Avatar of SirSqueakalot91
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.16 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. SirSqueakalot91 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current So, im going to leave the site awhile. I just have trouble making myself want to post something, and i hate making my partners wait for me. Thank you all for the fun!
6 yrs ago
Hoping to get some post up tomorrow. I just havent felt motivated to RP, or do much of anything really. Sorry about that, hoping to change for the better soon.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Okay, time to be honest with my partners. There is no crazy life issues keeping me from posting. Im just addicted to the new God Of War.
6 yrs ago
Okay, so for the past month or so, ive been getting ready for a con to help kids. The con was today, and successful, and now i can relax and start posting tomrrow after some sleep.
6 yrs ago
Internet is acting up. Will try to post tonight.
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Hello, I have been RPing for a few years now, and I am always looking for someone to make a story with. I like 1x1 rps, but will also play groups. I am a male, and like for my main character to be male, but I will also play female if needed. I am also pretty good at playing a few characters at once. I will add to the bio when I think of something to add :).

Most Recent Posts

Spider bump, spider bump, does whatever a spider bump does.
Pokémon! Gotta bump them all!
Okay, so after some thinking, I'm gonna close this one down. It's nothing y'all have done, I just don't enjoy running a group rp like I thought I would. I feel bad because ya'll made really cool characters, for me to just turn around and shut it down. Thanks for joining this, and if anyone wants to take the story and make it their own, please do.

Thanks again everyone, and once again I'm sorry.
Okay, sorry for lack of posting. I've been busy with work, helping my brother build a house, and getting ready for my new niece to arrive (which should be today). Will keep ya'll up to date and let you know the future of this rp soon.
Bump with two new stories added.
Great balls of bump

You're all good. I made the same mistake just a little while ago lol.

Again, yes you are good to go.

It's very similar to how they wrote the character sheet for DP, with different colors, apparently multiple characters talking at once, ect. Going by that alone, since I don't know the character, I instantly assume they are similar characters.




If you can play both characters and make them feel separate, then I'll let you use them. Just don't use every color of the rainbow.
"Roam with me if you want comic lady, but try to keep up." He said, walking past the door Light was making a show at. He stopped and raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Hastur, any idea what that is?" He asked.

No idea. Definitely alien like me, but that's all I can tell.

"Well, no worse than anything I've dealt with before." He said, walking down the hallway. He looked at Cassie as they walked, trying to figure out what was going on.

"So, any clues on how or why you are here?" He finally asked, trying to find the closet he passed earlier. "I'm going on a limb and guessing that you didn't summon us here, seeing how you have no idea how this ship works." He said, finally seeing the closet. "Unless, of course, you are testing us. If that's the case, not bad." He said trying to open the door.

When it didn't open he let out a sigh, holding his hand out. A large tendril shot out, knocking the door off it hinges. Inside was a switch, with the words "Backup Power" written on it.

"This, is incredibly easy." He said, walking to the switch. "Think it's safe?"
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