Avatar of SirensCall


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Stuck in a weird state of mind ... I don't like it
7 yrs ago
Finally got a laptop! Whoop!
1 like
7 yrs ago
I hate when people want to say they're your friend, but don't act like it unless it's convenient.
1 like
7 yrs ago
I feel so wounded...
7 yrs ago
Going on an actual date with the husband for the first time since the baby was born. *Le gasp!*


My name is Siren, I've been a role player now for 10+ years, but I have a crazy, crazy life. I tend to disappear a lot, I can take a while to reply, and sometimes I do just forget to reply. Forgive me, I'm human. I tend to write high casual to advanced, and CANNOT STAND one liners. Also, I prefer to double or play multiple charactera. I think it adds more necessary drama.

So umm... Hi! And welcome to my page!


@Love DoveShe and I started role playing together for what feels like forever, but I love her to death. She's always there for me, on and off site. I couldn't ask for a better partner and friend. She and I are like peas in pod, and I love how she challenges me in our role plays and makes me laugh in our chats.

@El Taco Taco we may not talk all the time, but I love her. She gives me my necessary doses of Harry Potter goodness!! Love ya girl!

@paragloan She was one of my favorite people ever. She and I had been friends for a pretty good amount of time off the guild, and I will always remember her fondly. She was my psychotic soulmate, and I miss her a lot. Rest in Peace, one day we'll meet again.

I know there's more of you, but only doing a top three for now.



The Siren's Call

Most Recent Posts

Dria Gimple


"Being so in touch with nature is wonderful. It's healing to the soul, and definitely helps when others don't mess it up."


-Dria is a very introverted person, and she is often times in her bird form over her human one. She is like this because she has become very mistrusting of others. She isn't afraid to just ignore others when she doesn't want to deal with them. She is often seen as "feral" because of this.

-Dria is the newest Animancer and is still learning the ropes to it. She was already relatively versed in soul magic, but she is still learning all the rules and her responsibilities. She enjoys the learning.

-Dria often comes off as cold and brash, and this is backed with her bluntness as well. She doesn't much care if she hurts someone's feelings, but she does feel that people need to learn to respect boundaries the same way she does for them.
Ha ha. Thats okay. I should have a lot of mine up tonight.



"If you are in need of help, I will not turn you away as most would."


-Aetulia is the only Djinn elder left from the old council, and she is only not leader of them because she chooses not to be. She would rather stay as simply an elder, but she is suspicious of Darius and Amal.

-Aetulia is the last of her three siblings left alive and promised to watch over her nephew, Siddiq, when her brother was sentenced to death at a trial for breaking Djinn laws.

-She is the most unconvential elder. She believes they need to change their traditions and laws, but has kept her opinions to herself until she can be sure it is safe to give them voice.

Evangeline "Evan" Thomas"


"I'm a fighter, and if you dont't believe that, you can always step up and find out for your damn self."


-Evan is a very confident, brave, and loyal person. Especially when it comes to her family. She isn't afraid to say what's on her mind ever, and she isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

-She is extremely smart, but tends to be lazy about it. She only likes to delve into things that interest her- namely psychology, behavior, and anything that deals with magic. Because of her interests though, she tends to be really good at reading people.

-She will do anything for her family, and she gets extra protective of her twin sister, Bristol, and their older brother Hoyt. She doesnt worry much on her other older siblings, Kiara and Saul, but she would still do anything for them.
Okies. Ill get to work on mine after work... Maybe during... Depends. Ha ha
I do too. I was honestly between those too. Ha ha
Um... Hmmm... We could do like the ones we have for IHB.
I like it!



"Just because you can make something bleed, doesn't always mean you should. Half the battle is knowing the difference of when its necessary and when its not."



"I'm a different person to everyone. How you choose to act is how I choose to react."
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