Avatar of SirSqueakalot91
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.16 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. SirSqueakalot91 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current So, im going to leave the site awhile. I just have trouble making myself want to post something, and i hate making my partners wait for me. Thank you all for the fun!
6 yrs ago
Hoping to get some post up tomorrow. I just havent felt motivated to RP, or do much of anything really. Sorry about that, hoping to change for the better soon.
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6 yrs ago
Okay, time to be honest with my partners. There is no crazy life issues keeping me from posting. Im just addicted to the new God Of War.
6 yrs ago
Okay, so for the past month or so, ive been getting ready for a con to help kids. The con was today, and successful, and now i can relax and start posting tomrrow after some sleep.
6 yrs ago
Internet is acting up. Will try to post tonight.
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Hello, I have been RPing for a few years now, and I am always looking for someone to make a story with. I like 1x1 rps, but will also play groups. I am a male, and like for my main character to be male, but I will also play female if needed. I am also pretty good at playing a few characters at once. I will add to the bio when I think of something to add :).

Most Recent Posts

You awaken on a ship, unknown where you currently are. "Hello, I am A.I. I'm sure you have plenty of questions, but allow me to try and answer some of those. There is a theory known as the "Multiverse Theory", where anything could have happened. On your world, you maybe a knight, hunting a dragon with your trusty railway rifle. On another world, you maybe a wolf, blowing down some pigs houses. Understand? Good." A.I. cleared his "throat" before he continued. "There is a universe, known by the numbers 911, that is full of dangerous people. They have figured out how to travel for universe to universe, and things aren't going to end well if something isn't done. That why I called you all here. I, no, the Multiverse, needs you!"

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to throw this idea out to you all. Have you ever had "déjà vu" or, hell, have you ever dreamed about being something other than yourself? Well, that is a peek into the life of you from another universe, and they are needed.

So, you will make a character that is from their own universe. Are they a super hero? A cyborg cowboy? Whatever you can dream, within reason. Our heroes will have to travel to different universes in hopes of stopping the unknown warlord who controls the inmates of universe 911.

Of course there are rules, so please follow them.
1. Stay with the rules of the site. This is the most important rule.
2. This RP will be rated "High PG13". That means I'll allow one "F Bomb" every now and then, but not every page.
3. Sexual themes can be alloyed too, but no scenes of it. Aka, if two characters spend the night with one another, they can make a mention of it, but no playing it out. Both players must be okay with their characters having a relationship, and this will be expanded in the next rule.
4. Myself, and a co gm if I decide to add one, are the only ones allowed to "take control" of a players character, but with limits. (Example: Sally and Joe continued on their path, stopping only to rest after some time.) I/We WILL NOT force a character to do something they wouldn't normally do, or make them do something in a battle. Players cannot take control of another players character unless they are given permission.
5. After you post in the IC, wait for at least two people to post before you add another one. For long conversations between characters, try a collab post. (Suggested by Archmage MC)
6. Wait until your character is approved before moving them to the CS and posting.
7. Have fun! (I'm not going to put a thing in to see if you read the rules. I am going to assume you did and not feel bad if you get into trouble for not following them.)

Character Sheet:

Appearance- This should be fun. I want a picture of what your character looks like, and then you can type out little things that are different from the photo (tattoos, scars, etc). The fun part? Use whatever image you want. It'll make sense that one universe has realistic looking people, while the other is full of anime looking characters. Your character is hand drawn? That's fine, I'm sure that's how everyone looks in the universe. Just make sure they fit in the universe you create, and if you need help with an image, just ask. I'm sure myself and the others will try to help.

Bio- This covers your character and important info about their universe. It's doesn't have to be long, so long as you get all the info you want the others to know out. The rest can/will be discovered as the rp goes on.

Other Info- Remember that you are creating a character. If you want them to be inspired by a cannon character, that is fine, just make some differences so that they are your own. If you are having troubles with this, pm me. I am here to help you, so feel free to ask.
Update: I feel like we have enough interest to get it started, with more joining later on. I'll get to work on the page and should have it up soon.
Multiverse RP

You awaken on a ship, unknown where you currently are. "Hello, I am A.I. I'm sure you have plenty of questions, but allow me to try and answer some of those. There is a theory known as the "Multiverse Theory", where anything could have happened. On your world, you maybe a knight, hunting a dragon with your trusty railway rifle. On another world, you maybe a wolf, blowing down some pigs houses. Understand? Good." A.I. cleared his "throat" before he continued. "There is a universe, known by the numbers 911, that is full of dangerous people. They have figured out how to travel for universe to universe, and things aren't going to end well if something isn't done. That why I called you all here. I, no, the Multiverse, needs you!"

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to throw this idea out to you all. Have you ever had "déjà vu" or, hell, have you ever dreamed about being something other than yourself? Well, that is a peek into the life of you from another universe, and they are needed.

So, you will make a character that is from their own universe. Are they a super hero? A cyborg cowboy? Whatever you can dream, within reason. Our heroes will have to travel to different universes in hopes of stopping the unknown warlord who controls the inmates of universe 911.

I hope to get enough interest for this rp and hope to get it started soon.
You remind me of the bump
What bump?
The bump with the power
What power?
Okay, I'm sorry but I'm gonna close this one. I had some issues and just don't know what to do this.

On a side note, this gave me some time to think and come up with a nice idea. You three will have priority if you submit a character before it starts. Sorry again, and thanks for understanding.
@Archmage MC @Saarebas

Hey everyone, sorry for vanishing. The short answer is, my depression hit me hard. I'm slowly starting to come back to normal, and if you are still interested, I'll try to have a post up in a couple of days. Sorry again.
No one told ya life was, gonna be this way *bumpbumpbumpbump*
Give me fuel, give me fire, give me the bump I desire!
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