that at least there are a few people to talk to." she said, and she saw the orderlies walking around, and she looked up to the clock. They still had some time before dinner was due to start.

"Is there any place we can go walk around? It feels really stuffy in here after everything? And I know that after dinner things will probably calm down, but I just... I don't know. It feels weird in here." she said, looking around the main room. It was really weird to see it this empty too, but she knew everyone else was either in isolation, their room, or the infirmary. Hopefully next group session wouldn't be too bad.

(I'll bring in my others next post since they're mostly interacting with each other or not really doing much at all otherwise. But yay! Post)
In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Okies babe. :)
In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I'll be replying soon dear. Been a little chaotic lately.
In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
You're welcome!! I do too, and I love how you can utilize so much with so little really. Such great opportunities for awesome fashion! Dude... I will never understand the ties as belts thing... I was totally guilty of the skirts over jeans thing and I look back now and shudder.

Oh! That sounds tots adorbs! I need to look it up like stat. Ha ha.
In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Let's do it! Because trust me, I can't handle the fashion for the era either because serious... what the hell were we all thinking. Pretty sure we were all drunk, even if we weren't. ha ha. And the formal kills me because not EVERYTHING requires you to be a fancy schmancy, prim and proper, totally uptight looking git. It is nice, don't get me wrong, but it is too much sometimes. Ha ha.

But let's go with it! Urban Witch sounds awesome though, just saying. Need to look it up. ha ha.
In Please Stay 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Heya babe!

Oh my!! Sorry your life blew up! :( if you need to talk Im here.

But take your time, lovely. Im patient. :)
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